• last year
| Crime, Drama | 1959 |

Marv needs money for his girlfriend Betty. Thanks to Marv's ties to the mob, he knows where to find a million dollars cash.


• Directed by: Joel Rapp
• Written by: Joel Rapp
• Starring: Tom Pittman, Virginia Aldridge, Howard Veit, Malcolm Atterbury
• Produced by: Stanley Bickman
• Music by: Gerald Fried
• Cinematography: John M. Nickolaus Jr.
• Edited by: Carlo Lodato


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00:00:00I understand you're a friend of Harry March.
00:00:18Who's Harry March?
00:00:20Best safe cracker around?
00:00:22Maybe the best in the business?
00:00:24Never heard of him.
00:00:28Just thought you might be interested in a deal.
00:00:30Wait a minute, kid.
00:00:32What kind of a deal?
00:00:34What difference does it make?
00:00:36You said you didn't know him.
00:00:38I make friends real easy.
00:00:40What kind of a deal?
00:00:42A big deal.
00:00:44A million dollars.
00:00:58A million dollars.
00:01:02A million dollars.
00:01:06A million dollars.
00:01:10A million dollars.
00:01:14A million dollars.
00:01:18A million dollars.
00:01:22A million dollars.
00:01:26A million dollars.
00:01:30A million dollars.
00:01:34A million dollars.
00:01:38A million dollars.
00:01:42A million dollars.
00:01:46A million dollars.
00:01:50A million dollars.
00:01:54A million dollars.
00:01:58A million dollars.
00:02:02A million dollars.
00:02:06A million dollars.
00:02:10A million dollars.
00:02:14A million dollars.
00:02:18A million dollars.
00:02:25Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Carter.
00:02:27Would you repeat the question, please?
00:02:29To whom was Hamlet's famous
00:02:31graveside speech delivered?
00:02:33I don't know, man.
00:02:35I didn't catch the name and address on the envelope.
00:02:37That's very amusing, Vince.
00:02:40I don't think that you'll find
00:02:42a failing mark in this course
00:02:44quite as jocular.
00:02:54Would you answer the question, please?
00:03:00Yes, sir. The, uh...
00:03:02The speech is from Act 5, Scene 1,
00:03:04delivered to Horatio and the Grave Digger.
00:03:06Very good.
00:03:08If some of the others of you would emulate Marvin,
00:03:10concentrate your efforts toward learning something,
00:03:12you might all be a lot better off.
00:03:14Well, I guess that should be enough for today.
00:03:16I, uh, just want to remind you
00:03:18that your term papers are due on Wednesday.
00:03:20And for several of you
00:03:22who are on the borderline,
00:03:24you might profit by putting a little extra time
00:03:26and energy into this paper.
00:03:40Oh, Marvin, can I see you a second?
00:03:42Yes, sir.
00:03:44Have, uh... Have you given any more thought to college?
00:03:46The term's gonna be over in a week, you know.
00:03:48Well, I...
00:03:50still haven't made up my mind
00:03:52what I'm gonna do, sir.
00:03:54Oh, Marv, you had so much to offer.
00:03:56It's a shame if you don't take advantage of it.
00:03:58I know, sir. I...
00:04:00I'd like to go to college, but...
00:04:02well, it costs money, you know, and...
00:04:04Yes, I know. And I'm still working on that scholarship for you.
00:04:06I think maybe we'll be able
00:04:08to figure something out.
00:04:10I sure hope so.
00:04:12Thank you, Mr. Carter.
00:04:28Hey, Fink.
00:04:30What's the idea
00:04:32of trying to make a fool out of me in there?
00:04:34I don't understand what you mean. That's...
00:04:36Oh, can it. Now, you know what I mean.
00:04:38Answer my question like you were
00:04:40some kind of a king or something.
00:04:42Okay, then.
00:04:44Look, any time you think you're better than me, we...
00:04:46Get your big paws off of him.
00:04:50When did you start playing nursemaid
00:04:52to this creep?
00:04:54Ever since you started trying to be Tarzan or somebody.
00:04:56That's all right, baby. No, it's not.
00:04:58Now get out of here and leave him alone, you animal.
00:05:02Okay, baby.
00:05:04If you want to play mother,
00:05:06I'm not gonna stand in your way.
00:05:10Am I gonna see you tonight?
00:05:14I have other plans.
00:05:16Okay, baby.
00:05:18You change your mind, just give me a call.
00:05:32You didn't have to do that, Betty.
00:05:34Maybe you're getting mad or something.
00:05:36Look, what do I care?
00:05:38The world's full of guys like you.
00:05:40You're kind of special.
00:05:42Well, look, I'm serious.
00:05:46I've kind of wanted to say this to you
00:05:48for a long time.
00:05:54Betty, you go with Vince.
00:05:56He's sort of the star of the whole school.
00:05:58Boys like Vince will never amount to anything.
00:06:06Betty, will you go out with me?
00:06:08I practically asked you out, haven't I?
00:06:10Well, you...
00:06:12Well, how about tonight?
00:06:14I thought you said you were busy tonight.
00:06:16I'm busy for him.
00:06:20Well, sure.
00:06:24Pick me up at eight.
00:06:26Okay, I'll pick you up at eight.
00:06:28I'll see you then.
