• 2 months ago
KenJac | The Bracket


00:00:00General booty from yes, I was on wake up mincey with him
00:00:05Yeah, it was me and general booty on the same wake up mincey. He double booked us
00:00:11I've done a podcast with general booty. All right, welcome to the bracket episode
00:00:16158 today we have a surprise topic nobody on the panel today except for me knows what the topic is
00:00:22We have Nick and KB back after being last week. We have Rudy and we have Danny Conrad. I'm nursing
00:00:28Just didn't
00:00:29Exceptionally bleeding asshole. So do not know no
00:00:32Bleeding exceptionally, dude
00:00:34Exceptionally bleeding it is I had to those two had two hemorrhoids removed and then another one grew in its place
00:00:40So I've just been
00:00:42You could not believe thanks for the update. Yeah. Yeah
00:00:45Place did it take the place of both of them?
00:00:47I think it's big enough that it substituted the size of the both of them because it's just yeah pure hell dude
00:00:54Absolute fucking are you sitting on a doughnut right now? No, apparently that makes it worse. I didn't know that
00:00:59I thought the whole point was that it's supposed to make it better. Not true
00:01:01Apparently makes it a lot worse in the long run. So well, you know anal for a month or what's the doctor?
00:01:06Yeah, what is the deal?
00:01:08Her strap has been put away. It's it's a it's medically retired. Yeah to put a storage unit. Yeah
00:01:15medically retire all
00:01:18But today's topic
00:01:20Great, we talked about it
00:01:21I think a while back, but we never get into it and there'll be a prize involved in this topic
00:01:25It is what is and not the funniest, but what is the best college football name?
00:01:30We've talked about this a while back. I'm not saying funniest. We're saying which one is best
00:01:36Football name nickname like mascot nickname. No, no, no. No player names. Oh
00:01:43Okay, love this player names. Are they currently in the NCAA?
00:01:48Uh, they're all at they all played in 2024 season, okay, cool
00:01:52Yeah, and whoever there is one option in these all these seats including the chain options
00:01:58One of them is fake
00:02:00One of ah, it is made up by me and if you each one of you will get one guess
00:02:06To try and spot which one is the fake one?
00:02:09And if you win you get a very special prize, which I'll bring with me
00:02:12I want the prize till the end or
00:02:16You want to wait to hear what the prizes know like I'm a guess. Oh, yeah
00:02:19Do we write down what we think are I think we should take is you and not you get anything out loud?
00:02:24You could absolutely I think that works too. Yeah, Texas
00:02:26We text it whenever to you. I was thinking almost like a buzzer system like whoever gets it first
00:02:30But yeah, I think that works too. Oh
00:02:32Yeah, I like the buzzer and then if like if you say fake, okay, you're out. No more. Yeah do that
00:02:37Yeah, okay. All right, and I won't even tell you the prize then I'll show you the prize if you get it, right
00:02:42But before that, let's talk about our good friends over a game time. It's not a pickled hemorrhoid
00:02:47It's a jar of hemorrhoids. It's just an on sitting in like fucking saline solution. It's his dildos
00:02:54So yeah, it's my strap. You can usually borrow the used one
00:02:57But before that, let's talk about our good friends over a game time. Uh, did you know that you can get tickets?
00:03:02To system of a down right now MetLife Stadium
00:03:07Wrote 326 and the good thing about my life. No bad seats. I mean as much as I should talk mentally really not many bad seats
00:03:14upper and 326
00:03:15$113 system of a down a band all four of us that they grew up on right? Yep. Yep
00:03:20That's right us big shout out to surge the surge
00:03:23What's his last name's Turkish? Yeah, no Armenian. I think Armenian. Oh, yeah, cuz he's got some things to say. Yeah
00:03:30He's got stuff
00:03:33Favorite opera singer trained in opera got a great voice
00:03:39But yeah, you can go see that with game time and also football season is here
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00:04:36What time is it game time?
00:04:38All right
00:04:39Our first match of the day and I'll share screen for this because I want to I want you to be able to see the
00:04:42Players that includes the the fake option
00:04:46It's just a cartoon drawing. Guess which one's fake. I don't think you'll be able to tell but we'll see. Okay
00:04:52Okay, first option rowdy, there's a combo one rowdy and rocky beers their brothers they both play tight end for FIU
00:04:59Okay, I'm trying to think of which one's actually the better name rowdy rowdy rowdy beers. I think years. Yeah rowdy beers
00:05:07I think is a really good one and FIU I think is a good spot for them one has a significantly larger chin
00:05:11Yeah, I like his friends and chin ass. Yeah, and if we're going by like scarcity
00:05:16I've never heard of someone named Rowdy before but I've heard of plenty of Rockies. You've heard of plenty of plenty of Rockies
00:05:21I don't know plenty of Rockies. I know a couple rock. I know one rocky smart as hell
00:05:27Valedictorian of my class. That's right. I don't think I've I've seen another yeah, I know two personally
00:05:31I like names like that are actual first names instead of the parents just saying fuck it
00:05:36Yeah, so I like rocky beers and are these their government names Kenji's are the government names? Yeah, okay
00:05:42So rally, I believe these are real. Yeah, these are these are real
00:05:47All I think is if you think it's fake just throw out the buzzer be like fake fake fake
00:05:51Whatever you want, however, you want to signify, but it's rowdy and rocky beers brothers over at FIU tight ends and they're going up against
00:05:59the number
00:06:0112 seed which is
00:06:04turbo Richard
00:06:05Turbo Richard is funny. Yeah running back over at Boston College turbo
00:06:10Richard is the perfect running back name and that's a risk to name your kid turbo and he might not be fast
00:06:16Look, all right, if he was slow and his name was turbo Richards
00:06:20Yeah, that would be if he was mentally slow and his name was turbo Richard
00:06:23They're all turbo dick turbo dick Richard as a last name. I like it turbo dick. I don't even think about that
00:06:30So we'll start with you Rudy turbo Richard versus rowdy and rocky beers
00:06:34Which one are you going with is the better college football name?
