• 2 months ago
A temporary village has been established on Malibu’s Zuma Beach, housing 5,000 firefighters from across North America as they battle severe fires in Los Angeles. The camp, equipped with trailers and tents, provides essential services including meals prepared by inmates and emotional support from therapy dogs. Firefighters from various regions, including a contingent from Mexico, prepare for their daily shifts amid dangerous winds, tackling new outbreaks and containing ongoing blazes. Despite the challenging conditions, the camaraderie and support within the camp help sustain the firefighters during this critical disaster response effort.

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00:23Good to see you.
00:36You come here for feeding and then after feeding will be briefing and
00:38then you'll get your assignments and go out on the line.
00:53I don't I don't calorie count, but I would say we just eat whenever we
01:12can because we never know when we're going to have to go up there and
01:15bite a fire start a line or something like that.
01:18So you just keep trying to eat throughout the day for 24 hours around
01:23number two.
01:53we brew probably close to about 300 400 gallons of coffee a day.
02:11So we start at 12 midnight and we end at 12 in the afternoon and this
02:17coffee machine right here doesn't stop brewing until then.
02:20It's an honor and a privilege to be here.
02:22You don't serve in the community paying my debt to society just giving
02:27back to the people, you know of the community that's lost a lot.
02:31It's pretty nice.
02:33Just an honor.
02:34I mean like we're in prison and we're in Malibu and we're on the beach
02:38serving our time with Jake.
02:50Come on.
03:00Come on.
04:00Okay, have a good day.
04:20Watch out for rocks.
04:23Some days are harder than others.
04:30After the first day many people that I've known for a long time and
04:34base camp barely recognized me.
04:36My phone didn't recognize me to turn on just dirty tired.
04:39But today will be not so bad.
04:41Steep a good hike, but we'll pace ourselves and drink lots of water and
04:46be ready for a long haul of work here and the next fire, but it's January.
04:51We're not supposed to be the fires in January.
04:53Yeah, not impressive.
04:54Just the damages are above and beyond just the scope and scale of all the homes.
05:01We lost a lot of homes and many other fires in California, but
05:04not from what I've seen to this level in a small area, you know,
05:09the other fires are so much bigger.
05:10They cover a vast area and a lot of homes, but just in a very compressed area.
05:16It's a lot.
05:17What is
06:17They should have to be on time.
06:47And this is my home for the night.
07:05So keeping here is pretty nice.
07:14You get to hear the ocean waves at night.
07:17It's kind of like a little bit of white noise and everything.
07:20You got a nice cool breeze going on.
07:22So sleep's been pretty fun here.
07:31Don't miss out.
07:32Log on to OneIndia.com for more updates.