00:06:30Yeah. Betty?
00:06:32I'll see you then.
00:06:38What about Vince?
00:06:40Don't worry about Vince.
00:06:42I can take care of him.
00:06:52Hey, Mark, that you?
00:06:54Yeah, Pop, it's me.
00:07:02Everything go okay today?
00:07:08Hey, how come you're getting all dressed up?
00:07:10I got a date tonight.
00:07:12Real sharp girl.
00:07:14I met down at Tony's.
00:07:16Well, I've got a date tonight too.
00:07:18You do?
00:07:20Well, who with?
00:07:22Betty Alexander.
00:07:26Hey, she's the best-looking chick in the whole school, ain't she?
00:07:28She sure is.
00:07:30What in the world's she going out with you for?
00:07:40That's okay, Pop.
00:07:42No, I'm not much, but she likes me.
00:07:44Gee, kid, fine, fine.
00:07:46Just a chip off the old block after all, huh?
00:07:48Yeah, I guess so.
00:07:55Hey, Marv.
00:07:59I was wondering, you got any money on you?
00:08:02Well, a couple of dollars, Pop, but...
00:08:04Look, kid, there's a real fancy girl.
00:08:06You know what I mean?
00:08:08Well, I'm gonna have to take her out to supper, probably, and...
00:08:10Well, you know.
00:08:12I know, Pop, but I got a date tonight myself.
00:08:14I don't get paid until the 15th.
00:08:16How much you got?
00:08:20Well, six dollars and some change.
00:08:22Six dollars and some change?
00:08:24Tell you what.
00:08:26We'll split even, okay?
00:08:30Okay, Pop.
00:08:42Thanks, boy.
00:08:48By the way, I think I'm gonna have a job next week.
00:08:54I met a guy today who's sure he can put me on full-time.
00:08:58Be sure, Pop.
00:09:04Hey, don't worry, boy.
00:09:06I'll hang on to this one.
00:09:08No more booze for me, I promise.
00:09:12Pretty soon we'll have money enough to get out of this dump.
00:09:14You can quit that crummy job of yours and go to college like you want.
00:09:18Like your mother wanted you to.
00:09:28I know, Pop.
00:09:30Thanks, kid.
00:09:32Have a good time tonight, huh?
00:09:36You too, Pop.
00:09:48I'm sorry, Betty. I was...
00:09:50Oh, that's okay.
00:09:52At least it was a good movie.
00:09:54It's just that I...
00:09:56Well, I had to get some money to Pop and...
00:09:58Oh, just forget it. I'm having a lovely time.
00:10:02I've got almost a dollar left.
00:10:04Would you like to have a Coke?
00:10:16So this guy grabs this chick by the neck, see?
00:10:18And he gives her a couple of whacks right across the face.
00:10:22Man, he liked to knock her head off.
00:10:26Hey, Daddy.
00:10:28You don't dig my act or something?
00:10:30What's the matter, Benny? That chick Betty bugging you?
00:10:32Nah, she don't bug me, none.
00:10:34Yeah, why should she?
00:10:36We got so much stuff around here, we have to beat it off with a club.
00:10:38Yeah, so where's it all hid?
00:10:42Hey, am I seeing right?
00:10:46Oh, man, I don't believe it.
00:10:48I must be cracking up.
00:10:52What is she doing with that thing?
00:10:58I thought the zoo closed at six o'clock.
00:11:02So how come you got one of the animals out for a walk?
00:11:04You're very funny.
00:11:10Look, Betty, I...
00:11:12I think we better go on home. I've got some homework to do.
00:11:14You aren't gonna let these big apes scare you away, are you?
00:11:16No, it's not that. It's just I've got some homework to do.
00:11:18Okay. Come on.
00:11:24Well, good night, boys.
00:11:26Better stay off the streets before the dog catcher sees you without your licenses.
00:11:33Boy, she sure got salty in a big hurry.
00:11:36Where does that chief broad come off talking to us like that?
00:11:40Hey, Vinnie.
00:11:42Let's follow him and give him a going over, huh?
00:11:46Like the guy in the store that Bert was telling me.
00:11:50You guys stay here.
00:11:58I thought you said that chick didn't move you.
00:12:00She don't.
00:12:02Not at all.
00:12:14Thanks, Marv.
00:12:16I had a real good time.
00:12:20Well, it would have been better if I'd had more money.
00:12:22Next time, maybe.
00:12:24You mean there's gonna be a next time?
00:12:26Well, if you want it.
00:12:28Then of course I do.
00:12:30I was just afraid.
00:12:32Well, I'm not real smart or anything.
00:12:36I thought I might be kind of dull.
00:12:40Oh, no. You're not dull.
00:12:46Marv, I hate to ask you for a favor or anything.
00:12:48Go ahead. Anything you want.
00:12:50Well, it's Mr. Carter's Shakespeare class.
00:12:52You know, I'm kind of on the borderline.
00:12:54If I don't pass this class, I'm not gonna graduate.
00:12:56And my old man will kill me for sure.
00:12:58Well, if you
00:13:00write a good term paper, you'll pass.
00:13:02That's just it.
00:13:04No, I don't understand him.
00:13:06Shakespeare, I mean.
00:13:10He's so deep.
00:13:12I don't know what to do.
00:13:14You want me to write a paper for you?