00:06:36Well, I mean rowdy and rocky beers is I feel like that is a very cool thing
00:06:41Like there are parties like yeah, they're the beer twins. I mean that beer twins
00:06:45Yeah, your twins plays but beer brothers beer brothers on the jersey looks great
00:06:50beers being the last name is good, but
00:06:54turbo Richard
00:06:57Really? I don't know. There's just something about it. I think the rowdy and rocky beers. It's just sort of seems
00:07:02Kind of hacky. Mm. Yeah. Yeah, it's a little hacky
00:07:06I we've got a watch where we step because we'll probably be co-workers with them in six months
00:07:12Good point. Yeah. Yeah, and so I I like turbo Richard it just sort of rolls off the tongue
00:07:18Mm-hmm one for turbo Richard KB
00:07:21This is tough. I think the fact that
00:07:25They're twins beers like twin beers. Mm-hmm is is just a blessing. I think I got to go with the beers twins
00:07:34Ones, I don't think they're twins. I think by the way, they're third just brought brothers. Okay
00:07:38Okay, two beer two beers is good. There's no better feeling than two beers
00:07:43Yeah, but in my head you're going with the beers. I'm going with the beers, even though I love turbo Richard turbo Richard's funny
00:07:50It sounds like a really lame like action figure. Yeah, it's her
00:07:54In my head, I'm imagining a regular guy named Richard introducing himself and he's like, oh, I'm Richard. He's like, I'm turbo Richard
00:08:03Which is really funny cuz like I'm meeting a turbo version of you out
00:08:08Nightmare situation and he is in every context. He's probably faster than every other Richard. He meets
00:08:13Yes, that's turbo Richard and I could be swayed to go to turbo Richard
00:08:21I'm going turbo Richard two for turbo Richard one for the beers brothers
00:08:28I'm going turbo Richard as well. I kind of don't like the name rowdy beers at all
00:08:32I'm kind of questioning if you would try to do plus on the first one with that
00:08:36Turbo Richard's he had no choice, but to become a running back rowdy and rocky beers
00:08:40They have no choice, but to potentially become alcoholics turbo Richard. Hmm. They'd be good bar owners though. I think oh, yeah
00:08:46I think between these two
00:08:48I do think rowdy beers is just like that guy is the luckiest person in the world when he's in college because like everybody
00:08:54Wants to be friends with rowdy beers, right? The rowdy pisses me off. Like you said, it's too too for us
00:08:59Yeah, how would you ever think of even naming a child rowdy? Right? That's not it. That's not a good
00:09:06Rowdy isn't a good thing. No, no, right
00:09:10It's also kind of like imagine. I'm gonna call it. It's got some
00:09:15Some love in color
00:09:16I don't want to be able to see my first name on a jumbotron as like a as an invitation to like what to do
00:09:23Yeah, yeah, let's get rowdy. I don't want to I know they're playing that at those games, too
00:09:27Let's get Nick, but then they say like it's turbo time
00:09:30I'm sure when this guy gets the ball or so, I think they say it's turbo time Ken Jack
00:09:37They almost gotta all right, Boston College, it's turbo time you made these new joke
00:09:44That sounds like something they would definitely do at Boston College. It definitely does
00:09:48Yeah franchises will draft them just for the marketing aspects alone Newton on your feet
00:09:53For turbo time, I think I would go for turbo Richard as well
00:09:57I think just the name turbo is that's an exceptional name
00:10:00Did they give it to him as a nickname after he was already fast as he'd like a youth football player right given name is
00:10:07Government that's his given name. Yeah, okay, then that's deserving turbo. Just a great word in general
00:10:12I don't name it like paired with Richard. The most regular name is so funny funny. I'm not like regular Richard
00:10:20You think like Richard Nixon and then turbo Richard? Let's throw this Richard into turbo. I
00:10:25Think I would go turbo Richard as well
00:10:29Just a great name a lot of expectations on that kid growing up
00:10:31Like do you remember he talked about slam dunk Lee a while back? Yeah, I didn't play basketball that sucked
00:10:36Yeah, just didn't just didn't make it. Yeah, damn shame. So turbo Richard is gonna move on now
00:10:42we have the number four seed versus the
00:10:4513 seed
00:10:47Legend journey deal out of Cal is our 13 seed. That is a really good name
00:10:51but maybe as like a like a like a philosopher and
00:10:55Don't go well together. No too close to legendary or like do you pronounce it wrong legend?
00:11:00I think journey legend would play better. I think so, too. Yeah
00:11:05What do you nickname when you call him like ledge? No, that doesn't yeah
00:11:09LJ LJ LJ LJ is a good that's a good acronym to for an LJ journey
00:11:14Well, that sure it's not legend
00:11:17Legit, no, there'd be there be an accent mark somewhere true. You're right
00:11:22So legend journey is going up against our number four seed mobility
00:11:29Defensive back out of rice. Yep. Yeah
00:11:33They called it regular like moe but nope no mobility like it even more that right name
00:11:41So I'll go first on this one. I think between mobility and legend journey
00:11:45Mobility is just that's another like you put a lot of expectations on this kid
00:11:48Cuz if he is like imagine he was like he grew up with like a spinal issue, right wheelchair. Yeah
00:11:55Or like I don't know what he would call him like immobility like
00:12:00Ability scooter. Yeah
00:12:04So I would go with mobility between these two. I think it just takes the edge over him Danny Oh
00:12:09Mobility ten out of ten times. I think ability is a cool last name abilities are really cool last name
00:12:13Yeah, extremely I'm spelling an MOH. How many MOH movers do we have in the world? Right many?
00:12:19His name was dis. Uh, that would also be disability don't disability. It's fast
00:12:26mobility mobility
00:12:28Moat three for mobility. It's gonna win KB
00:12:31Yeah, the fact that his bloodline is abilities and they and they did the one thing they could have done
00:12:37Named him. Oh, and he turned out to be a
00:12:40Defensive back. Yeah mobility
00:12:43Mobility is gonna win but Rudy. Yeah, it's me
00:12:46It's a no-brainer even if I could see a kid, you know on the playground saying more like nobility and then yeah, that's tough
00:12:53It's true. It's again. It's a risk reward
00:12:58So, yeah, it's no-brainer mobility is
00:13:02Perfect clean sweep for mobility grass to be so now we have the eight versus a nine seed
00:13:09Parker Titsworth
00:13:12From Ohio
00:13:15I don't know if you could see this too. He's got a chain around his neck 69. That's his number not Joe. Oh, yeah
00:13:22I agree. I agree worse
00:13:26Parker Titsworth offensive lineman out of Ohio is going up against our nine seed pig cage
00:13:31Hey back, Louisiana Tech
00:13:34Starting with you Rudy, which one do you think it's the better college football name?
00:13:38I mean pig cage is like a nickname that they would give a character in Game of Thrones
00:13:42Yeah, like that's that's we're going like Old English almost, you know, I like pig cage
00:13:48What was this? What was the other ones first name Parker Parker Parker Titsworth? I really love the first name perfectly matches
00:13:56What someone looks like he looks like a Parker?
