• 2 months ago
Un incendio ha arrasado con más de 2000 hectáreas, equivalente a la superficie de toda la capital federal, afectando áreas urbanas y destruyendo viviendas y escuelas en Epuyén. Aunque las casas están ahora a salvo, el fuego sigue activo. Las autoridades investigan posibles causas intencionales, mientras los residentes enfrentan pérdidas materiales significativas.



00:00It is a beautiful, paradisiacal place, where in summer is when more people go to know.
00:07However, this time there was a fire, a fire that has already burned the surface equivalent to the entire federal capital.
00:17Imagine, there are more than 2,000 hectares on fire, and unlike what happened in other fires,
00:24these fires were very close to the urban axis.
00:30They burned houses, they burned schools.
00:32Luckily, the houses are safe, but the fire continues.
00:37What we are seeing is the disaster that the image of the burned bicycle generated,
00:44which could not be removed.
00:45People had to leave, in many cases with their clothes on, and the testimonies are dramatic.
00:51With just grabbing the documents, a little clothes and leaving.
00:56And they were not allowed to return to the houses until the authorities allowed it.
01:03There in Nepuyen is Karla Chiarandini.
01:05Karla, who are you with?
01:09Hello, Rolando.
01:10Good afternoon.
01:11I am here, precisely in the province of Chubut, in Nepuyen, as you said.
01:16I am here next to Timo Walder, who is one of the neighbors of ...
01:22Let's see, from years ago, you can say, as we said, 30 years ago.
01:26Timo, you are here, approximately.
01:29He is not only a neighbor who has suffered the damage of losing one of his houses,
01:34but he is also someone who was a witness of where this first fire started, apparently.
01:43Rolando is listening to you.
01:44How are you, Timo?
01:45How did you live these moments?
01:50Well, it is difficult to describe what one feels in those moments,
01:54because everything happens so fast that I did not ...
01:57I mean, I kept very cold, really, and I tried to do things as best I could.
02:01Everything turned out well, but while I was in one place, my house was on fire.
02:07And I really didn't realize it.
02:09How did you realize this?
02:10Tell me where you were.
02:12I was where you were saying, where the fire started,
02:16by a call from a friend who thought his mother's house was on fire.
02:20I went there to help.
02:23I arrived and it wasn't starting yet, it was just starting.
02:28I installed hoses and then a motorbike pump.
02:32And when I saw that it was okay, I left.
02:35I wanted to come home to reassure the family.
02:38And when I left the place, I just thought about the house that was on fire.
02:44Well, I said, well, I'm going to go see.
02:46I was at least a thousand meters from where I was.
02:51And in those 20 minutes that I had in the other house,
02:54mine had already burned.
02:57And the fire advanced many more meters, even, and ended up ...
03:03So you didn't take care of yourself for 20 minutes, Timo?
03:07You didn't take care of yourself for 20 minutes to go help a neighbor and your house burned down?
03:14You can say that, yes.
03:16You can say that, yes.
03:17Likewise, I mean it, I think it was also my luck.
03:22Because one, out there wanting to defend his own,
03:27I think I would have gotten into a place that was not limited.
03:31The fire passed very quickly.
03:33I don't think there is a way to do anything.
03:36And I was on the back side, in a safe place.
03:40And well, what happened happened, but it is material damage, but we are all good.
03:45Timo, there we are watching images of how your house turned out.
03:48Just now Rolando mentioned a bicycle, different furniture,
03:52but it consumed absolutely everything, the fire.
03:55Because that is also what we have to tell, that people live, right?
03:59That they end up in this situation.
04:01Because you are very close to the forest.
04:03It is a new phenomenon that has begun to occur in recent years,
04:06of houses that instead of being in rural areas,
04:09but more urbanized in some way,
04:11they are in the middle of the forest and are very exposed.
04:17Yes, the area is like that.
04:21It is not that one gets into the wrong place, but well...
04:25No, no, it's fine, everything for that, of course.
04:26That forest had many years.
04:29Yes, yes.
04:32When these bad things happen, well, there is nothing to do.
04:38Timo, when you say bad things, what do you mean?
04:42Because today the governor of Chubut, Nacho Torres,
04:45spoke of two fires that occurred simultaneously in different places
04:52and that this caught the attention and is being investigated,
04:54if it has not been intentional, which is very common, on the other hand,
04:58in forest fires.
05:00What is the suspicion?
05:04Yes, the suspicion is there.
05:07I mean, there were three initial hypotheses.