00:13:16Oh, no. I just thought maybe you'd help me a little bit.
00:13:18I don't mind.
00:13:20It'll only take me a couple of hours.
00:13:22Would you? I mean, would you really?
00:13:27Thanks, Marv.
00:13:29I'll never forget it.
00:13:33Well, good night.
00:13:35I'll see you tomorrow.
00:13:46Good night, Betty.
00:13:56Oh, Vince.
00:13:58You scared me to death.
00:13:59Look, what's with you two?
00:14:03With me and Marv?
00:14:06Oh, you can't be serious.
00:14:08Look, you were with him.
00:14:10You went out with him instead of me.
00:14:13Oh, but honey, I just wanted him to write my term paper for me.
00:14:18You sure that's all?
00:14:20Well, of course, silly.
00:14:22You don't think I could possibly see anything in him, do you?
00:14:26No, I didn't think so.
00:14:28Well, you see, actually, it's kind of for us.
00:14:31If I don't pass the course, I will graduate.
00:14:33My parents won't let us get married or anything.
00:14:40But the...
00:14:42Why did you kiss him?
00:14:45Kiss him?
00:14:49You call that a kiss?
00:14:52Now, this...
00:14:54is what I call a kiss.
00:15:13Have you ever thought about marrying anybody?
00:15:20You know, I wanted to marry Rock Hudson once,
00:15:22but he was taken at the time, so...
00:15:24then I decided I'd marry Gary Cooper,
00:15:26and I found out he had a daughter older than me, so...
00:15:28I'm serious, Betty.
00:15:32You know what I'm getting at?
00:15:36After all, Marvin, you have to go to college and everything.
00:15:39I won't go to college.
00:15:41I'll get a full-time job.
00:15:43I bet Mr. Matthews will put me on for $75 a week.
00:15:48I guess I misled you just a little.
00:15:51I mean, you're sweet and smart,
00:15:53and I think someday you'll really be somebody important.
00:15:58Little Betty isn't ready to settle down
00:16:00and try and live on $75 a week.
00:16:03Could I have been poor too long for that?
00:16:05Oh, look, I'd better be going.
00:16:07My old man will be full of questions.
00:16:10He thinks I'm a tramp.
00:16:12What's the matter?
00:16:14What's the matter?
00:16:15You said your father thinks you're a tramp?
00:16:17Yeah, just when he's feeling good.
00:16:19If you could hear some of the things he's...
00:16:22One night when my mom was out, he...
00:16:27Someday I'm gonna show him.
00:16:29I'm gonna come back here with my diamonds and my furs,
00:16:32and I'm gonna throw them right in his stinkin' face.
00:16:41How come he ain't out with Betty tonight?
00:16:43You know, she wanted to stay home tonight.
00:16:45She makes her old man happy if she stays in every once in a while.
00:16:48I see.
00:16:55Look, Marv.
00:17:01What would you say if I got married again?
00:17:05Well, what brought that on, Pop?
00:17:08Well, I figure you'll be through school soon.
00:17:11Probably be going to college or getting married, maybe.
00:17:14Man's gotta have someone look after him in his old age.
00:17:17I got that job coming up.
00:17:20She the girl you met down at Tony's, Pop?
00:17:24Do you love her?
00:17:26Oh, she's a wonderful kid.
00:17:29Sweet as pie, you know what I mean?
00:17:32Who are you trying to convince, me or you?
00:17:34No, really.
00:17:35She's different.
00:17:39Pop, if you got married, you'd have to hold a job.
00:17:42I would, boy.
00:17:44I'd do anything in the world for her.
00:17:47Well, I guess you love her then.
00:17:51Would you mind?
00:17:54I think it's great.
00:17:56When's the big day?
00:18:04That isn't settled.
00:18:14Pop, have you asked her yet?
00:18:16Fact is, I haven't, but...
00:18:18that won't be no problem, boy.
00:18:20I can tell.
00:18:23Well, I'm real happy for you, Pop.
00:18:27You know...
00:18:29I guess there's nothing in the whole world as nice as being in love.
00:18:43Hiya, kid.
00:18:45Hi, Miss Matthews.
00:18:53We've got another deal going.
00:18:55How much is involved?
00:18:56A million dollars.
00:19:15Excuse me, Miss Matthews. You want to sign these papers?
00:19:17Later, kid. I'm real busy.
00:19:21We've handled some big deals before, Walter.
00:19:23But never a million dollars.
00:19:26Hey, buddy.
00:19:27We've never brought in this much heroin before.
00:19:29What's our cut?
00:19:30Twenty-five percent.
00:19:31Good enough.
00:19:33The boats go in Saturday night.
00:19:35Money will arrive here sometime Saturday afternoon.
00:19:38Who's bringing it in?
00:19:40Never mind. It's coming. You can rest assured.
00:19:42Now, I'll put it in the safe.
00:19:44And at exactly 11.15, I'll be back with the guy carrying the dope.
00:19:49I'll give him the money, and they'll make the exchange.
00:19:52Isn't it a little risky leaving a million dollars in a safe that long?
00:19:55Nobody will know it's there.
00:19:57And I'd rather have it here than carry it around, if you follow me.
00:20:01Now, all you have to do is open the doors for us at 11.15.