00:13:59Through and through is the haircut of a of a Parker with the body of a Titsworth. Yes
00:14:04He looks like he's been sucking on milk the whole time and even in the picture
00:14:08I like that. He's like looking for puppies. It looks like he's gazing upon a breast
00:14:13Yeah, Parker Titsworth, hmm, I don't pig cage
00:14:19What the fuck I don't know a pig cage I like because it's something it's like something made out of a random name generator
00:14:27Pig cage. No, it doesn't that's not a name. The name's pig
00:14:31Yeah, but like a like a pig would never show up in a name generator you could run that say the random animal generator
00:14:40It's like what they name what they would name like a viral internet pig or something, yeah
00:14:44Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I'm just put me in a tizzy. I'm gonna go pig cage. I just like it better
00:14:49There's also a Nicolas Cage movie called pig. Yes, that's right. Yeah, very good movie, too
00:14:54Also, I think one thing taking me out of this a little it's like pig should be a defensive lineman or offensive lineman
00:14:59I feel like a DB name doesn't play. Yeah, KB
00:15:04This is the first one that has alerted me that it may be fake. I can see you coming up a pig cage
00:15:11Cages is a last name while you're giving Ken Jack a ton of credit
00:15:17Yeah, Ken Jack has the brainpower to thank you
00:15:22All right, what's a fucking name?
00:15:24And he like looks at a pig cage. He's like I've got it
00:15:30As much as I appreciate that like the Titsworth boy grew up to like fit his name
00:15:35He's an offensive lineman. He's a goofy big white boy
00:15:39Pig cage is doing it for me like and he's smiling smiling like he's been pig cage all his life. Yeah, I
00:15:47Think it's fun. I think it's really funny coming off the tongue. I'm gonna go with pig cage
00:15:52Pig cage two votes Nick
00:15:55Yeah, it's I'm gonna take the fit a pig cage I'm gonna take pig cage doesn't sound like a name at all
00:16:04Is that even what type of cage I think you stop eyes, yeah pigs die
00:16:11So three pig cage is gonna win but Danny well going off that someone already did it better and I was pig pen
00:16:17That makes more sense. I like the I love this nickname. Wait, that's what he calls
00:16:21That's what he calls his zone like in coverage, it's like oh you're in the pig pen now, you know, that's nice
00:16:27Or you could still say cage
00:16:34You're in the pig area
00:16:37Hey cage, I
00:16:39Actually have my guard up on Parker. It's worth being fake and you're trying to distract us the faces
00:16:47Nine chain, you know, the 69 chains believe what the face I don't know matches the skull
00:16:53It's worth out of why the has a celebrity mash change everything if it was titties worth it. Oh, it's worthy
00:16:59Yeah, I'm gonna go pig cage because both the first and last have something Parker's not really doing it. Sorry Parker
00:17:05Sorry partner big cage gonna move on because I would hope for pig cages. Well, nothing that would matter
00:17:10Now we have the one seed versus the 13 or first our chain option
00:17:14Let's show you our one seed general booty. Yes
00:17:19I was on wake up mincey with him
00:17:21Yeah, it was me and general booty on the same wake up mincey. I double booked us
00:17:27I've done a podcast with general booty
00:17:33General booty quarterback at a Louisiana Monroe is our one see that's just it's a perfect
00:17:39random college football name but
00:17:41Today my booty
00:17:43Before that, I'm sorry. You're so early. I already got booby curry booby curry wide receiver out of Buffalo's our first chain option of the day
00:17:51and again
00:17:52The I will note that the fake option doesn't necessarily have to be one of the main seat. It could be okay
00:17:58I'm just throwing it out there
00:18:00booby curry
00:18:02No, baby
00:18:03Chief borders defensive lineman out of Pittsburgh. Okay
00:18:08Jaden muskrat. Wait a minute
00:18:18Major burns safety out of LSU. That's a good name. Not a good name for safety though squirrel white
00:18:25Wide receiver out of Tennessee. We're all white
00:18:28Okay, so out of these chain options, I'll go first. I'll say I really like Jaden muskrat
00:18:34It's such a good yeah, Kajak, I love it. In fact, I
00:18:40Didn't muskrat
00:18:42Muskrat muskrat is probably the funniest possible last name. It's a rodent but a lesser known road
00:18:48Yeah, it's like an aquatic road mine with like a cool like boy name. Yeah, I'm Jaden muskrat
00:18:56Well, that's my vote to win
00:18:59I'm voting for Jaden muskrat as my first my chain vote
00:19:05You can you buzz it if you want I'm giving you you have the option to buzz anything
00:19:09This is hard if this
00:19:11General booties almost like too much. Yeah, so this is just for the chain and whoever goes into this goes again. Here's the thing
00:19:18Jet I don't know what I like more a regular first name with a funny last name and that shows the parents are just like
00:19:25Yeah, we're the muskrats. This is Jade
00:19:26Like yeah, or like if you're your last name's booty, there's almost no escaping so they just roll with it, right?
00:19:32I think general is a good pick for humor though, because it's not like general is like, you know
00:19:37They're giving him a weird first name. Don't miss distract from boo. I'm anding first name. Mm-hmm to almost add like a layer of like
00:19:46Sincerity to the booty family general. Yeah, that's general booty is funny. Yeah
00:19:52For change whoever wins this goes up again. Yeah booty. No, I thought about it. I'm going boobie curry boobie curry. Yeah
00:20:00boobie curry getting one vote Nick muskrat do
00:20:04What kind of sucks about that last name is like can you like you can't ever be in a serious like you can't be a president
00:20:10Muskrat like you can't be it rules out a lot of things. You don't want a doctor muskrat. No, Dennis muskrat like women
00:20:17Aren't like they I'm sure they think of their like nobody's writing like Allison muskrat on their notebook. Yeah, you're keeping your maiden name
00:20:24Yeah, yeah, absolutely
00:20:27So two for muskrat KB imagine a chick with the last name muskrat. That would be tough. She goes down two points
00:20:33It's the fact that they tried it. They tried to like save it with Jaden
00:20:36But muskrat is is such a disgusting foul muskrat
00:20:40It's two nouns like one means like an odor and one means like a the dirtiest rodent
00:20:45Yeah, like the mamble that's caused the most deaths in human history
00:20:50Due to their filth. I'm going Jaden muskrat
00:20:53Jaden muskrat is gonna make it when enunciating the K is tough, too. Yeah, I
00:20:58I'm kind of torn. What's this? What's the other ones besides booty and muskrat? You got boobie curry chief borders
00:21:04Major burns order just goes hard
00:21:07Chief borders. Yeah, it's a good name major burns and squirrel white
00:21:14like the ones that like
00:21:16There's some that are just so outrageous
00:21:19That it almost kind of like loses its luster because you can tell that like they're just like, okay
00:21:23We're just gonna do some crazy stuff, but Jaden muskrat
00:21:26I do appreciate the like fact that it's like this is the muskrat name. It's pretty weird, but not like boobie curry
00:21:33You know, there's like
00:21:35Kind of like a level of shame to the muskrats right of just like let's give them the most normal name. Yes
00:21:41It's like if they named him stinky
