• 2 months ago
Sammy ne se sent pas bien, les amis. Il n'a pas pris un seul bonbon en trois heures ! Vous vous rendez compte ? 😱😅

Sue pense que Sammy doit voir un médecin pour ça. Qui aurait cru que notre slime parfaitement rose avait si peur d'aller à l'hôpital ? Nous n'avons pas d'autre choix que de construire notre propre hôpital pour montrer à Sammy que recevoir des soins médicaux n'est pas effrayant du tout. Et la manière la plus rapide et la plus amusante de le faire est de le fabriquer en papier.
Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

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Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:00:19Oh, my tiki dabba!
00:00:42Camille, I was thinking...
00:00:44Hey, what's going on?
00:00:45Oh, Suzy, I feel sick.
00:00:48Poor Chou, what's wrong?
00:00:51Oh, my, I haven't eaten a single piece of candy in three hours. I feel sick.
00:00:55Oh, really? That sounds serious. You should see a doctor.
00:00:58No, no doctor, no hospital. Stop it, I'm not going anywhere.
00:01:04Don't worry, everything will be fine.
00:01:08Well, here we are.
00:01:09Are you serious? Ouch! Why can't I go in?
00:01:12I knew it, we can't trust hospitals.
00:01:15It's a hospital album, you can't really go in.
00:01:18Well, it's not fair.
00:01:20You're right, I'm sorry, Sammy. Let me show you around.
00:01:23Today, Dr. Joe and his lovely assistant will show you how things work here.
00:01:30Horrible! Working in a hospital must be really scary.
00:01:34Oh, Sammy, the hospital is not scary at all.
00:01:36And I'm sure Dr. Joe will tell you everything about it.
00:01:39Just let him get ready for the day.
00:01:43I still think it's scary.
00:01:44Scary? Not at all.
00:01:47Come with us, we'll show you everything.
00:01:49Dr. Joe's working day usually starts here, behind the reception desk.
00:01:55Oh, here's my patient.
00:01:56Hello, how can I help you?
00:01:58Hello, Dr. Joe. I don't feel very well today. I have weird sensations in my head.
00:02:04It looks like Jenna is sick. It is indicated here that she needs an X-ray.
00:02:09It looks serious, what are we doing here?
00:02:12Sammy, breathe. There is absolutely nothing to worry about.
00:02:15It's a fairly simple medical procedure.
00:02:19But you said Jenna needs an X-ray. What are we doing?
00:02:22A X-ray, Sammy, not an X-ray.
00:02:26Now the oxygen mask is in place and this examination will certainly help you get better.
00:02:33How are you? Are you ready for the exam?
00:02:35Of course she's ready. Wait, let me help you.
00:02:38What's the first step?
00:02:40We should start by checking Jenna's temperature.
00:02:43Okay, let's see.
00:02:47Everything is fine.
00:02:49I'm really hot. And if I was sick, check my temperature too, please.
00:02:53Sammy, you're fine.
00:02:57I think you're much more nervous than you should be, Sammy.
00:02:59Okay, let's continue.
00:03:03Is everything okay?
00:03:05Of course, don't worry. It's just that we haven't checked your ears for a while.
00:03:10You too.
00:03:11No, not my ears. Get away from my ears.
00:03:14Relax, please. It's done.
00:03:16That's all? I guess I shouldn't have worried so much.
00:03:19Now let's test your reflexes.
00:03:21What? Where's the instrument?
00:03:24This picture is beautiful here.
00:03:25Give me that.
00:03:26I'm not done yet.
00:03:29It's a reflex hammer, not a nail hammer, Sammy. Be careful.
00:03:34Oh, now I understand.
00:03:36We should also check your heart rate.
00:03:39Check mine first. My heart just beat fast.
00:03:43Okay, okay. Nelly the nervous.
00:03:48Wow, was that my heart? It sounds like music. It makes me want to dance.
00:03:53Come on, everyone.
00:03:57What a funny rhythm, Sammy.
00:04:00Okay, that's enough dancing.
00:04:02Take it easy. I'm going to check your heart rate now.
00:04:05Okay, and the last check for today is your blood pressure, which is perfectly fine.
00:04:11Now let's move on to the patient's check list.
00:04:14We have it right on the next page.
00:04:17This is where we have to draw a portrait of Jenna to avoid any confusion in the patient's files.
00:04:30Good job, Si. What do you think, Jenna?
00:04:32Do I really look like her?
00:04:35Well, of course. Come on.
00:04:38Now we have to fill in the patient's information.
00:04:48Then we'll indicate the symptoms.
00:04:53And the temperature we've already measured.
00:04:56And the temperature we've already measured.
00:05:03It's time to get in the lab.
00:05:06And it's right here. Please, come and sit down.
00:05:11Try to relax, okay? I promise you won't feel anything at all.
00:05:15Where's the syringe?
00:05:17Right here, I've got it, Si. Hurry up, we have to save Jenna.
00:05:26Well, it's done.
00:05:28It's not scary at all, is it?
00:05:30Now let's take a cotton swab.
00:05:34Which one do you prefer? This one? Excellent choice.
00:05:37There you go. And we're done here.
00:05:39It's time to move on to something else.
00:05:42Oh, what are we going to do next?
00:05:44Dr. Joe, please tell us.
00:05:46With pleasure. All preparations are complete.
00:05:49We can do the X-ray now.
00:05:51The patient is going here.
00:05:53And then we choose which part of the body we want to X-ray.
00:05:57Let's go.
00:06:05There you go.
00:06:08Let's take a closer look at this.
00:06:10Maybe we should ask Dr. Joe for a consultation.
00:06:15I don't need any advice. Everything is very clear to me.
00:06:18This T-Rex machine doesn't know anything about photography.
00:06:22Are you ready to do an MRI?
00:06:24Of course.
00:06:28Let's do it.
00:06:29Get on the sofa.
00:06:30It could be a little noisy in there.
00:06:48Everything is done. We can turn it off.
00:06:50You're doing a great job, Jenna.
00:06:53Where are we with the results?
00:06:55Oh, everything is fine.
00:06:57Now we have to do an X-ray.
00:06:59I'm coming.
00:07:02Me first. Yes, me first.
00:07:05I've always wanted to know what I'm made of.
00:07:07Oh, it tickles!
00:07:09You're a glutton to the bone.
00:07:11Well, that explains a lot of things.
00:07:13Okay, let's take a closer look at what's going on with Jenna.
00:07:16Your ultrasound is great too.
00:07:19Everything is fine.
00:07:21Dr. Joe has examined all the test results.
00:07:24Come with me, please.
00:07:26Here is the next page.
00:07:28We can write a prescription for our charming patient.
00:07:31Okay, we should start with the name.
00:07:33You have a very nice name, Jenna.
00:07:41We will prescribe you vitamins.
00:07:43You will take them three times a day for five days.
00:07:48And then you will come back to see Dr. Joe, okay?
00:07:53You will be in perfect health from now on, I have no doubt.
00:07:56Where were those vitamins?
00:07:58Ah, I found them.
00:08:00It will certainly put our patient back on her feet.
00:08:04Don't forget, three times a day.
00:08:10Oh, thank you very much.
00:08:11We did a great job today.
00:08:13Hey, Sammy, what are you doing over there?
00:08:17Wait, Sue, let me just draw it quickly.
00:08:20Oh, come on!
00:08:21What did you draw in there?
00:08:23I told you I'm not done yet.
00:08:26Ah, so it's time for the manual work.
00:08:28First, we'll take care of the reception.
00:08:30There was this thing that turned and turned and turned again,
00:08:33and it gave me vertigo.
00:08:37That's it, it's a patient status scale.
00:08:39It shows how our patient is doing.
00:08:42Look at me, Sue.
00:08:43I look like Dr. Joe, don't I?
00:08:45Oh, it's heavy.
00:08:46Hurry up, help me.
00:08:48Let's put the reception in its proper place.
00:08:51The patient's room is the next one in line.
00:08:55Exactly, Sammy.
00:08:57Hey, Sue, look at my cool hat.
00:08:59It's cool, isn't it?
00:09:01Try to use it as a blanket for the bed.
00:09:04Here we go.
00:09:06We shouldn't forget the oxygen mask.
00:09:09And the extra perfusion in a special drawer
00:09:11so that it's always at hand.
00:09:13I also had a lot of fun during the medical exam.
00:09:16That's right, Sammy.
00:09:17It's so much fun that each tool has its own place.
00:09:22And if we did a dental exam,
00:09:24I could smile widely.
00:09:26Sammy, this isn't a dental office.
00:09:28Let's just open it, Sue.
00:09:30I have all the tools we need.
00:09:32Wow, thank you.
00:09:33He really has all the tools, doesn't he?
00:09:36Let's put them in their place.
00:09:40Let's put the oxygen mask in its place.
00:09:43Let's put the oxygen mask in its place.
00:09:46Let's put the oxygen mask in its place.
00:09:49Let's put the oxygen mask in its place.
00:09:52Here's the patient's check-up list.
00:09:55Here are some fun little controllers that you can move.
00:09:58I'm almost finished here.
00:10:00Oh, and I hope you, my friends,
00:10:01never have a bad fever.
00:10:04Here's our thermometer scale.
