• 2 months ago
Brace yourself for the most gruesome, stomach-churning demises in anime history! From decapitations to acid baths, we're counting down the deaths that left us feeling truly uncomfortable. Warning: This list is not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach!
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the demises across the
00:12anime scene that went above and beyond when it came to making us feel truly uncomfortable.
00:30How To Quit Your Job – ZOM-100 Bucket List Of The Dead
00:34Turns out there is one good thing about zombie apocalypses, and that's that you no longer
00:39have to slave away at your job that drains you of joy, sanity, and your very soul.
00:56Free from the corporate chains that buried him for so long, Akira decides to get busy
01:01living before the undead finish him off for good.
01:05First on the list?
01:06Quit his job in a way that's somehow quintessentially Japanese, and also uproariously gory.
01:21After formally resigning, Akira puts that rugby training to good use, and senses now
01:27zombified superior out the window to his second death.
01:32I Really Want To Stay At Your House – Cyberpunk Edgerunners
01:35There are no happy endings in Night City, only a flash of fame before it chews you up
01:41and spits you out.
01:42This is unfortunately the case for the likes of David, whose desire to escape the tragedy
01:47and poverty as a merc leads him to an early grave.
02:00Between the cyberpsychosis destroying his mind and the likes of the villainous Atom
02:04Smasher ripping his body apart piece by piece, it's a visceral end for such an endearing
02:11The only comfort is that he faced his bloody end with a smile, knowing that he had saved
02:15the love of his life.
02:28Death By Tractor – Shiki
02:35Rural life wasn't easy for Megumi.
02:37Dreaming of being a city girl while stuck in the sticks, she was often the subject of
02:43gossip and vitriol from the older generations.
02:46Throw in a one-sided crush and an unfortunate encounter with the local nest of vampires,
02:52and Megumi soon became a creature of the night.
02:55As if that wasn't cruel enough, her last-ditch effort to escape the countryside ends gruesomely
03:00as she is set upon by the locals.
03:03Instead of just staking her then and there, they decide to use a tractor wheel to end
03:07her undead life and cave her head in.
03:10Excessive much?
03:16Worm Food – Fate Zero
03:18The very idea of something as grotesque as crestworms existing as a means to control
03:23mana is nasty, especially when these little things are used to serve the hideous ambitions
03:29of Zouken Mato.
03:38Seeing a child forced to be submerged in a room filled with insects was bad enough, but
03:43then we got to see a broken carrier, who had given everything for his family, fall into
03:48them and promptly be devoured until nothing remains.
03:51We can see why people questioned if the Urobacha was even human when he penned this, because
03:57this is overwhelmingly bleak.
04:06A Goblin Greeting – Goblin Slayer
04:09If there's a goblin in anime, you can expect one or two outcomes.
04:13An addition to the cute waifu list, or some truly unpleasant results, this firmly falls
04:19into the latter.
04:31Unprepared for the depravity and deadliness of a goblin horde on their home turf, a group
04:36of wannabe adventurers promptly meet their end.
04:39They're either torn to pieces or suffer fates that we'd rather not go into detail
04:45bad end, so we can only assume someone rolled a critical one at some point.
04:56Face Off – Hellsing Ultimate
04:58We were never going to have any sympathy for Zorin.
05:01After all, when you work for the New Third Reich and a murder-happy psychopath, a sense
05:06of empathy goes out the window.
05:08But then she made things personal when she tortured and nearly ended the life of best
05:13girl Ceres.
05:14After blinding her, lopping off her limbs, killing her lover, as well as making her relive
05:19the day her parents were murdered, payback was overdue.
05:23Thankfully, after embracing her vampiric side, Ceres gets her revenge, by shredding Zorin's
05:29face against the side of the wall at supersonic speed.
05:33Yep, she's Alucard's underling, alright.
05:41Squashed – Chainsaw Man
05:43Denji certainly gets his fill of death over the course of his debut, often by ramming
05:48his inbuilt chainsaw blades into the hides of demons.
05:52But he's got nothing on the entrancing, yet equally terrifying Makima.
05:58After her units are set upon by Yakuza and demons alike, she sets about evening the score.
06:04By sacrificing a series of death row convicts, she's able to squash those trying to kidnap
06:10And that's no exaggeration.
06:12The would-be captors are instantly compressed until they are splattered across pavements.
06:17It's never been scarier to simp for a waifu.
06:24Jailbreak – Elfen Lied
06:26Having suffered under the human race for her entire childhood, Lucy decides that she's
06:31fresh out of mercy.