00:21:44And he has the look on his face tells me he really wants to just be Jaden. Yeah
00:21:50Yeah, he looks labored by it
00:21:53Yeah, so for that reason I'm going Jaden it's so awesome
00:21:57Yeah, imagine you get on a plane like this is your captain captain muskrat speaking. Oh, I got to get off
00:22:02I got to get off get off immediately
00:22:05So Jaden muskrat and it fits offensive line. Yeah
00:22:09Jaden muskrat gonna move on he's gonna play against general booty
00:22:14Rudy you're up first general booty versus Jaden muskrat
00:22:18General booty is
00:22:20Stupid like what naming your kid general when he has the last name booty is very odd to me
00:22:26Like and also I keep thinking of it as names
00:22:28It's like booty and like a sort of a random array of butts like a general boy
00:22:32Like it's fine. Like it's not gonna turn your head. It's a run-of-the-mill
00:22:37You know find it anywhere booty
00:22:40I do like his face. I like his face. He's a humongous chin
00:22:46Great eyes. You'd be good general
00:22:48Yeah, he does look like that, but I I still I don't know how to describe it, but there's just something about Jaden muskrat
00:22:56So I'm gonna go with that
00:22:57one for Jaden muskrat
00:22:59KB yeah, general booty is like a like a viral fad meme like once the novelty wears off. It's like so absurd
00:23:07We're over it. We're over the joke, but Jaden muskrat is everlasting
00:23:12Jane, it's just that's a name like you make up. It's like that's it's it's perfect. Mm-hmm. Yeah
00:23:20In fact, I ah if this came a little bit later, I would buzz my alarm
00:23:26For Jaden muskrat, but I'm not going to
00:23:31Two for Jaden muskrat Nick we have next round at least we'll see him again Jaden muskrat
00:23:36Another Jaden muskrat is gonna win, but Danny
00:23:39Yeah, general booty to like male stripper name for me Jaden muskrat
00:23:45Weirds to be out thinking about his mom being like general. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, miss booty miss boot
00:23:51Must booties kind of sick miss new booty
00:23:55I actually I remember I made a bet a while back when I heard about general booty and it was he was playing against
00:24:01Was a Texas that Arch Manning is on for the art. Yeah, he bet like oh, oh
00:24:06Beautiful and it just did I didn't mean to do that. I just said it weird. I
00:24:11Really wanted that one hit did not hit
00:24:13But yeah, so Jaden muskrat's gonna move on
00:24:16Do you run the spread?
00:24:19The spread offense
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00:25:12Okay on the other side we have number six seed versus the number 11 seed and back up into it
00:25:21First up demon clowny defensive line of Charlotte, which is in a Jadavian
00:25:26I I meant to look it up, but I did not get to it. I he has to be related
00:25:31I would assume also playing defensive end in this and I think what Jadavian went to like South Carolina, right like so close
00:25:38But demon is the perfect defensive ending like yeah, you can't get better than that that's that's
00:25:45Scary like how would like the parents just be like, oh, what are you gonna name him?
00:25:50It has to be a nickname. Yeah, they're about balance out the clowny. It's like a yin-yang
00:25:56Evil scary demon clown is the scariest thing. It's a yugioh card, right? It is a British or saggy the dark one, right?
00:26:03Yeah, saggy
00:26:05So demon clowny is going up a number six seed up and a skew offensive lineman Jack
00:26:20So it's Ken Jack using like a he has to have something Asian yeah a skew is such a
00:26:31Don't want to be the first a panda. Let me ask you. Hey, we're running low on options
00:26:35If you're gonna call him, you gotta come with that shit
00:26:38I'm buzzing on panda skew buzz it on panda skew. Yeah, you are wrong pandas. Oh, okay
00:26:45Well, that makes me love that name more
00:26:52So panda skew very real person
00:26:55Going up against again demon clowny
00:26:58We'll start with we're starting with me. I think this time I think between these two pandas skew is a funny name
00:27:04but demon clowny
00:27:06That's like the best college football name for that position to like defensive line
00:27:10It's just that you can't get much better than that getting sacked by a literal demon. Like yeah, it's fucking miserable
00:27:16That's getting sad, but he's not panda a skew
00:27:19He's a real guy I'm going with demon clowny though, so one for demon clowny Danny, I'm going demon clowny, too
00:27:26team Connie just
00:27:28It is such an offsetting name demon cloud like or what do they call it?
00:27:32Like yeah, I forget but yeah, so demon clowny gonna get two votes right now Nick you guys just don't get it
00:27:37Yeah, it's oh my skew
00:27:40Yeah, it's
00:27:45Yeah final in
00:27:51Actually, I'm gonna use my I'm gonna use my double vote power
00:27:55I keep forgetting people have the opportunity to do that. Yeah, everyone's yeah two for panda skew KB
00:28:01Yeah, I mean demon clowny is like epic and mystical
00:28:04But panda skew is my favorite type of name because both the first and last names are completely ridiculous
00:28:11They don't go together whatsoever a skew is even more ridiculous of a name
00:28:15It's it's whimsical and then they just added a panda for no reason to try to make a ski
00:28:23I'm going panda skew
00:28:25another one for panda skew Rudy I
00:28:29Love panda skew because it is something that could be in a sentence and make sense
00:28:33But I don't think anyone's ever said it
00:28:35Yeah, yeah it
00:28:38Yeah, look at that before him. Yes
00:28:41Look at that panda. He's so askew and I like that he looks kind of like a nerd
00:28:45I feel like you know, he could be platinum in League of Legends and his name is
00:28:50Yeah, I was always gonna go panda school demon cloud is a cool name it is cool, but it's a better name
00:28:55Yeah, it's a better name a panda. I
00:29:00Love it remarkably odd
00:29:03It's odd if this ever gets to him a full invite to my crew. Yeah
00:29:09You're starting your crew up with panda skew, but then you know, that's a foundational piece for a crew
00:29:14You know what? I claim jayden muskrat then for my crew. Uh
00:29:18Fair. Yeah, I'll make that deal. Mm-hmm, and I hope he has brothers the askew brother. Oh my god, they're all endangered species
00:29:32Okay, so panda skew gonna move on now we have our number three versus our 14 seed
00:29:39Dude person
00:29:42You must think we're fucking stupid
00:29:48Dude is the best. He looks awesome guy. Dude. That's a great, dude
00:29:54Good person defensive back out of Central Arkansas fucking incredible
00:30:00And dude person is going up against number 14 seed Rhino tap a towtie
00:30:09Believe that's his name. Yeah, I love this dude. Just a perfect perfect name for an offensive line
00:30:14And you can't you earnestly cannot get better than that
00:30:17So dude person versus right Rhino tap a towtie. You're up first Rudy
00:30:24tap a towtie
00:30:29he's got
00:30:32He's got golden teeth on the canine on the canines
00:30:35That that as soon as he learned his name knew exactly what his life trajectory was going to be
00:30:41He's so lucky. He has that eyebrow scar too. I'm gonna say chef shave. Is it either way? It's terrifying
00:30:49Yeah, all right, dude person fucking rules though
00:30:53Like that is so dumb dude person
00:30:57It's it's it's the same thing twice the only thing that could be funnier if it was like Mick person. Yeah, but like I
