Eine Familie hat ihren Vorgarten mit über 100.000 Lichtern und 3.000 Weihnachtsdekorationen in ein Winterwunderland verwandelt.
Ross und Michelle Clark begannen mit dieser Tradition vor 22 Jahren nach dem herzzerreißenden Verlust ihres Sohnes Jack, der im Alter von nur sechs Tagen vorzeitig starb.
Ross und Michelle Clark begannen mit dieser Tradition vor 22 Jahren nach dem herzzerreißenden Verlust ihres Sohnes Jack, der im Alter von nur sechs Tagen vorzeitig starb.
00:00Are you ready? I'm going out.
00:10I'll shut this door.
00:20Is that my front door?
00:23That's the side of my house.
00:31Let's take you into the front garden.
00:36We do this every year for my son, who passed away when he was six days old.
00:45He would now be 22.
00:48We do this for charity every year.
00:51For neonatal units, so we can try and raise money to get new incubators,
00:59new equipment.
01:29We do this every year for my son, who passed away when he was six days old.
01:36We do this for charity every year.
01:39For neonatal units, so we can try and raise money to get new incubators,
01:46new equipment.
01:49For neonatal units, so we can try and raise money to get new incubators,
01:55new equipment.
01:57For neonatal units, so we can try and raise money to get new incubators,
02:03new equipment.
02:06For neonatal units, so we can try and raise money to get new incubators,
02:12new equipment.
02:15For neonatal units, so we can try and raise money to get new incubators,
02:21new equipment.
02:23For more information, please visit www.cdc.gc.gc.gc.
02:53For more information, please visit www.cdc.gc.gc.gc.