• last year
Married at First Sight (UK) Season 9 Episode 29
00:00:00previously you're so cute you look amazing thank you as romance blossomed
00:00:07for our newlyweds like I feel so lucky I got the best husband sorry ladies but
00:00:12I've never felt this way about a guy heated rivalries were formed I was
00:00:20bullied in high school that is disgusting behavior you just have to
00:00:23pick on somebody it's not a nice way to speak to people it's my voice it's not
00:00:28okay I don't want to be associated with white trash like that leading to a
00:00:34dramatic dinner party if someone smashes a wine glass in your face
00:00:39yeah Google that like we've all seen an image of you pretty much naked on a
00:00:44couch wait what where Olivia shared a naked photo of Domenica she found on the
00:00:51internet it's not about that like people know it's the fact that the things been
00:00:56circulated in the group do all you guys see what's wrong with that clearly a
00:01:00ruck with gold feathers that you've gone and googled me to find some dirt
00:01:03I'm just gonna let you yell yourself out before Domenica and Jack I've nothing
00:01:07else to say to these people made an early exit tonight
00:01:15hello what I want to know is where these images came from whose phones they're on
00:01:22I don't need this actually I don't need you to come to my house and yell at me
00:01:29it's the final commitment ceremony of the experiment as our couples decide
00:01:35whether or not to continue to final vows go to the decision but I want to know
00:01:44why they googled me because I was telling them about how you smashed a
00:01:47wine glass in my face emotions are running high a photo that being
00:01:52circulated without the person knowing does anyone see an issue with that and
00:01:57the experts call out Olivia it would have been avoided if you simply
00:02:02respected somebody else's privacy it just wasn't a big deal before a shock
00:02:08admission maybe there's a little room there for a little human empathy as far
00:02:14as empathy I just don't have it
00:02:35it's a crucial day for our remaining couples tonight they will be attending
00:02:42the final commitment ceremony of the experiment what kind of tea did you want
00:02:47but while they should be focusing on their relationships good morning
00:02:53sunshine it's the drama of last night's dinner party last night was hectic like
00:03:01no one can pay for that that is at the forefront of everyone's minds that was
00:03:07so hectic last night drama I don't know how to feel like even though Olivia was
00:03:15the one who showed the photos it was like really inappropriate the way Cody
00:03:19brought that up yeah look when Cody brought up that photo it came out of
00:03:24nowhere that was messed up I did not think you'd go down like that yeah you
00:03:30become a bit I like a lot so I'm like I hate to bring it up like we've all seen
00:03:36an image of you pretty much naked on a couch wait what so everyone here's seen
00:03:42the photo
00:03:46to be honest I'm pretty pissed off on you I have been well aware of the only
00:03:50fans for ages what I really don't get is once again we're speaking behind
00:03:54people's backs and I hate to come back to it but like it's just really not
00:03:57alright it's just a shit way to go about it about something very private it's not
00:04:03very private so it's on the internet I've nothing else to say to these people
00:04:09I've nothing else to say to these people
00:04:14yeah what a mess she's the one that put it out on the internet it's not the
00:04:19point I mean that's a personal thing this photo that's a personal thing and I
00:04:23didn't think that should be used as full-on ammunition but it did I think it
00:04:27was just like everyone's frustration all at once of like Dominica being able to
00:04:31dish it and then not take it with Tamara's stance against Dominica
00:04:35unchanged Ella and Mitch remained Dominica's only allies in the group and
00:04:41were not even aware that the photo had been circulated I was completely
00:04:45blindsided and like shook about it it was just so out of nowhere if I knew on
00:04:53the weekend when everyone else found out I would have told her before the dinner
00:04:55party yeah you would have of course because your best mates are there I
00:04:58think considering the history of Olivia and Dom I do think that there was intent
00:05:06behind this I don't think that Olivia is necessarily innocent in this situation as
00:05:12much as she's saying that she is showing everyone like obviously it's gonna get
00:05:17back to Dom something so personal and there's eight people all talking about
00:05:21it I do feel sorry for Dom and I just wonder how she is feeling
00:05:32I just felt like I was taking punches last night and they were you were 100%
00:05:37I'm beaten down it's the fact that they all stood around showing photos talking
00:05:43about it behind my back it was painful and it was quite humiliating I don't
00:05:50understand how they could have just all sat there and just thought no that's not
00:05:56malicious or gossip what makes me feel sick and it makes me feel really sad
00:06:02I'm definitely not far behind you, last night was rough
00:06:06this morning yeah I'm feeling pretty defeated deflated last night was a
00:06:14pretty big kick in the guts got to the point where I wanted to leave
00:06:20Are you ashamed of this content?
