• last year
From a pair of meteor showers to a glowing supermoon, here are the top astronomy events for October 2024.


00:00Shortly after the first week of the new month, the Draconid meteor shower will peak on the
00:10night of October 7th and 8th.
00:12The best time to view the Draconids is in the evening hours before midnight and shortly
00:17after 9pm local time, when a waxing crescent moon sets below the horizon.
00:22The Draconids have a rich history of producing outbursts and meteor storms.
00:27The last outburst produced more than 100 meteors an hour in 2018.
00:32An outburst is unlikely this year, with rates of closer to 10 meteors per hour.
00:38On the night of October 17th and 18th, catch the rise of the Super Hunter's Moon.
00:43This month's full moon will be another super moon.
00:45The Hunter's Moon always follows the Harvest Moon.
00:49It's named during the time of year when hunters stock up on meat before the winter.
00:54Finally, we have the Orionid meteor shower peaking on the night of October 20th and 21st.
00:59These meteors are dust and debris left behind Halley's Comet.
01:04Peak shower produces about 20 meteors per hour.
01:07However, there will be competition in the night sky with a nearly full moon.
01:11Keep the moon out of your sight if you plan to stargaze on the night of the Orionid's
01:16Reporting for AccuWeather, I'm Jeff Cornish.