• last year
Marasli - Episode 3 (English Subtitles)
00:00:30Love takes a person away from being himself.
00:00:33Not for me.
00:00:34Then you shouldn't be in love.
00:00:41That man called Savaş will get out of jail.
00:00:45It's clear who's the boss today, lady.
00:00:48I hope your father comes as you said.
00:00:50You wanted to call me knowingly, didn't you?
00:00:54If my father comes, but if Savaş comes...
00:00:56He will come.
00:01:01There are things I want to tell you.
00:01:03Very important.
00:01:05I can't tell them from here.
00:03:03Horan yine ne oldu para falan isteyecek herhalde saçmalama o zaman oldu nasıl konuşabilir misin önemlidir
00:03:12Tamam ben geliyorum hemen siz arabada bekleyin isterseniz
00:03:19Ne oldu maraşlı
00:03:27Ailenden biri
00:03:30Ne ailemden biri
00:03:33Seni öldürmek isteyen kişi
00:03:35ailenden biri
00:03:37Ne diyorsun anlamadım bir tekrar söylesene
00:04:03Senin ölmeni isteyen kişi ailenin içinden biri
00:04:08Anladın mı
00:04:12Sen iyice uçmuşsun
00:04:14Hayır gerçekten yani gitmiş senin kafan
00:04:17Bak ne diyeceğim benim tanıdığım birkaç doktor var istersen ben sana numaralarını vereyim sana onlarla bir görüş
00:04:22En azından bir iyiliğin dokunur bayan bak ben seni
00:04:34Ne konuştunuz fısır fısır
00:04:36Anamla bir şey değil
00:05:32Mahur hanıma hakikati aşıkladım bugün
00:05:36Senin ölmeni isteyen kişi ailenden biri dedim ona
00:05:40Şaşırdı kabullenemedi tabi
00:05:43Kim böyle bir şey kabullenebilir ki
00:05:49Şüphe insanın içine bir kere düştü müydü
00:05:53Yavaş yavaş kurt gibi yer adam içten içe senin ölmeni isteyen kişi ailenin içinden biri
00:06:02Az zaman oldu
00:06:05Lakin Mahur hanımı tanıdığımı düşünüyorum
00:06:08Eminim düşünecektir bunları
00:06:11Bu da beni tanıdı ki yaran laf demeyeceğimi bilir
00:06:24Bana müsaade
00:06:32Sanırım ki savaş içeride çok kalsın
00:06:35Bunca cinayeti işlemek özgüven ister
00:06:39Evet rahatsız bir tipe benziyor
00:06:41Bence rahatsız da biraz
00:06:43Lakin konu bu değil
00:06:45Eli kolu uzun bir arkadaş o kadar
00:06:47Üç vakte kalmaz dışarı çıkar o
00:06:51Güvendiği birileri var belli
00:06:59Bana bak lan bırak dalgayı
00:07:02Cumhuriyet savcısını öldürdün sen
00:07:04Ölene kadar hapiste kalacaksın
00:07:06Şimdi adam gibi anlat yorma bizi
00:07:12Sayın savcı bey
00:07:14Benim yasal haklarım var
00:07:16Burada bir avukat göremiyorum
00:07:1815 senelik arkadaşımdı lan öldürdüğün adam
00:07:20Kaybınız için üzgünüm
00:07:22Dalga mı geçiyorsun lan sen benimle
00:07:24Avukatım gelince bu soruya da cevap vereceğim
00:07:27Ben göstereceğim sana avukatı merak etme
00:07:35Umarım Mahur hanım için
00:07:37Her şey çok iyi olur
00:07:42Umarım onun için
00:07:44Her şey yoluna girer
00:07:46Seliş'in Mahur'u çok sevdi
00:07:50Mahur da onu
00:07:53Mahur da onu
00:07:57İyi anlaşıyorlar
00:08:22Bir incecik aman
00:08:28Duman tüterler aman aman
00:08:40Ah oku derler aman aman
00:08:46Böyle de sarhoş
00:08:48Algın yarim ocağım
00:08:58Ah oku derler aman aman
00:09:04Böyle de sarhoş
00:09:06Algın yarim ocağım
00:09:08Algın yarim ocağım
00:09:16Yar yollamış aman
00:09:22Selam geldi aman aman
00:09:30E hanım çıkmadın mı sen daha geç oldu
00:09:32Bir iki lokma bir şey yediğini görmeden gitmeyeyim dedim
00:09:36Kimsenin de hakkını ödeyemeyiz valla
00:09:38Helal et artık
00:09:40Olur mu öyle şey
00:09:42Ben seni evladım gibi seviyorum
00:09:46Eksik olma
00:09:48E ama çık git artık hadi
00:09:50Geç oldu
00:09:52Hasan ustaya da selamlarımı ilet
00:09:54Aleyküm selam
00:09:56Yarın erken mi çıkarsın kaçta geleyim
00:10:00Ya istediğin saatte gel
00:10:02Ben artık çalışmıyorum
00:10:04Hayırdır oğlum
00:10:06E adamı içeri tıktılar bana ihtiyaç kalmadı
00:10:08Saafa devam yani
00:10:10Öküz öldü ortaklık bozuldu Şirin hanım
00:10:12Hay Allah
00:10:14Pek de tatlı bir kızdı
00:10:18Yok kız güvende şu anda
00:10:20Neyine üzüldün
00:10:24Hadi hayırlı geceler
00:10:32Ne var ne yok
00:10:48Ben çıkıyorum
00:10:50Hayrola kızım bu saatte nereye
00:10:52Hava alacağım biraz arkadaşlarla buluşacağım
00:10:54Tamam ama yine de dikkatli ol ne olur
00:10:56Ay Aziz korkutma artık kızı
00:10:58Geçti gitti bitti işte
00:11:02Size de iyi eğlenceler
00:11:26Sen hala burada mısın oğlum
00:11:28Yemek yeseydin de yemek yeseydin bari
00:11:30Yok teyzem böyle ye
00:11:32Komutanım bekle dedi bekleyeceğiz
00:11:34Tetikte ol kardeşim dedi tetikte olacağız
00:11:36Tövbe estağfurullah indir şunu
00:11:40Kusura bakma teyzem
00:11:42Hadi selametle hadi
00:11:58Adam gibi anlat şimdi
00:12:00Ne demek istedin sen adliyede
00:12:02Ben diyeceğimi dedim
00:12:04Savaş denen adam
00:12:06Sizin haleden biriyle iş birliği yapıyor
00:12:08Ya sen ne dediğinin farkında mısın
00:12:10Söylediğini kulağın duyuyor mu
00:12:14Ya kim
00:12:16Neden nasıl
00:12:18Ayrıca sen nereden bilebilirsin ki böyle bir şeyi
00:12:22Geç şöyle otur arayık önce
00:12:24Bir şey içer misin
00:12:34Savaş adliyedeyken
00:12:36Benim Afganistan'da görevde olduğumu söyledi
00:12:42Bunu sizinkilere kahvaltıda ben söylemiştim
00:12:44Tamam ne var bunda
00:12:46Gitmiştir dosyanı bulmuştur başka bir yerden duymuştur
00:12:48Mahur ben hiç Afganistan'a gitmedim
00:12:56Biz görev yerlerimizi asla söylemeyiz
00:13:00Senin dediğin gibi dosyadan görmüş olsa
00:13:02Böyle bir bilgiye ulaşması imkansız
00:13:04Yani delilin bu öyle mi
00:13:06Sen bir yalan söyledin ve delilinde bu
00:13:08Ya bundan hala delil mi olur
00:13:10Biz ne konuşmuşsak gitmiştir bülbül gibi şakımız Savaş'a
00:13:12Ya sen delirdin mi
00:13:14Bir cümleyle paranoyak ettin beni
00:13:16Ben az kalsın inanıyordum ya sana
00:13:18İnansan iyi edersin
00:13:20Tamam söyle
00:13:24Herkes olabilir
00:13:28Babama niye söylemedin de gelip bana söylüyorsun bunu
00:13:34Ne var o da mı şüpheli
00:13:36Neden olmasın
00:13:38Yok sen sen gerçekten delirmişsin
00:13:40Bir daha sakın karşıma çıkma
00:13:42Adama bak ya
00:13:44Ne kadar rahat konuşuyor
00:13:46Ya onlar benim ailem ailem
00:13:48Abim babam
00:13:50Onlar niye yapsınlar bana böyle bir şey
00:13:52Bak o fotoğrafta biri daha vardı
00:13:54Erkek mi kadın mı bilmiyorum
00:13:56Ama biri daha vardı anlaştılar
00:13:58Savaşla anlaşan kişi senden vazgeçti
00:14:00Muhtemelen Savaş
00:14:02Ben yanarsam sen de yanarsın dedi
00:14:06Babam da gidin kızımı vurun demiştir öyle mi
00:14:08Ya da belki İlhan abimdir
00:14:10Karanlık işlere falan karışmıştır
00:14:12Tonla uyuşturucu kaçırıyordur olamaz mı
00:14:14Ya da Firuzan
00:14:16Firuzan zaten beni hiç sevmez
00:14:18Yani ölsem de umurumda olmaz
00:14:22Belki de Necati abimdir
00:14:24Alkoliktir falan ama aradı canı sıkılıyor yani onun
00:14:26Gidin öldürün demiştir
00:14:34O Savaş denen adam hapisten çıkacak
00:14:36Çıktığında da peşine düşecek
00:14:50Telefon çalıyor
00:14:52Telefon çalıyor
00:14:54Efendim babam
00:14:56Kızım neredesin yahu
00:14:58Geliyorum geliyorum şimdi
00:15:04Hayırdır Ede sen gitmedin mi?