00:10:06Take it like this.
00:10:07Excellent work, Sammy.
00:10:08Now we'll always know the patient's temperature.
00:10:13The last thing to add to this page
00:10:15is the symptom indicator.
00:10:18Oh, I've found the cure for all diseases.
00:10:21Ouch! Oh no, it's a virus!
00:10:25Come back!
00:10:27Who said that?
00:10:28I did.
00:10:31We're already on the laboratory's double page.
00:10:33Sammy, do you want to help me?
00:10:35I guess not.
00:10:38Okay, I can take care of it myself.
00:10:45At least Sammy prepared this syringe in advance.
00:10:48Watch out, it's a virus!
00:10:51Take this!
00:10:54Phew, that was close, wasn't it?
00:10:56Now, where was I?
00:10:58Ah, yes!
00:11:00Well done, Syd!
00:11:01You're so brave!
00:11:02And I'll be right here, behind this window,
00:11:04if you need me, okay?
00:11:06Impossible, this window, as you call it, goes here.
00:11:10This part is done,
00:11:11and we'll move on to the X-rays.
00:11:18Here's the most important part.
00:11:23And of course, we can't forget
00:11:24the storage space for the X-rays.
00:11:27Here are the pictures,
00:11:28and believe me, they're much better
00:11:29than the ones your little Rex made.
00:11:31They might be prettier,
00:11:32but we'll have to stick to the X-rays.
00:11:35Ah, nonsense!
00:11:43Here's our X-ray machine.
00:11:44Sammy, did you prepare these buttons?
00:11:47Huh? Buttons?
00:11:48What buttons?
00:11:49Where are you anyway?
00:11:50I can't see you!
00:11:51Oh! Here you are!
00:11:53Oh, Sammy, Sammy!
00:11:56So, that's what I call test results.
00:11:58Simple and efficient.
00:12:02And finally, the X-ray room.
00:12:05Oh, what a mess!
00:12:06I have to renew this patient's order.
00:12:10Are you okay, Sammy?
00:12:12Yeah, but to tell you the truth,
00:12:14I'm so tired today.
00:12:15I know, me too.
00:12:16But don't worry, Sammy,
00:12:17we're almost done.
00:12:19We just have to re-supply the pharmacy
00:12:21with medicines and all kinds of pills like that.
00:12:26And finally, the X-ray room.
00:12:38Did you plan to write a letter?
00:12:40No, it's a part of the staff room.
00:12:42But where is the staff?
00:12:44Yes, I found these two, my patients.
00:12:47And here are the doctors.
00:12:49We're going to let them rest here.
00:12:51Here, take this.
00:12:53Our patients will go on the right side.
00:12:55There you go.
00:13:02Oh la la!
00:13:03Now they'll all have cool and awesome outfits.
00:13:05Well, friends, it's time to prepare our hospital manual.
00:13:10Here are all the pages we made.
00:13:12Let's start the assembly.
00:13:14I made special elements so that the pages stick together.
00:13:17Excellent work, Sammy!
00:13:19Now we just have to add glue and assemble everything.
00:13:35Wow, friends!
00:13:47Look at this great manual we got!
00:13:49And I had a headache because of all this DIY.
00:13:52Poor thing.
00:13:53But are you still afraid of hospitals?
00:13:55Of course not.
00:13:56Now hospitals don't scare me as much as candy stores do.
00:14:00Oh, I'm glad to hear that.
00:14:02Me too.
00:14:03Yes, thank you all for being with us today.
00:14:05Like and subscribe for more fun videos.
00:14:07See you soon, everyone!
00:14:08Goodbye, everyone!
00:14:35Follow me, my little ponies!
00:14:37Let's go on an adventure!
00:14:40It's the best day of my life!
00:14:46Release the passage, ponies!
00:14:48Here's the best slime slide!
00:14:50On your marks, get set, go!
00:14:53Sam, what did I tell you about the mud?
00:14:55Look at this!
00:14:56We're going to have to deal with this right now.
00:14:59What if we got rid of this mud by rolling, friends?
00:15:01Oh, this mud looks really thick.
00:15:03But we have to clean it all up.
00:15:05I'm glad I bought this mud remover.
00:15:07It's able to remove all this dirty mud.
00:15:10Oh, thank you, Sam.
00:15:11No problem!
00:15:13We're going to clean you up and give you a Pinkie Pie relooking.
00:15:17Oh, can Baby Pinkie have one too?
00:15:20Baby Pinkie?
00:15:21Well, why not?
00:15:23If Mommy gets a relooking, Baby can have one too.
00:15:28Oh, look!
00:15:29It really removes all the mud.
00:15:31Now it's my little Pinkie's turn.
00:15:33Uh, where is she?
00:15:35Okay, okay, you can come down now.
00:15:37I can't, I'm stuck!
00:15:39Oh, the cow!
00:15:40Let me help you with that.
00:15:43You also ripped my hair off!
00:15:45Uh, hi, slimes don't have hair.
00:15:47Okay, Baby Pinkie Pie.
00:15:49It's your turn to clean up.
00:15:51Don't move, it's going to be quick.
00:15:54Don't move, it's going to be quick.
00:15:56You need to be shiny for your new outfit.
00:16:00Oh, I can't wait to see my new outfit.
00:16:02I was thinking of a lot of bright colors, like a rainbow.
00:16:07And here it is.
00:16:09Thank you!
00:16:10I feel so shiny!
00:16:12Mommy, am I all clean now?
00:16:14Oh, honey, we're ready for the relooking.
00:16:17Okay, let's move on to the outfit.
00:16:19I need this paper, Sam.
00:16:21What paper?
00:16:22Don't play, Sammy.
00:16:23Oh, I'm not playing.
00:16:24No, no!
00:16:26Oh well.
00:16:27Now, goodbye, slime.
00:16:28Sorry about that.
00:16:29It happens to Sam to be a bit of an idiot sometimes.
00:16:31Stay still for a moment.
00:16:33Hihihi, it tickles here.
00:16:35Wait, Baby Pinkie Pie, come back!
00:16:36And a free pony, I'll bring it back.
00:16:40Thank you, Sammy.
00:16:41I'm sure of it.
00:16:43Just make sure she doesn't find any more mud this time, okay?
00:16:46Don't worry about that, yes.
00:16:48Here it is!
00:16:50I have a great design idea for you, Pinkie Pie.
00:16:54Listen, give me the pencil, Suzy.
00:16:56Okay, here.
00:16:57Wait a second.
00:16:59Abracadabra, presto, change-o!
00:17:04Wow, that's great!
00:17:05Now, it's time to color.
00:17:07I'm a fashion genius in the world of slime.
00:17:10You'll see me more often.
00:17:12Let's add some panache to this design.
00:17:14Get ready to be dazzled.
00:17:16Hey, Suzy, look at my masterpiece!
00:17:20What's all this mess, Sammy?
00:17:22Oh my gosh!
00:17:23I guess it's a disaster!
00:17:25Maybe you just need a little rainbow thumb.
00:17:28There you go.
00:17:31Oh, Rainbow Dash, you saved us!
00:17:34All I have to do is add the shoes to the soap.
00:17:36This outfit is ready to be tried on.
00:17:39Look at all this.
00:17:40You're going to be so pretty, Pinkie Pie.
00:17:43Hi, Suzy, I'm back.
00:17:45I heard my outfit was ready now.
00:17:47Oh, yes, it's ready.
00:17:49Let me put it on for you.
00:17:52These shoes look great on you too, don't they, friends?
00:17:58Urgent delivery of unicorn stuff for Pinkie Pie.
00:18:01Oh, ouch!
00:18:02Oh, Suzy, I promise I didn't do any damage this time.
00:18:06Okay, Sammy, I trust you.
00:18:08Let's see what's in this envelope.
00:18:12Oh, wow!
00:18:13But, um, where should we put them?
00:18:16I knew there was a problem with this delivery.
00:18:19I think it goes here.
00:18:22And another one goes here.
00:18:26I'm almost sure this one is the mane, you see?
00:18:30And this is your horn, of course.
00:18:33Let's not forget your crystal jewels.
00:18:36And the crown, of course.
00:18:37What else is missing?
00:18:39Suzy, Suzy, look!
00:18:40I'm a flying slime.
00:18:41Have you ever seen anything like this?
00:18:46Come here, Sammy!
00:18:48I got you!
00:18:49Oh, my wings!
00:18:50I'm stuck on the floor again!
00:18:54And the final touch?
00:18:56Oh, Baby Pinkie, it's your turn!
00:18:58I'm coming!
00:19:00Oh, my little baby, you're really beautiful!
00:19:07Don't you think we're beautiful, Baby Pinkie?
00:19:09Oh, yes, the prettiest!
00:19:11Oh, I feel incredible!
00:19:13Me too!
00:19:17Hey, hey!
00:19:18Make room for the others, will you?
00:19:21Don't worry, Sunset.
00:19:22Everyone will get a relooking today.
00:19:24But first, let's clean up the mess.
00:19:30We'll be done soon.
00:19:35Oh, my baby also needs a clean-up.
00:19:38Hi, Mommy!
00:19:39This way, Baby Sunset.
00:19:41Does that mean I have to prepare another outfit design?
00:19:44I'm afraid so.