00:06:24Never in my life would I ever be ashamed of it
00:06:30to have everyone not see the point that to go and stand in a room look at this
00:06:34content talk about it send it in messages it's disgraceful and it is like
00:06:42childlike behavior it just it just blows my mind to have Olivia in a room
00:06:50showing photos I think as a woman she should be ashamed of herself and
00:06:57there's no coming back from that the whole scenario is horrible to do to
00:07:01someone I think what just hurts most is seeing Jack upset and sad none of that
00:07:07was okay he stood up for me because I've been honest with him from day dot he
00:07:11knew everything and I think that can't be said for a lot of the other couples
00:07:18I really thought it was gonna be a crazy one not a crazy one just like maybe
00:07:23quiet and uncomfortable and then obviously everything popped off and Dom
00:07:29and Jack left and it was like such a good energy in the room once they left
00:07:34they're clearly the fun suckers of the group but anyway at the end of the day
00:07:40I'm pretty sure everyone's got more important things to worry about than Dom
00:07:43I think our Dom saga is done I'm so done with it I'm so done with it
00:07:50I don't I really like I couldn't give two shits I do obviously have very
00:07:57strong feelings to live we've been so strong throughout this whole experiment
00:08:00and you know I want this to work on the outside that is history you know it is
00:08:06ancient history another couple dealing with fallout from last night's dinner
00:08:13party are Selena and Cody does Jack know that you had an OnlyFans account or
00:08:18anything prior that was really poorly handled it was I know that but at least
00:08:25now the conversation is at the table I did it badly I've had enough of you
00:08:28tonight can your dickhead sit there and shut up I'm not talking to you right now
00:08:31all right following his actions at the dinner party Cody is determined to show
00:08:38Selena his recent personal growth and wants to make amends with a special surprise
00:08:44this is from Cody it's my way of saying sorry sorry for making a mess hope he can forgive me
00:08:56I feel terrible about my behavior last night I am sorry for how I acted and I know I've upset
00:09:09Selena you're welcome and especially because we are in such a good spot really hope we
00:09:20get past it before the commitment ceremony tonight you're forgiven this time how's
00:09:26apologize but the flowers was like an extra touch in the past Cody's would sweep everything
00:09:35under the rug and hope it goes away yeah I've never been so frustrated and proud of someone
00:09:45at the same time in my life our six remaining couples are getting ready for their final
00:10:00commitment ceremony but the ongoing drama with Olivia which saw Domenica and Jack leave the
00:10:10party last night is still causing concern amongst the group how you feeling about tonight like in
00:10:17terms of you and me like I'm sweet how do you think Jack and Dom are feeling um I don't know
00:10:25maybe after last night they're not gonna be fine yeah she would be stressing out last night with
00:10:33Dom I put her aside privately I took her into another room and I just said like did you want
00:10:38to talk about it like you're good is everything okay and she she was pretty fired up so I just
00:10:46don't know if she will show up tonight what do you think am I gonna come or she just gonna be
00:10:53like dramatic well she's gonna be dramatic whether she does or doesn't go to this commitment
00:10:58ceremony but yeah the whole commitment ceremony the idea is you talk to the experts about your
00:11:03relationship so she should go the dark either way hello thank you how you feeling um feeling
00:11:22like I don't want to do this tonight I'm still very confused I'm very hurt and there's things
00:11:30that I I want to find out just reflecting on the information that I had gathered last night
00:11:36Olivia's story to me still not straight she just pretty much said that it was her friends apparently
00:11:43that had found this content which I don't really believe sorry Olivia did your friends Google me
00:11:51or did you research to get some kind of dirt can we just clarify that just yeah stop being a bullshit
00:11:58I actually I want to know that like legit now because it's my life that's my soul that I'm
00:12:08talking about yeah I'll go to her door right now I'm gonna ask her whether she got these photos
00:12:12I've had enough I'm really pissed off with Olivia I don't know what her intentions were but I'm
00:12:20telling you right now I will find out I'm going there right now I'm going there I'm gonna go there
00:12:28right now and ask her next door I will find out where this came from and I will find out who had
00:12:35it on their phone and who was privy to this information they're all talking about me behind
00:12:40closed doors well I'm just trying to figure out what the hell happened
00:12:51hello how are you that's irrelevant what I want to know is where these images came from who found
00:13:00them whose phones they're on what's the guy so my friends found them on Google and I would to be
00:13:09honest well I know I completely forgot about it until last night at the cocktail party that's
00:13:14I was like oh yeah because it's that easy to forget about isn't it wasn't a big deal it's
00:13:20been completely blown up so why was it a big deal last night why don't know I'm just as shocked as
00:13:27you are you're just as shocked as I am well probably not that was bad way to phrase it but
00:13:33shocked but the fact that it's brought to this situation do you not see this as like high school