00:15:06Tehlike falan kalmadı
00:15:08Geç evine hadi
00:15:10Komutanım ben gidecektim de
00:15:12Az önce sizin evden çıkan kız
00:15:14Ne olmuş ona
00:15:16Sanki peşinde birileri var gibiydi
00:15:18Ne yapıyorsun kendisi
00:15:20Selin içeride uyuyor sen gel burada bekle
00:15:22Eve kimseye sokma
00:15:24Buru gebert geline kimseye sokmayacaksın
00:15:26Emredersiniz komutanım
00:15:32Ne yapıyorsun
00:15:48Ne oluyor sana
00:15:50Bir şey mi oldu takip mi ediliyoruz
00:15:52Şu ileriden sağa dönün
00:16:00Hemen bu sağa dönmeyeceksiniz
00:16:06Oğlum kesin bir şey olacak
00:16:08Tehlikeli bir şey değil bayan
00:16:10Zaten başları içeride
00:16:12Bunların hepsi
00:16:16Zaten başları içeride
00:16:18Bunların olsun olsa itler yüzü
00:16:20Siz benim dediğimi yapın gerisini yapın
00:16:22Tamam mı
00:16:24İleriden sağa dön sağa dön
00:16:36Komutan kapattı
00:16:42Polisi aramak daha mantıklı değil mi
00:16:44Devlet için devlet memurunu meşgul etmeye gerek yok
00:16:46Ya tehlikelilerse
00:16:48Onlar da bizim için aynı düşünüyor
00:17:14Yardım edin
00:17:44Yardım edin
00:18:14Yardım edin
00:18:24Sen şu yan koltuğa geç otur geliyorum
00:18:40İn aşağıya
00:18:42Kimsiniz kardeş siz
00:18:44Savaş Bey'in avukatıyım
00:18:46Herkese dikkat edin lütfen
00:18:48Başlatma beyinden
00:18:50Ne istiyorsunuz
00:18:52Bu şerefsiz patronun içeri girmedi mi senin daha ne
00:18:54Mahur Hanım'a bir şey soracaktık
00:18:56Tamam bana sor
00:18:58Konuşsana dağıtmayın beynini konuş
00:19:00Tamam tamam sakin ol
00:19:02Görüntülerin kopyası var mı
00:19:04Onu öğrenmek istemiştik sadece
00:19:06Tamam tek kopyayı polise verdik ya
00:19:08Ne yapacağız şu altı grip mi çekeceğiz
00:19:10Bir kez daha Mahur Hanım'ın peşine birini takacak olursa
00:19:12O dört duvarın içinde yıldırım gibi çökerim oraya
00:19:40Dertleri sende iyisin
00:19:50Görüntülerin kopyası var mı yok mu
00:19:52Onu merak etmişler
00:19:56Var ya da yok
00:19:58Ne fark eder ki savaş içeride değil mi zaten
00:20:00Öyle öyle de
00:20:04Onlar da biliyor ki o görüntüler tek kopya
00:20:06Bu bilginin kime ne faydası var anlamadım
00:20:14Göreceğiz kime ne faydası var
00:20:24Efendim babam
00:20:26Kızım neredesin ya saat kaç oldu
00:20:30Geldim evin önündeyim merak etme
00:20:32Tamam ben seni göremeyince merak ettim
00:20:34Yok yok merak etme geliyorum şimdi
00:20:36Sen yat uyu
00:20:38İyi geceler yavrum
00:20:40İyi geceler
00:20:50Tam her şey bitti derken tekrar başlıyor
00:20:52Ve her seferinde yanımda sen oluyorsun
00:21:00Çok mu şanslıyım
00:21:02Yoksa çok mu şanslıyım bilemedim Maraşlı
00:21:06Ben şansa inanmam bayan
00:21:08Kadere inanırım
00:21:12Ki her şeyin bittiğine inanmadığımı size söylemiştim daha önce
00:21:20Bu gece olanlar aramızda kalsın olur mu
00:21:24Babamların tekrar endişelenmesini istemiyorum
00:21:26Siz nasıl isterseniz
00:21:28Hoş sen
00:21:30Gerçekten endişeleneceklerine bile inanmıyorsun zaten değil mi
00:21:36En azından birisine
00:21:42Kusura bakma Maraşlı ama ben senin söylediklerine inanmak istemiyorum
00:21:46En azından bu gece
00:21:48Başımı yastığa koyduğumda
00:21:50Bu haldeki herkesin beni sevdiğini düşünerek uyumak istiyorum
00:21:58İyi geceler
00:22:56Bir tanecik kızım
00:22:58Maalesef haberler kötü
00:23:02Doktorun söylediğine göre
00:23:06Kara ciğere metastas yapmış
00:23:10Hala ısrarla iyileşeceğimi söylüyor
00:23:14Ama ben dönülmez yola girdim
00:23:20Seni bu dünyada yalnız bırakıp gideceğim için çok üzgünüm
00:23:26Ne olur affet beni
00:23:36Yanımda olmanı o kadar çok isterdim ki
00:23:40Seni son bir kere öpüp koklamadan ölmek istemiyorum
00:23:46Baban sana haber verecek
00:23:48Ama ne zaman bilmiyorum
00:23:50Affet beni
00:23:54Hem sana söylemek istediğim şeyler var
00:23:56Çok önemli
00:23:58Onları da buradan söyleyemem
00:24:02Kraliçen nasıl bakalım bugün
00:24:06İyiyim oğlum
00:24:08Sen nasılsın
00:24:12Hadi hava alalım biraz
00:24:38Tamam mı kızım
00:24:40Affet beni
00:24:44Hem sana söylemek istediğim şeyler var
00:24:46Çok önemli
00:24:48Onları da buradan söyleyemem
00:24:52I'm fine, son. How are you?
