• 2 months ago
👉 Los incendios han devastado varias áreas residenciales en California, incluyendo Santa Mónica, Malibú, Pacific Palisades y San Francisco. Se ha emitido una orden de evacuación para cerca de 40,000 personas. La mayoría de estos incendios son causados por accidentes humanos o negligencia. En medio de una crisis climática y sequía, estos focos se expanden rápidamente. El experto Hernán Giardini, jefe de campaña de Bosques Greenpeace, señaló la necesidad urgente de abandonar los combustibles fósiles y detener la deforestación para prevenir futuros desastres similares.

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00:00A relentless wind and the fire that sweeps a good part of the various counties of California,
00:16already accessing houses directly, houses, look, houses in different areas of Santa
00:25Mónica, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, some of the most emblematic places, if you want,
00:33of the beaches, precisely Californianas, which look like this,
00:40on fire and obviously with its inhabitants who had to leave, there is an evacuation order
00:46for about 40,000 people in that one of the most populated states of the United States,
00:54images that were recording the desperation of the families to see the flames of fire that
01:00were already practically entering their homes, they had to go with the opposite,
01:05trying to take their pets, trying to take as little as possible from them,
01:10and that for now the information that is known is that from the authorities it has been decided to
01:19declare the state of emergency because the flames are advancing in an uncontrolled way,
01:26it is very difficult to try to put out this fire, these fires that started in the last
01:34hours, we are in telephone communication with Hernán Giardini, he is part, sorry, of Zoom,
01:41with Hernán Giardini, who is part of the Greenpeace Argentina forest campaign, Hernán,
01:47what can this mean for an area like California in terms of its forests,
01:54what can this mean and why does it end up happening? Good morning, good morning, yes, of course
02:01it is a complex situation because it is affecting housing and obviously a situation of evacuation
02:07as you pointed out, already affected more than 1,300 hectares in a short time, five
02:14football fields, well obviously they are aggravated by the climate crisis that is already
02:19showing us some of the consequences, high temperatures, in general it is a combination
02:25so that a fire or a focus expands, there is a rule that is usually used from 30 to 30 to 30,
02:32which is basically temperatures above 30 degrees, winds also above 30 kilometers per hour
02:39and low humidity, less than 30 percent. When these conditions occur, many times some
02:46focuses that many times have to do with human responsibility, because more than 90%
02:51of fires start in the focus due to an accident situation, intentionality, a lot of
02:57negligence, many times and in a situation of climate crisis and drought like the one we are
03:02experiencing in general, it can obviously generate a situation of expansion of any focus,
03:07as we are also experiencing at the moment in Patagonia, where we have
03:11fires, for example in the National Park in Alín, in the National Park in Agüeyhuapi, that is, there are
03:16situations that are repeated year after year and that are aggravated by the climate crisis.
03:21Of course, you point out this item, the climate crisis or climate change as we want to call it,
03:28generates these fires, produces this type of phenomenon that perhaps at other times are
03:35more balanced or have more temporality in the medium, more time windows, at this
03:41moment the truth is that this situation, that is, Hollywood has generated sci-fi movies
03:48and there are apocalypses and these are living in reality, you say that there is a link, I do not know if
03:58direct, but if a collateral effect of this. Yes, yes, there is a direct link with respect to a
04:05obviously clear increase in temperatures, extreme temperatures at many times,
04:09much more intense summer, situations in which the periods of drought are also added,
04:16they are being more recurrent, with which that also contributes to the vegetation being, we could say,
04:22more suitable to spread in front of any focus, that forces us at all levels, at national levels,
04:29at provincial levels, in this case of the United States, also to have much more
04:33prevention capacity, the ability to act quickly to the focus, when it is not acted quickly,
04:41when it is not possible to stop the fire focus quickly and in that you need brigadiers and
04:46obviously infrastructure both at the air and land level, when you can't attack it
04:53quickly, a fire that expands very well in high proportions, what is sought is to contain it
04:59so that it affects as little as possible, but then finally to put it out, many times it is the
05:04lack of fuel, it can be the houses themselves or the forest and obviously the rains, the same
05:10is happening today in Patagonia, where there is an attempt to contain a fire that has already been
05:14a couple of weeks in a strong way in the National Park Nahuel Guapi and that is difficult to
05:20contain because at the time it could not be put out to the first focus, which in that case had been
05:25due to a storm, but many of the fires that are taking place in Patagonia have to do with
05:28human activities, badly lit bonfires, badly lit roasts, and obviously also sometimes
05:33intentionality. Yes, tourism that unfortunately does not help, or the people themselves, that, well,
05:39local I mean that, as you say, out there due to a carelessness, although they know that it is a
05:46very, very easy area, very prone to fire, it does not do things as it should, and the centrality
05:54of this, of trying to have measures here in Argentina, but in the United States as well,
05:59where we see that unfortunately the situation is out of control. Hernán, thank you very much for
06:05your time and for the clarity in the concepts to help us understand what impact there is on the
06:11climate crisis in the face of these disasters that we are observing. Yes, above all thanks, we can
06:16change it, obviously we need to abandon fossil fuels, we need to stop deforestation,
06:21that is, countries in the long term or in the medium term can do a lot and if we are not going to have
06:26unfortunately the repetition of these phenomena. That's right, thank you very much Hernán.
06:31More information now, but after the break, very briefly, we are coming.
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