00:13:40like bullshit bullying like circulating images circulating gossip about people like do you not
00:13:45see it like that I don't need this actually I don't need you to come to my house and yell at
00:13:52me it's fine I'm yelling am I they're not gonna listen don't give me a time she shut the door on
00:14:02me it's absolutely gutless behavior it really is well I want to know where where these photos are
00:14:18because no one wants to talk and I've had enough of it
00:14:22after eight weeks in the experiment and with the all-important final commitment ceremony fast
00:14:37approaching I'll see you on the other side see on the other side our couple separate
00:14:42and join their peers to discuss their relationships what comes to town before
00:14:50making the life-changing decision whether to stay or leave before final vows
00:14:56how are you and Cody we're good so obviously homestays we went from like I'm not so good
00:15:06place I wasn't getting much from Cody I haven't really gotten much from him this whole experiment
00:15:12like I just needed a hug and just for you to say everything's gonna be okay it's not it doesn't
00:15:21feel appropriate and I'm not just gonna make it better for me after struggling with Cody's lack
00:15:25of affection and finding him hard to read yeah it's not just you spending time with Cody's uncle
00:15:36John allowed Selena to gain a new perspective you know because I'm still getting to know Cody
00:15:44this guy doesn't give away much at all he's a very insular that's our family trait our family
00:15:52wasn't you know huggers if you like yeah then it made you regret I have in life is on time
00:15:59had two kids that I brought up two girls they wanted her hugs and it wasn't part of my thing
00:16:04to hug you know caught off my uncle down one of the legs and we just had a chill chat and he sort
00:16:12of explained like he was very much the same as me and it sort of related more into my upbringing as
00:16:17the why I was like that yeah and I think that really hit home with Cody and then since then
00:16:22he's like been super affectionate he's learnt to share his feelings when things get a little bit
00:16:28rocky I messed up sorry about that and I know you're getting frustrated and tired with my responses
00:16:34and not learning more yeah the emotional thing yes I'm crap at dealing with it but I do want to
00:16:39be better yes we had a hiccup again at the dinner party but we spoke about the way that he handled
00:16:46the situation he owned it obviously I made quite the scene last night maybe tactical as always but
00:16:52I guess I died about and I got some flowers for just to say look I genuinely am sorry I'm trying
00:16:57to just give more than yeah my word to show her that I do mean it like a huge bunch of flowers
00:17:01by himself it doesn't seem like much but it is and that's what I'm starting to realize a bit more
00:17:11another groom who's had major life lessons to learn in the experiment is Al he just acts like
00:17:23he tries he doesn't like especially after wife Sam made her feelings clear at the last commitment
00:17:31ceremony oh my god the maturity and I'm sorry but you are such an entitled privileged boy yeah
00:17:41obviously you know last commitment ceremony was a big one for Sam and I yeah she won't leave I
00:17:47won't stay and to work in 24 hours to think about it I want to show her that I really care yeah I
00:17:54do I still care about her a lot you know you know Sam and I went snorkeling and nothing was a great
00:18:00sort of date I made her laugh we enjoy each other's company cheers to cheers to marrying a
00:18:09stranger new beginnings so we ended up spending a week together you know we're laughing and having
00:18:16fun it's like old times again yeah yeah we haven't laughed like that in a while this week has been
00:18:23definitely a step in the right direction you have progressed yeah I'm like do I keep progressing
00:18:27keep working on it if that sparks there then definitely by all means stay but if that spark
00:18:34isn't there by writing stay again and she doesn't want to stay because you've got to think about
00:18:39Sam's feelings as well like it could then go the opposite way yeah that's I'm only taking
00:18:44account 100% yeah you've definitely got a way up both ends yeah that's a hard one mate cuz you
00:18:49gotta you gotta really think cuz there is a chance to move it forwards and definitely go for it like
00:18:55that's what we're here for love like definitely yeah there is just so many thoughts going through
00:19:01my brain right now oh man stressful times I tell you am I doing the right thing all right so how
00:19:12do you feel about our after your snorkeling date look I feel good like I just honestly I just tried
00:19:18to like let go of all expectations Alan I had a really good week he really wants to be what I
00:19:30need him to be I've seen a lot of growth in our this is like what the experiment is about Alan I
00:19:41like we do share a special bond I love that he's just like a larrikin and entertainer he's up for
00:19:48anything it's really hard because this is the person I'm spending my life with and there's so
00:19:55many actors you need to consider the deliberations done and decisions made greetings gents hello
00:20:17guys come on in it's time for our six remaining couples take a seat settling to face the experts
00:20:28for the final time settle right in I shall after last night's dinner party and everything that's
00:20:38going on with the group tonight it's gonna be rough for me it's gonna be hard to sit there