00:19:45Isn't that what a fashion genius does?
00:19:47Hey, it's you, Sammy!
00:19:52Okay, okay.
00:19:53I'm almost sure I put it somewhere here.
00:19:55Where is it?
00:19:56Not that!
00:19:57No, no!
00:20:00I found it!
00:20:03But I should start by checking it.
00:20:07Oh, it's ready!
00:20:08It's ready!
00:20:11What are you talking about?
00:20:12Oh, your design!
00:20:14So, what color should we choose?
00:20:16Oh, you have to be brave, Suzy!
00:20:18Bright green and blue and bright yellow and red!
00:20:21Okay, green and blue, you said?
00:20:27Now, yellow and red?
00:20:29What a charming combination of colors!
00:20:32Give me the most beautiful one, so I can rule the world!
00:20:35Okay, but I don't understand this idea of wanting to dominate the world!
00:20:38Why don't you wear this beautiful cape?
00:20:41The colors go really well with your color!
00:20:43And the shoes?
00:20:45Oh, they're my favorite!
00:20:50These important pieces for the head will definitely make you shine!
00:20:54Especially the crown and the jewel!
00:21:00So, how do you like your new look?
00:21:03Oh no, wait!
00:21:04We still have the tail and pretty wings!
00:21:07There you go!
00:21:09And there you go!
00:21:10It's ready too!
00:21:12You messed up!
00:21:14I'll fix that now!
00:21:18Ah, that's better!
00:21:19Okay, everything is in place now!
00:21:21Oh, great!
00:21:22By the magic of light and joy, the horn and the wing appear!
00:21:26Switch, switch!
00:21:28Oh, wait!
00:21:29Have I become a unicorn now?
00:21:31Sam, it's not for you!
00:21:33It's your baby Sunset!
00:21:36Here's your horn and your wing!
00:21:39There you go!
00:21:43Mom, mom!
00:21:44I got my horn and my wing!
00:21:46Oh, my baby!
00:21:47We're going to make Equestria shine more than ever!
00:21:52It's your turn, the Rainbow Dash family!
00:21:56Wait here, I'll be right back!
00:21:58Are you excited, guys?
00:22:00Let's do some magic, okay?
00:22:05A great artist is coming!
00:22:06Julie, you must see this design!
00:22:08It's my best creation so far!
00:22:10Oh, I feel a wave of inspiration!
00:22:12Give me just a few seconds!
00:22:14More details here!
00:22:16A touch there!
00:22:17Oh, it's perfection!
00:22:20Oh, you like it!
00:22:23Oh, Sammy!
00:22:24I think you did it!
00:22:26A little too big!
00:22:28It's the pencil's fault, not mine!
00:22:31Okay, pencil, you think you're smart, huh?
00:22:33You tricked me!
00:22:35No more luck for you!
00:22:39Oh, my!
00:22:40Okay, Sammy, let me help you fix this!
00:22:43More details!
00:22:45Look, Sammy, it's the perfect size now!
00:22:49So my pencil wasn't a trick?
00:22:51You're my faithful companion,
00:22:53I'll never doubt you again!
00:22:57Do you mind if I choose the colors myself?
00:23:02Good job!
00:23:03Now it's perfectly cut and ready for you, Rainbow Dash!
00:23:07Okay, so we're going to put on this beautiful cape
00:23:12and also the rainbow shoes!
00:23:14Oh, you already look so majestic!
00:23:19The pencil will give you the look of a superstar!
00:23:22Here, what do you think?
00:23:24Uh, I don't think it's mine!
00:23:26It makes me scratch!
00:23:28Oops, it's my fault!
00:23:29I'll get the right one!
00:23:30I'll be right back!
00:23:33Hey, help me!
00:23:34I can't find Rainbow Dash's cape!
00:23:36Relax, Sam, I have it right here, you see?
00:23:39Oh, great!
00:23:42Oh, my beautiful cape!
00:23:44And your fringe!
00:23:46Oh, thank you very much!
00:23:48I want a dress and a cape too!
00:23:51We'll bring them to you, baby Rainbow Dash!
00:23:53Come with me!
00:23:54Oh, they grow so fast!
00:23:57Here they are!
00:23:59That's it, we're ready to go!
00:24:02You forgot the jewelry too!
00:24:04Oh, I'll take care of it!
00:24:06Sam, you want to relax?
00:24:08I have the body and the jewelry right here!
00:24:12And of course the crown!
00:24:15And the wing too!
00:24:19For you too, baby Rainbow Dash!
00:24:22Oh, you are so adorable and majestic!
00:24:25Ready to fly now?
00:24:27Okay, girls, show me your most beautiful smiles!
00:24:30Don't move and smile!
00:24:33You two are beautiful!
00:24:43Hi, I'm ready for my relooking too!
00:24:45That's great!
00:24:46Let's start by removing the mud from your body!
00:24:51Friends, I love to take care of the mud myself!
00:24:54It's pretty relaxing, you know!
00:24:56You're really good at that, Sue!
00:24:58Well, thank you, Twilight!
00:25:00We're almost done here!
00:25:03It's your turn, Sammy!
00:25:05I have glitter and stars and a cape worthy of royalty!
00:25:08Well, according to the ancient ponies' encyclopedia,
00:25:11you're not supposed to wear a cape!
00:25:13Did I say a cape?
00:25:14I said I was wrong!
00:25:17Of course I meant a cape!
00:25:20Well, here!
00:25:21Okay, is that what you want?
00:25:23Show me!
00:25:24Well, almost!
00:25:26Um, I went too far, Suzy!
00:25:28Take the cape, please, please!
00:25:31So, what do we do now?
00:25:33Look, Twilight, I think it's perfect for you!
00:25:36Well, that's not what I had in mind!
00:25:41What's the question?
00:25:42And who's the fastest pony in Equestria?
00:25:45Is it Zoomy-Zoom or Sparkle-Dash?
00:25:49Okay, that's enough!
00:25:50I need to have fun on the playground!
00:25:53Come here, Baby Twilight!
00:25:55I'll teach you how to have fun here!
00:25:57Are you ready?
00:25:59I think this outfit matches the one in the ancient ponies' encyclopedia!
00:26:05Don't forget the jewels, Suzy!
00:26:07Oh, yes! Thank you, Sam!
00:26:09That's why I'm here!
00:26:11Here, baby, go see mommy!
00:26:13Thank you, Sam!
00:26:15Oh, she's so cute!
00:26:19Hi, Mommy!
00:26:20Hi, baby!
00:26:21Sparkle and shine, this divine outfit!
00:26:25Absolutely adorable!
00:26:27And remember, baby, that having fun is important in the world of ponies!
00:26:31Hooray, Mommy, come on!
00:26:32Let's go to the trampoline!
00:26:36Okay, the next one is Fluttershy!
00:26:41Uh, well, hello!
00:26:43Ah, there you are!
00:26:44Don't be shy, Fluttershy!
00:26:46You're going to love the new outfit we made for you!
00:26:50The cleaning of the mud won't take too long, I promise!
00:26:57See? It's done!
00:26:58Detective Sam is on the case of a missing baby pony!
00:27:01Hooray! Baby Fluttershy!
00:27:05We prepared everything in this locker for you, Fluttershy!
00:27:08Wow! I can't wait to see you in this beautiful dress!
00:27:11Here you are!
00:27:12Oh, you're so pretty!
00:27:14Excuse me, has anyone seen a baby pony?
00:27:18Don't tell me you've just lost a baby pony, Sam!
00:27:21Go find it, now!
00:27:23I'm going!
00:27:24Let's make magic appear again!
00:27:28Baby Fluttershy!
00:27:33Come here, Mommy is looking for you!
00:27:35I'm coming!
00:27:36Okay, hop on, Uncle Sam!
00:27:39Let's go!
00:27:40I'll make sure you...
00:27:45What was that? It was too far!
00:27:49Let's do it again, Uncle Sam!
00:27:51I'm sorry, but I'm going to pass!
00:27:53Oh, wait!
00:27:57Sam, are you okay?
00:27:58Just a little tired, boss!
00:28:00Oh, poor you!
00:28:01Well, at least we dressed these ponies too!
00:28:04They are beautiful!
00:28:10Let's go, Mommy! Let's go up!
00:28:13Come on, baby!
00:28:14Let's go!
00:28:19Finally, it's our turn, Baby Rarity!
00:28:22Ready for a little cleaning?
00:28:24No, no, we only take hot baths!
00:28:26Okay, let's go to the bathtub then!
00:28:29Fortunately, we have one right here!
00:28:34Oh my, bubbles!
00:28:35This is a real spa!
00:28:37Double brilliance!
00:28:38It's refreshing!
00:28:41Okay, your clothes will be here soon!
00:28:43Express delivery, check!
00:28:45Be patient!
00:28:47Oh, it's already here!
00:28:49Wow, by express!
00:28:50They hear at lightning speed!
00:28:55Express delivery for Rarity!
00:28:57Wow, heavy!
00:28:58Thanks, man!
00:28:59Of course, be careful!
00:29:02It's time for the big revelation!
00:29:04Oh my God, they are so beautiful!
00:29:07Susie, you have to see this, quick!
00:29:10The outfit and accessories are here!