00:31:07Genuinely think it's the perfect name
00:31:10It's so I'm not joking. It's awesome. It is so awesome. That's what they should say instead of John Doe when somebody's
00:31:25Love the fact that it's just two ways to describe someone it's redundant. Yeah, so do one for dude person KB
00:31:36What's the other one Rhino
00:31:39I think like Pacific Islander last names are amazing. Yeah, like almost like rhythmic and melodic
00:31:47But I think Rhino is a little bit
00:31:49try hard
00:31:52Being named after a dick pills tough. I was thinking of the animal. Yeah, me too
00:31:58Never that ever read you're right. Oh my gosh. I named this beast after the dick pill
00:32:06Rhinos are
00:32:08They just don't have enough supply Rhino is like base level like
00:32:12What a kindergartner thinks is the coolest animal where they really get into octopi the dad was probably a beast football
00:32:18Yeah, humongous, and it was a little bit too serious of a name-giving
00:32:23but dude person
00:32:26Because the last name like person isn't the last name
00:32:30That's what he is
00:32:32And they just said yeah, I'm going dude person. I think it may be fake
00:32:37But I love it so much I'm not gonna
00:32:39Sound the alarm. I'm not gonna call it out two for dude person Nick dude person again
00:32:45The best that is the best possible name a human being can have
00:32:49Cuz like you can't be an asshole being dude person like look guys
00:32:53You know, he's look at he's like fitting the role perfectly. I don't think you can even give him a nickname
00:32:57I think you always have to call him dude purse. It's dude person. Mm-hmm. Like how do you not invite dude person to every single?
00:33:04Mr. Person regardless like a single about it's like, oh we gotta have dude person there. We should bring we have to have DP here
00:33:09No question new person
00:33:11It's it's perfect a crew invite as well. But dude
00:33:16Yeah, right now you got panda askew and dude person. That's all I really need
00:33:20Yeah, wait big vote for a dude person big vote for dude, dude. I'm using my big vote Ken Jack
00:33:28Tell us tell us he's fake
00:33:30What you have you have to call no, but if we I'm going no, but I feel like if we all go
00:33:35No, you're gonna have to reveal right? Well, no
00:33:38Wins the prize. I haven't we already lost he fools us. It's you'll see
00:33:44All right. All right
00:33:46Let's say let's just say this at the end of the round if no one has
00:33:49And I'll go through the options maybe again. Yeah, so that we get a full length
00:33:53We can but when we buzz can we can we buzz for a name that we've seen and then I can go back
00:33:58At the end of the first round I'll give you all the names don't be pussies buzz buzz buzz. Yeah. All right
00:34:03Yeah, I guess you lose the buzz. Yeah, so
00:34:06Nick you're going with mo or dude person. Yeah, Danny. I
00:34:11Love dude person straight to the point, but anytime there's a random apostrophe
00:34:15Apostrophe four letters into the last name. I love that too. I know top of two II I think I'm going Rhino
00:34:23You everyone's pronounced a tie tap a toe tie I'll have to make sure tie. Oh, yeah good ass name
00:34:29I would go with I would go dude person as well. It's just it's the perfect name
00:34:34So dude person is gonna move on now. We have the number seven seed versus the ten seed first up King large
00:34:44Just a humongous dude almost impossible you couldn't play out of any other position
00:34:48I don't even think he could play defensive line as King. Oh, he's offensive line. Yeah, and he's going up against wet gay Lord
00:35:04You don't see who that is
00:35:11It's wet green Briar
00:35:14From yes, sir, whoops wet gay Lord offensive lineman out of Greenbrier College
00:35:23So I want it wet to be someone's actually I swear to God I thought I changed his name to big and stinky
00:35:30Wet is great
00:35:32to tease
00:35:36So we're set where you guys are sounding the alarm on
00:35:40I don't know. I think we let it go from what college is Greenbrier. Uh, it's an all-women's college in West Virginia
00:35:47I hope that
00:35:49You made him look like the type of fact where he like bumps into things I didn't edit this
00:35:54This is his college base. Yes, you did. No, this is college baseball for one. You made it
00:35:59I think your specialty. No, look up it look up his college look that no, this would be all over the internet
00:36:05No, no, no telling you
00:36:07You this is so in your wheelhouse. Yeah, this is the most Ken Jack move
00:36:10The real picture is like almost just as funny. It has this nice burgundy background
00:36:15Is that what makes it just as funny? Yeah
00:36:18He's either morbidly obese or has a burgundy
00:36:22This was his baseball picture in college
00:36:25It looks like it's just way too nice for a baseball roster for though
00:36:30Well, I've seen it when I say burgundy like that curtain. He's definitely chubbier, but not look at the picture
00:36:36I'm looking at it. I see the burgundy. I texted you this before. It's a nice burgundy. It's not too far off
00:36:44at all
00:36:45So wet gaylord versus King large
00:36:49My vote I'm going I'm going I can't vote wet gaylord. I can't it's gotta go wet gaylord, right?
00:36:57He's not real which makes it tough
00:37:00I'll give King large the honorary vote. I'll give wet gaylord my real vote
00:37:08King large
00:37:10One he has the first name
00:37:12Yep, is that I've had some on kunking Dunlap that played for the Chargers for a while big-ass, dude. I
00:37:18Gotta go gaylord. You gotta go gaylord. I mean fine last name. You've heard it before
00:37:23But wet as a first name
00:37:28Brings the next level
00:37:30To for wet gaylord KB I
00:37:34Think large is a very funny last name. Yeah, I think a lot could go before large and make it even funnier like wet
00:37:41Yeah, wet and large would be great even like a regular name like Greg large
00:37:47Greg large is good Todd large Todd large
00:37:52But I gotta go. I gotta go wet gaylord wet gaylord is gonna win, but Rudy I
00:37:58Like what gaylord I I really do he looks like he comes from a long line like, you know
00:38:03Gaylord is sort of a regal name
00:38:05I feel like an old English right or something like that
00:38:07And so I like the idea that his family is like very prestigious and he's he's sort of not fulfilling the their goals
00:38:13But they got him into Greenbrier through family connections, and he's doing his very best, but it is not enough
00:38:20Like white gaylord wet gaylord gonna move on now we have our two seed versus the second chain game
00:38:27Our two seed is memorable factor
00:38:32Memorable that's yeah, of course he goes to Duke. Yeah memorable factor linebacker out of Duke is there as our two seed
00:38:39I don't think you could you could script a less memorable
00:38:44Like I'm gonna go to is a fine-looking man. Oh, that's not that's not you could be a good-looking guy and not be memorable
00:38:50You know, yeah. Yeah
00:38:52Like I'm gonna look into the
00:38:54That face looks like it's gonna catch a charge at some point. You think so? Yeah. Yeah, you just saying that cuz it Duke
00:39:00So let's do our chain
00:39:02Blazing long a lot along defensive lineman out of the ASU. I'm blazing that long a long today
00:39:08Good. No
00:39:09Blazing's a good name. Yeah
00:39:12fat watts
00:39:15Great name fat watts. Yeah, that's good shit. Acila defensive out of Purdue. Yeah, what do we do?
