• vor 2 Monaten
Schneewittchen wird von ihrer bösen Steifmutter bedroht und flieht in den furchteinflößenden, dunklen Wald. Dort trifft sie auf sieben blutrünstige, mordlustige Zwerge. Sie schließt sich in The Death of Snow White mit den Killer-Zwergen zusammen.


00:00Mirror hanging on the wall. I am the fairest of them all.
00:08Oh yes, you are fair, it is true. But do we both know Snow White is more beautiful than you?
00:17You really are a princess of the people, aren't you?
00:20All the shields, you made the best help with your wife.
00:22That's just too much.
00:23I don't know about all that.
00:25Bring me one of Snow White's little friends.
00:27I was offered the gift of being able to help and I took it. The pleasure was mine.
00:32We shall see how quickly that pretty smile fades.
00:36What are the huntsmen doing out here?
00:39Our men are searching the castle and the village as we speak.
00:43Find her, now!
00:45We captured her, my queen, but we were ambushed.
00:48You mean she got away?
00:50Dwarves, they are protecting her.
00:54The dwarves, have they all gone mad?
00:57They do appear to be quite mad.
01:05It's time for me to take matters into my own hands.
01:08Trying to enlist the queen's aid to save Snow White, I...
01:10My queen!
01:11I might have told her she was hiding in the dark forest.
01:14Please, take this.
01:18For Snow White!
01:19Snow White!
01:20Just kill her already!
01:26She's been poisoned, my king.
01:29I'm the only one responsible for this.
01:32What's the plan?
01:33The plan is to kill them all.
01:35What was that?
01:37She must be found alive or I risk losing the throne.
01:40Now take her heart from her chest.
01:51It's bad.
01:52I shall have it all.
02:03I'm dead, princess. I'm dead.