00:20:43being the same room but if they think that they're gonna bring me down they've got a whole
00:20:50new thing coming welcome everybody to the very final commitment ceremony it has now been two
00:20:59months of you being in this experiment and it has been a remarkable ride for all of you and
00:21:05from us to you well done we're very proud of you for all getting this far you are the last six
00:21:15remaining couples here the question is how many of you will make it to the final vows
00:21:25so of course this week you've all had the opportunity to visit your partner's home you've
00:21:31had a taste of what it might be like to actually continue this relationship in the outside world
00:21:37now some of you may have learned some things about your partner this week that you didn't
00:21:43know there may have been some things that were perhaps not so pleasant it's all something that
00:21:50we can talk about and unpack on the couch tonight now last night's dinner party was very confronting
00:22:02sometimes even difficult to watch for us there's a lot to go through and clearly
00:22:10there is a very strong rivalry that's developed within the group we will get to that so on that
00:22:20note let's get our first couple up Domenico and Jack
00:22:34hi everyone well let's go straight to it last night's explosive dinner party big one it basically
00:22:49ended with both of you leaving the party early yeah so I never leave a party early right what
00:22:57was your take on it all I think it's off um I think I'm like still feeling a lot of feelings
00:23:09about last night um yeah look I I never don't have words but I don't know if some reason today
00:23:23I'm just really struggling um let me just jump in there if we backtrack yeah just so that we all on
00:23:32the same page this all basically stemmed from the fact that there was a photo of you that was
00:23:41circulating around the group and that you weren't aware of that is that right yeah to be honest with
00:23:51you I don't know if it was one photo or a couple of photos of me the photos came from Olivia or
00:23:58Olivia's friend I'm not 100% sure still and from there I'm actually unsure as to where it went but
00:24:08I would like to know look I'm an adult obviously the photos they're out there I'm not unaware of
00:24:25that I'm not ashamed of anything it's just the way that the photos were used I do feel like there
00:24:36was malicious intent there and it was gossip intended to hurt either me or Jack
00:24:44all right well let's go to the source Olivia you were the person that first came across the photo
00:25:01can you tell us how you came about finding it so my best friends googled Dom I want to know why
00:25:09they googled me because I was telling them about how you smashed a wine glass in my face so yeah
00:25:17in short the internet and then what did you do with the photo I sent them to Selena why did you do that
00:25:29why we need to know why you would do that because I don't I don't know
00:25:43do they want to zoom in or something like what why was it sent what would possess you to send
00:25:51a photo to someone else that's a very easy question and you can't give me an answer
00:26:13what would possess you to send a photo to someone else
00:26:21that's a very easy question and you can't give me an answer it's just such a nothing
00:26:27moment like I didn't think it was a big deal
00:26:36well clearly though Olivia it's not a nothing moment because it's completely blown up the group
00:26:45battle lines have been drawn and last night was one of the ugliest dinner parties I've
00:26:50ever had to witness so this is not small I just think I just think that honesty isn't
00:27:02going a long way like when I say that there's honestly was no malice it was just information
00:27:07that was dropped in my lap and thoughtlessly shared because I didn't think it was a big deal
00:27:13when I say that honestly I feel like it's being poo-pooed but do you understand why
00:27:22Dominica is upset about it in my head I feel like she's only upset that we were talking
00:27:31about it behind her back because that means that she's lost control of the group so that's the
00:27:39point at all it's not nice knowing that a photo of you okay me had been showed around no one's
00:27:50kind of stepping up saying where it was seen I knocked on Olivia and Jackson's door this afternoon
00:27:58and you went on a rampage I went on a rampage rampage rampage I knocked on the door and I
00:28:05wanted more information I don't see that as a rampage I closed the door on your face when you
00:28:09started yelling at me in my own home there's no yelling there was you're probably just used to it
00:28:15Jack you're really gonna pull small remarks now that is not okay yeah for someone that is clearly
00:28:24hurt that is not okay
00:28:28all right let me ask you a question does anyone here think that a photo being circulated
00:28:37around the group without the person knowing does anyone see an issue with that
00:28:43let me explain something to you
00:28:50she's not saying that she has a problem with her photo being in a public domain like that
00:28:58let's get that straight
00:29:03the problem she has is that she's not saying that she has a problem with her photo being in a public
00:29:10the problem she has is that behind her back this group is looking at the photo talking about the
00:29:20photo and then it was brought up in a dinner party situation where she was ambushed by
00:29:27that is a very real issue and it's not okay
00:29:32all right Domenica are you able to separate what's been happening here in the group dynamic
