• 2 months ago
We frog leap into a Marcos Mixed Bag! What did Udonis Haslem have to say when asked about Jimmy Butler's situation? Leroy refuses to give Tobin credit for his own video after "discovering" it online.
00:00Now, what do we got a little bit earlier now we get a chance to hear it.
00:06It is Udonis Haslam doing some of the best boxing out you've ever seen.
00:16This is UD.
00:18I know you're in a spot here, but you're with us.
00:20You spent 20 years with Miami four with Jimmy Butler.
00:23So I have to ask you, how do you think this plays out?
00:26What, what light can you shed on what will happen Friday
00:29when his suspension ends?
00:32Well, the light that I can share right now is that how many Hawkeyes
00:35Julia's averaging 15 points a game right now in this road trip.
00:38Since Jimmy's been out.
00:40Uh, Nico is averaging 13 a game.
00:42The young guys are getting a chance to develop.
00:44Um, but if you think I'm touching that conversation, you got a better
00:47chance of wrestling alligator.
00:47I'm staying out of that.
00:50That is above my pay grade.
00:52I don't want none of that smoke.
00:55Families from Louisiana, there'll be no wrestling of any alligators.
00:59I will say this guys.
01:00There's one thing that we do say you either in or you out.
01:03There's no in between.
01:04And that's what I'm gonna say.
01:05I'm gonna leave it at that.
01:06You either hit or you out and there's no in between.
01:09There you go.
01:10So I was perusing Twitter and I came across a video of Jimmy and UD getting into.
01:22Uh, that's my video.
01:24Is it?
01:26I came across a video that can't, that video is old though.
01:29That's not a very, it's not a very recent video.
01:33I know.
01:34No, I know.
01:34It's not recent.
01:35You I'm trying to remember.
01:37I'm trying to remember what game that was, but I know what you're talking about.
01:39He versus haters posted that video.
01:42We came across a video.
01:43See, this is why you give me no credit for boots on the ground.
01:46You know, like you guys sit here and you're just like, just do the thing.
01:49Do it.
01:50Do the thing.
01:50But when I get, you know, when I get here, I'm like, I'm going to
01:53well, when I get, you know, when I get compelling video, you're like, oh, you did
01:57No, no, no, dude.
01:59I'm telling you.
02:01No, this was a different video.
02:02I know what you're talking about.
02:04Which one are you talking about?
02:05The one where they fought on the bench.
02:08That was a lot to those three years ago.
02:10I'm still don't.
02:11I mean, like we pay attention.
02:15What are you talking about?
02:16Leroy, what are you doing?
02:17We literally did an entire shows on the Eric Spolstra, Jimmy Butler fight.
02:22No, it wasn't.
02:24It wasn't.
02:25Um, it's like, I have it right here.
02:30It's heat nation.
02:32So it's not you.
02:33So, okay.
02:35But did they take my video?
02:38No, it doesn't say, it doesn't say, Oh, it doesn't say it's always name on it.
02:41Therefore, you're talking about the video that says you Don is on the Jimmy
02:45situation and the quote.
02:47Well then what are you talking about?
02:49This is a fight from, it says he only posted it 19 hours ago, but it's old
02:58fight between, uh, Jimmy and UD when you D say he was going to whip his butt.
03:07That was the Eric Spolstra fight.
03:08Oh, I guess.
03:11Oh yeah.
03:12She even says, Oh, head enough.
03:14Wait until Leroy finds the video of LeBron bumping into Spell.
03:18No, that's not this Leroy.
03:23We talked about this.
03:24We broke this thing down, dude.
03:26What are you talking about?
03:27Oh, dude, man.
03:29We should have seen Leroy's right.
03:32They went to the Eastern conference finals that year and then went
03:35to the finals the next year.
03:36Oh, let me see.
03:37Can I ride on the wall?
03:38Tobin riding was on the wall.
03:40But like, so you're a firm believer of no matter how much dysfunction
03:46you have, if you're winning, it doesn't matter.
03:49I'm not a, I'm not a firm believer in anything.
03:51I think if you guys are just waking up to the fact that Jimmy Butler and Eric
03:54Spolstra have butt heads, like, I don't know where you guys have been.
03:57Like he is, I was looking at it more along the lines of when it starts with.
04:02A player.
04:03It didn't start with the player though.
04:04It started with the coach.
04:05The coach looks at him and he says, what do you want to fight me?
04:08And that's when UD loses it on him.
04:11All right.
04:11Like it was, it was, it was a, it was a fight between Spo and Jimmy
04:15that, that UD got involved with.
04:19And then the next day UD was like, just a Tuesday, no bigs because they'd
04:26like to keep everything in the house.
04:27Are you like, no, it's just a Friday.
04:29Friday's on the wall.
04:31We should have seen this coming.
04:32We should have seen this stuff like that happens.
04:37Like I'm still, that fight was crazy, but yeah, like the winning did.
04:41But the winning did put that away in the time they were going through.
04:44It was a game against the warriors.
04:45I think Jordan pool hit a one-legged three right in front of the bench.
04:48All hell broke loose.
04:50And then I think the next night they lost to, it was either the
04:52nets or the Knicks, they got smoked.
04:55Um, it was like, it was like the rare rut of that season.
04:58Cause that season, the big thing was the injuries, but they kept
05:01having success, uh, that entire year.
05:05And they ended up being the one seed that year.
05:07But yeah, Jimmy, Jimmy's a ornery dude.
05:10Like it happens like that.
05:13Like if we're just like, if everybody is just like this, Jimmy, well, there's
05:16kind of a pain in the ass to deal with.
05:20But that pain in the ass had a payoff.
05:22Like now the payoff is just the finals.
05:27Like, like when, like when have you, when have you not been, uh, when have
05:31you not been part of a, uh, winning does cure or winning does a mask.
05:35Um, I I've never played on a team with this function like that.
05:46I don't know.
05:47Like, I don't know when I've had a coach or players that went at each other.
05:53Well, you were gone before the sex boat party.
05:56But that, that didn't seem like it seemed like they were getting along quite well.
06:00It don't sound like it was a whole bunch of in-team fighting.
06:03They just all got in trouble together.