00:29:12Thank you, Sammy!
00:29:13No problem!
00:29:15Rarity will love this dress!
00:29:17It is absolutely divine!
00:29:23Hey, Sue!
00:29:24Look at my new hair extensions!
00:29:26Hey, these are Rarity's hair clips!
00:29:28Let's see!
00:29:29Okay, let's prepare something for you!
00:29:34Nothing happens, Sue!
00:29:35Okay, let me try!
00:29:36Push a little, please!
00:29:39There you go, baby Rarity!
00:29:41Oh, you are so adorable and majestic!
00:29:44Wow, how did you do that?
00:29:47Thank you!
00:29:48Let's go to the rainbow!
00:29:51This game is so fun and exciting!
00:29:55You are so clean, girls!
00:29:56Let's put on your outfits!
00:30:02Hum, I think I'll pass!
00:30:04I have to finish this level in my game!
00:30:06Are you sure?
00:30:07Look what I brought you, pretty pony!
00:30:09Come and get it!
00:30:10Hey, give me this apple!
00:30:11I got the apple!
00:30:13And I got you!
00:30:18I would say you are ready for your Applejack relooking!
00:30:23Ready for the photo shoot!
00:30:26Rose, pose and smile!
00:30:28You are fabulous!
00:30:31We know it!
00:30:36Let's go!
00:30:58What a spectacular transformation!
00:31:01We did it!
00:31:02High five, best friend!
00:31:04Congratulations to the team!
00:31:05Don't forget to subscribe and give us a like!
00:31:08It's time to go to bed!
00:31:36Oh no no!
00:31:37What am I doing?
00:31:39What's going on?
00:31:40I completely forgot to buy the school supplies!
00:31:42How am I supposed to go to school tomorrow?
00:31:44Oh, let's make them ourselves!
00:31:47You are a genius!
00:31:48Oh, I already have so many ideas!
00:31:50Hey, wait for me!
00:31:52Hurry up!
00:31:53Let's start!
00:31:54Are you sure I have so many ideas?
00:31:56Of course!
00:31:57Let's go!
00:31:58Let's go!
00:31:59Let's go!
00:32:00Let's go!
00:32:01Let's go!
00:32:02Let's go!
00:32:03Let's go!
00:32:04I have an idea!
00:32:05And on what should I draw?
00:32:07The table will do the trick!
00:32:08Wait, wait, wait!
00:32:09Stop that!
00:32:10Better to tell me what we're going to do first!
00:32:13Well, I was thinking of doing everything at once!
00:32:17Yeah, I see!
00:32:19Let's take the backpack as a gift then!
00:32:21It's the biggest thing you'll need!
00:32:24And I already know what character we should take as a reference!
00:32:31Watch out, Sammy!
00:32:32Step aside!
00:32:33I have to stay focused!
00:32:35In the meantime, you can try to guess who I'm drawing here!
00:32:46So, do you have any ideas?
00:32:50It's My Melody Sue!
00:32:52But wait!
00:32:53I'm going to add something!
00:32:55Now we're talking!
00:32:57Well, the plan is done!
00:32:58We now have to color!
00:32:59Uh, Sammy?
00:33:00Where did he go?
00:33:02What could be better than a walk in the woods?
00:33:05It's such a beautiful color!
00:33:06And it smells good!
00:33:07Exactly what I need!
00:33:09Watch out!
00:33:11Oh dear!
00:33:13What's going on?
00:33:15Well, thank you!
00:33:16I guess I'll have to go!
00:33:37Have a good day immediately!
00:33:39I guess…
00:33:40Well, this yellow will be perfect for the knot!
00:33:44It's a little bit different to make it more colorful.
00:33:51Move a little bit, please.
00:33:53I'd like to make some changes, if you don't mind.
00:33:58At least now she can see.
00:34:02I'd say she can almost see.
00:34:05Good idea, Samy.
00:34:07Here's a friendly smile.
00:34:10And I found the perfect pink for the outline.
00:34:12Oh, really? Let me see.
00:34:15I like it a lot.
00:34:17I don't think there's a better pink expert than you, Samy.
00:34:41Oops! I think this marker is dry.
00:34:44Really? I didn't know that could happen.
00:34:46Hey! I have an idea!
00:34:48Hey! What are you doing? Stop it right now!
00:34:51Wow! It tickles!
00:34:53Next time, a little warning would be appreciated, you know?
00:34:56You'd better look at what we have here.
00:34:58All we have to do is color these two strips.
00:35:06I think we're done.
00:35:09What do you think, Samy?
00:35:11I think it needs more durability.
00:35:13Oh la la!
00:35:15Adhesive tape, wait for me!
00:35:18Thank you for your help.
00:35:21Now this backpack is definitely ready for Samy.
00:35:25I can't wait to assemble all these pieces.
00:35:28Ahem! Don't forget the back of our backpack.
00:35:31Oops! My bad.
00:35:33Now we have all the pieces we need.
00:35:35The assembly step is quite easy.
00:35:37Great! In that case, I'll take a break for a snack.
00:35:40Good luck! Maybe you'll also find something to fill our backpack.
00:35:44What do I eat? What do I eat?
00:35:46What do I eat? Oh, crisps!
00:35:48I love crisps!
00:35:50Hey, it's empty!
00:35:52Have I already eaten it all?
00:35:54That's annoying. Maybe there's something else over there.
00:35:59Apple jam!
00:36:01My favorite!
00:36:03Come on, open up!
00:36:07Well, I didn't want any anyway.
00:36:09A whole bunch of Barbapapa!
00:36:11A whole bunch of Barbapapa!
00:36:15Wait a minute!
00:36:17That's not Barbapapa!
00:36:19That's the most unpleasant experience I've ever had!
00:36:22Samy, at least now we all know that we shouldn't try their polyester jam.
00:36:27And here's the seal.
00:36:29What do you think, friends?
00:36:31I like it.
00:36:33I think I lost my strength because of hunger.
00:36:36Oh, poor you.
00:36:43Now it should go here.
00:36:45And of course, a pair of suspenders.
00:36:48Don't forget the zipper, Suzy.
00:36:50All backpacks have one.
00:36:52Okay, here we go.
00:36:54Oh, look at this cute little backpack, so soft that we made it.
00:36:58I don't want to look at it.
00:37:00I want to test it.
00:37:02And now, guess what? I need a desk!
00:37:05Well, your desires are disorderly.
00:37:07What? Are you serious?
00:37:10Let's start with the writing tools.
00:37:12We're going to make a pencil now.
00:37:14It will be easy to erase it if you make a mistake.
00:37:24Wait a second, I want to make sure you're doing things right.
00:37:28Well, I knew it.
00:37:30You forgot the main theme of my drawing.
00:37:34That's better. You can continue.
00:37:38Thank you for watching me. Now choose a color.
00:37:41Oh, I really like this yellow marker.
00:37:43My Melody's nose will be yellow.
00:37:46And her eyes will be beautiful in black.
00:37:51Wait, did you say black?
00:37:55I thought you might need my help.
00:37:59Sammy, you know I'm always happy when you help me.
00:38:01It's just that this level of DIY is quite basic.
00:38:04Oh, really?
00:38:07Okay, then.
00:38:27Yes, I'd like to go out with my new backpack, if you don't mind.
00:38:31Wait, wait. Before you do that, pass me the adhesive tape, please.
00:38:35I would have done it, but I can't feel it.
00:38:38It's not funny. Why do I always end up like this?
00:38:41Maybe the slime and the tape don't get along.
00:38:45Anyway, at least I'm good with the tape.
00:38:48Now we just have to give shape to our lion.
00:38:51I can't wait to take a closer look at him.
00:38:54I can see you, my friends.
00:38:57Oh, wow. I want a lot of things.
00:38:59Do we need something of all that, Sue?
00:39:04Now we could really use a black marker to color this tip, right?
00:39:08So that my pencil looks like a real pencil, you know.
00:39:11Of course, Sammy. Let's go.
00:39:16Well, we're ready for the operation, Doctor.
00:39:19First, I need pliers.
00:39:21There you go.
00:39:22And a little filling.
00:39:23Of course.
00:39:24Okay, let's do that.
00:39:27So, it goes here.
00:39:29Very good. Just a moment, my friend.
00:39:32Phew. The operation went smoothly.
00:39:35Now it's your turn.
00:39:37Let me see.
00:39:39Hmm. Nice stitch, Doctor Sam.
00:39:42Let me just do the final step, and we're ready.
00:39:45Well, I'm glad to be useful to a fellow doctor.
00:39:48I think we could put a little flower here.
00:39:51Perfect. A soft pencil. Check.
00:39:54Oh, it's so nice to the touch.
00:39:56There you go, Sam.
00:39:58Thank you. I'll be ready with a notebook.
00:40:02We should start again with the sketch.
00:40:04But this time, I'll do the sketch myself.
00:40:08Here it is. It's your signal, Sue.
00:40:12Wow, I didn't know you were a poet.
00:40:14You knew it, my friends.
00:40:16And now, let's move on to coloring.
00:40:32I also made something to make the notebook cute.
00:40:35Oh, it's cute.
00:40:37Let's put it aside for now.
00:40:40First, I have to make the cuts.