00:24:58Let's get some fresh air.
00:26:53We need to talk.
00:27:55DOOR OPENS
00:27:58Dilşat, I'm fine.
00:28:01Are you sure you're fine? You've been acting strange since last night.
00:28:04Dilşat, I'm fine, I said.
00:28:06If you'll excuse me, I have to go.
00:28:08Okay, sorry.
00:28:10By the way, my father said we should have dinner together tonight.
00:28:12I'll tell you where, okay?
00:28:15Okay, I'll come.
00:28:35Mahur, breakfast is ready.
00:28:37I've told your father. Sit down, I'll make you some tea.
00:28:40No, Nuran, I have to go.
00:28:42Okay, then.
00:28:55Yes, dear?
00:28:57I have a question for you.
00:28:59Go ahead.
00:29:07Never mind, I'll see you later.
00:29:45Yes, what is it?
00:29:47What would you like to drink?
00:29:50Excuse me.
00:29:51Yes, sir?
00:29:52Could you give us a cup of tea?
00:29:53Of course.
00:29:55What is it?
00:29:57What do you mean, what is it?
00:29:59Like a robot.
00:30:01You left the bomb on my lap.
00:30:03I couldn't sleep all night because of you, you know?
00:30:09Here's your tea.
00:30:11Thank you, brother.
00:30:38You have to prove it to me because you told me.
00:30:41Of course, if you're sure of your claims.
00:30:45I'm sure this is how it is.
00:30:53What's your plan?
00:30:54I'll think about it.
00:30:56You try not to reveal anything to anyone until then.
00:31:03Since I talked to you, everyone has been asking me what I have.
00:31:09I don't have anything.
00:31:28Where's Mahur?
00:31:30I just talked to him, he's on his way.
00:31:32He'll be here soon.
00:31:34Good evening, everyone.
00:31:36Come, Ozan, come.
00:31:37There's nothing wrong with the company, right?
00:31:40I haven't been able to deal with Mahur's issue for a long time.
00:31:45I'll take care of it, dad, don't worry.
00:31:47You're taking care of it.
00:31:48When you last said that, we were under a heavy debt.
00:31:52But thanks to the investment we made, our company has grown almost two times.
00:31:55And it grew, and it's back to life.
00:31:56Oh, please don't talk about work at dinner, for God's sake.
00:31:59Good evening, Türel family.
00:32:01Oh, my aunt is here, welcome.
00:32:03How are you, daughter?
00:32:04I'm fine.
00:32:05So, tell me, why are we in debt tonight?
00:32:08Well, we're celebrating your freedom.
00:32:10Or let's say you got rid of that rude guy.
00:32:13What was his name, Cemal?
00:32:26Why are you laughing, Brother Necati?
00:32:28I laughed at you saying your name by mistake just to look like you don't care about the man.
00:32:36Where did you get that from?
00:32:38There was a boy in elementary school.
00:32:40He beat me up, I hit my head really hard.
00:32:42His name was Tolga.
00:32:43That's how people are, they never forget.
00:32:46And if we think about the man and you breaking your nose...
00:32:49I mean, it wasn't very realistic to forget your name.
00:32:55Necati, we've been eating together for 40 years.
00:32:58Please don't poison me.
00:32:59Oh, but what happened to your sense of humor, for God's sake?
00:33:04What happened?
00:33:08Sir, good evening.
00:33:13I didn't ask for this.
00:33:14Sir, the gentleman at the table sent it.
00:33:21Aziz! Aziz!
00:33:23Brother, stop.
00:33:26Where the hell did you come from?
00:33:27How did you get out?
00:33:28How did you get out?
00:33:29The guard checked the file, but he couldn't find anything.
00:33:32There were no photos either.
00:33:34And when there was no other evidence, he released me.
00:33:37Stop, Aziz, please.
00:33:39Don't do it this time.
00:33:40Aziz, please.
00:33:41Calm down.
00:33:42Aziz, please calm down.
00:33:43What's the problem?
00:33:44Get this man out of here.
00:33:45Okay, Aziz.
00:33:46What kind of impoliteness is this?
00:33:47Please call the police.
00:33:49Aziz, please.
00:33:50I'll kill you.
00:33:51I'll kill you.
00:33:54Calm down.
00:33:55Brother, don't be ridiculous.
00:33:56I advise you to stay calm.
00:34:00And here comes our main character.
00:34:03If it's enough, won't you get out of our lives?
00:34:06Not yet.
00:34:07I'll kill you.
00:34:08I'll kill you this time.
00:34:09Sir, please.
00:34:10I swear I'll kill you this time.
00:34:11I'll kill you.
00:34:12Dad, stop.
00:34:13I'll tear you to pieces.
00:34:15Dad, stop.
00:34:16Aziz, please.
00:34:17Don't do it.
00:34:20Then I'm making a small change in the plan.
00:34:22Ms. Mahur is going to change her statement.
00:34:25And I'm allowing her to live a good life.
00:34:29That will never happen.
00:34:32Think about my offer.
00:34:38This is not over yet.
00:34:50Sir, I'll ask you to leave this place.
00:35:04Bring my fish.
00:35:08Come on.
00:35:23At noon yesterday,
00:35:24President Ali Güven Öz Yılmaz was arrested on suspicion of murdering him.
00:35:28He was released this evening.
00:35:30He was released on charges of insufficiency of evidence
00:35:33by the prosecutor.
00:35:36President Ali Güven Öz Yılmaz...
00:35:38Insufficiency of evidence...
00:35:40Ms. Şirin!
00:35:41Ms. Şirin!
00:35:43I'm in a hurry.
00:35:44I'll be back in a couple of hours.
00:35:45You take care of everything, okay?
00:35:52How can a judge do such a thing?
00:35:54I'm telling you, he was right in front of us.
00:35:56He was right in front of us.
00:35:57Let me give this to my sister.
00:36:03Aziz, what are we going to do?
00:36:04I don't know, Firuzan.
00:36:05I'm thinking.
00:36:06What happened, dear?
00:36:07What happened?
00:36:08Nothing, sister.
00:36:09Never mind.
00:36:11This man won't stop.
00:36:12It's obvious.
00:36:13Look, he threatened us.
00:36:14How dare he?
00:36:17You never leave Mahur's house.
00:36:19What happened to me again?
00:36:21You're the man's problem.
00:36:23Maybe there's nothing to grow up with.
00:36:26What do you mean?
00:36:27After all, the man said okay to Mahur's statement.
00:36:30You make your statement.
00:36:31Let it be.
00:36:32Let it be.
00:36:34The man has already gone out.
00:36:35Okay, but he'll be judged.
00:36:36I'll go and give my statement.
00:36:38Okay, but he won't leave you.
00:36:39What should we do, Dilşat?
00:36:41What should we do? Tell me.
00:36:42Mahur, look, you may not be afraid, but I'm very afraid.
00:36:45I have a son here, and this man is a psychopath.
00:36:47But what that man said won't happen.
00:36:49I'm not going to do anything like that.
00:36:50Okay, enough.
00:36:54Son, let's go out.
00:36:58What kind of trouble have we gotten into?
00:37:00I don't understand.
00:37:01The police don't benefit, the judge doesn't benefit.
00:37:03How did this guy get out?
00:37:04The photos that Mahur took suddenly disappeared, dad.
00:37:07The prosecutor went crazy, of course.
00:37:08The judge was angry with the prosecutor.
00:37:10He said, let him be judged without arrest.
00:37:12The guy went to court with seven or eight lawyers.
00:37:20Don't the photos have a price tag or something?
00:37:21No, Ozan.
00:37:22I couldn't think of a price tag because we handed it over to the police.
00:37:25Is that okay?
00:37:30No, that's not going to happen.