00:29:40from your relationship and just let us in a little bit in terms of how you're feeling about
00:29:47Jack and the relationship yeah how I feel about Jack is that he's like the most kind-hearted
00:29:56person I've met and if I didn't have Jack
00:30:02yeah I don't know how I would have got through if I didn't have him
00:30:11what about you Jack look um we are not perfect in a relationship but I've said this from day dot
00:30:18but I've said this from day dot um we are a team that's evidently clear
00:30:25at every turning point this experiment gives us
00:30:29yeah but he's been the one that's
00:30:33there supporting yeah yeah yeah all right well let's get to the decision
00:30:39stay or leave and let's go with you first Jack look these weeks are tough
00:30:47they are becoming taxing this week's been one of our best spend it with the dogs and
00:30:58I'm staying that's pretty obvious I can't beat around the bush there
00:31:05over to you Domenica what do you got for us
00:31:09I wanted to write leave just so I could leave this not leave him but just leave this
00:31:13I can't do this anymore
00:31:21but I said going into this that I wouldn't give up and I've always taken in my stride
00:31:28no matter what's thrown at me in life and um I'm not gonna stop now
00:31:33um and that's why I wrote stay with two love hearts and smileys great
00:31:44all right well obviously uh you've got a big week ahead haven't you
00:31:47and uh a big decision to make in terms of final vows one thing I think all of us
00:31:54saw last night is that under huge amounts of pressure uh both of you had each other's back
00:32:02and uh you're gonna need to do that as you move forward thinking about these final vows
00:32:08and taking that team into the real world yeah all right good luck this week we'll see you
00:32:15next time thank you so much thank you
00:32:18tonight was the toughest commitment ceremony for multiple reasons uh but it's about us now
00:32:33ultimately we are so close to final vows I'm excited for what next week brings and
00:32:40the future just in general yeah that was hectic that was a lot
00:33:00let's get our next couple up
00:33:07Selena and Cody
00:33:22well how's the week been for you two yeah Selena meeting the friends and the family
00:33:28she was so easy like Selena's the easiest person to get along with
00:33:32Selena how did you get along with his people I love them I feel like you know I could see Cody
00:33:40with his friends and family and that was very insightful it was good yeah okay so Selena in the
00:33:49past you've said that Cody's hard to read through your connections with his people
00:33:57were you able to decode the code
00:34:11I think he decoded himself by the end of the trip okay I think meeting Cody's uncle John
00:34:17was a big game changer for us because he actually shared something quite deep and intimate about his
00:34:23life and his life experiences which was like apparently the males in Cody's family they're
00:34:29just they don't show much emotion they don't show or share much affection but he also said that is
00:34:36the deepest regret that he has in life is not hugging his loved ones enough and I felt like
00:34:42that was really sweet and obviously like uncle John's seen Cody with all his ex-girlfriends as
00:34:48well and I said like do you see anything different with us and he's like yeah he's definitely into
00:34:54you like he won't he can't stop looking at you and that was the first time I actually noticed Cody like
00:35:00was like looking at me for once he was checking you out he was checking me out I like it he's
00:35:06gonna get real red so Cody what did it do for you hearing your uncle say he had regrets about
00:35:13some of those behaviors it was interesting because it was actually his children he was
00:35:17referring to and they wanted a lot of hugs and cuddles not dissimilar to Selena
00:35:22and it was yeah he didn't actually provide that affection and did that make you feel like you want
00:35:31to do things differently yeah it opens your eyes on both sides of my family both one side's
00:35:41military background my dad boarded so he's that sort of male don't show emotion act tough and
00:35:46yeah I don't give a lot in terms of expressing myself
00:35:51and so I don't want to get to his age and think yeah I wish I'd done that
00:35:56that's great you're aware of the pattern now so you can start you know working to change it yeah
00:36:01I've seen a lot of like changes within Cody like he's done a lot already he bought me flowers today
00:36:09to say sorry what happened last night I handled it terribly I'm obviously not known for my tax all
00:36:16my timing that just puts Selena in an awful position and that is by far my biggest regret
00:36:20because I know it really upset her that's huge for me but he actually acknowledges that
00:36:29I was just going to ask you Selena you know you've mentioned during this experiment that
00:36:33there are times where you're not sure whether Cody is as into you as you are into him do you
00:36:40still feel that way um no obviously I have strong feelings for Cody and for the first time like I
00:36:52feel like we're like equal yeah so true
00:37:03all right well it's decision time you two
00:37:07let's go to you Selena um at Cody's homestay his housemate Zach was nice enough to set up
00:37:18Cody's bedroom for us and we slept on Batman quilt cover set
00:37:25so I've written stay with us yep very cute
00:37:32well done okay Batman over to you
00:37:39I have chosen to write stay I put the little kisses on it oh and the kisses
00:37:46good on you guys well just keep going in this direction you know you've you've made progress
00:37:53definitely yep
00:38:14still to come Sam and Al were you hoping perhaps maybe she would look at you again
00:38:20with a little bit of a flirt in a thing Al's shock decision
00:38:23yeah and it just wasn't a big deal and it's been blown up Olivia fires up the situation
00:38:32was created by the decision to grab your phone and show other people but can she take the heat
00:38:39I'm in a really bad mood now I'm sorry
00:38:51our next couple up
00:38:55Ella and Mitch
00:39:01hi hello hello hello hello hello how are you doing yeah good how was homestays
00:39:10terrible but you hated the weather but no it wasn't terrible
00:39:17hey Mitch tell me and know that this is a very pointed question and I'm very biased
00:39:26what do you think of Melbourne could you see yourself living there oh man
00:39:30man no I don't see myself living in Melbourne to be completely honest
00:39:45so we sort of established that like we do long distance for you know at least a few months
00:39:51while we work things out but we've both never done long long distance before
00:39:55hello how does that sit with you you know we know that we like each other
00:40:05but yeah I guess it's like when we leave the experiment
00:40:08we'll really figure out if that's going to be enough
00:40:14you know one of the things about long distance relationships is they have to be short term yeah
00:40:20if you enter into it saying we'll just see how it goes things can get out of hand
00:40:25and they really take work yeah both of you are going to have to really rise to the occasion
00:40:29and be really clear with each other about what you need for example I need communication every
00:40:35day let's do it face time yeah really double down on that trust just like reassurance and
00:40:43yeah just making sure that the effort is put in on both ends absolutely yeah
00:40:48absolutely yeah so important
00:40:54well let's get to the decision shall we miss Ella what are you going to do
00:41:00obviously I want to stay and continue and get to wonderful the next stage
00:41:07over to you Mitch I have written stay wonderful
00:41:19okay the next couple up
00:41:33Tamara and Brent
00:41:38hello hello hi guys
00:41:42so homestays how did it play out for you guys
00:41:46I was nervous going into homestays obviously because I did write leave
00:41:52so I was sort of worried about how the week would would play out
00:42:01but then being honest last week about how I was worried that my feelings hadn't grown as much as
00:42:07Brent as hard as that was I think was the best thing that I could have done in this
00:42:14because both of us went into the week wanting to make it work
00:42:26and Tamara how was it for you to immerse yourself in Brent's world
00:42:31I had lots more advice for him I mean
00:42:36we expected that you have way more OCD than I do like you're actually ridiculous like the fact
00:42:43that the cushions can't go on the ground and he vacuumed like four times we were there and we were
00:42:47only there for like four days three and the place is like this big and he's like vacuuming and like
00:42:55it's a little bigger thanks mate uh but in saying that who puts pillows on the floor
00:43:00I didn't think that's a thing how about pillows on the floor it's a floor
00:43:06like when you take them off your bed though like where else do they go like
00:43:09and the floor's clean yeah it's very clean
00:43:14like I don't know I wasn't even allowed to eat on the couch it's like you have to sit on the bed
00:43:17have you seen her eat a croissant
00:43:22anyways we made it work
00:43:27yeah it was it was nice so how's the relationship at the moment what's going on
00:43:34to be honest but we're trying to just make sure we can stay on a level
00:43:38some kind of stability yeah I think stability is the most important thing right now that we're
00:43:42working on because we make pretty good team when we're when we're not bickering and yeah we can see
00:43:47that right here now all right let's go to the decision stay or leave let's go with you first
00:43:56Brent um well I mean you know to find our way the way we did um and came back again once again
00:44:07I mean from where we did you know that was a big thing for me um so you know on that note I wrote
00:44:14on that note I wrote uh stay
00:44:20and what about you Tamara what do we got yeah for me this decision being that the next one is the
00:44:26final vows was really big um but at the same time like I have had feelings for Brent and
00:44:35who knows like what what in the next week our relationship could turn into
00:44:39and yeah I wanted to just say
00:44:46what a turnaround the great thing about you two is that you try you know we've given you
00:44:52some pretty tough feedback at times and you've never thrown it in you've just rolled the sleeves
00:44:59up and you've worked and we can see a different couple here again and when we see that we think
00:45:06there's hope here and we'll see you next time thank you thank you guys
00:45:15it's scary to be this close to the end of the experiment
00:45:19it's crazy to think how long we've been here and how far we've come
00:45:24yeah it's been madness and I know this last leg of the experiment is going to be
00:45:28tough it's unstretched like let's do this coming up a shock admission maybe there's
00:45:38a little room there for a little human empathy um as far as empathy I just don't have it
00:45:44it's just not in me
00:46:00and our next couple up on the couch
00:46:07Sam and Elle
00:46:13so today's decision is honestly the hardest relationship decision I've had to make in my
00:46:19whole life Sam and I did have little glimmers of hope this week and I don't want to leave
00:46:25with regrets that's the biggest fear how are you we are well how's your week been um
00:46:33um so yeah look last week on the couch I guess was very emotional
00:46:41and I didn't think we needed this but maybe we did
00:46:50Elle said like I really want to do something with you in order to really solidify that we are
00:46:57friends and yeah we went snorkeling and it was really nice it's like something we both
00:47:02actually like to do in the water that's when we have fun see I really just love seeing like
00:47:09that playful side of Elle which broke the ice and it was really good like it was nice
00:47:15I'm very happy to hear that I'm curious about a few things here Elle
00:47:24first of all what were your expectations going into
00:47:28the snorkeling and just spending the day with Samantha
00:47:35but is it only to re-establish a friendship or were you hoping perhaps
00:47:39maybe she would look at you again and with a little bit of a flirt in a thing
00:47:45um look I'm not gonna lie I obviously had feelings for Sam
00:47:51and was telling myself you know things could happen
00:48:05I've never caught feelings before
00:48:12I did want to be more than friends
00:48:16so you're feeling a little sad yeah
00:48:21but um you know Sam's been such an amazing wife and I still really care about her
00:48:35but yeah I really gotta be mature and consider uh where Sam's feelings are at
00:48:55yeah I guess we gotta go our separate ways
00:49:04it's been a really nice journey but yeah I just think it's time to go
00:49:08this is just chapter one for Elle's like love life
00:49:26there is something special about you you are just really sweet and you will find someone
00:49:32way better than me I promise like this is just the beginning
00:49:36oh hey Will look at him absolutely yes of course and then I'm like call me in 10 years
00:49:49we'll come back a little more time in the oven and then that's it that's it
00:49:55well we want to thank you uh both so much your openness and your vulnerability learning what
00:50:01you've learned and hopefully taking that out in your case for the next future relationship
00:50:06and it hopefully will work out better for you keep the shoey for the second day maybe
00:50:14good advice yeah thank you so much thank you guys thank you so much
00:50:19thank you well done
00:50:29I am so happy we ended on this note and you know hearing Sam say such nice things about me
00:50:37on the couch I was I was about to well up I was gonna cry though
00:50:41legit when you're talking to me I was like I'm gonna cry I'm not even kidding
00:50:45stop next I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of tears having to live in this drama
00:50:53the experts call out Olivia I mean to be fair you're the one who circulated the photo but it's
00:50:59public we're all adults right there should be an apology for a bad behavior um
00:51:22our next couple up Olivia and Jackson
00:51:32hello hello hello guys so what we had uh homestays this week
00:51:38which was amazing yeah let me just jump in there because I've got a question for you
00:51:44Jackson now you've been embroiled particularly over the last 24 hours in you know quite a lot of
00:51:51drama in the group and I guess what I'm wondering is you know how that has impacted
00:51:57on your relationship with Olivia so I mean it's um like we said to each other that we don't really
00:52:09want to engage in that anymore we we're trying to put it behind us
00:52:17obviously I can understand Dom's point of view I can understand why she was upset
00:52:25yeah it's kind of like I do understand how Dom feels and I get it like it would feel shitty
00:52:32it wasn't malice it wasn't to hurt your feelings it's come out it got shown
00:52:39all right like obviously that's probably bad it's probably bad it's probably bad
00:52:46it is bad yeah yeah it's bad yeah yeah
00:52:59do you worry Olivia that it could be playing on Jackson's mind at all
00:53:05I don't think it would be playing on Jackson's mind at all
00:53:10um if anything it's probably bringing us closer because
00:53:14Jackson's been an amazing support the proof's in the pudding it's
00:53:23can I just say as an observation that you know you're saying that it's not affecting your
00:53:27relationship but clearly it is this is a this is a big pressure that comes onto the two of you
00:53:34and and you look really miserable sitting here on the couch miserable we're not miserable
00:53:42with each other I'm miserable with this situation
00:53:50I'm just I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of tears having to live in this drama
00:53:56and keep getting pulled back in oh my god I mean to be fair you're the one who circulated the photo
00:54:07you spoke to every girl at that party and you brought up the issue so that's something I didn't
00:54:16know I was a part of a conversation with Tamara and Selena and they were talking about how they
00:54:22were going to bring it up with Dominica and I was just like none of my business
00:54:28what she's put out there on the internet not really my business
00:54:38the situation was created by the decision for whatever reason that Olivia you had
00:54:46decision for whatever reason that Olivia you had to grab your phone and show other people
00:54:52that decision that you took in that moment changed the rest of everything that happened
00:54:59and it would have been avoided if you simply respected somebody else's privacy
00:55:04it's not privacy though it's public
00:55:09the issue is not that the image exists it's there don't put it out there we're all adults right