00:20:06And then stand by to make sure that there's no double-cross.
00:20:10Well, that's it.
00:20:12That's all we have to do now is wait.
00:20:21See you at the end.
00:20:22Take it easy.
00:20:24Hey, kid.
00:20:27Yes, sir?
00:20:28Let me have a look at those papers.
00:20:29Yes, sir.
00:20:40I'm very disappointed in you, Marv.
00:20:44Am I, Mr. Carter?
00:20:45I think you do.
00:20:48Well, we might as well get this over with as quickly as possible.
00:20:54He wrote your paper, didn't he?
00:20:58Of course not. I wrote it myself.
00:21:00Oh, come now, Betty.
00:21:02You have many attributes, I will confess.
00:21:05But a comprehensive understanding of Shakespeare and his works is not one of them.
00:21:10I studied.
00:21:11I worked real hard.
00:21:15Well, Marv, you want to tell me the truth?
00:21:22She wrote it on us, Mr. Carter.
00:21:28All right, Betty.
00:21:30What is it all about?
00:21:37Well, it's about Shakespeare and his plays.
00:21:43You didn't even read it, did you?
00:21:45Of course I read it. I wrote it.
00:21:47Now, look.
00:21:48Neither one of you is fooling anybody but yourselves.
00:21:50Now, come on, Marv. Admit it and get it over with.
00:21:54Come on!
00:21:55Come on!
00:22:02Yes, sir.
00:22:04That's better.
00:22:06You didn't have to tell him.
00:22:08He couldn't prove it.
00:22:10I hope you understand that I'll have to fail you for this, Betty.
00:22:15As far as you're concerned, Marv, your grades are too good.
00:22:18I can't possibly fail you.
00:22:20I can't even blame you when you come right down to it.
00:22:23But I am going to withdraw my recommendation for the scholarship.
00:22:27I thought that you were different, Marv.
00:22:30But I guess I was wrong.
00:22:32You don't deserve that scholarship and you know it.
00:22:34You're just bitter because you can't do anything but earn 60 bucks a week
00:22:38with your fancy words and big brains.
00:22:40You have no right to flunk me.
00:22:44That's all you're worried about.
00:22:47That's all you're worried about.
00:22:50You don't even care that Marv may lose his opportunity to go to college because of you.
00:23:01All right.
00:23:02That's all. You're both excused.
00:23:14Stay away from me, you spanker!
00:23:16Look, you didn't have to tell him.
00:23:17But he knows.
00:23:18He didn't know. He couldn't prove it.
00:23:20Betty, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
00:23:22Well, be sorry somewhere else and just leave me alone, huh?
00:23:26You mean it's over just because of this?
00:23:30Now, what's there to be over?
00:23:33Well, I thought you said that...
00:23:35Look, I didn't say anything.
00:23:37You did all the talking, remember?
00:23:47Oh, wow. You're just using me.
00:23:50That's right.
00:23:55Look, all I know is now I'm...
00:23:58My father's going to kill me. He really will.
00:24:00And I'm not going to graduate and...
00:24:03I guess things just don't want to work out for me.
00:24:08Betty, you said that you wanted to come back and throw diamonds and minks in his face.
00:24:15So if I could get those things for you...
00:24:20Well, would it make a difference in the way you feel?
00:24:23I mean, about the whole world?
00:24:25Thanks, Mar, but it won't help.
00:24:28I mean it, Betty.
00:24:29Would it make a difference?
00:24:32Well, bring him around first chance you get.
00:24:34Might make a difference at that.
00:24:38I'll put it in the safe.
00:24:40Isn't it a little risky leaving a million dollars in the safe that long?
00:25:46Why, Pop, you said you were through.
00:25:50You going to lecture me again?
00:25:52No, I'm not going to lecture you again.
00:26:05What happened, Pop?
00:26:08She turned me down.
00:26:11I ain't good enough for her.
00:26:14Ain't got enough dough.
00:26:17They're all alike.
00:26:20Only thing they want is money.
00:26:26Nobody will know it's there.
00:26:28Nobody will know it's there.
00:26:30Nobody will know it's there.
00:26:32Nobody will know it's there.
00:26:37Pop, I'll be right back.
00:26:39Where are you going? You're going to see that girl again, ain't you?
00:26:41No, I'm not going to see that girl again.
00:26:43She's just like all the rest. You'll see.
00:26:45Calm down, Pop. I'll be right back.
00:26:55Don't go.
00:26:58You're my son.
00:27:00You're all I got left in the world.
00:27:09Come on, Pop, and I'll help you on the sofa.
00:27:20I'll be right back, Pop.
00:27:23When I get back,
00:27:25maybe we can show them all a thing or two.
00:27:30Come on.
00:27:48Boy, if the guys could see me now.
00:27:51They'd just be jealous, that's all.
00:27:54I don't know.
00:27:57I'm supposed to be so
00:27:59tough and all.
00:28:01Tell me you love me.
00:28:06I love you.
00:28:11I love you, baby.
00:28:13I love you.
00:28:14When are you going to prove it?
00:28:17Prove it?
00:28:20You mean you don't believe me?
00:28:22Oh, I believe it.
00:28:25But a girl likes to see something real, you know.
00:28:29What do you mean, like a car or jewels or something?
00:28:33Oh, or something.