00:37:36Maybe you should go abroad for a while.
00:37:39I'll go to space if you want, Ozan.
00:37:41It's hard to find a man abroad.
00:37:45You'll go somewhere secret.
00:37:46Until the trial is over.
00:37:48No way.
00:37:49I'll go crazy, I'll go crazy.
00:37:51Girl, why are you so stubborn?
00:37:52I'm not going, brother.
00:37:53I'm not going anywhere.
00:37:54Okay, you'll wait here to kill.
00:37:56Maybe that's what you want.
00:37:58Mahur, you're starting to be ridiculous.
00:38:00You're aware, aren't you?
00:38:02I think so.
00:38:13Mrs. Mahur.
00:38:15Yes, sir.
00:38:21Mahur, where are you going?
00:39:02What are you doing here?
00:39:03I came to talk to you. Get in the car.
00:39:06Why am I getting in the car?
00:39:09Noyan, it's easier to talk.
00:39:11Come on, get in the car.
00:39:13Tell me what you're going to say here.
00:39:16Get in the car.
00:39:27Behiye, where is this girl? Go look.
00:39:31I'll look, Mr. Hasi.
00:39:42What are you doing?
00:39:43Let go of my arm.
00:39:44I said get in the car.
00:39:45Why am I getting in the car?
00:39:47We're going to talk.
00:39:48What are we going to talk about?
00:39:49You'll understand.
00:39:50What's going on?
00:39:52What are you doing to the girl?
00:39:54Where are you taking her?
00:39:55Mahur, is this girl doing something?
00:40:05Are you crazy? Are you mental?
00:40:07Stop the car.
00:40:09Stop, I'm telling you.
00:40:16Mr. Aziz.
00:40:19What Mahur?
00:40:21Celal Maraşlı.
00:40:22What are you saying, Ozan? Tell me like a man.
00:40:24I'm saying he kidnapped Mahur.
00:40:25I yelled, but I couldn't stop him.
00:40:28Don't be ridiculous.
00:40:30What are you saying?
00:40:45What happened?
00:40:46I don't understand.
00:40:47What happened?
00:40:48He took Mahur.
00:40:49He literally kidnapped the girl.
00:40:50No way.
00:40:55Stop the car.
00:40:57No way.
00:40:58You're coming with me.
00:40:59Where am I coming with you?
00:41:01I'm thinking.
00:41:02Don't be ridiculous.
00:41:03Stop the car.
00:41:04Will you stop?
00:41:06I said stop.
00:41:14I said stop.
00:41:19Hello, dad.
00:41:20My daughter.
00:41:21Hold this.
00:41:23Mr. Aziz.
00:41:24Don't worry.
00:41:25The girl is safe with me.
00:41:26What do you think you're doing?
00:41:27Bring my daughter back immediately.
00:41:29What are you doing?
00:41:34He hung up.
00:41:37I'm calling the police.
00:41:45He hung up.
00:41:53You are doing it for your own good, lady.
00:41:54You'll understand.
00:41:56You're going to pay for this, Maraç.
00:41:59I said prove it.
00:42:01This has nothing to do with kidnapping me.
00:42:05You'll understand.
00:42:06Don't drive me crazy.
00:42:07Stop the car.
00:42:09I'm sorry, but I can't.
00:42:11Are you a bandit?
00:42:12Calm down, Mahur. Calm down.
00:42:19Stop! What are you doing?
00:42:22What are you doing? Stop!
00:42:25Help! Help!
00:42:28Where are you going?
00:42:29Help! Help!
00:43:05Let me go! Let me go!
00:43:08Let me go!
00:43:21I don't care if you go or not.
00:43:23As long as you're with me.
00:43:42He took my daughter.
00:44:10What are you going to do and bring my daughter to me? Now!
00:44:13Mr. Aziz, don't worry. We're taking care of everything.
00:44:15The vehicle's license plate and model are in the security footage. Everything is available.
00:44:23Yes, they're here, guys.
00:44:25They're saying they'll take care of it.
00:44:28Of course.
00:44:29Chief of Police.
00:44:33Yes, chief.
00:44:34Of course, of course. We immediately moved to the house.
00:44:36We already have the vehicle's license plate and model. Everything is available.
00:44:39All teams have been notified, chief.
00:44:41We'll find it in an hour or two.
00:44:44Yes, sir.
00:44:50Okay. Thank you. We're waiting.
00:44:53Thank you. Good evening.
00:44:55Don't worry, Mr. Aziz.
00:44:56We'll let you know as soon as we find it.
00:44:58Don't worry.
00:44:59Good evening.
00:45:00Thank you.
00:45:05We can't pass a day without action.
00:45:09We can't pass a day without action.
00:45:14Where could he have taken it, Chief?
00:45:17How should I know?
00:45:44Hello, Ms. Şirin.
00:45:45I'm fine.
00:45:47I won't be around for a few days.
00:45:49I have an urgent job.
00:45:51The police may come to your door.
00:45:53You don't know where I went.
00:45:56Take the car and go to you.
00:45:59Take care of yourself, okay?
00:46:01I'll come too. Don't worry.
00:46:05Thank you.
00:46:09Thank you.
00:46:41What do you mean there's no trace?
00:46:43Did they break in?
00:46:45Traffic cameras, phone signals.
00:46:48There's nothing.
00:46:50Find my daughter.
00:46:52Catch that bandit and bring my daughter.
00:46:57What is he saying, dad?
00:46:58No. There's no trace.
00:47:00There's nothing on the cameras.
00:47:01He threw Mahur's phone somewhere on the side of the road.
00:47:03There's no signal on his phone.
00:47:05He's crazy.
00:47:08We made a mistake by trusting that man, Mr. Aziz.
00:47:14Ozan, please don't start again.
00:47:17How do you know this man didn't work for the war?
00:47:20Maybe all of this was a trick.
00:47:22And now Mahur is surrendering to the war.
00:47:24Why not?
00:47:26The man saved Mahur's life twice.
00:47:28Are you aware of that?
00:47:30All of this could be a trap.
00:47:32The man is working for the war.
00:47:34Why would he come and kidnap Mahur?
00:47:37Necati is right.
00:47:38I can't believe you.
00:47:40The man kidnapped Mahur and you still trust him, right?
00:47:43We don't trust anyone, Ozan.
00:47:46Just because the man works for the war doesn't make sense.
00:47:52I don't trust that man, no matter what anyone says.
00:47:58Mr. Aziz.
00:48:00Celal is not home.
00:48:01I've been waiting all morning.
00:48:02No one has come or gone.
00:48:03His daughter was here.
00:48:04She's gone, too.
00:48:05No one's here.
00:48:07Where did he take my daughter?
00:48:37I don't know.
00:49:07I don't know.
00:49:34Where am I?
00:49:42Where are you?
00:50:07Where am I?
00:50:27That crazy man.
00:50:28Where did he take me?
00:50:32Is anyone here?
00:50:33Is anyone here?
00:50:36Is anyone here?
00:50:54Good morning, ma'am.
00:50:56Where am I?
00:50:59At the mountain house.
00:51:00We know that.
00:51:01Where is this place?
00:51:05Are you kidding me?
00:51:08We're in a mountain house a few hours away from Istanbul.
00:51:12Give me your phone.
00:51:14Give me your phone.
00:51:16I don't have a phone.
00:51:18But I have an egg.
00:51:20Fresh for breakfast.
00:51:21Come on.
00:51:23Are you crazy, brother?
00:51:24Are you crazy?
00:51:25Why did you bring me to this mountain?
00:51:28Isn't it good to get some fresh air?
00:51:31Okay, look.
00:51:32I'm begging you.
00:51:34Please take me back, okay?
00:51:37It's not good for you to be outside in the middle of a war.
