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00:00People come to ride fish rides, fly fish kites, take tours through giant fish, and see Charline, the world's largest tuna!
00:09Free Charline! Free Charline! Free Charline! Free Charline!
00:16Forward, screamsies! Free the tuna! Free the tuna! Free the tuna!
00:23Free the tuna! Free the tuna! Free the tuna!
00:28Uh-oh! Something's fishy around here! I mean, somebody stole the fish!
00:43I'll get her back!
00:45Hello, world's greatest marine detective?
00:48The cute Delord here!
00:50Fishnippin? The world's biggest tuna?
00:55I'd like to help, but I'm either saving a fragile ecosystem or I have the mumps. I forget which.
01:01Au revoir!
01:03There's only one person who can help us find Charline.
01:16Whenever there's a crime or trouble That no one can solve at all it seems
01:21That's when they come in on the double Sylvester and Tweety, Mr. Beast
01:26It might be day or night whenever Conditions are right for them to flee
01:31Somehow it all still fits together Sylvester and Tweety, Mr. Beast
01:36If there's a poo-poo An old house with rotten stairs
01:40Just look around you
01:43Chance of war will be fair
01:46Someday I'll eat that darn canary And then I'll be happy, yes siree
01:51But Hector thinks you should be wary
01:53Sylvester and Tweety, Mr. Beast
01:56The chase goes on with each new mission With rat drops and plenty, no woody
02:01And through it all they're in contention Sylvester and Tweety, Mr. Beast
02:17Friends of Screamseese, help has arrived!
02:33Boys, meet Al Bacor, President of Screamseese
02:37Oh, how sweet!
02:41What intelligent animals!
02:57Now then, whom do you suspect?
03:00He's an hourly employee, he knows nothing
03:02Personally, I believe Souscheese is the one
03:06As the most famous restaurant in the Ginza district
03:09They have a yen for tuna, if you get my meaning
03:12Well, no, but we'll go there anyway
03:15Good, otherwise the whole store will just sit around
03:23Hey, you're a shrine, welcome to the shrine
03:26I'm a shrine, I'm a shrine
03:28I'm a shrine, I'm a shrine
03:31I'm a shrine, I'm a shrine
03:34Welcome to Sushi Hana
03:36I'm Sho Fishimene, host of this honorable restaurant
03:40Watch me crack him
03:42So, Mr. Fishimene, why did you kidnap Charlene the tuna?
03:47But I didn't
03:48Would madam care to order?
03:49Was it for ransom?
03:51Maybe you needed the money to pay off a blackmailer
03:54Perhaps madam would like a little more time
03:57So you could marry a woman with a sordid past
04:00Who's trying to reform
04:03Go away
04:07That went rather well, I thought
04:10This crime could take a long time to solve
04:32No cruising this fishy
04:34No cruising that fishy
04:36No cruising this fishy
04:46I could savor some of these undersea delectables
04:50Instead of obsessing on that stupid bird
04:56I could, but it's tradition
05:14Boy, it sure stinks inside this fish
05:21Ooh, a punching bag
05:23Must be for the worms to work out on
05:53Have you become a type of wise guy?
05:56Disarm her!
06:14Oh, my, where's Tweety?
06:16Go find Tweety
06:17I'm going to question the suspect
06:24Young man, you're a toughie
06:26If I didn't know better, I'd think you were innocent
06:31Oh, my, where's Tweety?
06:33Go find Tweety
06:35I'm going to question the suspect
06:37Oh, my, where's Tweety?
06:39Go find Tweety
06:41I'm going to question the suspect
07:11C'est parti !
07:41C'est parti !
08:11Oh, merci, Hector.
08:13Fishermene is a tough nut to crack.
08:16I'll have to try something else.
08:18I'm not sure what, but something is bound to strike me.
08:48Hmm. You'd think something would turn up.
08:58My, this symbol looks familiar.
09:00Is it a secret code from Triad gangs on the mainland?
09:05Oh! It was just dirt on my glasses.
09:11That symbol stands for the dojo of Kendo Master Ichthyology.
09:15Wow! Duany knows her stuff.
09:17It says so here in a small print.
09:21Learn to chop.
09:22Make the cut in Master Ichthyology's Combat Academy and Sushi School.
09:27Of course! It all makes sense.
09:31Yes, I wanted Charlie in the tuna.
