• last year
👉 Dos trabajadores de limpieza vivieron una experiencia aterradora cuando fueron perseguidos y atacados por cuatro delincuentes armados a bordo de tres motos. A menos de una hora, se cree que los mismos delincuentes fueron los que atacaron a otro joven al cual le dispararon en una pierna para quitarle la llave de la moto: "El chico herido estaba internado conmigo"

"Nos persiguieron cinco cuadras"
"Ya nos habían disparado antes de tirar la moto"
"Estos pibes destruyen una familia"

👉 Seguí en #AndinoYLasNoticias


00:00when these miserable people surround two workers to steal their motorcycles.
00:06That's right, this happened in Don Bosco and Branson, a very complicated area of Ramos Mejia,
00:11the famous triangle, which also includes the districts of Tres Pedroso and Morón.
00:16That change of jurisdiction allows these criminals to do whatever they want because no one takes charge.
00:21And these workers from the Urban Agency, who threw the key and escaped,
00:26were miraculously shot in the head.
00:32Today we would be talking about a dead worker,
00:36and these miserable people who do whatever they want,
00:39a raid at 6 in the morning.
00:42But why at 6 in the morning?
00:43It's not that they get up and say, well, let's have some mate and go out to steal.
00:47They come all night long.
00:49Yes, because they are miserable people who live from this.
00:51Let's see, here the shot happened close.
00:54Let's remember that afterwards we took criminals, an hour later,
00:57or an hour later, they hit and threw a leg at another person.
01:00But let's talk to Tomás.
01:02Tomás is one of the victims who saves his life by miracle.
01:06How are you, Tomás? Thank you for welcoming us. Good morning.
01:11Good morning, how are you?
01:12How are you?
01:13Let's see, you're talking to us about a miracle, right?
01:17Tell us, who are you of the two, the one who throws the key?
01:19Of a miracle, I am.
01:21No, no, I am the one in white, the one who runs away.
01:23The one in white.
01:24My aunt is the one who throws the key.
01:26How does this story begin?
01:28When do you realize that you were there, caught by the criminals?
01:34I remember because I saw that my aunt started to speed up
01:39and the motorcycles were approaching us.
01:41Five blocks ahead of there, to Paz.
01:44What do you do, Tomás?
01:47We are landowners.
01:49Ok, and where do you work?
01:50In the capital.
01:51In the federal capital.
01:52And you came from the capital?
01:57And you came from the capital to the province of Buenos Aires?
02:02No, no, no, we were going to work.
02:04Ah, you were going.
02:06And there is a certain moment, five blocks before,
02:08that your uncle kind of realizes that they were locking them up?
02:14He realizes it because, yes, they were chasing him.
02:17The two motorcycles were approaching.
02:19And then, you know, the one with the blue motorcycle,
02:21that's the one that, I don't know, my uncle trusted,
02:23thinking it wasn't a thief,
02:25that he also wanted to escape from the motorcycles,
02:27and that's the one who throws the motorcycle at us.
02:29Now, I'll tell you the truth,
02:31brave, timid, I don't know how to qualify it,
02:35but risky, because he threw the key inside a house, right?
02:38In a garden?
02:41Yes, yes.
02:42When we threw the motorcycle,
02:44the first thing I did was run,
02:46I didn't look back, but in the video,
02:48I saw that he threw the key.
02:49There it is, there it is, you pass it,
02:51your uncle falls, and they shoot him in the neck.
02:54They didn't do it by chance.
02:55Did you hear the shot?
02:58Before the double motorcycle,
03:01they didn't shoot anymore.
03:03Ah, there had already been a first shot?
03:07They shot two or three times,
03:08and then when we threw the motorcycle,
03:10they threw more shots.
03:11In other words, they had bad aim,
03:13or they did it to scare us.
03:15Did you think they wanted to shoot you in the neck?
03:17Yes, I...
03:18Let's see.
03:20I think that...
03:21Well, I think that to scare us,
03:24we threw the motorcycle, I think.
03:25Of course.
03:26Look, I don't know if you can see it in this video,
03:28but I think you can see the key
03:30passing by the side of the camera.
03:31I think.
03:34they were saved twice.
03:35First, the user ran over them.
03:39Yes, in the truck.
03:40Of course, they passed it to him,
03:41because he was going to destroy them if he grabbed them.
03:44And then, the fact of the previous shots...
03:46Yes, I mean...
03:47I mean, what did they do next?
03:49Because there we saw that the motorcycle
03:51could not be taken,
03:52but a lot of cars passing by,
03:54the indifference that is taking place now.
03:56Did you have any collaboration from any of the neighbors?
04:01Well, we...
04:02Whenever we go to work,
04:04we meet a colleague,
04:06a friend, Lucas.
04:08And the first thing I did
04:10was call the police and call him
04:12to see...
04:13Because he always passes by where we are,
04:15by Don Bosco.
04:17And I call him to see if he saw something
04:19or if he was close,
04:20so that he could come and look for me.
04:21Because I didn't know how my uncle was, nothing.
04:23Of course, of course, of course.
04:26as we always say,
04:27they are the two Argentines,
04:28the one of the work,
04:29the one of your effort,
04:30your uncle's,
04:31against the one of these scoundrels, right?
04:33Can I ask you,
04:34with all due respect,
04:35how much do you earn per month?
04:38It depends.
04:39It depends.
04:40It depends on the days I work.
04:44Ok, let's see.
04:45Is it enough for you?
04:46Just like...
04:47Yes, yes.
04:48We survive, yes.
04:49It's enough.
04:51Let's see.
04:52Why do I ask you?
04:53Because you say,
04:54we survive.
04:55Maybe you have a hope
04:56that this will get better,
04:57but you chose the direction of work.
04:58What do you think
04:59about these guys
05:00who are going around
05:01in the suburb permanently
05:02and the only thing they do
05:03is to see
05:04how they work.
05:05And if you escape,
05:06they will probably
05:07kill you.
05:11I think that
05:12since I was 18,
05:13I've been working here,
05:14but since I was a kid,
05:15I worked with my uncle,
05:16maybe with my grandfather
05:17in the bakery.
05:20And to see these guys
05:21like this,
05:22I have to say,
05:23you take away...
05:26you take away...
05:27I mean,
05:28doing these things
05:29to a family,
05:30I completely destroyed it.
05:32Because a motorcycle,
05:33how much can you sell it
05:34like this?
05:35No, sure,
05:36but it's worth everything today.
05:37Motorcycle, cell phone,
05:38everything is worth
05:39to get falopa,
05:40for whatever.
05:41I have no idea
05:42how much they can sell it,
05:43but let's see,
05:44it's a motorcycle
05:45from a laborer.
05:46Yes, they use it
05:47more than anything
05:48to keep stealing
05:49and to make money.
05:50What I see is that
05:51for two pesos
05:52you end up with a family
05:53because it's not
05:54that you're going
05:55to be a millionaire.
05:56Of course, of course.
05:57Tell me one thing,
05:58your uncle,
05:59did he feel the bullet
06:00pass close?
06:01What did he do?
06:02Because we see that it falls,
06:03when we see that it falls,
06:04did he fall?
06:05He fell from my side,
06:06he fell from my side
06:07because he fell
06:08and I think
06:09that if he didn't fall,
06:10the shot was
06:11on his back.
06:13and what company
06:14do you work for?
06:16Let's see,
06:17Solvayres people
06:18saw this,
06:19I say,
06:20the authorities
06:21talked to you,
06:22they give you
06:23a few days of rest
06:24because after this stress
06:25that they almost kill you,
06:26I say,
06:27what happens?
06:28Or do you have to
06:29continue working
06:30the next day?
06:33the two of us
06:34were for RT,
06:35so he is not
06:36covering us
06:37for RT.
06:40what happens
06:41is that well,
06:42if you die,
06:43nothing reaches,
06:45But how is your uncle?
06:46Where is he now?
06:47He is at home,
06:48he has to do
06:50it seems
06:51that it is called,
06:52because the knee
06:53seems that when
06:54he hit the car,
06:55he was
06:57And the advance
06:58of the cause,
06:59here was
07:00an attempt
07:01to kill him,
07:02apart from the attempt
07:03to steal,
07:04I say,
07:05they are connected
07:06with the justice,
07:07the prosecution,
07:09there you see
07:10how they pass the key
07:11that they throw
07:12and then the criminals
07:13look for it.
07:14I tell you,
07:15the prosecution
07:16contacted you,
07:17do you know
07:18the experiments
07:19that were done
07:20in the place
07:21to look for the stuff?
07:23we were talking,
07:24we were talking.
07:27it is advancing,
07:28they are still
07:29looking for them,
07:30do you know?
07:32when I was
07:34the police
07:35went and
07:36told me
07:37that they were going
07:38to do everything
07:39possible to
07:41and see
07:42where they went
07:43and be able
07:44to try
07:45to find them.
07:46When did this
07:47come out
07:48in the media
07:49or before?
07:53when I was
07:55when they
07:56shoot me,
07:57from there
07:58I ran
07:59five blocks
08:01So you
08:02are the
08:04you want to
08:05go up there
08:06so you don't
08:07get shot.
08:08And my uncle
08:09took me there,
08:10my uncle
08:11came back,
08:12he looked
08:13for the motorcycle,
08:14he went to
08:15look for me
08:16with my
08:17other friend
08:19in the car
08:20and they
08:21took me
08:22to the hospital.
08:23Now Tomás,
08:24you know
08:25that this
08:27an hour
08:29frenarlo. Ahí fue más bravo, porque casi pierde la vida. O sea, para que te den cuenta.
08:35¿Vos estás viendo la...?
08:36¿El chico ese?
08:37Sí. Decime.
08:38¿El chico ese estaba internado conmigo en la misma clínica? En la misma cama, en la misma habitación.
08:44Es un sodero.
08:45¿Todos víctimas de una banda fueron a parar?
08:48Sí, sí.
08:49Ahí está. ¿Estás viendo vos la tele, Tomás?
08:53¿Cómo, cómo?
08:54¿Estás viendo la televisión?
08:56Sí, sí, sí.
08:57Bueno, mirá, ahí está el caso. Ahora vas a ver. También se quiere escapar, como hizo tu tío, pero a este laburante lo frenan de un tiro en la pierna.
09:06Venía a trabajar, iba a trabajar a una sodería ciudadela, de ahí de Lomas del Mirador, y es una distancia bastante grande que hay entre un robo y el otro.
09:15Ahí te das cuenta cómo se manejan con una impunidad por todo el municipio y por todas las provincias de Buenos Aires, que nada los para.
09:21Ahora, ¿qué te contaba este muchacho herido? ¿Te contaba cómo fueron los pormenores del hecho? ¿Te viste reflejado en él, que podías haber sido vos herido?
09:31Me contó, me mostró el video. Me mostró el video. Yo le dije que le perdonaron la vida porque a la distancia le atinaron a pegar al pie, digamos.
09:48Claro, claro. A ver, Tomás.
09:50Porque el chorro le quería pegar y le daban la espalda.
09:55Claro, claro. Pero digo, la distancia entre los delincuentes, estos miserables, y ustedes era un metro menos.
10:04Digamos, un metro menos con referencia a este pibe que iba a trabajar a una sodería.
10:08Estaba un metro más atrás, podemos decir, que ustedes, los chorros, pero también le podían haber tirado una pierna a la espalda.
10:14Por eso, yo no creo que el chorro hoy te perdone la vida. Para mí que tiraron, a matar, a frenarlos, y no les dieron.
10:22Porque vos me decís que ya les venían disparando. Es el farwés, el lejano este, ya en alguna zona del Conobá.
10:28A mí una de las balas, porque lo escuché, me rozó la cabeza.
10:36Ah, bueno. ¿Vos escuchaste el zumbido? O sea, un centímetro más, menos, para la derecha o para la izquierda que estabas corriendo, no la estabas contando.
10:45Y encima, el doctor me dijo que la bala se estuvo cerca de pegarte en una arteria.
10:54Y ahí me dijo, si te daban la arteria, ya no...
10:57Fuiste. Y ahora, ¿cómo se sigue elaborando, Tomás?
11:00Porque ustedes tienen que llevar el mango a la casa, como millones de argentinos,
11:04tienen que hacer el mismo recorrido. La moto se la llevaron, ¿no?
11:07No, la de ellos no, la dejaron.
11:09Ah, la de ustedes lograron zafar.
11:11No, la moto mi tío la recuperó, pero yo voy a ir con el tío ahora.
11:17Claro, aparte le cambian la vida.
11:20Ya venían haciendo un esfuerzo que es irse desde... ¿Ustedes son de Ramos o son de otra localidad de La Matanza?
11:28Rafael Castillo.
11:30Rafael Castillo.
11:32¿Cuánto tienen hasta la Ciudad de Buenos Aires? ¿Una hora y media, más o menos?
11:38De viaje. De tu casa hasta la...
11:41Ahí quedó, me parece que congeló el aire.
11:43Más de una hora de viaje. Todos los días, en la mitad se cruzan con estos desgraciados,
11:47y ahora van a tener que venir en colectivo.
11:49Para evitar esto, que son fácil dos horas y media de viaje.
11:52Te cambian la vida obligatoriamente para no comerte un balazo.
11:55Tomás, ahora sí, agradecerte este testimonio,
12:00mandale un saludo a tu tío que pronto se restablezca después de todo esto.