00:51:41What are we going to do?
00:51:42Are we going to live here until the war is over?
00:51:46What do you mean maybe?
00:51:47You're really crazy.
00:51:49You're really crazy.
00:51:51I'll call that psychologist.
00:51:52I'll make you meet, okay?
00:51:54Come on, please take me back.
00:51:55Look, I won't tell the police either.
00:51:57I won't tell anyone anything.
00:51:58I just came to rest my head.
00:52:00I'll tell you something.
00:52:01It's the season of mushrooms.
00:52:02Look, there's one there.
00:52:03There's one there too.
00:52:04Come on, let's pick mushrooms.
00:52:05Come on.
00:52:17Come on.
00:52:18Come on.
00:52:21Come on, lady, come on.
00:52:25Please take me back.
00:52:44Mr. Aziz.
00:52:45Breakfast is ready.
00:52:46What breakfast, Nuran?
00:52:48Is there any food left?
00:52:59Mr. Aziz, it's like gunpowder.
00:53:00Take these away, dear.
00:53:01No one will have breakfast.
00:53:03Okay, mom.
00:53:10Good morning, everyone.
00:53:11Good morning, Mr. Necati.
00:53:12Good morning, Mr. Necati.
00:53:15Can you make me a small plate?
00:53:18Right away, Mr. Necati.
00:53:20Is there any news from Ms. Mahur?
00:53:23But they're worried for nothing.
00:53:26It wouldn't hurt her.
00:53:27I think so too.
00:53:30I don't know him very well...
00:53:31...but he looks like a good person as far as I know him.
00:53:34...he's an Anatolian.
00:53:37So you're saying there's no worse person than an Anatolian?
00:53:40No, I mean...
00:53:41...there is, but...
00:53:42...not as much.
00:53:44Anatolian people are more brave.
00:53:46Oh, my God.
00:53:48Did you see how brave we are?
00:53:51Please, Mr. Necati.
00:53:52I didn't mean it that way.
00:53:56I hate both peasants...
00:53:57...and peasantry.
00:54:00Mr. Necati, I was raised in the village.
00:54:02Do you hate me too?
00:54:05I don't like the ones who grew up in the village.
00:54:07I don't like the ones who stayed in the village.
00:54:11The problem is...
00:54:13...I don't like the peasants either.
00:54:15In short, I don't like anyone.
00:54:18I wish everyone died.
00:54:21God forbid, Mr. Necati.
00:54:22What kind of a word is that?
00:54:27I'm putting tea next to it.
00:54:28It'll go well.
00:54:29Forget the tea.
00:54:30Give me something cold.
00:54:32Mr. Necati, it's still early.
00:54:34You're drinking too much.
00:54:35I'm so sorry.
00:54:37Please don't be sorry.
00:54:39I don't feel sorry for anyone in this life.
00:54:44...don't feel sorry for anyone either.
00:54:52Enjoy it, Mr. Necati.
00:54:54Thank you.
00:55:02So he's an Anatolian, Erdem.
00:55:05Despite all the checks being made...
00:55:08...the crew has a problem after the plane takes off.
00:55:11While the pilot is trying to control the situation...
00:55:13...the plane starts to break down.
00:55:15And the engines start to break.
00:55:17After a while, they go up the mountains.
00:55:20Unfortunately, the 249 passengers who wanted to meet their loved ones...
00:55:23...in this flight, lost their lives.
00:55:26The tragedy of this flight...
00:55:28...leads to the most comprehensive research ever done.
00:55:31Now, using advanced computer simulations...
00:55:34...we will find out what happened in this accident.
00:55:46Can we reach that war?
00:55:50Maybe Ozan is right.
00:55:51Maybe he's working with Maraşlı.
00:55:55He called me.
00:55:57The number to be found is here.
00:56:11This is İlhan.
00:56:12Oh, İlhan.
00:56:13It's nice to hear your voice.
00:56:14There's a voice inside me...
00:56:15...saying he's going to propose a deal.
00:56:17Don't start a deal.
00:56:19Where's Mahur?
00:56:20It should have been my sentence.
00:56:22Is Maraşlı working for you?
00:56:23Are you working together?
00:56:24What's your purpose?
00:56:26These are very interesting questions, İlhan.
00:56:28Is Mahur missing?
00:56:30Look, Savaş, don't play games with us.
00:56:31Your account book is exploding.
00:56:32You'll pay a heavy price for this.
00:56:34Where's Mahur?
00:56:36Look at me.
00:56:37If you know something, say it.
00:56:38I'm ready to give you whatever you want.
00:56:40I trusted you once.
00:56:41I won't make that mistake again.
00:56:43I don't know where Mahur is.
00:56:45But I'm sure I'll find him before you do.
00:56:48God damn you.
00:57:16Mahur was missing.
00:57:18She probably took her with Maraşlı.
00:57:21She was looking for her everywhere.
00:57:22We need to find out what they did and where they went, you understand, right?
00:57:25I understand, Mr. Savaş.
00:57:26Look, there's a big reward for the catcher.
00:57:29Look at me, I don't care if he kills the guy, but don't let anything happen to the girl.
00:57:34Tell your men, if the girl's hair is damaged, I'll burn them.
00:57:37Yes, sir.
00:57:52Come on, eat something, you must be hungry.
00:58:10I won't eat, thanks.
00:58:12Lady, you must be hungry, come on.
00:58:16I'm not hungry, I won't eat.
00:58:18I won't eat.
00:58:20It's so delicious, come on, have a bite.
00:58:24Is there a bathroom here?
00:58:28But there's a tap 10 kilometers away.
00:58:30A tap?
00:58:32They call it black tea.
00:58:34But it's cold, just so you know.
00:58:37Are you kidding me right now?
00:58:43I need to take a bath, I'm like a carcass, mud everywhere.
00:58:51I'll get you some water, there's no electricity here.
00:58:54Come on, eat something.
00:58:55Don't be stubborn, come on.
00:58:58I said I won't eat, is it hard to understand?
00:59:00I won't eat.
00:59:15God, what kind of job is this?
00:59:18I don't know.
00:59:35Take it.
00:59:37Don't you have shampoo?
00:59:39No, I have these.
00:59:40I warmed up the water, let me bring it.
00:59:42Don't warm it up, don't bring it, don't do anything for me, okay?
00:59:46But you made me cold.
00:59:47I made you as cold as I could get, thanks to you.
00:59:52Look, the water is cold, okay?
01:00:14Look, I left the hot water there.
01:00:17She needs to get a bucket next to her, you can use it.
01:00:20Are you determined to stay here?
01:00:23I'm fine like this, I'm fine.
01:00:29Well, I left it here anyway, just so you know.
01:00:46What's his name? I don't understand.
01:00:56Is there still no news?
01:01:00I hope he didn't do anything to Mahur.
01:01:02He was a rude guy after all.
01:01:04Firuze, is this something to be said right now?
01:01:06Everyone is already worried.
01:01:08All this is because of my father.
01:01:11I don't know what to do.
01:01:13I don't know what to do.
01:01:14All this is because of my father.
01:01:16He ruined our lives.
01:01:17What does that have to do with it, Ilhan?
01:01:19He looked like a brave man, how would your father know?
01:01:22He trusts everyone.
01:01:24You're right.
01:01:25I trusted you and entrusted the company to you.
01:01:27You ruined it in a year.
01:01:28Oh, that's harsh.
01:01:30Did I ruin it, dad?
01:01:31Of course you did.
01:01:32I made the company 300 percent bigger.
01:01:34If it were up to you, we would have already locked it up.
01:01:36The only thing the company is doing right now is paying the interest of the loans you took.
01:01:39This is called investment.
01:01:40In my book, this is called sinking.
01:01:42Mr. Aziz, this is not the time for this.
