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Do we even need to watch the show? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for those unskippable, hypnotic and/or standout television intros and opening credits.


00:00Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're counting down our picks for those unskippable hypnotic
00:13and or standout television intros and opening credits.
00:17We won't be including catchy tunes or animated series.
00:31Number 10.
00:32Marvel's Daredevil.
00:44Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, however, the great Netflix Daredevil series that aired
00:49from 2015 to 2018 purposely takes on a darker tone than much of what the MCU was doing at
00:55the time.
00:56Importantly, audiences get a sense of that vibe right away via the all-important opening
01:03credits sequence.
01:05While the eerie, powerful instrumental plays, we watched New York's Hell's Kitchen be
01:09revealed via the dripping of a red substance over things like buildings and landmarks.
01:26Is it blood?
01:27Many people think so, though it may be mostly symbolic.
01:31The only thing we know for sure is that we can't skip this introduction.
01:45Number 9.
01:46The Twilight Zone.
01:52Few shows have intros prepare you for the experience ahead better than the Twilight
02:03Everything from the music to that classic Rod Serling narration about the mysterious
02:08other dimensions set up the uncertainty and mind bending that we're about to witness.
02:24That's already impressive enough, but the other thing that makes this sequence so unskippable
02:28is the fact that there are so many versions of it.
02:31Different visuals are used in different seasons with some appearing for only a few episodes.
02:36We feel compelled to watch, even if only to see if there's anything new each time.
02:41Number 8.
02:42Mission Impossible.
02:45From the moment that match is lit, there's no skipping this intro.
02:49Sure, the instrumental track is iconic and anyone who grew up watching the show or even
02:54the Tom Cruise movies knows it on command.
03:02But this list isn't about the music, it's about the visuals, and these ones have us
03:07totally hooked.
03:09Everyone loves a good movie trailer, right?
03:11Well, incorporating scenes from that week's show, the Mission Impossible intro feels like
03:15it's giving us a new trailer for every episode.
03:26Even the film franchise puts its own spin on the introductory format, proving just how
03:30worthwhile it is.
03:40Number 7.
03:41Six Feet Under.
03:47If we're going to talk about shows with hypnotic intros, then Six Feet Under simply has to
03:51be included.
03:53Everything about it, from Thomas Newman's score to the visuals, mainly taking us through
03:57the post-mortem processing of a body for burial, is wonderfully simple.
04:01It's a dark concept to be sure, yet the opening moments handle the difficult topic
04:05with a spiritual lightness that speaks to the sadness and beauty of both life and death.
04:18It's more than appropriate, since that's also something the show itself does incredibly
04:28It leads us into each episode flawlessly, so we wouldn't dream of looking away.
04:41Number 6.
04:42Mad Men.
04:48Steve Fuller, who co-created the Emmy-winning Mad Men intro, reportedly called it a dream
04:52sequence of a man lost and trapped in the American dream he is selling.
04:56We think he nailed that description.
04:58So perhaps it's no surprise it's also a sequence we have to watch whenever we watch
05:03the show.
05:04Sure, it's under 40 seconds long, so it barely gives you enough time to skip it even
05:08if you wanted to, but our question is, who would want to?
05:12The illustrative design of a falling man is really well executed.
05:16We can't overlook the irony of viewers probably trying to make out all of the advertising
05:21imagery he falls past either.
05:32Number 5.
05:33Breaking Bad.
05:34At roughly 15 seconds long, the Breaking Bad intro comes and goes in the blink of an eye.
05:39But make no mistake, its length isn't the reason it's unskippable.
05:47As the periodic table of elements floats through the air and the BR and the BA methodically
05:52separate to help spell out the title, our eyes find themselves hooked.
06:04It sets a high bar to say the least.
06:07Thankfully, the Better Call Saul prequel series does its predecessor proud in this department,
06:11providing variety and references galore.
06:20If you ask us, the viewing experience just isn't complete if you don't consume each
06:24second of these compelling segments.
06:29Number 4.
06:34The only act of violence that takes place in the Dexter intro is the title character
06:38killing a bug sitting on his arm.
06:40Other than that, it's a montage of him going through his morning routine.
06:49However, the darkly comic way it's filmed hints at violence and murder at every turn.
07:02One need only look at things like the cutting of the eggs or the wrapping of dental floss
07:06around his fingers.
07:16It's fun to watch before we get to know Dexter, informing us that something deeper
07:19is going on here.
07:21It's also incredibly effective once we learn more about who he really is.
07:25It just works on every level.
07:35Number 3.
07:36Stranger Things.
07:41Yes, we know it's just a bunch of letters sliding into place to form the title.
07:47And yet, we have to let it play every time.
07:50The influence of films and pop culture of the 1980s is an important part of Stranger
07:54Things, and it starts at the very beginning.
08:05It might just be some instrumental music and some letters on the surface, but both
08:09of these elements could take any 80s kid right back to that time period.
08:13That's especially true if those kids read Stephen King novels, as it's the same font
08:18used for many of his book covers all those decades ago.
08:31Number 2.
08:39The four season saga of the Roy family was one of the best things TV has given us in
08:44the 21st century.
08:47The opening credits and theme are part of that greatness.
08:49The genre blending and instrumentation makes for, as one critic called it, an unmistakable
09:04We'd say that it's also an undeniable feast for the eyes, with visuals that hint at the
09:09family dynamic via old home movie style clips.
09:12While similar, the intros do also vary slightly every season.
09:17So not only is the viewing experience hypnotic, you can also play a fun game of spot the differences.
09:24Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
09:34about our latest videos.
09:35You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
09:39If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
09:45Number 1.
09:46Game of Thrones.
09:52We love Game of Thrones, but we aren't afraid to admit that keeping up with all the characters
09:57and storylines can be a bit confusing at times.
10:00Thankfully, we get a little recap of the world and its various important locations before
10:05each episode.
10:16Along with the awesome score, the Game of Thrones intro features what Entertainment
10:20Weekly called an all-inclusive cruise of westeros.
10:23Plus, things get switched up regularly in order to spotlight relevant locations.
10:33Variety is a tradition the House of the Dragon team have continued.
10:37Using the Game of Thrones music, the prequel series intro takes a different look at House
10:42Targaryen and the history at play each season.
10:50Which TV intros do you find unskippable?
10:53Let us know in the comments down below.
