• 2 months ago
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment dorloter vos animaux de compagnie avec style ? 🐕🐈 Nous avons créé une petite maison confortable rien que pour eux ! Regardez cette vidéo pendant que nous partageons les astuces pour animaux de compagnie les plus mignonnes, les gadgets incontournables et des façons amusantes de faire en sorte que vos amis à quatre pattes se sentent aimés. ❤️🐾

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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00Ah, ah, ah.
00:03That looks delicious.
00:04Nom, nom, nom.
00:06It's the best meal of my life.
00:07Nom, nom, nom.
00:08Hey, that's my food.
00:11No, that was my food.
00:15I'm going to teach you how to steal food from poor animals at home.
00:18Take that!
00:19You like that?
00:21What do you want from me?
00:24What do you think?
00:25A house?
00:26That's doable.
00:28Ha ha!
00:29I just have to make a project.
00:32Why isn't this thing working?
00:35It's finally sunny.
00:40Great idea!
00:41Give me a hand!
00:42Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh!
00:46That's exactly what I need.
00:48I'll build you a house.
00:50I'll even give you my favorite box for that.
00:53It's going to be even more comfortable.
00:55First, let's glue this.
00:58It's going to look like a forest!
01:01You're going to feel like you're at home!
01:04Great! I'm so awesome!
01:06And now you're going to have your little terrier.
01:09Mmm, not bad!
01:11I'm going to add some hay so you can stay warm.
01:14Here's your favorite wheel!
01:16Of course, don't forget the water and food.
01:19Ah, I heard you love hay!
01:21So, what do you think?
01:24Huh? Where am I?
01:26It's so scary!
01:28Can I hide somewhere?
01:30Actually, it's not that bad.
01:32It smells good around here.
01:36Hey, I really like this place!
01:39It's this big, scary human who did this for me!
01:42This wheel is so cool!
01:44Ah, one service against another.
01:46Where are you going, little guy?
01:48Huh? Where is he?
01:49Huh? Where is he?
01:55Help! Help me!
01:57What are you doing here?
02:01Don't run away from home, okay?
02:05This is torture!
02:07When was the last time you washed your pants?
02:09Animals are so cute!
02:11Hmm, what else can I do?
02:13Let's see what's hiding here.
02:15Oh, I know what I'm going to do with this!
02:19This table is cool,
02:21but it's a bit empty, isn't it?
02:23I have to decorate it!
02:25What do we have here?
02:29Aha! I found it!
02:31It's a good plan to have fishing friends!
02:34I can finally use their gift!
02:37Let's create a mini pool here.
02:40H2O, let's just add some water.
02:43Welcome to your new home, my little fish!
02:46What's going on?
02:47What's going on?
02:49Is this our new home?
02:51It's been a long time, buddy!
02:53And now, get out of there!
02:55Ah, I can finally swim in peace!
02:58This idiot was going to push me all the way here!
03:00Hey, this new pool is not bad at all!
03:02Look at them!
03:04Wow, they look so happy!
03:08Look at this!
03:10Huh? Wait a second!
03:12I have an idea!
03:14Let's go!
03:17That's exactly what I need!
03:19I'm going to use these chopsticks
03:21to make an anchor for a rabbit!
03:23Don't do this at home!
03:25I'm a pro!
03:27Well, almost!
03:29And now, the paint!
03:31Ah, the sky blue!
03:33It's my favorite color!
03:35Let's see...
03:37I know what's missing!
03:39I have to put some gray everywhere!
03:41This door is too big!
03:43It's big enough for a rabbit, isn't it?
03:45Let's hope it works!
03:47The final touches!
03:51Here we go!
03:53I'm laughing!
03:55I still have to decorate the inside, don't I?
03:57I'm going to build a little niche for him!
03:59Thank you, Mr. Hammer!
04:01And now, it's time to do what I prefer!
04:04Add colors!
04:08It's so awesome!
04:10Ok, the anchor is blue,
04:12so I'm going to put some paint...
04:13Ah, I know!
04:15Orange will be perfect!
04:17These two colors always go well together!
04:19A few more colors...
04:24Now it's really nice!
04:26Well done, Justin!
04:28But we also need some walls for the mini-niche, don't we?
04:30Let's go!
04:32One second...
04:34I don't think I need it...
04:38That's exactly what I wanted!
04:40Now, a little magic...
04:42Let's hope it works!
04:47It's my favorite thing!
04:51Now, let's put this here...
04:53Let's put it all together...
04:55Rabbits love hay too!
04:57It's raining croquettes!
05:01I'd love to see burgers falling from the sky like that!
05:03I'm adding details...
05:07And more food...
05:09And of course, the roof!
05:14A soft roof, like my bunny!
05:16No need to worry about the weather...
05:18Even if you already live inside...
05:20Whatever, let's go!
05:22So, what do you think?
05:24Wow! You did all this?
05:26I think I underestimated you!
05:28But really! Wow!
05:30There's enough food for all my little kids!
05:32And I have lots of croquettes!
05:35Oh, poor Evie...
05:37Are you sick?
05:39I'll take care of you!