01:01:44Mr. Ozan, if you don't get involved, we're a father-son settlement.
01:01:48Don't talk.
01:01:50You're not helping anyway.
01:01:51You're the only one I'm bored with.
01:01:53I don't care if the girl's brother is kidnapped in the morning.
01:01:58What's wrong with you, son?
01:02:01I have some problems.
01:02:02I don't care about your problems.
01:02:05You're going to have a baby, and I'm going to see it.
01:02:10Well done.
01:02:11Thank you.
01:02:12You finally made the man crazy.
01:02:16Actually, I think if everyone is honest, nothing like this will happen.
01:02:21We suppress our feelings in vain, huh, Firuze?
01:02:27What are you talking about?
01:02:29I mean, when we find a little crack in our feelings, it sparks like lava.
01:02:38Brother, shut up for God's sake.
01:02:41If you really want to do something, go find Mahur.
01:02:43Mahur is fine.
01:02:44There's nothing to worry about.
01:02:47Just relax.
01:03:01I need another towel.
01:03:02For my hair.
01:03:04Come here.
01:03:07Come here.
01:03:18What are you doing?
01:03:19What am I doing?
01:03:21Are you embarrassed?
01:03:26You hold me by the arm, force me to get in the car, faint, bring me to Bağlağan Mountain, and then be embarrassed when you look at me, right?
01:03:33That's another story.
01:03:34Maraşlı, don't make me angry.
01:03:36And he's doing it with honor.
01:03:39You know what you're talking about.
01:03:41Thank God, we know what is halal and what is haram.
01:03:43Brother, did you kidnap me or not?
01:03:46I kidnapped you, but did I kidnap you for my ego?
01:03:48Why did you kidnap me? For God's sake?
01:03:51Somewhere, yes.
01:03:52Come on, mind your own business.
01:04:07Crazy girl.
01:04:08What did I tell you?
01:04:11I said you'd get sick.
01:04:12You don't listen.
01:04:37Don't move.
01:04:40Am I moving?
01:04:42Give me the car key.
01:04:46I can't, it's not with me.
01:04:47It's in there.
01:04:48Go get it then.
01:04:50Can I ask you something?
01:04:54What do you want?
01:04:56Can I ask you something?
01:05:00Can I ask you something?
01:05:03Can I ask you something?
01:05:04Can I ask you something?
01:05:09Did you see this in a movie or something?
01:05:12Do you think you can take a gun in your hand and shoot?
01:05:15What do I have to do?
01:05:18I'm going to press the trigger.
01:05:20Go ahead.
01:05:29I don't think so.
01:05:30I don't think so.
01:05:33He has a security guard right in front of him.
01:05:34Open it.
01:05:37Did you open it?
01:05:38Pull the trigger.
01:05:39But pull it with all your might.
01:05:43Now shoot.
01:05:49I think you need to calm down, lady.
01:05:51Give me the car key.
01:05:55Come on.
01:05:56Let's have an accident.
01:05:59Don't come.
01:06:00Stop right there.
01:06:03What are you going to do?
01:06:04Are you going to shoot me?
01:06:05I don't know.
01:06:06You're the one who's going to decide that.
01:06:07Is that so?
01:06:08Are you going to kill me?
01:06:14Give me the car key.
01:06:17Don't come any closer.
01:06:21It's not the first time you're pointing a gun at me.
01:06:23I wish I had a gun pointing at me all the time.
01:06:27Come on.
01:06:28Let's have an accident.
01:06:32I'm going to shoot you in the head next time.
01:06:34Just so you know.
01:06:40Calm down, lady.
01:06:41Just forget what you said.
01:06:43Give me the car key.
01:06:45I have to go there.
01:07:06Throw it.
01:07:16That's it, Maraşlı.
01:07:18Where do you think you're going, lady?
01:07:21Don't worry.
01:07:22I'll find my way.
01:07:23We're in the middle of the mountain.
01:07:24How are you going to find it?
01:07:26I don't know.
01:07:32Stay there.
01:07:56Stay there.
01:08:30Just get out of my way.
01:08:31Let me beat you up.
01:08:33You don't know where you're going, lady.
01:08:36I do.
01:08:37But you're going in the opposite direction.
01:08:39It doesn't matter.
01:08:40What matters to me is going away from you.
01:08:41Come on, lady.
01:08:42Get out.
01:08:43Will you move or should I?
01:08:47Get out.
01:08:51I don't want to go away from you.
01:08:53Come on, lady. Get in.
01:08:55Are you going to move or not?
01:08:59I'm not.
01:09:07Come on!
01:09:10Come on!
01:09:11Come on!
01:09:12Why? Why?
01:09:36Lady, don't worry.
01:09:38It's all for your own good. Come on.
01:09:40I don't want you to do me a favor.
01:09:43I just want to go home, okay?
01:09:45You will go, but not today.
01:09:48Come on, get in.
01:10:11Are you okay?
01:10:17I don't feel well.
01:10:24I can't get it out of my head.
01:10:28Which one?
01:10:29Which one?
01:10:38You might be right.
01:10:41I'm right.
01:10:45How can you be sure of something like that?
01:10:47Or you're not aware of the horror of what you're saying.
01:10:50I'm aware.
01:10:55Then I hope you're wrong.
01:11:07Or what?
01:11:10I don't know.
01:11:12I must be crazy.
01:11:14How can you live with something like that?
01:11:18How can you accept it?
01:11:21I don't know.
01:11:23I don't get it.
01:11:27I don't get it.
01:11:35I'm talking to a man I don't know.
01:11:38We're talking about someone from my family who's been sitting on a mountain and can kill me.
01:11:42How can you not go crazy?
01:11:44Going crazy is an opportunity for some people, lady.
01:11:50I've lived the days I said I wish I was crazy.
01:11:53When, for example?
01:11:57When I was drunk?
01:12:07When I saw him lying in the blood...
01:12:21If I hadn't said that day, nothing would have happened to me.
01:12:28How did you endure such pain?
01:12:35It was beyond what I could feel.
01:12:41I'm sorry.
01:12:47I'm used to it now.
01:12:58Can't you take me back?
01:13:02You've driven away the wolves, lady.
01:13:05I'm the one who's driven you away.
01:13:12Why are you doing this?
01:13:14Why am I so precious to you?
01:13:27I'm sorry.
01:13:57I'm sorry.
01:14:26Ms. Şirin, it's Celal.
01:14:28Celal, my son.
01:14:29How are you?
01:14:30I'm fine.
01:14:32Is Seliş okay?
01:14:33She's fine.
01:14:34She's eating.
01:14:36Can you hold her phone?
01:14:43Here, dad.
01:14:51My beautiful.
01:14:52Dad won't be able to come tonight, okay?
01:14:54Don't worry.
01:14:56Eat well.
01:14:58Sleep well.
01:14:59I'll come again.
01:15:01I'll love you so much.
01:15:02I'll kiss you.
01:15:03I'll smell you.
01:15:04Okay, dad?
01:15:15I kiss you so much, my beautiful.
01:15:17Give me your phone.
01:15:29My son.
01:15:30You're not sick, are you?
01:15:32I'm not.
01:15:33I'm fine.
01:15:34Don't worry.
01:15:36Seliş is yours.
01:15:37You take care of her.
01:15:43Thank you.
01:15:56I love you.
01:16:27I'm sleeping now.
01:16:29I'm in the room inside.
01:16:31Good night.
01:16:56Good night.
01:17:26Come on.
01:17:56Come on.
01:18:21Hello, dad.
01:18:23My daughter.
01:18:24Where are you?
01:18:25I'm fine.
01:18:26Don't worry.
01:18:27I think we're somewhere near Istanbul.
01:18:29I don't know.
01:18:32Call me.
