• 2 months ago
Justin Baldoni's lawyer says Blake Lively's publicist is "dead in the water" because he has evidence of her alleged smear campaign against him ... but TMZ knows A LOT about how publicists work in Hollywood, and we made it clear ... the smear goes both ways.


00:00You are about to file a lawsuit against Blake's publicist, Leslie Sloan.
00:09Are we correct?
00:10And if so, is it a similar allegation to the New York Times case?
00:14She'll definitely be sued.
00:16There's no question about that.
00:17I mean, it's just a matter of when and for what and whether she's included with others
00:22or not.
00:23And frankly, you know, I'm not going to, I'm not prepared to give up our legal strategy,
00:28but you can rest assured that based on the investigation we've done, the text messages
00:33we have, the receipts that'll go along with that complaint.
00:38She's dead in the water.
00:39I get the allegation.
00:41I really do understand that.
00:43But when it comes to publicists trying to manage a story, plant a story, skew a story,
00:51kill a story, we've seen that from every publicist in this town.
00:56So I don't understand why this case is different.
00:59I think you'd have to ask Blake Lively and her people, because they're the ones that
01:03started this case.
01:04And they started this case by claiming there was a smear campaign.
01:08And what I'm about to show everyone, frankly, are the receipts that show it's not a smear
01:15As a matter of fact, the smear campaign was started by Leslie Sloan and Stephanie Jones.
01:21And it's all right there for everyone to see.
01:23Both sides tried to skew this story, because we've been on the recipient end of that.
01:29Justin's team, Blake's team.
01:31We're on that receiving end.
01:32We've seen it.
01:33So that's the part I don't get.
01:36Well, I'd say this, Harvey, you know, you just kind of made yourself a witness.
01:41So what I would say is save the receipts.
01:44Well, that's OK.
01:45I'm OK with that, because I can talk about things that Blake's team did to him and things
01:49that Justin's team did to Blake.
01:52I can talk about both.
01:53You might be an expert witness, actually, because you've been doing it for so long.
01:58Because it sounds like something that we've seen.
02:00We have seen.
02:01For 19 years, Brian, that publicists, that's what they do.
02:06They create smear campaigns.
02:08Is that what they do?
02:09They do.
02:10I mean, Brian, that doesn't mean we buy it.
02:13But yes, and it's happened on both sides in the Blake Lively-Justin Baldoni war.
02:20Both sides.
02:21So that's good to know.
02:23But we'll see what the documents actually say, because that's what we have are documents.
02:29Documents actually don't lie.
02:30People do.
02:32And it's important that everyone sees all of the documents that are involved in the
02:36case, because there are people that have been destroyed as a result of the allegations that
02:42have been made so far in this case.