00:28:38You'll have it all someday, baby.
00:28:41I swear it, you'll have it all.
00:28:46When I get out of school and have a chance to look around a little.
00:28:50Now, what if someone comes along who already has it?
00:28:55I'd kill him and take it away.
00:28:59Tell me again.
00:29:03I love you, baby.
00:29:24I love you, baby.
00:29:27I love you.
00:29:55How did you get out of my register?
00:29:57Samuel, please, my most valuable possessions.
00:30:00Sure, for stealing my cigars,
00:30:02drinking my wine and dipping into my cash register.
00:30:05Samuel, I'm shocked, your own flesh and blood.
00:30:09My what?
00:30:10Just because I'm married to your sister doesn't give you cause to come in and nail my inventory.
00:30:15Well, she's your wife, isn't she?
00:30:16Yeah, but...
00:30:17And she's my sister?
00:30:19Then you admit it, what's yours is mine.
00:30:21Look, I don't want to be a nag.
00:30:23Why don't you go get a job?
00:30:25A job?
00:30:26Would you have a doctor take up a pick?
00:30:28A chemist sit behind the wheel of a truck?
00:30:31If he was making a bum out of me, I would.
00:30:33Samuel, I'm a professional man.
00:30:35There's no other way.
00:30:36Now, you were in the rackets, you ought to know that.
00:30:38Yeah, but I gave it up ten years ago.
00:30:47Yeah, dear.
00:30:51Yeah, I'll pick it up.
00:30:52No, I won't forget.
00:30:54Yeah, goodbye, dear.
00:30:55I'll talk to you later.
00:30:59Your sister, your wife.
00:31:02Samuel, you are the last of the great gentlemen.
00:31:06Have a cigar.
00:31:19Admit it, Frank, you ain't old enough.
00:31:21I'm not here to buy liquor.
00:31:23Sorry, we're fresh out of Cokes.
00:31:25Are you Sam Tolman?
00:31:27Yeah, so?
00:31:29I understand you're a friend of Harry March.
00:31:31Harry March?
00:31:32Who's Harry March?
00:31:35About the best safecracker around?
00:31:37Maybe the best in the business?
00:31:39Never heard of him.
00:31:42I thought you might be interested in a deal.
00:31:44Wait a minute, kid.
00:31:46What kind of a deal?
00:31:49What difference does it make?
00:31:51You said you didn't know him.
00:31:52I make friends real easy.
00:31:54What kind of a deal?
00:31:57A big deal.
00:31:59A million dollars cash.
00:32:01A million dollars cash?
00:32:05Kid, I'm busy.
00:32:06Why don't you go tell your fairy tale someplace else?
00:32:08I mean it.
00:32:09A million cash.
00:32:10And so where is it?
00:32:11Maybe it's in Dementor.
00:32:12Maybe it's in Fort Knox.
00:32:13It's about six blocks from here.
00:32:16You're lying.
00:32:18Look, I know where the money is and I know how to get it.
00:32:21All I need is someone that can open a safe.
00:32:23So you ain't lying.
00:32:24How does a punk like you know where a million dollars is?
00:32:30Mr. Tallman, all my life,
00:32:32my brains have been sort of a curse.
00:32:35Now maybe I can make it pay off for everybody.
00:32:39Let's say that you know where the million is
00:32:41and let's say you have a plan how to get it.
00:32:44Where do I come in?
00:32:45I'm Harry.
00:32:48You just tell Harry to be here tomorrow night at eight o'clock.
00:32:51I'll explain it then.
00:32:53Okay, kid, I'll have him here, but...
00:32:56if you're lying...
00:33:00I've already had one beating today.
00:33:03I don't suppose another one would kill me.
00:33:05Well, where's your young genius?
00:33:07He said eight o'clock.
00:33:09It's only a few minutes after.
00:33:10I'm surprised at you, Samuel.
00:33:12This is obviously somebody's idea of a joke.
00:33:14Look, that's what I thought at first,
00:33:15but I could swear he was on the level after talking to him a while.
00:33:18If there were a million dollars hanging about someplace,
00:33:20every operator in the country would know about it.
00:33:22Maybe so, but...
00:33:24I don't think so.
00:33:25I don't think so.
00:33:26I don't think so.
00:33:27I don't think so.
00:33:28I don't think so.
00:33:29I don't think so.
00:33:30I don't think so.
00:33:31I don't think so.
00:33:32I don't think so.
00:33:33Maybe so, but...
00:33:36That's probably him now.
00:33:46Here he is, Harry.
00:33:49Marv Grant.
00:33:52Harry March.
00:33:57Glad to meet you, Mr. March.
00:33:59I've heard quite a bit about you.
00:34:01All good, I might add,
00:34:03depending on which side of the law you're on with.
00:34:06Gentlemen, let's not be so polite.
00:34:08I can't keep the store closed forever.
00:34:09I gotta make a living.
00:34:10Okay, sit down and I'll explain it to you.
00:34:15Now, tomorrow night,
00:34:17there's a freighter docking at the pier.
00:34:19The Rose Lee out of Hong Kong.
00:34:24There's a shipment of pure heroin being smuggled in on that ship for delivery here.
00:34:27Wait a minute.
00:34:29I refuse to have anything to do with narcotics.