00:39:23There might be another fake one. No, the rest of these are all real Tiger Shanks offensive lineman
00:39:28Wow, that's it. It's a big boy. No shoulders
00:39:33Trip Woody kicker out of Iowa. That's fun. That's fun. It's a good-ass name. So start with you Rudy. Do you want?
00:39:41blazing Lana Wong fat watts
00:39:44shitacilla Tiger Shanks or trip Woody I
00:39:48Want I want fat watts because I I like that his last name is is a unit of measurement of like energy
00:39:56Right like electricity. Yeah, I like that a lot
00:40:01Fat is ridiculous. Imagine he married general booty. I
00:40:10Mean just imagine
00:40:14I'm trying your general booty
00:40:18Dude first of all, well, I'm assuming they take general booties last name
00:40:25Can't be because general watts actually fuck that sounds kind of good too, but fat booty sounds great
00:40:29That's yeah, and I I like that his nickname or his first name is slang term from the 90s
00:40:37Dante still uses it does it and wicked
00:40:41Concert was wicked. Yeah, that's a Boston thing. I don't even know how you use fat. I don't
00:40:48Text messages for fat. Have you been texted fat Dante? I swear to God. It's all done. Look at his Twitter
00:40:54He still uses words like that
00:40:58Fat watts you go with fat what mention wads that actually fat wads would be good for money. Yeah, KB. Oh,
00:41:07Might go fat watts, too. I think I
00:41:11Think you're having a little bit too much fun if you name your son fat, but it rolls with watts
00:41:16It stays funny to me. Yeah, so I'm gonna go fat watts
00:41:19I also like Tesla be someone asking him about his like Tesla coil and he's like I'm producing fat one fat watts
00:41:28To four fat watts Nick, what was the hyphenated last name?
00:41:33Blazing Lana Wong. Yep blazing Lana Wong. It's almost too cool. Yeah, but that's good. Yeah, I like a lot
00:41:40Yeah, yeah
00:41:42So one for blazing Lana Wong Danny
00:41:45This is the hardest one yet. I think we're sleeping on tiger shanks
00:41:51Great and what was the other one? So, uh shit, uh shit is insane
00:41:56You know, that's just disrespect that makes me feel sad it's it's almost too mean. Yeah
00:42:04It's gotta be a Nick gotta be a nickname. What was the first one? Can Jack blazing Lana Wong?
00:42:09Yeah, that's not even a lot of that sounds the coolest like a soon-to-be a weed
00:42:14But we strain blazing sounds like for something like sounds like a first name
00:42:20Blazing. Yeah, that watts could also be a strain of weed with like cocaine in it or something
00:42:25Energy those watts are fat. I'm gonna go with blazing blazing Lana Wong
00:42:31So it's tied up between blazing Lana Wong and fat watts
00:42:34It's a really tough decision for you Ken Jack. Yeah, I've been a bit of a bind here blazing Lana Wong sounds cool
00:42:40And he's a good player
00:42:41I don't know if that what's a good player, but I saw like when I looked up blazing Lana Wong
00:42:44Like there's a million articles about it, but that watts is so good. Are you not altering their names at all?
00:42:50No, no, no Dan to a Daniel nothing like that. No, no, I'll not touch
00:42:55Oh, and by the way, I consult I made the list and consulted Liam Bluntman on it as well
00:42:59And he gave me a bunch of a couple other options as well. So fat watts versus blazing. I
00:43:05Think I got to go with like who's gonna have a chance against memorable factor
00:43:11Blazing Lana Wong. I'm gonna go. Okay, isn't that so blazing versus memorable factor?
00:43:19And there's me my vote first
00:43:21The memorable factor just does not fit that guy's face at all
00:43:26Look, I think that about much. Yeah. Yeah, see you forgot about memorable factor. That makes a huge. That's a huge problem. So I'm gonna go
00:43:34It looks like one of those infomercial guys who just committed a heinous crime. Mm-hmm
00:43:38Yeah, I gotta go with I gotta go blazing Lana Wong Danny. I hate memorable factor. She says he's a boy
00:43:45Oh, I don't even think that doesn't have a ring to it the name a sentence fragment. I'm going blazing
00:43:51two four blazing Lana Wong Nick
00:43:56Three four blazing Lana Wong. He's gonna advance with KB blazing a lot of Wong
00:44:01Place it faster blazing Lana Wong. Uh-huh. Yeah
00:44:05They're up blazing is gonna win. He's gonna be clean sweep Rudy
00:44:08Yes, because there's something about Lana Wong
00:44:10Lana Wong that just has this sort of fucking through line that is just silky pleasing
00:44:16Memorable factors is your tongues got you a lot of mouth work a lot of jaw work and memorable fact
00:44:21It sounds like something you repeat to yourself like to not slip up
00:44:25Horrible factor. Yeah memorable factor. I said horrible fact. I despise the first name memorable. It's so bad
00:44:31I'm a rebel. It's hard to say almost
00:44:34It's just you had so much to work with with factor. Yeah, and you name your kid memorable
00:44:40What's a better first name Kyle?
