• last year
Police officer cries recalling savage attack outside seaside barSource: Lancashire Police
00:00Police officers get assaulted, unfortunately, but, you know, I've been bitten, punched,
00:10slapped, kicked, but I think this was just a different form of level of assault to the
00:15point where I just generally didn't know if I was going to be able to get back up.
00:20I just recall at that point thinking, sorry.
00:27I just recall just remembering if I was ever going to see my daughter again.
00:45She was barely one at the time. My wife was going through serious postnatal depression.
00:52She was very ill. And my daughter's got learning difficulties or she's barely walking, she's non-verbal.
01:02And obviously I've got all that stress at home. But I love my job. I absolutely love my job.
01:08I come to work every day and I want to go to work every day and I enjoy getting up in the morning
01:13because I understand that, you know, there's people out there that need our help.
01:22For more information, visit www.FEMA.gov