00:34:32Besides, it's a federal wrap.
00:34:34Yeah, besides, you said it was cash.
00:34:36I'm getting to that.
00:34:37Now, a syndicate here has agreed to take the heroin
00:34:39off the hands of the present owners for a million dollars cash,
00:34:42relieving them of the risks and headaches of
00:34:44distributing and selling this stuff.
00:34:46So we grab the million before it gets to the guys with the junk.
00:34:50One million dollars in untraceable,
00:34:53probably highly ill-gotten cash.
00:34:56Very well. So far, so good.
00:34:58Now, what about our cut?
00:35:00Sam and me.
00:35:06Take it or lose it.
00:35:08We'll take it.
00:35:10Now, what's the setup?
00:35:11Walter Matthews is the middleman.
00:35:13He's the guy that owns the warehouse on the dock, huh?
00:35:17The million dollars will be in his safe sometime tomorrow.
00:35:20At 11.15, Matthews and the dope owner
00:35:22arrive to exchange the heroin for the cash.
00:35:24Except by then, we'll have the cash.
00:35:26What's to prevent us from taking the money
00:35:28before it ever reaches the safe?
00:35:30I don't know when it's coming or how.
00:35:32If I knew that, it'd be easy.
00:35:34As it is, we'll be in a little after 11
00:35:36and out a little before 11.15.
00:35:38Why can't we get in by 10.30
00:35:40and out in plenty of time?
00:35:42Well, it's not that easy.
00:35:44There's one main entrance to the warehouse.
00:35:47The sliding steel door locked from the inside.
00:35:50So, how do we get in?
00:35:52At exactly 11 o'clock, the second shift watchman comes on.
00:35:55The guard inside unlocks the door,
00:35:57and the new guard goes in.
00:35:58We go in with him.
00:36:00Now, you wouldn't mind knocking out a couple of guards
00:36:03for a half a million dollars cash, would you?
00:36:05I guess I can handle it.
00:36:07All right, once we're in, there's only two things left.
00:36:09Open the office door and open the safe.
00:36:11It's imperative that we be in and out in 10 minutes
00:36:14before Matthews and the other man arrive.
00:36:16Can you do it?
00:36:17There isn't a safe built that I couldn't open
00:36:19within six minutes.
00:36:23Well, that's it. Any questions?
00:36:25What about alarms?
00:36:26Only two in the building.
00:36:27One at the main entrance
00:36:28and one at the smaller back entrance.
00:36:30We'll leave by the smaller back entrance,
00:36:32but don't worry about the alarm.
00:36:33It takes the police almost four minutes
00:36:34to respond and arrive at the scene.
00:36:36By that time, we'll be long gone.
00:36:38Sounds good to me.
00:36:40Sounds too good.
00:36:41Who ever heard of picking up a million that easy?
00:36:43Well, it wouldn't be that easy, Sam,
00:36:45except for one thing.
00:36:46The holders of the money are involved
00:36:48in a rather illicit operation themselves,
00:36:50and they can't afford the elaborate protection
00:36:52that, say, a bank might.
00:36:53You know, when you think about it,
00:36:54we're doing the world a favor,
00:36:56taking the money from them.
00:36:58It helps keep the heroin off the market.
00:37:00All right, any more questions?
00:37:05We'll meet back here tomorrow night at 10 o'clock.
00:37:09And bring a car and a suitcase.
00:37:11Oh, young man.
00:37:15I've worked with the best,
00:37:17but if you ask me,
00:37:18there's a great future in this business.
00:37:21I don't think so, Mr. March.
00:37:25As far as I'm concerned,
00:37:26this is strictly a one-shot affair.
00:37:32Some kid, Harry.
00:37:33A real naive.
00:37:35How do you mean?
00:37:36I don't think it ever entered his mind
00:37:39that we could cross him.
00:37:41He spilled the plans.
00:37:43What's to stop you and I
00:37:45from heisting the joint alone?
00:37:47Just one thing, Sam.
00:37:49If men like us don't have that,
00:37:51we don't have anything.
00:38:00Hello, Betty, this is Marv.
00:38:02Please don't hang up. I've got to talk to you.
00:38:03No, thanks.
00:38:04I thought I made myself pretty clear.
00:38:05Please, Betty, this is important.
00:38:07Okay, so talk.
00:38:09I'm not on the phone.
00:38:11Can you meet me somewhere?
00:38:15Money, Betty.
00:38:16Lots of money.
00:38:18Money to buy you everything you've ever wanted.
00:38:23Are you there, Betty?
00:38:25Look, is this a gag?
00:38:26I hope to die if it is.
00:38:28Where do you want me to meet you?
00:38:30Joe's Diner, 7th and Adams.
00:38:33Okay, goodbye.
00:39:13Would you like some coffee?
00:39:15No, let's just get to the point.
00:39:21I'm going to get some money, Betty.
00:39:23Oh, really?
00:39:25How much?
00:39:29Enough to buy you all the diamonds and mink coats in the whole world.
00:39:33Your boss make you president of the company or something?
00:39:37But I'm getting it, I swear it.
00:39:40Look, did you get me all the way down here just to talk?
00:39:43Where are you getting this fortune?
00:40:03I'm stealing it.
00:40:05You're what?
00:40:07Oh, look, cut it out, will you?