05:11One could be lightning, which was not there.
05:14I mean, it was a day of sun and wind.
05:17The other, a cable that in the place that I saw, there is not.
05:23The fire came from a place where...
05:26I mean, I know there are no cables.
05:28You were there, in that same place, right?
05:30Yes, I was, I mean, not in the precise place, but very close,
05:35because, well, I went to build that house.
05:37And then the fire began to get closer and closer
05:40and ended up passing by the side of the house
05:42and began to advance towards school number 9,
05:45which ended up affecting it, but, well, luckily it ended up burning.
05:49Today it also took us to visit Timo the place
05:53and the beginning, where it was, the beginning of this fire.
05:57The police were there.
05:59What they told us is that these hypotheses were handled,
06:02which Timo also tells us,
06:04which are still being investigated, of course,
06:06because, well, the federal prosecutor was also about to arrive,
06:09where they were gathering evidence.
06:12There are no cameras in the place, but there are photos, schedules and witnesses.
06:16Let's wait a little bit, because the one who installed today
06:20the possibility that the fire there in Epuyén was intentional
06:23was the governor of Chubut province himself,
06:26Nacho Torres. Let's listen to him.
06:29I don't want to make a futurology about what the experts are going to give,
06:33but it does catch our attention
06:36that at the same time this fire happened,
06:39there were two fires simultaneously,
06:41one between Belín and another in Golondrina.
06:43Last year, when we denounced a take
06:47in the Los Alerces National Park as a protest,
06:50two fires were intentionally initiated
06:55with a very precarious but effective method.
06:58It is a candle on toilet paper with fuel
07:02in places of difficult access
07:04and just on the days when the climate was going to be more hostile.
07:09That's why the investigations are being done now,
07:13quickly, even if the fire is active,
07:16to deal quickly with those responsible.
07:21Well, notice that the governor gives the hypothesis
07:23even of a method to start a fire,
07:26which is a candle with a roll of toilet paper.
07:29This is what the governor, Nacho Torres, told you earlier, Carla.
07:36Exactly, yes, the governor raised this to us,
07:38which also caught our attention.
07:42And that's why we were able to go to the place,
07:47also talk to the police.
07:49Well, as I was just telling you,
07:51we are finishing the tests.
07:53There are no cameras in the place.
07:55Yes, talk to the neighbors.
07:57And why can someone want to start a fire in a forest?
08:07The truth is that I don't understand it, I don't know.
08:13It destroyed the existence of at least 50 families
08:18who lost their homes.
08:20It has no common sense.
08:23But there is no real estate speculation, I don't know.
08:26Because in other places, sometimes they start a fire
08:28because later they say, well, it burned down,
08:30now let's put a neighborhood.
08:34I don't know, I don't want to give my opinion on that.
08:39And now how do you rebuild your house, Timo?
08:45Yes, we'll see. The house is insured.
08:49Luckily, right?
08:51Yes, it's insured.
08:54Of course. Are you excited?
08:56I noticed you today that we were also touring.
08:59Yes, it's a mix of everything.
09:01On the one hand, you are happy to be well.
09:03On the other hand, you see the house and say, well ...
09:06Do you have children? Do you have a partner?
09:09Where are the others?
09:11Yes, yes, yes.
09:13I mean, we didn't live in that house.
09:16That house was in a friend of ours with her five-year-old daughter.
09:21The house was in that girl's house.
09:24Not at this time.
09:26They went to take clothes from our boys to her
09:30so that she has something to wear.
09:32They left with the clothes on, right?
09:34What did they tell you when they came to see you?
09:37And they, I mean, the mother was very emotional.
09:41And the little girl didn't understand the situation.
09:46I mean, they wanted to come to another town to sleep.
09:50And the little girl was, let's say, happy that they were going.
09:53She said, let's go to the Bolsón because we stayed in this house.
09:56Of course.
09:58Luckily, so they can tell us, right?
10:01Carla, thank you very much for this report.
10:06Also thanks to Timo.
10:07And remember that there are several campaigns to try
10:12that just when it is known that it is indeed an intentional fire,
10:19this is classified as a criminal offense.
10:22There is not in our regime a possibility to classify
10:27precisely as a criminal offense the intentional fire.
10:30There are ravages.
10:31There are other ways to name it.
10:34But it always goes away.
10:35It always goes away.
10:36The investigations never reach a good port.
10:39They are not carried out efficiently.
10:42And it never happens to the responsible.
10:45And when it happens to the responsible, it is as if nothing happened.