01:18:33I'll pick you up.
01:18:34No, dad.
01:18:35I can't call you.
01:18:36It's an old phone.
01:18:37We're somewhere near Karaçay.
01:18:40Where is Karaçay?
01:18:41Dad, I don't know.
01:18:42Where is it?
01:18:43Find it.
01:18:44You're okay, aren't you?
01:18:46That guy didn't do anything to you, did he?
01:18:48Don't be ridiculous, dad.
01:18:53I'll pick you up right away.
01:18:56I can't come right away.
01:18:57I don't know if he called you.
01:18:59Okay, my daughter.
01:19:00Don't be afraid.
01:19:01I'm coming.
01:19:15Where is he?
01:19:16He doesn't know either.
01:19:17Ilhan, let's go.
01:19:20Tell Sade to prepare the car.
01:19:21Right away, Mr. Aziz.
01:19:22What happened, dad?
01:19:23Mahur called.
01:19:24Where is he?
01:19:25Tekirdag, Mekirdag.
01:19:26He's somewhere around there.
01:19:28I'll be right there.
01:19:29Let's go.
01:19:35Dad, what's up?
01:19:37Mahur called.
01:19:38I'm going to pick him up.
01:19:39I'll come, too.
01:19:40You wait.
01:19:41We'll go to your brother.
01:19:42My father is telling the truth, brother.
01:19:43You stay at home with ours.
01:19:45Ilhan, don't make it long.
01:19:46I said I'd come, too.
01:19:47Don't leave without me.
01:20:07Mr. Aziz.
01:20:08Are you still here?
01:20:10I was waiting for the news.
01:20:11There's news from Mahur.
01:20:12We're going to Tekirdag.
01:20:23What are you doing?
01:20:26We're going to set off.
01:20:27Check the oil level.
01:20:29Close it.
01:20:30We're going.
01:20:33Sadik, give me the keys.
01:20:34I'll use them.
01:20:35You stay at home.
01:20:37Let's go.
01:20:52Let's go.
01:21:07He's totally crazy.
01:21:09What does it mean to run away?
01:21:17They just left.
01:21:18They're going to pick up Mahur.
01:21:22I don't know when they'll be back.
01:21:26It's hard.
01:21:31It's really hard.
01:21:32I'm starting to get scared.
01:21:36Please, don't insist.
01:21:43Okay, I'll let you know.
01:21:44I'll text you.
01:21:49Okay, hang up.
01:22:00I came to see you.
01:22:02Why? Did something happen?
01:22:03No, nothing.
01:22:04I got worried when you suddenly disappeared.
01:22:07Where would I disappear to?
01:22:22I don't know.
01:22:31Are you okay?
01:22:33I'm not.
01:22:53You have a fever.
01:22:55You're burning.
01:22:57Let's go to the hospital.
01:23:00There's no hospital.
01:23:02I'm coming.
01:23:23You need to get undressed.
01:23:30I brought a wet cloth.
01:23:32You need to get undressed...
01:23:34...so your fever goes down.
01:23:53Will you turn your head?
01:23:55Of course.
01:24:22I'm sorry.
01:24:27You're alone.
01:24:33It's cold.
01:24:35But it'll be okay.
01:24:48Turn your head and act like a man.
01:24:52I'm sorry.
01:24:54I'm sorry.
01:24:56I'm sorry.
01:24:58I'm sorry.
01:25:00I'm sorry.
01:25:02I'm sorry.
01:25:04I'm sorry.
01:25:06I'm sorry.
01:25:08I'm sorry.
01:25:10I'm sorry.
01:25:12I'm sorry.
01:25:14I'm sorry.
01:25:16I'm sorry.
01:25:18I'm sorry.
01:25:20I'm sorry.
01:25:22I'm sorry.
01:25:24I'm sorry.
01:25:26I'm sorry.
01:25:28I'm sorry.
01:25:30I'm sorry.
01:25:32I'm sorry.
01:25:34I'm sorry.
01:25:36I'm sorry.
01:25:38I'm sorry.
01:25:40I'm sorry.
01:25:42I'm sorry.
01:25:44I'm sorry.
01:25:46I'm sorry.
01:25:48I'm sorry.
01:25:50I'm sorry.
01:25:52I'm sorry.
01:25:54I'm sorry.
01:25:56I'm sorry.
01:25:58I'm sorry.
01:26:20I have a lemon.
01:26:22Should I make it?
01:26:24It will be good.
01:26:25I don't want to be alone.
01:26:31You have a fire in your foot.
01:26:32There is nothing to be afraid of.
01:26:38It all happened because of you, dad.
01:26:44It did not happen because of me.
01:26:46I told you not to get into cold water.
01:26:48You got cold.
01:26:50Okay, okay.
01:26:51Shut up.
01:27:05Lie down here.
01:27:07I'm coming.
01:27:18Should we call the police?
01:27:19Not now.
01:27:21We'll see when we get there.
01:27:24How long will it take?
01:27:25At least 2-3 hours to get there.
01:27:26Maybe they'll find him in the morning.
01:27:28He couldn't even give us a proper address.
01:27:30I wrote down his father's address on the GPS.
01:27:33Of course, we'll go to his relatives.
01:27:34We'll definitely find something to ask there.
01:27:38Step on it a little more.
01:28:40Did you come?
01:28:56Are you going to tell me something?
01:29:07What are you going to tell me?
01:29:17Mom, talk to me. What are you going to say?
01:30:14Are you okay, girl?
01:30:26Did you see my mom?
01:30:27Get up, get up, get up.
01:30:30I got it.
01:30:32You were looking for Sait.
01:30:35Like this.
01:30:36Lean back.
01:30:48What is this?
01:30:51I told you.
01:31:00It tastes so bad.
01:31:01Take it, take it.
01:31:02But it will get better as it gets worse.
01:31:32Take it, take it.
01:31:49I saw my mom.
01:31:51I got it.
01:31:53You were looking for Sait.
01:31:57She has images.
01:31:59As if she wants to tell me something.
01:32:02What images?
01:32:08She is trying to tell me something through the images, but she can't.
01:32:13Where, girl?
01:32:15She is trying to tell me something through the images she recorded while she was sick, but she can't.
01:32:24Is that why you came back to me?
01:32:29I don't know.
01:32:31I don't know anything.
01:32:34I don't know whom to trust.
01:32:36I don't know what to do.
01:32:45You can trust me.
01:32:49Why should I trust you?
01:32:52Ask your heart.
01:32:54It will tell you the truth.
01:32:55My heart never told me the truth, Maraşlı.
01:33:01What does that mean?
01:33:04If it did, I would have found the right person.
01:33:07There is no such thing as the right person, girl.
01:33:10There are only good memories.
01:33:14Right now, my heart is shattered.
01:33:20I'm sorry.
01:33:22I'm sorry.
01:33:24Someone had to do this.
01:33:27My family loves me very much.
01:33:30You're wrong.
01:33:33You'll see it's not true.
01:33:40I'm sorry for that.
01:33:47Can you read me a poem?
01:33:53You're reading a beautiful poem.
01:33:56Can you read it to me?
01:34:21Can you read it to me?
01:34:52Your chest, which resembles the sky, is wider today.
01:34:57Which side did you rise from this morning?
01:34:59Tell me.
01:35:03There is another fight in the world because of you.
01:35:07There is another departure in the world.
01:35:11We saw it with our own eyes.
01:35:14That gazelle that challenged the lions.
01:35:17That gazelle has another tribe today.
01:35:19It's out of two worlds.
01:35:22Does the person who loves not have a foot?
01:35:25Here, immortality is closed to him.
01:35:29It flies with him up there.
01:35:33I don't look for it in the eye of the sea.
01:35:37That pearl is in another sea.
