• 2 months ago
00:00Victor Hovland. Do you see that double pump driver move?
00:03It's sick.
00:05It's so sick.
00:06I it's just the the ability to kind of stop it and reload it
00:10and hit it.
00:11So what I read and maybe again, this is another thing you can
00:14expound on a little bit for people who want a deeper level
00:17of understanding was just that for guys a natural cutter of
00:20the golf ball.
00:20He said he likes to use it when he wants to work the ball
00:23right to left.
00:24Can you explain that a little more detail?
00:27Well, just thinking about his risk mechanics.
00:29He's also a huge flexion guy.
00:31Like he gets that left hand here, right?
00:33It like he gets it.
00:34Actually, the club is very vertical and then in transition.
00:38He just creates so much that clubhead just goes straight
00:42inside which is sick for me.
00:45My I don't have the right most impossible to do.
00:47I don't have the right risk mechanics to do that because I
00:49have more copy with my left wrist, which why I'm a good
00:52wedge player, but also struggle with driving the ball.
00:55But yeah, it's cool.
00:57Imagine it.
00:57He probably has to feel that to just not rotate too soon out
01:02of the top.
01:03So it almost like makes you pause to stop and then it's
01:06like, all right, there goes the club and it kind of maybe
01:09just makes you slow down a little bit.
01:12Also from the Victor Hovland files big win for CSI TSS as we
01:17were correct.
01:18We recreated the crime scene properly.
01:22It was like we I think everybody knew everything everybody
01:24knew it was pretty obvious.
01:26But just nice to be right on that one.
01:27We're pending confirmation from Scotty Scheffler on the
01:30recreation of that crime scene, but good to be right on at
01:33least one of those.
01:34Yeah, I would say to like with Victor Holland and I know
01:37you're probably about to get into this with Joe Mayo in the
01:40split with him and his coach.
01:41That's something that took us all a little bit by surprise
01:45because we kind of felt like the second half of the year was
01:48like, okay, Victor understands what he's doing again with
01:50this golf swing.
01:52He's back with his coach.
01:53Chipping wasn't great during that time.
01:55So we expected just a bounce back here and I think we talked
01:58about it before the week and I think that pump drill that
02:02we're talking about just a moment ago.
02:05I really feel like he hasn't done that in quite some time.
02:08So there must be something from an ownership standpoint that
02:12he's like, you know what?
02:13I know what I did when I was playing.
02:15Well, I know he probably goes back to even as US amateur days
02:20when he was playing at Pebble Beach and we won one out there
02:22and what his golf swing looked like then what his feels were
02:25players don't forget what their feels are when they're playing
02:29really well.
02:30And so most likely and similar to a guy like Justin Thomas
02:33who's, you know, not you really hardly using any coaches.
02:36He's just trying to take ownership of what he does.
02:38Yes, he can bounce ideas off of people.
02:41And I honestly I think that's best for Victor.
02:43Like he's he's seen enough coaches to this point.
02:46Go play the golf that you know to play and just remember those
02:49feels and then just try to simplify the game.
02:52Well, and that's exactly where I was hoping to head next and
02:55I want to kind of further that question a little bit from a
02:58bigger picture perspective because he said in an interview
03:01that the desire to split from from Joe Mayo was was mainly to
03:04own his own swing, right?
03:06And so just a question from a fan perspective doesn't
03:09understand the ins and outs of, you know, playing at a tour
03:12level and what it's like to have a coach at that level.
03:17Can you explain a little bit of just the spectrum that tour
03:21pros live on from, you know, the difference between a guy who
03:24needs a coach to be there with him all the time, you know,
03:28deep in the weeds in the minutiae and a guy that wants
03:30to be more like, let's say Victor Hovland or Justin Thomas
03:33and kind of own it on his own.
03:34Like, well, yeah, explain the psyche of those two different
03:37types of players.
03:38You've heard of I thought wills out to us was a good example
03:41of this this week is
03:43he has got off to a really good start at 60
03:4663 or 8 under his first round.
03:48However, manner that is 73 throws me off 65
03:5265 70 65 73 got off to a good start.
03:55And in the interview with Todd Lewis thought was interesting
03:57is that he was basically saying that last year, you know, he
04:02working too much on his golf swing trying to find and and
04:06perfect something that
04:08is normally a strength of his and he was
04:10hitting too many balls wearing himself out.
04:13And I think his goal heading into the year was just to be
04:16ready when he got here to be able to just go play golf.
04:19That's when he plays his best.
04:20So I think it's an understanding for most players
04:23of what do I need from myself my coaches to play the best that
04:28I can do.
04:29I need more information.
04:30Do I need less?
04:31And I think Willie Z is a great example.
04:33I was that way too.
04:35And when I really got off is when I started over practicing
04:37trying to perfect something or find something and sometimes
04:41you got to do it.
04:43Hey, listen,
04:44the the prescription from your from your doctor or coaches.
04:48Hey, you got to go find it in the dirt.
04:50And sometimes you can get worse doing it.
04:52But a lot of times good players can go back and find one or two
04:56fields that they can really just groove in and and put the
04:59refs in and the amount of time and effort.
05:01They need to over it.