06:33Escaping her containment unit with ease, the Diclonius goes on a one-woman rampage, using
06:39her invisible vectors to cut apart everyone in her path.
06:50Bodies get sliced in half, hearts are launched out of their bodies, and plenty of heads are
06:55severed from shoulders.
06:57By the end of the gore-fest, it's hard to tell who was deserving and who was just caught
07:02in the crossfire.
07:03Either way, Lucy's debut came with quite the body pile.
07:13Disarmed – Ninja Scroll
07:15While we can't actually show you the results of this little violent act, rest assured,
07:20it's gnarly enough to warrant a spot.
07:22After all, it's one thing to showcase your demonic strength by ripping off a ninja's
07:27arms like they were paper, but to then guzzle down the blood afterwards?
07:33It's the kind of gratuitous violence that made this little animated flick such a standout
07:39back in the day.
07:40It doesn't take long for the likes of Tessai to meet his end, following his encounter with
07:44the film's lead ninja.
07:46But there is no forgetting such a savage introduction.
07:54Goodbye, Miki – Devilman Crybaby
07:57This one still hurts.
07:59After the world goes crazy upon discovering that demons exist, plenty of innocents become
08:04casualties along the way, including Miki.
08:07After trying to defend her beloved half-demon love interest, Akira, online, she becomes
08:12the subject of a targeted attack.
08:15And with her beau away, there's no one to protect her from a grisly end.
08:20Seeing her get stabbed is bad enough, but when Akira returns to find her decapitated
08:25with her limbs being paraded around on sticks, it's a lot to take in.
08:35To the extent that you're tempted to think that maybe humanity deserves to get incinerated.
08:49Plant-Based Diet – Yu Yu Hakusho
08:52Ironically, this demonic greenery is anything but a vegetarian.
09:08On the contrary, once Kurama plants its seed, the ojiki's vines begin to feast upon Kurasu
09:14like he's dinner.
09:16The messy eaters start with his chest, and then dine their way from the inside out.
09:27The imagery of the vines piercing his body is gruesome enough, but the sickening sound
09:32effects are sure to make anyone reach for the mute button too.
09:36The only mercy is that Kurasu's heart was the first course, meaning he didn't have
09:40to suffer for very long.
09:42Unfortunately, the same can't be said for those who had to watch him turn into lunch.
09:53Fleshed Out – Akira
10:02When Tetsuo's power became too much for his body to endure, it expanded into a grotesque
10:07mass of fat that consumed everything in its path.
10:10And unfortunately, Kaori got caught in the carnage.
10:13In terms of sheer creativity, death by a mass of flesh is pretty high on the list.
10:19In fact, it's so out there that it's hard to imagine just how horrifying it would be.
10:23But no worries, Akira's sublime production values leave little to the imagination.
10:29Now, it's hard to say if that's for better or for worse, especially for viewers with
10:40particularly weak stomachs.
10:42Either way, Kaori's final spine-tingling scream confirms at least one thing – it
10:47didn't feel nice.
10:56Goes Down – The End of Evangelion
11:10It's honestly kind of impressive that a lance to the face isn't even the worst part
11:14of Asuka's end.
11:15Nope, somehow it only gets worse from there.
11:18The spear served her up on a silver platter for the other Evas, who proceeded to tear
11:23into her with animalistic brutality.
11:34As no sugarcoating it, watching Asuka of all people be eaten alive is just downright haunting.
11:40It's doubly gruesome, since the Eva's neural controls mean she can feel every last
11:44bit of pain, but do nothing to stop it.
11:47After the unimaginable suffering she endured, it's nothing but a kindness when she's
11:52finally put out of her misery.
12:04The Apostles' Offerings – Berserk
12:17It's almost poetic that a character named Guts got a front-row seat to a whole lot of
12:22the actual stuff.
12:23Most of it comes during the Eclipse, where Griffith's meddling branded the entire Band
12:27of the Hawk as sacrificial lambs.
12:40The warriors don't go down without a fight, but in the end, their demented deaths are
12:45still anything but respectable.
12:47And that's putting it nicely.
12:48Whether by dismemberment or a devouring, the gods and apostles dispose of all of Guts'
12:54crew in exceedingly vile fashion.
12:57At a certain point, it's so excessive that the only way to accurately describe it is
13:01as a straight bloodbath.
13:10Rabbit Food – ReZero Startin' Life in Another World
13:16Compared to bloodthirsty monsters and grisly rituals, a pack of bunny-looking mabeasts
13:27may not seem all that threatening.
13:29Or at least, that's what Subaru thought.
