• 2 months ago
While speaking with KROQ host Megan Holiday backstage in the Artist Lounge, The Smashing Pumpkins members were asked how they each keep their personal mental health grounded these days as the world sometimes feel like it’s turning into chaos.


00:00How do you all keep your mental health grounded these days as the world turns in chaos sometimes?
00:08What do you do to make sure that your head's on straight?
00:10Well, I write depressing records, so let's get that out of the way.
00:14How about you?
00:16I've started following different kinds of sports.
00:20I've been following the NBA now more lately.
00:24Was that not like you?
00:27I like baseball a lot, but now I'm just getting into all sports.
00:31I'm just going to stop looking at the news.
00:34It's a good idea.
00:35It's a great idea.
00:37I jump on my Ducati.
00:40Done and done.
00:41You're a motorcycle guy.
00:42I like the plug.
00:43That was a good plug.
00:44Our friends at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health are all about hope, recovery,
00:48and well-being, and they're here for all of us.
00:50Get emotional support, service referrals, and crisis counseling simply by calling their
00:5524-7 helpline at 1-800-854-7771, or for more information, visit www.dmh.lacounty.gov.