05:49You're sick!
05:51I have to build you a house!
05:53I assure you, it's all because of the weather!
05:55But I'm here for you!
05:57Let's see...
05:59Aha! I know!
06:01We need this!
06:03Don't worry, my friends!
06:05My house will soon be full of your houses!
06:09Now that we have a base,
06:11let's add windows!
06:13Great! The walls are ready!
06:15It's time to paint all this!
06:17Ah! Do you want to choose the color?
06:20Hmm... Let me think...
06:22It's a decision not to take lightly...
06:24So, I choose a basic color!
06:28Let's inhale some toxins!
06:30Ah! It's so bad for your health!
06:32And let's go! Let's paint!
06:34Finally, it's not bad anymore!
06:36Because now we can choose
06:37any color for the roof!
06:39Hmm... What should I...
06:41Huh? What do you think?
06:45Ok! Let's go for red!
06:47Oh! It's so cute!
06:49It's already so pretty!
06:51We just need a bed!
06:53Ah! Perfect!
06:55Let's add your name!
06:57Ready for the result?
06:59Ah! Evie!
07:01What? It's already done?
07:03Give it to me!
07:05Great! She liked it!
07:11Oh! Someone sneezed!
07:13You need to take your temperature!
07:16Oh! My pretty kitty!
07:18You're my favorite kitty!
07:20Stop touching me!
07:22Oh! I'm leaving!
07:24Ah! She loves me! I can see it!
07:26I have to build something for her!
07:28Let's start with a super cool tower!
07:30It's the first time I build something like this!
07:32I hope I'll do it well!
07:34I'm going to build a kind of cushion at the top,
07:36a beautiful golden decoration,
07:38the cats should live like kings!
07:40Help! Help me!
07:44Don't move!
07:48Phew! Finally!
07:50Oh! It's you!
07:52I'm going to build you a real queen's room!
07:54Here's a ladder, so you can climb easier!
07:58It's done!
08:00What do you think, Minou?
08:02What is this thing?
08:03You woke me up for this?
08:05I'm leaving!
08:07Oh! She's so nice!
08:10Where did she go?
08:14Oh! I love this house!
08:16I love this box!
08:18I'm going to move here!
08:20Oh! I love you!
08:22Let me go! Don't touch me!
08:24Kitty! Kitty!
08:26I warned you!
08:28What happened?
08:30Why was she so mean?
08:33I have to build something for her!
08:35Ah! Ah!
08:37Maybe she'll be nicer!
08:39OK, let's start with this!
08:41This tube is so cool!
08:45Great! That's exactly what I need!
08:47Look! Another magic trick I learned at school!
08:49Not bad, huh?
08:51Great! The claw machine is ready!
08:53Maybe she'll stop clawing me!
08:55Let's see the result!
08:58Another one of your bad inventions?
09:00Not bad!
09:02Sometimes you're a little less disappointing than usual, human!
09:04To thank you, I'm going to make my claws on all your furniture!
09:09There are everywhere!
09:12How am I going to clean all this?
09:15Everything is fine, Justin!
09:17Your paws are super dirty!
09:19I'm going to clean them for you!
09:22What's going on?
09:25This thing tickles!
09:26Now, your paws are perfectly clean!
09:28Yes! Thank you, Justin!
09:30Let's wipe them with a towel!
09:32Look at my pretty paws!
09:34Oh, Evie! You're so clean!
09:36That's my girl!
09:38I love you so much!
09:40Me too!
09:42Now, let's play ball!
09:44Yes, yes, yes! Play, play, play!
09:46Go get it!
09:50Sorry, Mom!
09:52It's almost over!
09:54I don't like the decoration of my house!
09:57So, I'm going to change it!
09:59Let's paint the walls in blue sky!
10:01My favorite color!
10:03Let's go!
10:06Yes! The result is incredible!
10:10Hi! Your wall is a little empty!
10:12Let me give you a paw!
10:14Yes, Evie! You're right!
10:16What are you...
10:18I'm going to use your little paws!
10:20Hey, Justin! You shouldn't have taken my letter!
10:23Put your paws on the wall!
10:25And that's it! Isn't it cool?
10:29I have an idea!
10:31My house has become a mini zoo!
10:33So, I'm going to create a map!
10:35Wow! I can't believe it! I have so many animals!
10:37My puppy, a rabbit, a hamster, a cat, and a basin, of course!
10:44Can I win something with all this?
10:48I want to see the animals!
10:52What's going on?
10:54Look at this!
10:56She's so cute!
10:58Hello, ladies!
11:00So cute!
11:02Are you going to give me more food?
11:04Ah! Don't touch me!
11:06Don't touch me!
11:08So cute!
11:10Ah! She's touching me!
11:12Yes! Admire my beauty, you simple mortals!
11:15My Egyptian ancestors would be very proud!
11:19Minou, minou, minou!
11:21Hey! Did you see that?
11:23Oh! Wow! So cute!
11:27Quick! I have to hide!
11:29Let's give them food!
11:31Here you go!
11:33No way! I'm not going to eat that!
11:38What are you doing? Let me!