13:31What he didn't realise was that this breed eats more than just lettuce and carrots.
13:41Let's just say that by the time Subaru realised what's really on the menu, the creatures
13:46had already stained their fur red.
13:48And with so many of them rabid for a bite, they ended up completely cleaning their plate
13:53It's a good thing that Subaru can respawn and redeem himself, because death by bunny
13:58isn't just painful, it's also pretty embarrassing.
14:12Skip a Beat – Jujutsu Kaisen
14:26minds in a single body is already cramped, let alone when one's an all-powerful cursed
14:32So, to make some room inside Yuji, Sukuna decided to rip out some unnecessary organs,
14:38like his heart.
14:39It's a nasty surgery, yes, but it definitely proved that Sukuna wasn't messing around.
14:44Admirably, that didn't stop Yuji from wrestling control of his body back, even though it meant
14:49his immediate death.
15:03This isn't the first time a character's died from a broken heart, but it's probably
15:07the only one to do it so literally.
15:09Thankfully, a quick deal with Sukuna meant this wouldn't be the last we'd see of
15:14Yuji Itadori.
15:27Down the Drain – Dragon Ball Z
15:40High body counts are nothing new to anime villains, but as opposed to blowing up cities
15:49or defeating enemies, Cell took a more creative approach to his death tally.
15:54That being drinking people's insides.
15:56Truly, there may not be anything quite as nasty as when Piccolo first realises that
16:13Cell's tale isn't just for show.
16:16After all, with that one moment, Dragon Ball Z went from an action shounen to a full-blown
16:20horror film.
16:21Cell's rampage is disturbing in so many ways that it's hard to decide what's worse,
16:26having your insides drained or having to bury the half-melted husks that are left behind.
16:48Top of the Class – Dead Man Wonderland
16:51On an average day, in an average room, Gunter is having an incredibly average lesson.
17:03Then suddenly, he sees a man in the window, and the next thing he knows, he's the only
17:08one left with a pulse.
17:19The sheer abruptness of it all is exacerbated by how appalling some of the remains are.
17:24Gunter may not remember how any of it went down, but he doesn't have to – the end
17:28result is telling enough.
17:30In fact, it's just remarkable he managed to keep his lunch down.
17:34Following that line of thought, his selective amnesia might actually be a blessing in disguise.
17:46Out of Her Mind – Higurashi, When They Cry
17:57Apparently the cure for a splitting headache is rest, lots of water, and going at your
18:02skull with a butcher knife.
18:04Though, full disclosure, that last one only works for Rika, whose home remedy leaves her
18:09with more than just a few light stitches.
18:11And just to prove this is really her end, the camera doesn't point away from any of
18:21Look, Higurashi isn't exactly known for being kid-friendly, but the absolute gratuitousness
18:31in this moment is simply in a league of its own.
18:34In the end, it is somewhat ironic that the show's most stomach-churning death comes
18:39from Rika getting her own blood on her hands.
18:52Parasol Takedown – Another
19:03They say opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck, but something tells us that was the
19:07very least of Yukari's worries here.
19:10After learning about a curse that will claim her and the rest of her pals, she understandably
19:14tries to make a break for it.
19:17Unfortunately, despite Yukari's best efforts, all this death omen needs is stairs and something
19:23The rest comes down to gravity.
19:29Without getting too graphic, the result is something that looks more like a shish kebab
19:34than a real person.
19:35At least it was a relatively quick death, because based on the mess it left behind,
19:40it won't be as fast of a clean-up.
19:52Man-Eating Ants – Overlord
19:58That moment when getting destroyed by a talking skeleton with a god complex is the preferable
20:04way to jump off the mortal coil.
20:06Setting up for an intricate series of traps for a group of thieves to encounter, one unfortunate
20:12group found themselves against a follower of Ainzal Goan with a particularly large family.
20:26And by that, we mean a flood of carnivorous ants that proceed to drown the thieves into
20:32what we imagine is a slow and painful death.
20:44Skinned by Demons – The Iidaten Deities Know Only Peace
20:57On reflection, Miku really did carry the entire demon race throughout their war with the Iidaten
21:02– all with her genius power plays, even if all of them were saturated in debauchery
21:07of some kind.
21:09In this instance, she found the perfect host her race could use for both shelter and anonymity
21:14– who just happened to be a NEET.
21:25Bad enough that they killed her just to use her online identity and apartment as a base
21:30of operations, but to skin her face and use it as a disguise certainly makes you think
21:35about perhaps turning off the monitor and getting some sunshine.