00:44:43Kyle factor Kyle factor is funny
00:44:47She's got the Kyle factor
00:44:50Reese Reese factor
00:44:53I think you have a Kyle factor. Yeah
00:44:59You guys didn't consider the Kyle factor, yeah, I think you need a beer I think you factor me in
00:45:06Fear factor would've been good. Yeah
00:45:08Either way blazing Lana Wong gonna move on before we do our playoffs. Let's hear from Rona peril
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00:46:19Shout out to our buddies our buddy wrote. All right first matchup of the playoffs mobility versus turbo Richard. Oh
00:46:27It's a matchup of the the fat or speed or agility, I don't know we would want to call it
00:46:32mobility versus turbo Richard Rudy
00:46:36Mobility versus turbo Richard come on Rudy. There's one answer I
00:46:43Think that mobility is too silly
00:46:47You're really gonna say that to Mo the serious world yo, you're gonna say your name's silly
00:46:52Mo is a normal first name, which I like but it's not spelled the same way to be fair. Yeah. Yeah, it's true
00:46:59But if they just did mo or mo eat. Yeah
00:47:02Man, this is a tough one. I'm gonna go nah
00:47:06Mobility rules. I'm gonna go mobility
00:47:10Mobility one vote. That's where you're wrong. I'm torn
00:47:14Turb turbo Richard is
00:47:16Yeah, turbo Richard is funnier
00:47:18Yeah, turbo Richard is funnier
00:47:20Ability is I mean, it's crazy that that is the last name he was given. Mm-hmm, but I I'm gonna go turbo Richard
00:47:27To one for turbo Richard. It kind of sounds like a name
00:47:29They would have given one of the characters in like the ringer, you know, I mean, yeah, it's her boat
00:47:33But it sounds like do you remember?
00:47:36Action League now on the show kablam
00:47:39turbo Richard seems like he'd be
00:47:42That's all he'd excel there. Yeah, hold on. We're cutting out. Yeah. Hello. You're good now
00:47:47Everybody got me turbo Richard. Yeah turbo Richard. Yeah. Yeah
00:47:52two for turbo Richard Danny
00:47:54I'm going mobility. It's one of those Bart Simpson prank call names has a nice ring to it mo again
00:48:01It's the last name for me
00:48:02Ability is a great name. It is great
00:48:06Between these two both of these parents knew what they were doing like they did they did a great job
00:48:10It took a big risk big reward with the names
00:48:13But the Richard family could have gone with a normal name. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's true
00:48:19But like Turk, but they've risked it, you know, I'm saying with the name turbo. Yeah, they did risk they did risk
00:48:25I think I'll go with I got to go with mobility. It's better. It's better
00:48:31Yeah mobility can move on. So now on the other end Jaden muskrat versus pig cage
00:48:38the disgusting
00:48:40Dirty animals bow animal matchup between pig cage and Jaden muskrat
00:48:45I'm riding with he's in my honorary invite to the crew. So I'm gonna go Jaden muskrat. Yeah, Danny
00:48:55Jaden muskrat, I wasn't that big on pig cage to begin with
00:49:03Jaden muskrat Nick
00:49:05It's got to be Jaden muskrat here. I'm sorry pig. Yeah, we're real sorry to pig
00:49:10KB, it's Jaden muskrat. I still love naming a baby boy pig cage. Just telling him to fend for himself
00:49:17Good luck. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Is it if he's a kid does he name it a piglet?
00:49:24Do what I'm a staff to put about with like a cooler animal
00:49:27But I'm gonna go Jaden muskrat. Yeah, we've been like warthog cage would have worked kind of well, not really
00:49:36I don't want war to our hog in my name
00:49:41Rudy, oh, yeah, Jaden Jaden muskrat has a perfect level of believability, but just the right dash of silliness
00:49:49It sounds like a feel-good character in like a Hallmark movie that no one believes in
00:49:53Underdog story of Jaden muskrat the boy who never no one ever believed in so I like Jaden muskrat
00:49:59Jaden muskrat's gonna bond. So we have Jaden muskrat versus mobility to go into the finals
00:50:05Rudy your first
00:50:10We got we got this kind of thing with Jaden muskrat I feel like and
00:50:14mobility, it's just
00:50:17Mobility is like max silliness and then Jaden muskrat is just a very weird, but somehow believable real name
00:50:25So I'm torn muskrat is a less believable last name than Billy T
00:50:31It's a ridiculous just the mo aspect takes it to a whole nother level. I can't think of a funnier animal to have as your last
00:50:39Slug platypus. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's almost to read muskrat is
00:50:48Perfectly yes, exactly. That's why I love Jaden muskrat is that it just it rides a line that is so thin
00:50:54So I'm gonna go Jaden muskrat
00:50:56Would you believe if there's a guy named his name is like Mike giraffe?
00:50:59Like I don't think I believe that I wouldn't believe my giraffe. No, no, there's certain
00:51:03I think I could forget more exotic animals like peacock works. That's real, but I don't know
00:51:08Ethan Hawk
00:51:09But also like last names like, you know
00:51:11I like Cooper and I like Smith like they all came from like your profession or whatever like muskrat is not an old English name
00:51:16That's a newer animal. So like what was the muskrat ancestor doing that?
00:51:21That guy really want to know their family history and lineage. Yeah, me too
00:51:26Some guy on Ellis Island just wiling. He's like, hey
00:51:29Pick one guy a day that I fuck. Oh, sounds like a hillbilly gang muskrats. That is cool. Yeah
00:51:36One for Jade muskrat KB
00:51:39Yeah, it's um the juxtaposition between Jaden and muskrat Jaden being like a cute athletic. It's a popular
00:51:46I racial boy
00:51:49with muskrat just
00:51:51the most hideous trash
00:51:55Rodent trash Jaden muskrat Jaden muskrat two votes Nick
00:52:00You got to go with muskrat. I'm looking at his Instagram right now
00:52:04He seems like a very happy guy, yeah, he seems good
00:52:09Three for Jaden muskrat Danny. Yeah, I would have gone mobility
00:52:14Mmm mobility would have gotten one more from you. I
00:52:17Think between these two the muskrat is just so unbelievable that I would go Jaden muskrat
00:52:22so Jaden muskrat is gonna move into the finals and then before we get to the other side of finals last ad of the
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00:53:22I made a big combo like four-leg bet on the Chargers game and yeah it hit which is great because it takes
00:53:30One one hundredth of the sting out of getting your dick ripped off, which is nice
00:53:35Shout out to DraftKings. It's very fun. You think I'm gonna throw in now you're still a Herbert believer. Yeah, of course
00:53:41All right. I've no true. Okay, let's be very through two interceptions. He didn't throw four two of those through people's hands
00:53:47You don't count that, right?