00:40:42Always be careful with the scissors, my friends.
00:40:47Hmm. All the work tired me out.
00:40:49I need to rest.
00:40:51Ah, this seems to be the perfect place.
00:40:55Well, here's what we've got so far.
00:40:57It looks good, doesn't it?
00:40:58But we're not done yet.
00:41:00We should make our notebook soft,
00:41:02just like we did with the others.
00:41:04Hey, am I ever going to have some peace and quiet here?
00:41:08Sorry, Sammy. I didn't see you there.
00:41:10It was embarrassing.
00:41:14So, we're done now.
00:41:20Look at that.
00:41:22The decoration made by Sammy should go here.
00:41:26Wow, Sue, that's great.
00:41:28Thank you very much.
00:41:30My friends, I'll take a look at all this again.
00:41:59Ah, I really like our DIYs.
00:42:01You found everything you needed, Sammy.
00:42:03Yes, and I had so much fun doing all this.
00:42:05Give us a like if you had fun too, my friends,
00:42:08and don't forget to subscribe.
00:42:10Thank you for being with us today.
00:42:12Click on the bell button so you don't miss anything,
00:42:14and see you soon.
00:42:28See you soon.
00:42:59My specialty is ice cream smoothie.
00:43:02What did I do?
00:43:04It was my favorite dress.
00:43:06You know how hard it is to get rid of stains.
00:43:08No worries.
00:43:10I know how to clean it. It'll work.
00:43:12Oops, I mean, we'll cut it.
00:43:14No stains, no problem.
00:43:20Don't cry, Elsa.
00:43:22I have savings. Enough for a new dress.
00:43:24Wait, Sammy.
00:43:26We're going to make a new dress for Elsa.
00:43:31Can you bring all we need for the dress, Sammy?
00:43:34Yes, we're cursed.
00:43:36It's all we have as fabric.
00:43:38I like this color.
00:43:40We'll use it to decorate your dress, okay?
00:43:42And instead of fabric,
00:43:44we can use something even better.
00:43:46Um, yes, but it's clay.
00:43:48I know.
00:43:50Get ready to have magic performed.
00:43:52Magic? I'm a renowned magician, and you know it.
00:43:54Okay, Mr. Magician.
00:43:56Give me this rectangular piece.
00:44:02No! What's going on?
00:44:04That's not what I meant.
00:44:06I'll try again. Abracadabra!
00:44:10Good job, Sam.
00:44:12I'm going to cut a piece of clay
00:44:14the size I need.
00:44:16Is that Sam's voice?
00:44:18Oh, no! I'm stuck!
00:44:20I was just about to take measurements,
00:44:22but then it went wrong.
00:44:26Sam? Oh, no.
00:44:28I wasn't your best suit.
00:44:30Oh, I look like a model.
00:44:32You really look like a model, Sammy.
00:44:36Any sewing shop would open its doors to you.
00:44:38Let's get back to our dress.
00:44:40We'll need this piece for the top.
00:44:42Let me see.
00:44:44Hmm, it looks simple.
00:44:46Let's make lots of little pleats
00:44:48to make it more breathtaking.
00:44:50Sam, your idea is great!
00:44:52Now it looks more creative.
00:44:54It's important to try on clothes
00:44:56while you make them.
00:44:58Sam is right.
00:45:00Let's try this pretty top.
00:45:02Just be patient.
00:45:04We'll attach one piece to the front
00:45:06and the other to the back.
00:45:10Do you want some water?
00:45:12It's so refreshing.
00:45:16Oh, no!
00:45:18It's too cold.
00:45:20I'll get a blanket.
00:45:22Give me a second.
00:45:24Yes, take care of the skirt.
00:45:26The transparent one.
00:45:28Don't you think it's a little too fashionable, Sammy?
00:45:30Don't worry.
00:45:32We'll improve it.
00:45:34Just help Elsa put it on.
00:45:36Don't worry, Sammy.
00:45:38I'll do it right now.
00:45:40Let Tibidaba be praised.
00:45:42It wasn't easy to find all this clay.
00:45:44I'll take it.
00:45:46You know,
00:45:48you should be more careful, Sammy.
00:45:50And you should work faster.
00:45:52We need ten.
00:45:54What? How many?
00:45:56Oh, no!
00:45:58It's irregular now.
00:46:00Don't worry, Sue.
00:46:02We need it.
00:46:04Look at me.
00:46:06We'll start with the hem of our future jeep.
00:46:08I don't think Elsa will be against
00:46:10my design solutions.
00:46:12Now I want as many pleats
00:46:14as possible to give volume.
00:46:16Your wishes are my orders.
00:46:18You're doing great, Sue.
00:46:20But we need more passion,
00:46:22more energy.
00:46:24Here, we have six pieces in total.
00:46:26Now we just have to
00:46:28assemble them one by one,
00:46:30like this.
00:46:32And that's it.
00:46:34I love it.
00:46:36It looks like it's floating.
00:46:38It's crazy for clay.
00:46:40Sam, you look like someone I know.
00:46:42No way! Who could it be?
00:46:44A very famous designer.
00:46:46The name of a cheese.
00:46:48Sam is not an imitator.
00:46:52I found resin fabric
00:46:54in the attic to make the jeep
00:46:58Great, Sammy.
00:47:00I'll put it here and there.
00:47:02The more layers there are,
00:47:04the better.
00:47:06Now the jeep is gorgeous.
00:47:08It's up to the client to decide.
00:47:10I have an idea.
00:47:12It's a beautiful dress.
00:47:14You'll be even more impressed
00:47:16in no time.
00:47:18What is it?
00:47:20A new accessory?
00:47:22No, not exactly.
00:47:24I think we should add more sparkle
00:47:26to our masterpiece.
00:47:28Of course, why not?
00:47:30We're going to make a sublime belt
00:47:32and highlight Elsa's fine waist.
00:47:34She really looks incredible.
00:47:36Elsa loves flowers.
00:47:38We can also use them
00:47:40to decorate her dress.
00:47:42That's a great idea, Sammy.
00:47:44And very creative.
00:47:46OK, I'll be right back.
00:47:48Wait, where are you going?
00:47:50To cut some flowers for the dress, of course.
00:47:52But cut flowers don't last long.
00:47:54We don't want to ruin
00:47:56such a beautiful dress.
00:47:58I don't want to ruin the flowers
00:48:00or the dress. What do we do?
00:48:02Why don't we do it ourselves?
00:48:04What do you mean?
00:48:06I'm going to show you
00:48:08how to make white and blue roses.
00:48:12We need a piece of blue crepe paper.
00:48:14Do I need to wash them?
00:48:18To water the roses, of course.
00:48:20Our roses are made of paper.
00:48:22They don't need it.
00:48:24I don't know anything about flowers.
00:48:26Help me with that.
00:48:28I'm a professional assistant.
00:48:30That's enough.
00:48:32Or do we need more?
00:48:34I think it's just the right amount.
00:48:36Good job.
00:48:38I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like flowers.
00:48:40Wait, you'll see.
00:48:42You have to be very careful
00:48:44when you handle them.
00:48:46These petals are extremely fragile.
00:48:48Oh no!
00:48:50These petals are broken.
00:48:52They look different.
00:48:54Don't worry.
00:48:56They don't need to look perfect.
00:48:58This is how you make a rose bud
00:49:00one by one.
00:49:02Wow! It really looks like a real flower.
00:49:04I can't wait to show it to Elsa.
00:49:06I mean to put it
00:49:08on her dress.
00:49:10It's ready.
00:49:12It's so pretty.
00:49:14Can I try to decorate
00:49:16Elsa's dress with it?
00:49:18Show me what it should look like.
00:49:20A little glue.
00:49:22Let's place them like this.
00:49:24You got it.
00:49:28It's so pretty.
00:49:30Look, the dress is broken.
00:49:32Sometimes you exaggerate too much.
00:49:34Don't worry.
00:49:36We can always use these petals.
00:49:38Add more petals right here
00:49:40between the rose buds.
00:49:42We can also use them to decorate the waist.
00:49:44It looks great.
00:49:46You really have great ideas.
00:49:48Elsa is beautiful.
00:49:50If you like this design
00:49:52and agree with Sue,
00:49:54like this video
00:49:56and subscribe
00:49:58to our channel.
00:50:00See you soon!
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00:50:58You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:00You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:02You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:04You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:06You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:08You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:10You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:12You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:14You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:16You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:18You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:20You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:22You'll get 30% discount!
00:51:26You'll see the result of your work in another video.
00:51:28We have to say goodbye to our viewers now.
00:51:30Goodbye, friends!
00:51:32And remember, we love you!
00:51:54See you soon!
00:52:24Where did they go?
00:52:26And who's going to listen to my scary stories now?
00:52:28A giant octopus?
00:52:30Sue, you scared me!
00:52:32Admit that you've never really caught
00:52:34or seen a giant octopus before.
00:52:36It's a big fish. Who has it?
00:52:38Oh, hi!
00:52:40It's okay not to know something.
00:52:42In fact, we can explore
00:52:44the inhabitants of the sea together.
00:52:46Come on!
00:52:48I like this idea!
00:52:50Look at this, friends!
00:52:52It's a special learning called
00:52:54a fish bowl.