01:35:42You see, today this heart loves.
01:35:46Tomorrow it will be loved.
01:35:47You look.
01:35:52There are other tomorrows in front of my heart.
01:36:18I don't look for it in the eye of the sea.
01:36:21You see, today this heart loves.
01:36:24Tomorrow it will be loved.
01:36:27You look.
01:36:29There are other tomorrows in front of my heart.
01:36:33You see, today this heart loves.
01:36:36Tomorrow it will be loved.
01:36:39You look.
01:36:41There are other tomorrows in front of my heart.
01:36:45You see, today this heart loves.
01:36:49Tomorrow it will be loved.
01:36:53You look.
01:36:55There are other tomorrows in front of my heart.
01:37:00Tomorrow it will be loved.
01:37:04You look.
01:37:06There are other tomorrows in front of my heart.
01:37:11Tomorrow it will be loved.
01:37:15I didn't have time.
01:37:17Primary school, middle school, high school?
01:37:27But you are married.
01:37:29I wanted to build a home for myself.
01:37:34So it's a logical marriage.
01:37:38Not that much.
01:37:41I loved.
01:37:43But I don't know if it's love.
01:37:48What do you think love is?
01:37:51Love takes you from being yourself.
01:37:55Not for me.
01:37:57Is that the most important thing for you?
01:38:00To be yourself?
01:38:07Then you shouldn't be in love.
01:38:13Let me tell you the worst thing I know about love.
01:38:25It never knows where to go.
01:38:38Come on, a little faster.
01:38:39Come on, a little faster.
01:38:41We have to get there before them.
01:38:45Are your men ready?
01:38:47Don't worry Mr. Savaş, we're ready.
01:38:52We're going to have some fun tonight.
01:39:03How long is it?
01:39:06About an hour, dad.
01:39:39I called my father.
01:39:41My father is coming.
01:39:47I know.
01:39:50He'll probably come in the war.
01:39:53You wanted proof.
01:39:56It's too soon to understand everything, lady.
01:40:01Why am I so important to you?
01:40:07Look at you listening.
01:40:09I'm outside.
01:40:39I love you.
01:41:10This is the top of the mountain you know.
01:41:12Son, look at the navigation again. Are we in the right place?
01:41:15Yes, dad, this is it. But it shows as a region.
01:41:18There is no street name on the street to give the exact location.
01:41:31What's up? Did you lose your way?
01:41:33There was a place called Karaçay nearby. Is this it?
01:41:36Are you looking for the old one or the new one?
01:41:37How many Karaçays are there?
01:41:39Well, this is Karaçay as it is.
01:41:41But there is below, there is above.
01:41:44Where are you looking for exactly?
01:41:46There was a mountain house around here.
01:41:48Mountain house you say? It's a big forest.
01:41:50This is a mountain.
01:41:52Where is this mountain house in the mountain?
01:41:54If we know, he mentioned a sign, Karaçay.
01:41:57Is there such a sign around here?
01:41:59There is a sign, but there is an old one, there is a new one.
01:42:02How do you know which one it is?
01:42:04Right. How do we know?
01:42:05Dad, let's not waste time here.
01:42:07Let's keep looking. Maybe we'll find a way to get home.
01:42:11Thank you.
01:42:13Good luck.
01:42:25No one will do anything without my permission.
01:42:29Who are we waiting for, Mr. Savaş?
01:42:31You'll see when they come.
01:42:35Let's go.
01:43:36Good morning.
01:43:38Good morning.
01:43:40What are you doing here in this weather?
01:43:43I'm listening to the birds.
01:43:49Didn't you sleep all night?
01:43:53I slept.
01:43:55What did you do?
01:43:57I slept.
01:43:59What did you do?
01:44:01I slept.
01:44:02Why didn't you sleep all night?
01:44:05We're used to the military.
01:44:07We never slept without waking up.
01:44:09Why didn't you sleep?
01:44:11Are you waiting for someone?
01:44:13I don't know. You tell me.
01:44:15Yes, I told my father.
01:44:18They're coming, they're on their way.
01:44:20Most likely, a gendarmerie policeman will come and arrest you too.
01:44:26It's clear whether it's a black sheep or a white sheep today.
01:44:29I hope your father comes as you said.
01:44:33One minute, one minute.
01:44:35You know I'm looking for my father.
01:44:40You wanted me to know, didn't you?
01:44:42If my father comes, but if he comes in the war...
01:44:44He will come.
01:44:46He even leaked the news from the family.
01:44:48How do you know?
01:44:50I don't know.
01:44:52This place knows.
01:44:57I'm not even sure you threw it there.
01:45:01He never let me down.
01:45:03You idiot, why didn't I shoot you anyway?
01:45:30Your fever has dropped.
01:45:32I'm going to hang on to you for a few more hours.
01:45:35That's why I feel good.
01:46:02Dad, find the sign.
01:46:04It means we're close. I said a few hundred meters ahead.
01:46:07Then why did we get out of the car? Let's go.
01:46:09So, are we going to walk?
01:46:29Let's go.
01:46:36Don't bother, please.
01:46:38We'll take care of the rest.
01:46:40Where did you come from?
01:46:42That's my thing.
01:46:44I can get out of impossible places.
01:46:46How did you know we were coming here?
01:46:48How would he know? He followed us.
01:46:50Maybe they set up a trap with Maraşlı.
01:46:52Unfortunately, this is not a moment where you can evaluate the possibilities.
01:46:55You can do this while you're talking to yourself in the evening.
01:46:57What kind of trouble are you?
01:47:13What was that sound?
01:47:15Get in, lady.
01:47:17What's going on?
01:47:19Get in!
01:47:27Get in!
01:47:35Let's take you to one of our cars.
01:47:37Because I need your car.
01:47:40What are you doing?
01:47:42What are you going to do with the car?
01:47:44If you keep asking questions, we can't get anywhere.
01:47:46Please concentrate on what I'm saying.
01:47:50Let's do whatever he says.
01:47:58Okay, but I need to get my father's medicine from the car.
01:48:05Drop your guns!
01:48:07Or I'll kill that bastard.
01:48:10I said drop it!
01:48:12Tell your dogs to take their guns.
01:48:14You're kidding.
01:48:16If you kill me, do you think these guys will leave even one of you alive?
01:48:22You'll die too.
01:48:24At least Mavur will be saved.
01:48:27So you love your brother that much.
01:48:29My eyes were watering.
01:48:41Come on, give you a chance.
01:48:44Pull the trigger.
01:48:46Come on.
01:48:50Come on.
01:48:53You have only one chance to get rid of me, Ilhan.
01:48:55Come on.
01:49:18Ilhan, please put the gun down.
01:49:26Come on.
01:49:32Okay, okay.
01:49:34I need one of you before I get in the car.
01:49:38Which one of you wants to cooperate with me?
01:49:47You will come with me.
01:49:55Come on.
01:50:19You idiots! Let us go!
01:50:22What is he doing?
01:50:25They are sending us without a driver.
01:50:27I wonder what the newspapers will write.
01:50:29The car without a driver rolled down the cliff.
01:50:33What is he doing?
01:50:35Okay, let my brother go. I'll stay here.
01:50:37Ilhan, don't be ridiculous.
01:50:43Stop! Don't do this!
01:50:45What are you doing?
01:51:33Dad is here!
01:51:35Get in! We have to be sure.
01:51:39Open the door!
01:51:41Open it!
01:51:43Open the door!
01:51:49Open the door!
01:51:53Open the door!
01:52:30Thank God!
01:52:36Thank God you are here.
01:52:38Are you okay?
01:52:41Where are my parents?
01:53:42I am so sorry.
01:54:31I came to pick you up.
01:54:53I came to pick you up.
01:55:23I came to pick you up.