21:44Blood Sacrifice – The Rising of the Shield Hero
21:47Who knew that watching the Pope get torn and dragged into oblivion would be so cathartic?
21:59Corrupt priest, Naofumi is forced to go all out in order to protect his party, as well
22:04as the useless cardinal heroes.
22:07What could be stronger than a false divine weapon?
22:09In the case of Shield Bro, he digs deep and unleashes a spell of such intensity that it
22:15leaves him saturated in wounds.
22:23But the payoff proves to be worth it, since it summons a whole lot of teeth to chew the
22:28faith and flesh out of all Biscus T. Balmus.
22:40Muzan's Purge – Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba
22:53Turns out that even cannibalistic monsters have it rough, especially when their upper
22:58management is this sadistic.
23:00Aggravated that the lower moons have failed to dispense any Hashira, Muzan decides to
23:05reprimand his forces by tearing them into pieces.
23:19No matter how much they plead, beg, bargain or run, their boss shows no mercy, chomping
23:24them down with his pet.
23:28The thing has a thirst for demon blood.
23:31Unless you've got a sadomasochistic streak like Enmu, there's no escaping Muzan's
23:35personal brand of punishment.
23:44Eaten by Titans – Attack on Titan
23:46There's no shortage of Survey Corps members who have met their end courtesy of being digested
23:59by a Titan.
24:01But the most gruesome example of this by far is Miike, who made the fatal mistake of tangoing
24:06with the Beast Titan.
24:17Instead of simply crushing him then and there, Zeke decides it would be better to let a horde
24:22of Titans feast on Miike like a breakfast buffet.
24:26Death by giant humanoid may be common in this series, but this is by far one of the most
24:31uncomfortable examples.
24:45Eaten by Cats – The Ancient Magus Bride
24:58Drama can be pretty bloody when it wants to be.
25:01Beyond desperate to find a cure for his dying beloved, Matthew accepts the assistance of
25:06the malicious Joseph, who instructs him to fashion a cure by killing dozens upon dozens
25:12of cats.
25:13As a result, Matthew becomes a kitty serial killer.
25:17Not only is this horrendous, but it proves utterly fruitless when said cure proves to
25:22be a dud.
25:29Matthew doesn't have a lot of time to dwell on his grief, however, as the remaining cats
25:34band together and get their revenge, one bite at a time.
25:48Eaten by Frogs – JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean
26:02How can a scene feel so fitting and yet so out of place at the same time?
26:07It can only be JoJo.
26:09With Jolene moments from death after one of Poochie's minions guns her down, where the
26:14report comes in clutch to save his new friend by creating a storm with the power of his
26:21And not just any storm, one that rains poisonous frogs like it's going out of season.
26:32The henchman definitely gets the worst of it, since exposure to so much toxin causes
26:38him to swell, bloat and ultimately expire.
26:41But that's what you get for shooting best girl.
26:53Bondrewd's Cartridges – Made in Abyss, Dawn of the Deep Soul
27:05The Sovereign of the Dawn has a nasty track record when it comes to the torture of young
27:11He turned Meaty into a sentient blob of flesh, traumatised Nanachi by making her assist with
27:17his experiments and his crowning achievement killing his own daughter and turning her into
27:22a literal tool.
27:28We're not sure what's more sickening, that he procedurally reduced her until she
27:35was nothing but liquid ooze inside of a cartridge, or that he felt that deconstructing Pooch
27:41in itself was an act of love.
27:53Acid Spray – Dead Man Wonderland
28:04When you're trapped in a prison that looks like a theme park, everything's on the table
28:08as far as danger and death go.
28:10That apparently includes robots that spit acid.
28:13In a bid to escape Dead Man Wonderland, Ganta and the rest infiltrate deeper and deeper
28:19into the belly of the complex.
28:29Which is made all the worse due to them being hunted by a tank that drowns its targets in
28:35acid that can instantly turn them to mulch.
28:38Well, we know where the prison's budget went.
28:49Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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29:06Drained of Juices – The Island of Giant Insects
29:09Ugh, why do we have to keep revisiting this cesspool?
29:19Death by giant bugs is already all kinds of gross, but when it has a pivvy edge to it,
29:25that's when it becomes truly vile.
29:27Located on an island where giant-sized insects roam free, one unlucky student meets their
29:32maker when an enlarged butterfly latches on and drains her of all her fluids.
29:46Even with terrible CGI, the visuals are enough to make you gag.
29:50Will someone please just nuke this island already?
29:58Which of these deaths made you switch over to watching a slice of life?
30:02Let us know in those comments below.