00:52:56Let's open this mystery bag and see what's inside.
00:52:58Let me do it.
00:53:00These scissors are big for you anyway.
00:53:06Okay, now we can do that.
00:53:10Look, so many hidden treasures!
00:53:16So that's what an octopus looks like?
00:53:18So, we have a fish bowl,
00:53:20cute marine animals,
00:53:22food for our companions
00:53:24and some decorations.
00:53:26I want the octopus to feel
00:53:28as good as possible.
00:53:30That's very kind of you,
00:53:32but the inhabitants of the sea don't need pillows.
00:53:34They need water.
00:53:36I guess they don't need
00:53:38blankets either.
00:53:40I want this house for our animals
00:53:42to be cute.
00:53:44I know exactly what to do.
00:53:48I'm going to paint it blue.
00:53:50It will really look like the sea.
00:53:52And that's it!
00:53:56Now let's decorate the bowl
00:53:58to make it even prettier.
00:54:00Friends, never forget to be careful
00:54:02with the scissors.
00:54:04Let's see.
00:54:06Wow, it's so pretty!
00:54:08Colored corals, algae and stones.
00:54:10Yes, I feel much better like this.
00:54:12Oh, you're always great, Sammy.
00:54:14And our fish bowl will be too.
00:54:16Let me help you.
00:54:18I'm going to place it.
00:54:20That's it.
00:54:22I have a taste.
00:54:26That's for sure, Sam.
00:54:28It's done.
00:54:30And I think it's great.
00:54:32But something is missing.
00:54:34Water too.
00:54:36We need water.
00:54:38Of course.
00:54:40Fish can't live without water.
00:54:42Let's pour it here, slowly
00:54:44and carefully.
00:54:46Oops, there's a lot of humidity.
00:54:48I'd better hide.
00:54:50Don't worry, Sam.
00:54:52All the water will stay in this bowl.
00:54:54We have prepared a comfortable living space
00:54:56and now it's time to welcome the inhabitants.
00:54:58Are you looking forward to meeting them, friends?
00:55:00Then give us a like and subscribe.
00:55:04Here they are.
00:55:06So pretty and colorful.
00:55:08What have we prepared?
00:55:10We have a turtle.
00:55:12And here's a red fish.
00:55:14And a octopus.
00:55:16Oh, he has a lot of arms.
00:55:18I bet he spends a fortune in a glove store.
00:55:22And here's another inhabitant of our aquarium,
00:55:24a hippocampus.
00:55:26Look, it's your new house, my friend.
00:55:30Where is it?
00:55:32Come on, where did it go?
00:55:34What are you looking for?
00:55:36I'm looking for this funny horse you mentioned.
00:55:38Hippocampuses are not made to be mounted.
00:55:40They are called that because they look like real horses,
00:55:42but they are very small and live underwater.
00:55:44Now I realize that I know almost nothing
00:55:46about marine creatures.
00:55:48I want to know more.
00:55:50Help me, please.
00:55:52Of course.
00:55:54And the best way to learn something is practice.
00:55:56So you suggest we go fishing?
00:56:00I suggest we make ourselves a fish bowl
00:56:02and its inhabitants.
00:56:04We take care of those who are already there.
00:56:08To do this, we feed them
00:56:10and give them vitamins.
00:56:12Like this.
00:56:14Just enough for them to be satiated.
00:56:16Vitamins are essential for everyone's health,
00:56:18including fish.
00:56:22Look at them.
00:56:24They've had a good meal.
00:56:26Which means it's time to do some DIY.
00:56:28First, we're going to draw
00:56:30the decoration outlines for the fish bowl.
00:56:32I'm going to start with some corals,
00:56:34pebbles and algae.
00:56:36Be careful with the lines
00:56:38and don't rush, my friends.
00:56:42Samuel, I need help.
00:56:44Right away.
00:56:46Go on, add color to all this.
00:56:48This coral will be red.
00:56:52And I want this one to be
00:56:54a bright yellow with bright red dots.
00:57:02Of course,
00:57:04we'll have the green algae.
00:57:06The underwater world is very colorful,
00:57:08isn't it?
00:57:10Now, everything needs to be durable.
00:57:12We're talking about water here,
00:57:14aren't we?
00:57:16Let's go.
00:57:18Can we cut them now?
00:57:26So, what are we going to do
00:57:28with these decorations?
00:57:30We can just put them here,
00:57:32in this little paper bag,
00:57:36No, no, Sammy.
00:57:38We need them for our aquarium.
00:57:40You're a real trickster.
00:57:42But my room needs decorations too.
00:57:46After finishing the bowl,
00:57:48we'll decorate your room.
00:57:52This bag is very important.
00:57:54It will contain fish food
00:57:56and vitamins.
00:58:00it's time to put them to good use.
00:58:06Do fish like donuts?
00:58:08Can I share?
00:58:10No, it's not good for fish
00:58:12or anyone else.
00:58:16So, we'll keep the fish food
00:58:18in this little bag.
00:58:20Now, let's draw a container
00:58:22to keep the dry food.
00:58:24Let's start with the outlines.
00:58:26Then, I'll decorate it
00:58:28with a fish image.
00:58:30This will be the container
00:58:32for the vitamins.
00:58:34However, this bottle is a bit smaller.
00:58:40Wait, I'm not that heavy, I promise.
00:58:42Oh, Sam.
00:58:44Didn't I tell you
00:58:46you couldn't ride a hippocampus?
00:58:48Anyway, we have the containers
00:58:50with food and vitamins.
00:58:52Let's put them in the little paper bag.
00:58:54Here's our paper bag.
00:58:56Oh, wait!
00:58:58I'm so stupid!
00:59:00We forgot to make a bag
00:59:02for our animals.
00:59:04Mine will be blue,
00:59:06but you can choose the color
00:59:08you like.
00:59:10Let's start with the outlines.
00:59:12The main inhabitant
00:59:14of our aquarium,
00:59:16a huge octopus,
00:59:18has one, two, three, four,
00:59:20eight tentacles.
00:59:22They look like twins.
00:59:24If I were an octopus,
00:59:26I could do so many things at the same time.
00:59:28Yes, the octopus is a great animal.
00:59:30But what about the turtle?
00:59:32I'll draw it
00:59:34and you'll see how cute it is.
00:59:38No, no, no! Too slow for me.
00:59:40And I'd have to carry a lot of things
00:59:42on my back.
00:59:44That makes sense.
00:59:46What about a red fish?
00:59:48What was the question again?
00:59:50You couldn't have forgotten it
00:59:52so quickly.
00:59:54But the red fish
00:59:56would have already forgotten.
00:59:58His memory is too short.
01:00:00It's a myth.
01:00:02He has a better memory
01:00:04than many others.
01:00:06Very good.
01:00:08And what about a hippocampus?
01:00:10No question.
01:00:12What if someone put a saddle
01:00:14on me and decided to ride me?
01:00:16I wonder who that could be.
01:00:20now they'll be safe
01:00:22in our pretty fish tank.
01:00:48Do you remember
01:00:50when I told you
01:00:52I had caught an octopus?
01:00:54It was an epic battle
01:00:56and guess what?
01:00:58Now it lives here!
01:01:00Which one is the octopus?
01:01:02The scariest one
01:01:04with eight arms.
01:01:06Are you sure it was an epic battle?
01:01:08This animal is cute and tiny.
01:01:12I'm stuck.
01:01:14Do I need help?
01:01:16It's time to feed
01:01:18our friends the fish, Sammy.
01:01:20That's right.
01:01:22Don't forget to like this video
01:01:24and subscribe to our channel.
01:01:47Hi, friends!
01:01:49Today we're going to take care
01:01:51of a cute little puppy.
01:01:53We're going to make
01:01:55lots of cute paper crafts, too.
01:01:57So let's get started!
01:01:59Um, hello?
01:02:01Anybody here?
01:02:03Come in!
01:02:05Where are you?
01:02:07Oh, a box.
01:02:09Are you in there?
01:02:11Yes, I am.
01:02:15You poor little thing.
01:02:17Don't you worry.
01:02:19I'm going to take care of you.
01:02:21But we're going to need
01:02:23some special care packages
01:02:25for little puppies.
01:02:27Now, let's see.
01:02:31What cute blind baggies we have here!
01:02:33I wonder what's inside this one.
01:02:35Let's find out.
01:02:39Wow! It's a laundry room!
01:02:41Oh, it's so dirty!
01:02:43We can easily get
01:02:45her clothes and bow washed.
01:02:47This'll take a while,
01:02:49so we need to wait.
01:02:51Let's add some detergent.
01:02:53Oh, we need to shake the bottle
01:02:55a bit first.
01:02:57Now, we'll pour it into
01:02:59this compartment.
01:03:01Just enough for one cycle.
01:03:03Let me set the time.
01:03:05And the washing mode.
01:03:07And start!
01:03:09Well, it still needs
01:03:11to start to begin.
01:03:13There you go. It's spinning on its own now.
01:03:15Oh, hey, it's done!
01:03:19Let's take the clean clothes out
01:03:21and hang them dry
01:03:23on the washing line.
01:03:25So, how's it going, puppy?
01:03:27My ears!
01:03:29Oh, no! We gotta check it!