00:53:49I'm sorry for sure that game
00:53:52To the the will this he threw it to somebody one and then an end of game just heave you don't count those those don't
00:53:57Count towards here. They shouldn't counter to your fish. Whatever helps his sleep in me
00:54:01Enjoy Mike McCarthy, bitch
00:54:05Now yeah
00:54:07Now on the other side of the playoffs we have dude person versus panda askew. Oh
00:54:14This is a battle for the ages
00:54:18Gotta go first and I gotta go dude person
00:54:21I think I'm not gonna try and think about it and the more I think about the more I'm gonna question myself
00:54:24So I'm just gonna say straight up dude person Danny
00:54:27I'm gonna do the same dude person
00:54:30It's we're going funny is right. Just best best right? That's what I meant. That's the best
00:54:36You're never gonna find that there's no better name ever. You'll never find that combination again
00:54:42It's dude person
00:54:44Unbelievable. Thank God. He found his way into the public. I can you imagine like he didn't wasn't a college athlete
00:54:49I would never how would yeah, I would also be funny if he was yeah, it's just like my accountant or a banker
00:54:55Don't like your dude. Let's get a deal with dude. Perfect. Yeah, I should run the census. You should be like the head of the census
00:55:03It's dude person I kills me to see panda skew go so early though. Mm-hmm. Dude person's gonna win the Rudy
00:55:10Yeah, I'm with dude person. I really love panda skew, but the panda part now that I'm thinking about it kind of a
00:55:17Skew is just such a great weird last name a lot could go with the skin
00:55:21And I like it like it was or not go if he was Ricky a skew
00:55:25Like I know in a skew. No, you don't sitting on knowing in a skew. It's a
00:55:30Jeremy, it's a guy and his name is Shannon Shannon a skew. Yeah, he was just old regular at this bar. I worked at wait
00:55:38Yeah, he was just all right if that's like a known last name that I'm fine, yeah, I'm gonna go yes dude person is great
00:55:45I'm gonna go with that dude person gonna move on on the top end. You're friends with him on Facebook
00:55:51Shannon a skew great name. So on the top end we have blazing Lana Wong versus wet gay Lord
00:55:57To move on up against dude person. This is gonna be a rough one. So Rudy your first wet gay Lord versus blazing Lana Wong
00:56:06Don't want to push forward a fake and
00:56:10Blazing Lana Wong is a name that you want to say the full name. That's a great name when you have someone you're like
00:56:16Oh, that's blazing on a long
00:56:18When I say the full thing the whole thing sounds great
00:56:21There's this nice little up-and-down melody to it and I find that appealing and I like blazing Lana Wong
00:56:29Blazing on a long one vote KB
00:56:31Yeah, blazing Lana Wong is such a cool name that I'm prioritizing cool over funny with this one
00:56:37Even though the one is fake and I'm gonna go blazing Lana Wong
00:56:40Blazing on a long two votes Nick. Yeah, I gotta go with the real one here
00:56:45Unfortunately, cuz I love wet as a first name. I think wet with any like you're like wet Kennedy would be
00:56:51Sounds like a terrible band. John does good. What John rocks? Yeah
00:56:57If Williams Dave's realized, oh, yeah
00:57:06Dave Williams might be the least fun name. Oh, yeah is nothing fun about that. His dad is William Williams. That's good
00:57:13Will Williams is good as long as it's not he doesn't go by William. He goes he does. Mm-hmm. That's fun, Danny
00:57:22As much as I want Dave to lose a competition he doesn't even know he's a part of
00:57:26I got to go blazing long along. Yep
00:57:30Yeah, I would go blazing as well just to get wet gay Lord out of here
00:57:34So blazing Lana Wong versus dude person to go into the finals
00:57:40Love blazing Lana Wong happy the 15 seed made it out chain game guy
00:57:45The dude person is just wiping the floor with blazing Lana Wong here in my opinion. So one from her dude person Danny
00:57:53Don't be a moron. It's it's got to be dude. Thank you, Danny. I just love saying blazing Lana Wong. It's great. Yep
00:58:01And you can still say it as much as you want
00:58:04Good person then next dude person. It's dude person
00:58:08Mm-hmm, dude person KB. Yeah, absolutely
00:58:12No, it's like a Muppet name. Yeah, it's it's so good because I like the idea of that's a Jim Henson creation
00:58:18That's a Jim Henson creation, it's like in a TV show and they're trying to fake their name and they look around like, uh, dude
00:58:25He looks at his hand. He's like, dude. Yeah looks at the other hand person
00:58:30He gets pulled over he but he probably gets shit from the cops. Like yeah, this is not for that
00:58:35Oh, that's a nightmare for trying to get into bars. I bet. Yeah. Oh, yeah
00:58:40That's what I liked about it cuz I was thinking about the dad in the delivery room and like the lowest amount of effort
00:58:44They're like, what are you gonna name him? And he's like already on his way out there. He's like, ah fucking
00:58:47Dude person
00:58:49So yeah, I love dude person
00:58:51Dude person clean sweep. So our finals are dude person versus Jaden muskrat
00:58:57Gonna be a tough one Rudy your purse. I
00:59:01Just said it but I I am in love with the remarkable lack of effort on dude person
00:59:07Even though I know that they probably were like, oh, let's name him, dude
00:59:09There probably was a lot of thought and everything very intentional, but I like the idea of it
00:59:15Just being like a fucking dude person dude
00:59:17Just like I got he's just a dude guy. I love you. Yeah, it's calling your baby, dude. Yeah
00:59:23Screaming dude out the window when he's like out in the yard. Why do you come inside?
00:59:31One for dude person KB
00:59:34Yeah, I love dude person and I love that. He's not at like a school like LSU or like a power five
00:59:39He's at Central Arkansas middle of nowhere. It's forgettable school and there's dude person. What's their nickname?
00:59:44I don't even know
00:59:46the Central Arkansas, let's see, yeah
00:59:49That what is what city is that in? It's Conway
00:59:54They are the Bears I guess
00:59:57Bruce D bear is their mascot. I don't know if that helps Central Arkansas
01:00:03Is it Conway?
01:00:05college location
01:00:09The fuck is this place Conway Oh Conway, Arkansas, I don't know where that is
01:00:15Two for dude person right now Nick dude person. It's yes. Dude person. Mm-hmm. Dude person Danny
01:00:22Dude person we might have to do a follow-up episode finding out all their sibling names
01:00:26I would love to know the right I was I was trying to find the muskrat family. I do that with ale
01:00:30Dude, that's his sister
01:00:32Which is like another word for like a human person like what else what other how do you describe a human like a person or like?
01:00:38Entity I don't know man. You're like bro person guy woman person homie person
01:00:44So dude person clean I'll make it a clean sweep I mean dude person, although I do want to give our flowers to
01:00:51Jaden muskrat because that is just a silver medal. Mm-hmm. You better have a son carry on that name
01:00:56Yeah, some of the other honorable mentions ones we had cannon coffee, which I thought was kind of cool
01:01:00Oh, that's stone stone handy. It's pretty good. Well, that's good
01:01:04It can't be for what receive the icy Hopkins pretty good. Oh
01:01:09That might have won do realist Crawford was also on there, but he also yeah
01:01:15And Dodge saucer. It's also just a bizarre first first. I'm derail us. Oh, yeah Dodge saucer
01:01:21So yep, the winner is dude person episode 158 the best college football names
