• 2 months ago
नूंह में करीब 3 हजार हेक्टेयर भूमि में पीला सोना यानी सरसों की फसल लगी हुई है. किसानों को सिर्फ बरसात का इंतजार है.


00:26and what is the recognition of quality?
00:29In district 9, in this season,
00:32around 30,000 hectares of mustard has been planted.
00:36And as far as quality is concerned,
00:39in any oil-based crop,
00:42the most important thing about quality is
00:45the size of the seed and the quantity of oil in it.
00:50And the size of the seed is of the highest quality in Haryana.
00:55The main reason for this is that
00:58in district 9, the quantity of sulphur is many times more than required.
01:04And the soil with good sulphur content
01:07will increase the quantity of oil and the size of the seed.
01:11That is why in our district,
01:13both quality and quantity of mustard are good.
01:16What about rainfall?
01:19As far as rainfall is concerned,
01:22it will not have a negative impact on the crop.
01:24It will have a positive impact on the crop.
01:27There are 2-3 areas where only rain-fed crops are grown.
01:31For example, Naginna-Firozpur, which is a part of Pinangua.
01:35And the rainfall there will affect the crop
01:39and ultimately will increase the production.
01:43What is your name?
01:45My name is Sarjeet Khan.
01:47You have planted 10 acres of mustard.
01:49What would you like to say?
01:52I have planted 10 acres of mustard.
01:55I have planted 8 acres of wheat and 2 acres of mustard.
01:59Both are good crops.
02:02How have you harvested the mustard?
02:05The second highest quantity of mustard is harvested in Mewat, Haryana.
02:08Mewat has the highest quantity of mustard?
02:10Yes, Mewat has the highest quantity of mustard.
02:12Is there any loss in the crop?
02:14So far, there has been no loss.
02:16The rainfall that has happened before,
02:18is better than before.
02:20What kind of crop is this?
02:22If there had been more mustard,
02:24there would have been a lot of loss.
02:26Now, there are a lot of mustard flowers.
02:28Because of the flowers, the crop has increased.
02:30What kind of crop is this?
02:32If God wills, if the weather remains like this,
02:36then we will have a very good crop.
02:38How beautiful does it look?
02:41It looks very beautiful.