01:03:31I hope this baggie has what we need.
01:03:35Oh, yay!
01:03:37Let's check your ears with this scanner.
01:03:40Just relax,
01:03:42it's not gonna hurt.
01:03:44Be gentle with me.
01:03:46I will.
01:03:48I see what the problem is.
01:03:50Taking care of a hurt little puppy needs patience.
01:03:52Do you agree, friends?
01:03:54Almost there.
01:03:56And done!
01:03:58So, how do you feel now, puppy?
01:04:00Well, better, I guess.
01:04:04I think you need a bath now.
01:04:06I'm guessing
01:04:08this is what we need.
01:04:12Jackpot! A pretty bathroom!
01:04:16We need the right temperature.
01:04:18There you go.
01:04:20Nice. Then fill up the bathtub.
01:04:22We'll wait till the water is high enough
01:04:24for a nice bath.
01:04:26And we shouldn't forget to turn off the water.
01:04:28It's very important.
01:04:30I'm not sure about this.
01:04:32Oh, come on, puppy.
01:04:34Look, the water is warm and nice.
01:04:36Wait, you need these bath essentials too.
01:04:38Do you like bubbles?
01:04:40The bath bomb will make lots of bubbles.
01:04:44We'll let it dissolve for a while and…
01:04:50Now let me give you a little rub here and there.
01:04:54Water shot! And rinse!
01:04:58Here, let me help you with those ears.
01:05:00And a ducky.
01:05:02All right.
01:05:04Time to dry off.
01:05:06Let's get the towel right here.
01:05:08Oh, it tickles!
01:05:10Aw, look at you.
01:05:12So fresh and clean.
01:05:14It feels so much better.
01:05:16I'm glad you like it.
01:05:18And now I wanna get you some lotion.
01:05:20One drop for each cheek.
01:05:22One for the left cheek.
01:05:24One for the right cheek.
01:05:28Are you warm now, puppy?
01:05:30I am!
01:05:32Oh, look!
01:05:34Two magical stars are here to make sure you're okay.
01:05:38Now let me take this bandana off your ears.
01:05:40I'll give you a little ear rub so you feel even more relaxed.
01:05:44I'm pretty sure you're hungry by now.
01:05:48You'll sit here and wait, okay?
01:05:52I'll fix some strawberry milkshake for you.
01:05:54First, we need some fresh milk.
01:05:56Crack open this bottle of white goodness.
01:05:58And pour it into the blender.
01:06:02We'd better put the lid back on to keep the milk fresh.
01:06:06You know what makes milkshake more delicious and fresh?
01:06:10The more, the better.
01:06:12All set for a creamy strawberry milkshake.
01:06:16Let's press the button and see it's blending!
01:06:20I think it's ready.
01:06:22Let me pour it into a mug for you.
01:06:28The smell of fresh milk and strawberry in one drink!
01:06:30Here you go, puppy.
01:06:32Thank you!
01:06:38I'm glad you liked it.
01:06:40Are you sleepy?
01:06:42It's time for bed, then.
01:06:44Let's see what's in this blind baggie.
01:06:52Exactly what we need!
01:06:54Your little bed is waiting for you!
01:06:56Let's get you comfy with this nightcap.
01:07:02I forgot your clothes!
01:07:04Here, you're gonna be warm and even more comfy
01:07:06in your clean and fresh nightgown.
01:07:08You look so adorable!
01:07:10I have one more surprise for you.
01:07:12It's inside this little blind bag.
01:07:14We just need to open it.
01:07:16Can you guess what the surprise is, friends?
01:07:18You're about to find out soon!
01:07:22It's a teddy bear!
01:07:24A friend to cuddle so you're not alone.
01:07:28Oh, teddy!
01:07:30Now I'll snug in your bed.
01:07:32You too, teddy bear.
01:07:34See you in the morning!
01:07:36All right.
01:07:38Good night, little puppy.
01:07:40It's time to say goodnight to the world outside,
01:07:42to the moon and stars, too.
01:07:44Sleep tight, little ones.
01:07:48Good night.
01:07:50And now it's crafting time!
01:07:52Let's start with these pieces.
01:07:54Sue, did you miss me?
01:07:56Of course I did, Sam.
01:07:58Crafting room just wasn't the same without your, um,
01:08:02Tell me, Sue.
01:08:04Was a puppy a good help like me?
01:08:06Did I send some jealousy here?
01:08:08Well, I was just curious, you know.
01:08:10Friends, please be careful using sharp objects.
01:08:12Sammy, the puppy's actually the one who needed help.
01:08:14And you're my one and only craft buddy
01:08:16in the whole world.
01:08:18You're one of a kind.
01:08:20And I mean it.
01:08:22Ha! Nothing beats my experience of crafting
01:08:24and charming personality!
01:08:26Totally irreplaceable!
01:08:28Cheers to the craft duo!
01:08:30So, what do we have here, huh?
01:08:32The pieces for the laundry room.
01:08:34Cinnamoroll had lots of dirty clothes.
01:08:36Folks, this paper crafting is fun
01:08:38but tricky at the same time.
01:08:40So, watch closely.
01:08:42Aw, look at this wheel.
01:08:44This should be able to spin smoothly.
01:08:46Sammy, could you please tape this over for me?
01:08:48I'll consider it done, Susan.
01:08:50Was I fast or what?
01:08:52Wow, some skills you've got there.
01:08:54I'm impressed.
01:08:56Now, this is where the detergent goes in.
01:09:00Um, excuse me, what's he doing here?
01:09:02He's part of the craft.
01:09:04We need him.
01:09:06Oh, I see.
01:09:08He's part of the craft. We need him.
01:09:10Just checking.
01:09:12You need this, too.
01:09:14Yes, thank you.
01:09:16We need some effects on the poor puppy.
01:09:18Ahem! Delivery for Susan!
01:09:20For me? Wow!
01:09:22This is where the poor puppy was hiding
01:09:24when I found him.
01:09:26He was cold, dirty and crying.
01:09:28Oh, poor thing!
01:09:30It's good that I found him and took care of him.
01:09:34Now, in you go, Cinnamoroll.
01:09:36Let the puppy hide in the box.
01:09:38Sue, the puppy needs a hot bath!
01:09:40That's right, Sammy.
01:09:42Let's make a cut in the thermometer
01:09:44so we can adjust the water temperature.
01:09:46Now we can slide in red paper
01:09:48as the temperature indicator.
01:09:50Like this.
01:09:52That's thrilling!
01:09:54And this is how we get the water ready.
01:09:56He wants to check it out!
01:09:58Enjoy the warm bath, puppy!
01:10:00And we can hang his clean towel on this bar.
01:10:04Puppy also needs some essentials
01:10:06for a fun warm bath.
01:10:08Ahem! He'll need these too, Sue,
01:10:10so he won't get lonely in his room.
01:10:12Awesome! It's nice to have a cute plushie
01:10:14to cuddle with.
01:10:16Catch, Sue!
01:10:18Got it!
01:10:20We need to fill the bear with the soft filling
01:10:22until it looks puffy.
01:10:24Then seal the top.
01:10:26Your turn, Sue!
01:10:28Got the blind baggie for it!
01:10:30Excellent! Here it comes!
01:10:32Another cut here, from the top
01:10:34and all the way down.
01:10:36Now the scanner can go up and down
01:10:38like this.
01:10:40Um, why did a puppy need a scanner, Sue?
01:10:42I needed it
01:10:44to see where it hurts in his body.
01:10:46Turned out it was his ear.
01:10:48Ah, starry night.
01:10:50This blanket will make the puppy feel warm and comfy at night.
01:10:52Don't forget the nightcap
01:10:54and the teddy bear.
01:10:56Hey, Sue! Will you show us
01:10:58how to make a blind baggie?
01:11:00Sure! We need a piece of cute cover like this.
01:11:02Stick double tape around the edges
01:11:04from its back side.
01:11:06Then peel the tape and stick it
01:11:08on another piece of paper that has the
01:11:10surprise you've prepared earlier.
01:11:12Make sure everything sticks well
01:11:14and sealed. And that's it!
01:11:16Now let's prepare the bathroom
01:11:18surprise baggie.
01:11:20Cover and seal!
01:11:24You can play with colors like this one
01:11:26so the element of surprise works even more effective.
01:11:30And now
01:11:32all of them are going into the big blind baggie!
01:11:36The last one
01:11:38goes in and the care blind bag
01:11:40is done.
01:11:42Wait for our next crafting adventure, friends!
01:11:44We'll see you soon! Bye-bye!
01:12:00Where am I, Melody?
01:12:02Hey! Were you going to do this unboxing without me?
01:12:04No, no, no! I was waiting for you to arrive!
01:12:06We can now open this cool bag
01:12:08for Romy.
01:12:10Oh, it's really exciting!
01:12:12I have no idea what's inside.
01:12:14It looks like there could be
01:12:16something super rare in there.
01:12:18What are we waiting for? Let's open it!
01:12:20Oh, I love
01:12:22surprises so much!
01:12:24Here's the first blind bag.
01:12:26What else is there?
01:12:28Oh, there's a lot! Look, Sammy!
01:12:30Wow, that's a lot of presents!
01:12:32Yeah! Let's open the classic bag first.