11:413, 2, 1, let's go!
11:43Let's go!
11:45Hey! No need to shout like that!
11:47I'm leaving!
11:49Let's go!
11:51Let's go!
11:53Sorry, friends!
11:55It's not my day!
11:57We'll do it again tomorrow if you want!
11:59Let's go!
12:03Go! Go!
12:05Stop shouting!
12:07I'm almost there!
12:09Last effort for the legs!
12:11Well done!
12:14I love it!
12:22Wow! A kitten!
12:24It feels good!
12:26What an adorable kitten!
12:28You're homeless?
12:30Well, today is your lucky day!
12:32You're coming home with me!
12:34It's a cat!
12:36Don't meow now!
12:38A homeless cat finds a home!
12:43Hi, Mom!
12:48You can go out now!
12:52Here's your new home!
12:54Your hair is all over me!
12:56I guess it's part of life when you have a cat!
12:58You have to clean it!
13:02You need to be brushed!
13:06This brush will do the trick!
13:08It even has this function!
13:10Come here, kitten!
13:12No problem!
13:14I got you!
13:16Let's start!
13:18It feels good!
13:20See? I knew you'd like it!
13:23Now, let's get rid of these ugly hairs!
13:27Wow! There's a whole ecosystem here!
13:30Ready for the second round?
13:36Is it a ball of hair?
13:45Give me some!
13:48Hey! Over here!
13:50It's human food!
13:52That's what you need!
13:54This is cat food!
13:56See how delicious it is?
13:58Try it!
14:00That's not what I want!
14:02No, no!
14:06I want crisps!
14:08I see!
14:10What do I have here?
14:13A rat?
14:15There must be something in here!
14:18It's radioactive!
14:21I know!
14:23It's the cat food distributor 3000!
14:25He won't be able to resist!
14:29I'll put the cat food in this compartment!
14:32And close it!
14:34Now I just have to wait for the cat to play with it!
14:38What is it?
14:40Is it for me?
14:42Yes! Try it!
14:44Wow! It's very fun!
14:46And there are snacks!
14:48It worked!
14:52Why is this door locked?
14:54Are you going to introduce me?
14:56I have to hide!
15:00I heard something!
15:04Mom! I'm just taking a snack!
15:05I'm not hiding anything here!
15:15Oh Minou!
15:17Do you want to play tag?
15:19No, I'm fine!
15:21You're not funny!
15:24I have an idea!
15:26Oh yes!
15:28This is exactly what I need!
15:32Minou will love it!
15:35I start by putting this ball in the middle
15:38and I wrap it in the coil!
15:41Wow! Now she can spin!
15:43Even I want to play with it!
15:48Look, kitten!
15:50What is it?
15:52Look! It's perfect!
15:56You have to play with it!
16:02If you say so!
16:10What are you...
16:12Mom, you need to rest!
16:14Bye Mom!
16:24You're so dramatic!
16:26Best friend forever!
16:29I love my kitten!
16:34Do we have something to nibble on?
16:38There's more?
16:40Even on my clothes?
16:42And Mom's plants?
16:45I guess I don't have a choice!
16:47I know what to do!
16:49I have everything I need here!
16:51This thing allows me to pick up the poop!
16:53I'll eat them with it like anchovies!
16:56I'm ready!
16:58One less...
17:00There's a hundred left!
17:02I'll finish it in no time!
17:05The last one...
17:09Your work is done!
17:13Now I can relax!
17:20Me too! I need water!
17:23Don't say any more!
17:25You can drink from this bowl!
17:27There you go!
17:29No thanks!
17:31I thought you were thirsty!
17:33I'll take care of it!
17:35You go to Google and look for gadgets for cats!
17:37It's not that hard!
17:39Wow! You know how to use Amazon?
17:41Is that what you want?
17:44You got an express delivery!
17:46Now you can drink!
17:48I'll fill it with water for you!
17:50Now you'll always be hydrated!
17:53Wow! It works like real toilets!
17:55You can drink now!
17:57From a toilet bowl? Seriously?
18:02It looks stupid!
18:04It's easy! See?
18:06I'll get out of here!
18:08But you ordered it!
18:13Come on!
18:15Oh Justin! I'm so bored!
18:17Why don't we decorate?
18:19Starting with this bowl!
18:23A little space please!
18:25Don't even try!
18:27Don't push my limits!
18:29You're not funny!
18:31I'm going back to my game!
18:44Clean this up please!
18:46What a mess!
18:50Do I hear a cat?
18:52Bad cat!
18:57What are you hiding?
18:59Hi mom!
19:01Is it a paw?
19:04Open your jacket!
19:06I knew it!
19:08I can explain!
19:10A cat!
19:12He needs to get out of there!
19:14Can we keep him please?
19:18You're putting me at the door?
19:20He's pretty cute!
19:26Thanks mom!
19:28Are you allergic?
19:30I'm so happy!
19:32What do you want my baby?
19:34Can I play with him?
19:38You can play with that instead!
19:45I guess there's only you and me left!
19:48But can you play?
19:50Here kitty kitty kitty!