09:33Excellent chance to prove my sushi-slicing technique.
09:36But now, no fish. Life is often like that.
09:39Master Ichthyology, how do you explain this?
09:44I mean this.
09:45Ah! It belongs to my former student, Tuna-moto.
09:49I had to expel him. He's a very rowdy boy.
09:52But he's a good boy.
09:54He's a good boy.
09:56I had to expel him. He's a very rowdy boy.
10:02I'll send it to him with the rest of his belongings, D.O.D.
10:06Hmm. Tuna-man has fish on the brain.
10:10This demean old assassin just tried to hurt Duany.
10:27Oh, yeah!
10:29A whole room of assassins. I'd better check them all.
10:57That assassin looks really suspicious.
11:03It looks like a cat.
11:05Yes, it was a cat.
11:19So, your student Tuna-moto wasn't always a troublemaker?
11:23No, but he started spending time at Waterland and...
11:27This racket is really ticking me off!
11:35Bad old puddy-cat.
11:42Oh, puddy-wee-wee know how to catch a cab.
11:45That's the last straw.
11:49You stay out, big red-nosed cat.
11:52Don't check up my floor.
11:58Oh, a succulent snack.
12:08Oh, a succulent snack.
12:10Oh, a succulent snack.
12:12Oh, a succulent snack.
12:14Oh, a succulent snack.
12:16Oh, a succulent snack.
12:18Oh, a succulent snack.
12:20Oh, a succulent snack.
12:22Oh, a succulent snack.
12:24Oh, a succulent snack.
12:26Oh, a succulent snack.
12:28Oh, a succulent snack.
12:30Oh, a succulent snack.
12:32Oh, a succulent snack.
12:34Oh, a succulent snack.
12:36Oh, a succulent snack.
12:38Oh, a succulent snack.
12:40Oh, a succulent snack.
12:42Oh, a succulent snack.
12:44Oh, my God, it's a giant squid.
12:47I made a giant squid.
12:51What do you suppose that bad old puddy-cat up to now?
13:04Excuse me, young naysan, but is today your birthday?
13:08Whatever do you mean, most honorable little bird?
13:15Happy birthday to me.
13:25There you are, Tweety. I was so worried.
13:28We should be off now and find Charlene.
13:35Oh, dear. A ninja's work is never done.
13:40Oh, you big bully.
13:42Why don't you pick on someone your own size?
13:49You mind your manners, young fella.
13:52And your breath.
13:59Oh, you big bully.
14:01Why don't you pick on someone your own size?
14:10Now, who'd be so irresponsible as to give a machete to a baby?
14:27Land sakes alive, you might have hurt someone with this.
14:34I've been bounced.
14:36There, there.
14:38There, there, tuna-san.
14:40Tell Granny all about it.
14:43Very well.
14:44That was easy.
14:46I stole the big tuna to sell to a mysterious tuna tycoon.
14:52And just where did you plan to meet?
14:55At the sashimi.
14:57Downtown Tokyo hotspot.
14:59Sorry, no unpaid endorsements on this show.
15:03One more thing.
15:05Where's Charlene?
15:07We'll see.
15:09Gracious, that's very clever.
15:26One more little stop and this case is in the can.
15:32And now, my friends who are gathered here for fun,
15:35let's all do the umbrella.
15:55You behave or you'll be padding a violin case next.
16:06Now, all we have to do is wait for Tuna-moto's contact,
16:09that slimy fish-napper.
16:18Somehow, I expected you to be larger.
16:23I've been sick.
16:25I'm looking for a woman named Charlene.
16:28Oh, I hear she's a real catch.
16:30But sometimes it's a...
16:33I have a can-opener right here.
16:38Al Bacar!
16:40Thought you could outfox me?
16:43Hector! Sicker!
16:46Bartender, get me the police!
16:48And charge my drink to Al Bacar!
17:51Good riddance!
17:54I'd do anything to save my giant fishy-wishums.
17:57Charlene should be free, free to stay at my place.
18:00No one's ever going to eat you,
18:02my poor giant fishy-wishy-wooshy.
18:22It's amazing what they can vacuum-pack into a can these days.
18:27I think it's time to wrap up this fish-story.
18:32Wanna bet?
18:35Come on, Hector! Let's get him out of here!
18:41This sort of thing only happens
18:43because Puddy never eats a ploppably balanced meal.
18:56Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada