Art et designTranscription
00:30C'est parce que tous ceux qui vivaient là-bas avaient des jambes bleues.
00:33Ce n'était pas une analogie, mais c'était dû au fait que l'ensemble du pays était couvert de vins de grapes.
00:38Et quand vous avez tellement de vins de grapes, vous avez une abondance de grapes.
00:41Et des stompers de grapes.
00:44Ainsi s'appelle le lavender de Tootsie.
00:46Au cours des années, ils produisent pas seulement toutes sortes de vins et de sucre de grapes,
00:50mais aussi un très bon champagne.
00:52Il n'y avait qu'une chose qui n'était pas correcte.
00:53Quand vous ouvrez une bouteille, le cork ne va pas tomber.
00:56Le champagne n'est pas bon. Il est plat.
00:59Il n'était pas plat. Il n'allait pas tomber.
01:01Les scientifiques du lavender de Tootsie se sont immersés dans le problème
01:05et ont trouvé toutes sortes de cures.
01:07Ici nous avons une bouteille qui contient une couche de glycérine de nitro.
01:11Cela va faire tomber...
01:14Cela n'a pas fonctionné très bien.
01:16Puis, un jour...
01:18Partez, nous sommes occupés.
01:20Excusez-moi, mesdames, mais je crois que je peux vous aider.
01:23Avant que la protestation ne soit large, le étranger a mis un doigt dans sa bouche et...
01:29Sacré bleu! Faites-le encore!
01:34Pendant trois semaines, le doigt a tombé,
01:36à l'étonnement des scientifiques.
01:38Le problème était ceci.
01:40Quand vous avez acheté une bouteille de champagne de lavender de Tootsie,
01:43vous avez aussi reçu les services du doigt.
01:45Regarde ici, j'ai acheté une bouteille de champagne.
01:47Et qui est-ce?
01:48Il vient avec. Prêt, monsieur?
01:51À tout moment.
01:52L'homme a tiré le cork. Le doigt a tombé.
01:54Et tout le monde était heureux.
01:56Cela s'est passé pendant un an,
01:57avec un doigt qui apparaissait partout dans le pays,
01:59qui tombait dans le cœur de tout le monde.
02:01Et puis, un jour, le prince mauvais qui régnait à Tootsie Lavender,
02:04a décidé de faire une fête.
02:063 000 bouteilles de champagne?
02:08Oui, et vous devez garantir qu'ils font avec le doigt.
02:11Et donc, un peu plus tard...
02:13Eh bien, où apparaissais-je aujourd'hui?
02:16Au château du prince mauvais.
02:18Vous devez tomber 3 000 fois, et avec ça, tous...
02:24Easy, easy, shopkeeper.
02:26I shall do it easily.
02:28Ah, but this was the wet season,
02:30and the popper was forced to fight his way to the castle
02:32through a blinding downpour.
02:34What's more, wet cold rain can play odd tricks on a person,
02:37as you will soon see.
02:38The prince's party was a gay one.
02:40That is, until the time came to drink champagne.
02:42All right, popper.
02:44Do your work and do it well.
02:46Never fear your evilness.
02:48The first bottle was brought out.
02:49The prince pulled out the cork, pointed to the popper.
02:52The popper went through his customary procedure, and...
02:55no pop.
02:56You try to make the fool of me.
02:58I can't understand it.
03:00I'll try again.
03:01Though he tried and tried, not a pop could he make.
03:03The party was a dismal failure.
03:05Enough of this.
03:06Throw him in the dungeon.
03:08The popper was dumped unceremoniously inside the castle's
03:10deepest, dankest, darkest dungeon.
03:12Oh, well.
03:13Into which life some rain must fall.
03:16Who said that?
03:18I believe it was the Mills brothers.
03:19Who are you?
03:20There, in a corner, sat a bearded figure.
03:22I am the prince of Tootsie Lavender.
03:25Then who's the mean one upstairs?
03:27An imposter who overpowered me, and you serve my throne.
03:31Alas, if only I could get out of here.
03:34I'd like to help you, but I have my own problems.
03:37Laryngitis of the popper.
03:38Well, time wore on, and eventually the wet season moved on to San Francisco.
03:43A clear dry air returned, and so did the popper's popper.
03:46I did it.
03:47I got it back.
03:50Oh, these nuts they put in here.
03:53Ah, but the pops were to be the good prince's salvation.
03:56For the guards in the dungeon heard the sounds,
03:58believed them to be emanating from champagne bottles,
04:01and ran to the cell with glasses in hand.
04:03Viva Jacques!
04:05By three that afternoon, every guard in the castle was in that cell.
04:09But the popper and the prince weren't.
04:11They had escaped completely unnoticed.
04:14This way, mon ami.
04:15I have the score to settle.
04:17Through a secret passageway they went.
04:19And where did it lead?
04:20To the great hall where the evil prince was cheating at Scrabble.
04:24Is that you, Pierre?
04:25No, you rotten imposter.
04:27It is me.
04:30Revenge is sweet.
04:31How is apple cider?
04:33Back and forth they fought, neither giving an inch.
04:35And then, the good one happened to trip.
04:37Ah, the moment of truth.
04:39The good prince would have had it had it not been for the popper.
04:42He popped.
04:43Quick, someone give me a glass.
04:45And that's when a fist knocked him real hard.
04:47Well, from that day forward, Tootsie Lavender was a much happier land.
04:51As for our friend the popper, he was made royal instructor.
04:54Every man in the kingdom went to school to learn how to make the popping noise.
04:58And it certainly occurs to me that most of those men were married and were fathers.
05:03I wonder if that's how they got the name Pop.