• 2 months ago
Un violento asalto a un camión repartidor de pollos ocurrió en el Supermercado La Misión, ubicado en la calle Garibaldi al 6000, Villa Luzuriaga. Los delincuentes, que se movilizaban en un auto gris robado días atrás, amedrentaron al transporte y chocaron un vehículo de seguridad privada durante su huida. Un efectivo civil de la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires intervino y quedó demorado tras el incidente. La Policía Federal Argentina está realizando las investigaciones correspondientes.


00:00Really recent, there are the experts of the Argentine Federal Police carrying out the investigations, corresponding experiments
00:08and we are going to try to understand how these events happened that ended in this violent and tragic way.
00:15You will see there a truck whose front part is red and the back part is white.
00:23That is the chicken truck.
00:26It came to leave merchandise in that supermarket called Supermercado La Misión,
00:32located on Garibaldi Street at 6000, here in Villa Lusuriaga.
00:36When those who transported the merchandise to go down to the supermarket descended,
00:43there the criminals appeared in this other car, this gray car that you see there as crossed in the street.
00:50Apparently a car that had been stolen days ago and that the criminals used to move.
00:57They got here, threatened the food truck driver and there another person who was inside that red truck
01:07got down armed and began to repel the aggression.
01:11According to the information we are handling, it is a Bonaire police officer who was accompanying the driver.
01:18It is not known whether as a custodian or simply out of service working as a company.
01:24There this shooting is launched, which becomes fierce and ends with two criminals shot down
01:31and a third who managed to escape from the area.
01:34Because it is an event that happened and where a police officer from the province of Buenos Aires participates,
01:42it is the Argentine Federal Police who is in charge of carrying out the Bobby investigations,
01:47something that happened today, shortly before noon,
01:50and that even at this time, each of the samples is still being investigated and carried out.
01:55A shocking neighborhood, a shooting that was intense,
01:58at close range, almost body to body at times, as seen in the images.
02:03Key investigations are being carried out because they are working on the stolen vehicle
02:07in which the criminals were moving and there it will also be important to take fingerprints,
02:12except that they had the precaution of using gloves, I do not think.
02:17We also see, Diego, a private security vehicle, almost behind,
02:22there, behind the car that is now being searched.
02:25Did that have something to do with the fact or was it simply parked there?
02:31No, apparently that red private security vehicle is a vehicle that was parked in the place,
02:36it does not have any kind of participation with this episode.
02:40Yes, it is true that this SUV type car, as it is called,
02:46to this type of vehicles that are a little bigger, that have a rear gate
02:50and that have a semi-sporting appearance, well, it hit the private security vehicle,
02:56it is seen that in an attempt to escape or something like that,
02:59that's why we see that the private security vehicle has some bulge in the back,
03:06at the same time as the gray vehicle has it.
03:09So, in principle, that vehicle has nothing to do with it,
03:12it just stayed there and was hit when the criminals tried to maneuver.
03:16Diego, the cash that the civilian cashier shot was delayed,
03:19the weapon was kidnapped, seized, I suppose, right?
03:24We still do not have official information, but unofficially they tell us that yes,
03:29that it is a police cash from the province of Buenos Aires,
03:32which obviously, when repelling the aggression,
03:35making use of its regulatory weapon and others,
03:38it was made available to the justice for the investigation of the episode,
03:42but we do not have official information so far,
03:46if it was already transferred to some dependency of the area to make a statement
03:50or if it still remains here in the area of ​​the episode.
03:53And it transcended if there were indeed two criminals or a third that escaped?
04:00So far there is talk of three criminals, two of them shot down
04:03and a third who managed to escape the scene.
04:06This is all very recent, we are trying to confirm this information,
04:10but the information that we are handling, at least so far,
04:13is of two dead and a third evaded criminal.
04:16This also shows a background of another reality, right?
04:19If it is indeed an officer in activity of the police of Buenos Aires,
04:24who also in this case, perhaps, was performing additional tasks of private guard,
04:28if the fact is confirmed that he came as support in the vehicle of the distribution,
04:33it also speaks of another situation, right?
04:35That is what many police officers are having to do to be able to live with dignity.
04:40But that situation and that scenario will remain to be confirmed.
04:45The situation would be different if it is a neighbor of the neighborhood
04:48and decides to get involved and intervene in the event.
04:51But if it is the first, well, it also speaks of how they are, right?
04:56And it will also be necessary to determine, Bobby,
04:58if he effectively ran, danger of death, or a third.
05:04If they squashed firearms, the criminals,
05:08or if the shots that are heard in the video
05:11respond only to the regulatory alarm of the police force, right?
05:16A situation that must have also altered, and still until now,
05:19it surprises, this happened near noon, right, Diego?
05:22And they are still there, in Calle Cortada, doing inspections,
05:25and I imagine a neighborhood completely altered by this situation.
05:30Yes, totally altered, because, of course,
05:33it is the door, precisely, of a business,
05:35and in moments very close to noon,
05:37where there is usually a lot of public affluence,
05:42of customers, to this supermarket,
05:44which obviously works with doors to the street,
05:49but which, for security reasons,
05:51works with bars on almost everything in front of it.
05:54But, well, until then, this distributor arrived,
05:56with the shipment of chicken, to go down there.
05:59Now, I want to see if I can talk to a neighbor,
06:02even if it's off camera.
06:04Off camera, I want to see if I can talk to a neighbor,
06:07without showing them anything else,
06:08because the neighbors are also a little scared,
06:10they don't want to tell much.
06:12Sir, were you here in the area when the incident happened?
06:15No, I was working.
06:16But you live around here?
06:17Around, yes.
06:18Yes, well, this is a supermarket,
06:20where there are usually people from the neighborhood,
06:22and the distributors arrive, for example,
06:24as a routine, at the time this man arrived.
06:27Yes, yes, yes.
06:28Well, and what could you see when he arrived?
06:30No, when I arrived, everything was already closed,
06:33let's say, I didn't see anything.
06:36Yes, an officer asked for the cameras at home,
06:38because I have a camera here around the house,
06:40but the vehicle didn't go through there.
06:42Of course.
06:43You don't see it in the cameras in your house?
06:45You don't see it, no.
06:46We checked the cameras with my son, and no, no.
06:48Of course.
06:49No, the vehicle didn't even go through there.
06:52We are talking about two downed criminals,
06:54and a third one who escaped.
06:55You, who could talk to other neighbors,
06:57can you confirm if this case is being handled?
07:00No, that's the fact, yes, yes, that's the fact.
07:02That's the fact.
07:03Yes, yes, yes.
07:04That's the fact.
07:05Had you seen here in the area a case with such violence?
07:08The truth is no.
07:09The truth is that...
07:10No, not at all.
07:11That I...
07:12Not at all, sorry.
07:13I left the house a little while ago,
07:15and I'm going to go take a look, because it's the neighborhood.
07:17I live around there.
07:18Do you know anything about the policeman who came in the truck,
07:21who was the one who prevented the aggression of the criminals?
07:25Not at all.
07:26We only know that he is a guard.
07:30And he was, in fact, he was without police clothes,
07:32he was like that, but we didn't even know he was a policeman.
07:36Of course.
07:37Thank you very much.
07:38Well, Diego.
07:39Good afternoon.
07:40Well, these neighbors confirming, well,
07:42more or less the hypotheses that we had been handling.
07:44Well, excellent work from there,
07:46a shocking fact, on a Thursday, January 2,
07:49where we all say, some take a vacation,
07:51the only ones who don't take a vacation are the criminals.
07:54Thank you, Diego.
07:58And we have more urgent information, please.