00:40:09You haven't even got the nerve to lie.
00:40:11I mean it, Betty, I'm stealing a million dollars.
00:40:16Look, you shouldn't joke about these things, Mark.
00:40:18I'm not joking.
00:40:19I found out where there's going to be a million dollars cash and I've worked out a plan to steal it.
00:40:25You're really serious, aren't you?
00:40:30You'd really do that for me?
00:40:41I'm in love with you.
00:40:45Can you get away with it?
00:40:46I know I can.
00:40:47I've got the best safe crack in the business lined up to do it with me.
00:40:51Saturday night at the warehouse.
00:40:52We'll have to split with the other guys, but there'll be over half a million for us.
00:41:00I could have everything I've ever dreamed of.
00:41:03I could finally spit in his face.
00:41:09You're crazy.
00:41:17You're out of your mind.
00:41:18Who am I?
00:41:20Listen, mister, I'm giving you a break. You haven't got coming.
00:41:23A break?
00:41:24Asking me to heist a million bucks from guys who'll be armed to the teeth?
00:41:27So who says you can't carry a gun yourself?
00:41:29I never have.
00:41:31Look, I've copped radios, hubcaps, stuff like that, but I'm no big-time operator.
00:41:37So what are you, then?
00:41:42All you have to do is grab it when I come out with the money.
00:41:45Look, you can get Larry and Bert to help you. You don't have to tell them how much it is.
00:41:51Look, aren't I worth it?
00:41:52I don't know.
00:41:53Oh, let me clue you, buster.
00:41:55I'm getting out of this dump one way or the other.
00:41:58Now, if you want me to go with Marv, that's okay.
00:42:02But I'm giving you the chance to take me.
00:42:23You wouldn't go with him?
00:42:25No, not really.
00:42:28Wouldn't I?
00:42:30For half a million bucks, I'd go with anyone.
00:42:34Even if you didn't love him?
00:42:38Now, what's love got to do with it?
00:42:44I don't know.
00:42:53Look, Finn.
00:42:57I want you, I really do.
00:43:01I've wanted you for years, and you know it.
00:43:04But I want something else, too.
00:43:08And maybe more than I want you, even.
00:43:11And if I can have them both, that's great.
00:43:14But if I have to choose...
00:43:23I'll go with you.
00:43:35Will you do it?
00:43:49Package here for Mr. Matthews.
00:43:50Okay, I'll see you get it.
00:43:58Okay, buddy, thanks.
00:44:10Hey, kid.
00:44:11Is that for me?
00:44:12Yes, sir, it is.
00:44:13Bring it in here, huh?
00:44:42What's eating, puffed beans?
00:44:44That's all we got in the house. You want a bite?
00:44:45No, you finish it.
00:44:47You going out?
00:44:49Well, don't you have some homework?
00:44:50But Saturday night, remember?
00:44:51School finished Friday.
00:44:53Oh, sure, yeah.
00:44:54I keep forgetting.
00:44:57You got a date?
00:44:58Yeah, sort of.
00:45:02Did you get your check?
00:45:03Pop, I don't get paid until the 15th, you know that.
00:45:06Oh, yeah, that's right.
00:45:08It's just that Mrs. Fisher's coming up for the rent tonight,
00:45:10and I was wondering...
00:45:16You blew your job, didn't you?
00:45:25What happened, Pop?
00:45:26He reconsidered.
00:45:28Said he guessed I was too old.
00:45:30I don't know what to do, boy.
00:45:32Everywhere I turn, the same thing happens.
00:45:45Everything's gonna be all right.
00:45:47It ain't fair to you, kid.
00:45:48No, it's true.
00:45:49I'm a burden.
00:45:50If I weren't around, you could do anything you want.
00:45:52Live your life the way you want.
00:45:53Go to college.
00:45:54Look, Pop.
00:45:55I don't want you talking like that anymore, you understand?
00:46:03I want you to know one thing.
00:46:06No matter what happens,
00:46:09I want you to know I tried to be a good father to you.
00:46:13Really, I tried.
00:46:15You're the best father a kid ever had.
00:46:18Maybe I don't iron your shirts too good, but...
00:46:27Everything's gonna be all right, Pop.
00:46:28Sure, sure.
00:46:31You okay?
00:46:33No more bruise?
00:46:34No, no.
00:46:35Now look, get going, you'll be late.
00:46:37Have a good time tonight, kid.
00:46:39Stay out of trouble, huh?
00:46:42Sure, Pop.
00:46:44I will.
00:46:51Remember what I said, Pop.
00:46:53Everything's gonna be all right.
00:46:55Sure, I'll remember.
00:47:15I'll remember.
00:47:26That's five in a row.
00:47:28Are you cheating?
00:47:29Honor, Sam.
00:47:30Remember, honor.
00:47:32Oh, yeah, sure.
00:47:34How much you owe me?
00:47:37About six, pal.
00:47:45Come on.
00:47:56Hello, son.
00:47:57Hi, Harry.
00:48:00Who's winning?
00:48:02He's killing me.
00:48:04Did you fix these cars?
00:48:06I told you repeatedly, Samuel, I am a thief, not a crook.
00:48:11Everything the same?
00:48:15Throw the seven.
00:48:17Come on.
00:48:36I can't win from losing.