00:55:15the question then becomes why is that being put out to friends
00:55:21and it's disheartening that you wouldn't want to own up to that
00:55:24it just wasn't a big deal and it's been blown up
00:55:29you were telling us last week that you hold grudges we've heard about this in different
00:55:35occasions from you so it seems very clear that there's a grudge that's being dragged around
00:55:44here for you maybe there's a little room there for some self-exploration and reflection
00:55:51maybe and for a little human empathy because it's very human to make mistakes and to maybe
00:55:59not know how to handle something but if your behavior is incorrect there should be an apology
00:56:04for a bad behavior
00:56:17it's just not in me
00:56:21i'll take the self-reflection as far as empathy i just don't have it it's just not in me
00:56:47maybe there's a little room there for some self-exploration and reflection maybe
00:56:55and for a little human empathy
00:57:06sure i'll take the self-reflection
00:57:10um as far as empathy i just don't have it it's just not in me
00:57:17and i'd be lying to your faces if i was like i have more
00:57:21empathy to give towards that situation i really appreciate this honesty and i will say
00:57:27that in my opinion in my estimation i think that lack of empathy probably had a lot to do
00:57:34with you choosing to show the picture and i think that's an interesting point again for
00:57:40self-reflection for you
00:57:43for you
00:57:47no i'm not okay i'm really i'm really not okay
00:57:53then i'm in a really bad mood now i'm sorry have a breath
00:58:02it's all right have a breath it's okay
00:58:05i'm trying to to highlight behaviors so that you don't trip over this
00:58:12further down the line because this behavior could be really a problem in the relationship
00:58:18in the future it's very hard to watch when you're a very strong couple probably the strongest couple
00:58:28from the beginning that has had the least amount of issues and has just really been into one another
00:58:32from the beginning um do anything that might jeopardize all these great things that have
00:58:38been happening for you guys guys our job is to identify patterns and behaviors that are not
00:58:46working for you guys and to feed that back to you and to hopefully hold up a mirror so that
00:58:51you can get some insight and take some lessons from it yeah definitely jackson did you want to
00:58:59talk a little bit about your relationship where you guys are at right now yeah obviously we've
00:59:05had a couple of ups and downs but i still think she's an amazing person there's nothing that we
00:59:11can't work on and nothing that you know together that we can't overcome and i think yeah i think
00:59:18we've got something special here and yeah not every relationship's perfect it's how you you
00:59:23get up and you you handle it yeah how you manage it together jackson how do you feel about olivia
00:59:32um i think i'm swimming in uncharted waters at the moment like obviously i've never been
00:59:37in love before so this is yeah we're doing i think we're doing right what about you olivia
00:59:44how are you feeling about this man oh i'm a head over heels like never been treated this
00:59:50this beautifully by somebody i look at him and i see my future maybe that's something you know
00:59:58that you guys can really get laser focused on you know for the for the next phase of the
01:00:03experiment just make it about you two because what's happening here is pretty good
01:00:10all right well can we get to the decision with the two of you please let's go to you jackson
01:00:15obviously it's been a bit of a wild ride the last couple of weeks it's been
01:00:20been a bit harder than what we've recently experienced and stuff like that but said stay
01:00:25stay into you olivia um yeah no there's no way i could ever leave him behind in any capacity
01:00:38so of course it's a stay wonderful yeah
01:00:47you guys are a strong couple you know we we we see that we've watched you develop from the
01:00:52beginning to this point just focus here on what is on this couch because it's good
01:01:00beautiful thanks guys good luck thank you
01:01:07well that's it the final commitment ceremony has now come to an end and we say goodbye tonight
01:01:14to alan sam thank you so much for being brave and courageous throughout this entire
01:01:20experiment and for doing the hard yards thanks john thank you now for those couples that are
01:01:26still here the five remaining ones you are well and truly on the home stretch it is all about
01:01:33making that very pivotal decision now whether or not to take this relationship into the real world
01:01:42really think about the future is this person going to be someone that i can see myself
01:01:49down the track committing to it is the biggest decision that you're going to make
01:01:56you've done all this hard work now really make this a very very special week
01:02:05good luck and all the best have a great week see you guys thank you good night guys good night
01:02:17they've given everything to find love i am very happy to pronounce you husband and wife
01:02:26and wife now the final week of the experiment is here
01:02:34the most romantic final dates that'll take your breath away is anything you regret
01:02:42probably this whole experiment i think i'm done and everyone is back for a boys and girls night
01:02:50how about we go back to your relationship that girl can scream blow out
01:02:55the explosive final week dude turn around and walk out the door
01:03:02begins tomorrow on nine