01:12:34I think it's a good idea!
01:12:36I love this part! It's a real mystery!
01:12:38Let's go!
01:12:44Wow! Look at this, Sammy!
01:12:46We have a model!
01:12:48But I'm not sure about this look.
01:12:50I think she needs a re-look.
01:12:52Let's start with the hair.
01:12:54What if we gave her a cool outfit?
01:12:56Oh, I love it! She's so cute!
01:12:58And this hat will complete
01:13:00the whole look!
01:13:02She even has wings!
01:13:04Wait, is she a vampire?
01:13:06She looks so cute!
01:13:08What do we have next?
01:13:10There are so many choices!
01:13:12Let's open the fantasy bag now.
01:13:14Click, click!
01:13:16Wow! Look at this!
01:13:18It's so soft!
01:13:20I could do this all day long!
01:13:22But we have a video to shoot.
01:13:24Is there something inside?
01:13:26Oh, no way!
01:13:28It's make-up!
01:13:30And I love the colors!
01:13:32I can't wait to try this!
01:13:34We have a make-up sponge
01:13:36and some amazing powder!
01:13:38It will make my cheeks pop!
01:13:42Just kidding!
01:13:44It's still a great set!
01:13:46Let's open this bag now!
01:13:48I think we can do it!
01:13:50It's the rare bag!
01:13:52Good choice!
01:13:54It's time to open it!
01:13:56It looks interesting!
01:13:58Wait a second!
01:14:00I think it's a character from Roblox!
01:14:02It looks like she was put in the remus!
01:14:04But we can bring her back
01:14:06to her glory!
01:14:08I think this piece will look amazing on her!
01:14:10It's so chic and stylish!
01:14:12And let's add some gloves!
01:14:14Or call it whatever you want!
01:14:16This outfit will be so matching!
01:14:18Wow! This color will look amazing on you!
01:14:20Good night, darling!
01:14:22My favorite color is pink!
01:14:24But don't tell Sam!
01:14:26No outfit is complete without accessories!
01:14:28They make all the difference!
01:14:30So, you're a fan of music, right?
01:14:32Well, you'll need a helmet!
01:14:34I'm so happy with this look!
01:14:36You're gorgeous!
01:14:38Where did this come from?
01:14:40We call it the air mail!
01:14:42Now, open it!
01:14:44Ok, Sammy! You can count on me!
01:14:46But let me check the bag first!
01:14:48Oh, it's another classic bag!
01:14:50I'm getting so nervous!
01:14:52What is it?
01:14:54Hey, it looks fun!
01:14:56It's another soft thing!
01:14:58It feels good!
01:15:00Let's see what's on the other side!
01:15:02Look at these pictures!
01:15:06It's like watching a TV show!
01:15:08It's getting better and better, right?
01:15:10Someone is taking a shower!
01:15:12They will need water!
01:15:14We can even take this little pot out!
01:15:16It looks like she's about to do something stupid!
01:15:18It reminds me of someone else!
01:15:20I think we should switch channels!
01:15:22But you're comfortable!
01:15:24Why not have a delicious breakfast?
01:15:26It looks delicious!
01:15:28I'm jealous!
01:15:30Ok, that's enough!
01:15:32What else is on TV?
01:15:34I don't have a remote,
01:15:36so I'll have to change the pictures!
01:15:38Oh, we've already seen this!
01:15:40I think someone needs privacy!
01:15:42It's weird!
01:15:44Don't forget to shoot!
01:15:48I think it's time to freshen up!
01:15:50Let's put you in a good hot shower!
01:15:52The water is perfect!
01:15:54Don't forget to clean yourself
01:15:56behind the ears for Oggy!
01:16:00Get out now!
01:16:02You have to dry yourself!
01:16:04I'm having the best time with this unboxing!
01:16:08But we still have a lot of surprise bags to open!
01:16:10Although this TV could be
01:16:12my favorite surprise so far!
01:16:14The next bag is pink!
01:16:16And that means it's legendary!
01:16:18It's going to be extra special!
01:16:20Let's take it out!
01:16:22Wow! It's a set of manicures!
01:16:26I was just thinking of a manicure!
01:16:28And now I don't even need to go to the salon!
01:16:30Oh, my friends!
01:16:32I'm so lucky!
01:16:34Someone said manicure! Give it to me!
01:16:36Look at all this!
01:16:38Incredible! So many beautiful surprises!
01:16:48In fact, my friends,
01:16:50in case you didn't notice,
01:16:52Sammy and I did all this!
01:16:54Oh yeah!
01:16:56It's time to get to work!
01:16:58First of all, we have to sketch
01:17:00our wonderful models.
01:17:02I drew them with a pencil
01:17:04and now I'm going to go over them with a black pen.
01:17:06It will really help them stand out!
01:17:08That's what every model wants, right?
01:17:18You know, I really like this hat!
01:17:20It's cute!
01:17:22And we can't forget the wings!
01:17:24They really complete the outfit!
01:17:26Now we have to add color!
01:17:28Ta-da! I'm way ahead of you here!
01:17:30Thank you, Sammy!
01:17:32I knew I could count on you!
01:17:34I'm also going to add some details to the mannequin.
01:17:36Like a happy smile!
01:17:38Her eyebrows are perfect!
01:17:42I'm almost done!
01:17:44Now I can move on to the hair!
01:17:46Let's start with some pink wefts.
01:17:50Oh, I feel like a fashion designer!
01:18:08Now I'm going to put a plastic film
01:18:10on the paper to make our paper elements
01:18:12more durable.
01:18:16I created my own designs!
01:18:18I'm Coco Chanel from the world of unboxing!
01:18:20Oh, these look great, Sammy!
01:18:22You have a real talent!
01:18:24I mean, what would I do without you?
01:18:26I just have to color them!
01:18:28That's a lot of work for me!
01:18:30So it won't take long!
01:18:34Ah! My hair!
01:18:36Let's go!
01:18:38Oh, it's embarrassing!
01:18:40Do you want a little distraction, Sammy?
01:18:42Really? Wow! Give me a moment!
01:18:44Here, it's done!
01:18:46Excellent work!
01:18:48Even I couldn't have done better!
01:18:50Let me just draw around this shape.
01:18:52It's going to be our makeup sponge!
01:18:56Now I have to assemble the pieces.
01:18:58Let's get some tape for confidence!
01:19:00And here's the garnish!
01:19:02It will make our makeup sponge
01:19:04look nice and soft!
01:19:06Let's try it!
01:19:08Oh, that's exactly what I wanted!
01:19:10But there's no time to relax!
01:19:12We have another toy to make!
01:19:14It looks good and pleasant to the touch!
01:19:16I can do this all day long!
01:19:18Okay, it's the tricky part!
01:19:20One wrong step and everything is ruined!
01:19:22But I did it!
01:19:24Now let's stick it
01:19:26on a piece of cardboard
01:19:28and make a label.
01:19:34The next step
01:19:36is quite simple.
01:19:38You just have to wrap cardboard
01:19:40around the edge and insert
01:19:42our little makeup.
01:19:46And now I can add
01:19:48the cover.
01:19:50It will keep everything safe!
01:19:52This strip of cardboard
01:19:54will hold me in place.
01:19:56Let's go!
01:19:58Our makeup sponge is complete!
01:20:00What do we do next, Sammy?
01:20:02Now, please, I love it so much!
01:20:04Oh, I almost forgot! Great idea!
01:20:06I'm smart and beautiful!
01:20:08Look, guys!
01:20:10Sam sketched everything for me!
01:20:12I just have to add the color.
01:20:14It should be easy and fast enough!
01:20:22Step aside!
01:20:24The stylist Sam is here to help!
01:20:26Aha! I'm a witch
01:20:28with a pen!
01:20:30Ah! You really like it, Sammy!
01:20:32I'm impressed!
01:20:34Now we have to color the bandeau
01:20:36and the headphones.
01:20:38Oof! It's heavy!
01:20:40I should have exercised!
01:20:42Sammy, I'll take care of it!
01:20:44I need a protein shake!
01:20:46And I need to work on the sketches!
01:20:48It requires Sammy's magic!
01:20:50Look at that!
01:20:52I have no idea how I did that!
01:20:54You're not the only one with magic powers!
01:20:58It's a creative editing!
01:21:00I don't complain!
01:21:02Do I have something on my head?
01:21:06Thank you for everything!
01:21:08You really are a great help!
01:21:10This will be the TV stand.
01:21:12I'll glue the pieces together.
01:21:14And here's the water at the back of this image
01:21:16that can be removed.
01:21:18It's like a little pocket, isn't it?
01:21:20Then we have to assemble everything.
01:21:22Here's how to make the sides of the box.
01:21:24It looks amazing!
01:21:26Here's the front.
01:21:30I've never seen a TV
01:21:32with bat ears before!
01:21:34This handle
01:21:36makes it so easy to transport!
01:21:40And the final touch
01:21:42is our little slide!
01:21:44Is it over?
01:21:46And the middle part?
01:21:48Did I miss it?
01:21:50Don't worry, Sam!
01:21:52They're right here!
01:21:54Wow! What a day!
01:21:56Yeah! I had a great time!
01:21:58Subscribe and hit the like button!
01:22:00See you soon, everyone!