00:48:38Figure it out.
00:48:44Well, you fellas have any plans what you're gonna do with your share of the money, eh?
00:48:48You bet.
00:48:50That sister of yours has some good things coming for a long time.
00:48:53You know, I figure anybody that sticks with me all these years has gotta get a break.
00:48:58You're not so bad, Sam.
00:49:01How about you, Marvin?
00:49:04Oh, I'm gonna get married, go to school.
00:49:10You know, I've always had a lust for education myself.
00:49:12I wonder if they'd let me in somewhere.
00:49:15That is, if I had enough money.
00:49:17Sure, you could teach the kids that are at the professor's desk and steal the exams.
00:49:22You're snide, Sam, but you are my flesh and blood.
00:49:25Let's play a little hearts.
00:49:26There's some time to kill.
00:49:28Okay, but let's keep the stakes low.
00:49:30I don't trust him, and you're too smart.
00:49:33High card deals.
00:49:39You guys stand a shock?
00:49:40Anything pops, lay it on me.
00:49:43We're gonna get ourselves 50,000 bucks tonight.
00:49:48What are you smoking?
00:49:50I'm serious.
00:49:52Dead serious.
00:49:55We can get it.
00:49:58If you guys got the guts.
00:50:00That kind of dough I got guts I ain't even used yet.
00:50:03What's a scam?
00:50:05Okay, now you guys hear me, and hear me good.
00:50:08Now, you guys ain't gonna believe half of this.
00:50:11None of it, maybe, but it's all true.
00:50:14Now, there's gonna be a safe robbery tonight.
00:50:17Not more than three blocks from here.
00:50:19Now, I know who's pulling it, and I know what we gotta do.
00:50:23All we do is wait for them to come out with the loot, and then we grab it.
00:50:28It's so easy, it scares them.
00:50:30Who? Who's doing it?
00:50:32Who told you?
00:50:33Who? Who's doing it?
00:50:35Who told you?
00:50:37Marv Grant.
00:50:39Oh, come on Vince, quit putting this on, I'm telling you.
00:50:44You mean all we gotta do is walk up, and take it?
00:50:49That's right.
00:50:54What these?
00:50:58Why can't I attract real dames like I attract this lousy queen of spades?
00:51:04So, it's a quarter off, let's get going.
00:51:07No, I don't want to leave until exactly 1045.
00:51:11Why can't we leave now? Why do you have to cut it so fine?
00:51:14Look, I've timed the ride a dozen times.
00:51:16It takes exactly 11 minutes to get from here to the warehouse.
00:51:22Besides, I don't want to arrive at the ferry boat until exactly 1052.
00:51:26I don't want to be hanging around the barrier.
00:51:29Very well.
00:51:33Let's go.
00:51:34Okay, let's go.
00:52:04Let's go.
00:52:10Good luck.
00:52:35It's almost 1051.
00:52:38Relax, we'll make it.
00:53:05What is it?
00:53:07Looks like an accident.
00:53:09What do we do?
00:53:10This is the only direct street to the ferry.
00:53:13We'll have to detour.
00:53:14Hurry up.
00:53:35We're dead.
00:53:42There's another ferry in two minutes.
00:53:46All we can do is wait.
00:53:48And pray.
00:54:05What time is it?
00:54:08We'll never make it.
00:54:10We've got to.
00:54:11Come on.
00:54:27Kill your lights.
00:54:34Come on.
00:54:45It's 1104.
00:54:46We may have missed them.
00:54:49Come on.
00:55:01They're never late, especially tonight.
00:55:02What do we do now?
00:55:05I don't know.
00:55:08Stupid accident.
00:55:19Is that you, Ben?
00:55:23Sorry I'm late, Pete.
00:55:24There was an accident.
00:55:27Have fun.
00:55:32Come on.
00:56:03Broke off.
00:56:05All of it's still in lock.
00:56:06Come on, it's seven after.
00:56:07We haven't got much time.
00:56:10This might do it.
00:56:26We're in luck.
00:56:27This one's easy.
00:56:30It's 1108.
00:56:32Mr. Grant?
00:56:34Are you there?
00:56:41It's Mrs. Fisher.
00:57:01Come on.
00:57:31Got it.
00:57:45Look at it.
00:57:46A million bucks.
00:57:48It's beautiful.
00:57:50We don't have much time.
00:58:01Come on.
00:58:08Come on.
00:58:14Come on, Harry.
00:58:32Come on.
00:58:44Okay, that's far enough.
00:58:47Give me that case.
00:58:48Hurry up.
00:58:49Vince, look, the cops will be here any minute.
00:58:50You can have some.
00:58:51Shut up and give me that money.
00:59:01Are you crazy, Vince?
00:59:02You didn't have to do that.
00:59:03Come on, let's go, Larry.
00:59:09The last of the great gentlemen.
00:59:16He didn't even have a gun.
00:59:23Come on, don't just stand there.
00:59:27You made me kill him.
00:59:28Come on.
00:59:29Come on.
00:59:34No, Vince.
00:59:47There they are.
00:59:57A million bucks.
00:59:59Now get the money.
01:00:00Let's get out of here.
01:00:02I am loaded down with snow.
01:00:30I don't know, Harry.
01:00:31I'm sorry.
01:00:35Forgive me.
01:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
