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00:00We created the largest game of dodgeball ever. We got hundreds of people, hundreds of dodgeballs, and plenty of referees to make sure it went smoothly.
00:08We're about to break the world record for the largest game of dodgeball. We have red team over here
00:15And we have a blue team over here
00:19We have hundreds of people on each side on red team and blue team and we're to see which one wins
00:23They don't know this but the winning team gets a lot of money. Look at all these people over here and all these people over here
00:29It's like a freaking army. Which team do we want to be on? I think we should all work together. Blue. Blue it is. Blue it is.
00:34This is going to be nuts.
00:55The dodgeball game is currently underway. I'm gonna go intermingle. Let's go see what they're up to. How's it going?
01:02My shoe came off. Your shoe? Yeah, I put it back on though. Oh, okay. Do something for the camera. Let's see it, man.
01:13Is this your tactic just to dance?
01:15Yeah, I mean if you dance, they can't see you, you know?
01:19I'll see if you're here at the end. You guys are just hiding in the back?
01:24Go up front, man. Go up front. Don't be a baby.
01:28You go join them.
01:30Things are getting pretty crazy. I'm gonna go get an aerial view. Yeah, blue is definitely winning. I'm gonna go encourage red.
01:36You guys hiding in the back? Yeah.
01:39We'll see how long that works, man. Hey Chandler, come with me.
01:43Well, Gloria just gave a dodgeball that just runs in the middle.
01:45Whoa, what's going on?
01:50Oh, hit him. Oh, my nuts.
01:54Can't run with it.
01:56Oh, we didn't even get hit.
02:06Oh, wait, are those chicken nuggets?
02:08Can we eat them?
02:10I don't know whose chicken nuggets it is. What if it's a little kid's?
02:12Don't eat the chicken nuggets.
02:14We might have the world's largest game of dodgeball going on, but those chicken nuggets look pretty scrumptious.
02:19Are those y'all's chicken nuggets?
02:23Come on, let's go, let's go.
02:26You got it, you got it, come on.
02:32Oh, no.
02:47Thanks for hosting. No problem.
02:49I'm already out. Oh, you are?
02:51That means you should be out.
02:53Right in the middle of the game. Bye, man.
02:55What's the red team doing?
02:59We're getting murdered out here, bro.
03:05Oh, good throw.
03:07What happened?
03:09Hit right in the leg, man.
03:11Aw, that sucks. I know, right?
03:13I took myself out of the game because I wanted the blue team to have a chance.
03:17Because the red team brings the pain.
03:19Mr. Beast, if you see this, you know that I was ready and I brought the pain.
03:25It's so intense, man.
03:27What's the strategy to win this one?
03:29Here you go. Oh, in there.
03:31Oh, you got him out.
03:33You got him out.
03:35Man, we are winning right now.
03:49This is chaos.
03:51Oh, no.
04:09Alright, alright. I'm joining your team.
04:12Alright, I'm joining your team.
04:36He just hit me in the face.
04:38Are you okay, dude? I'm not.
04:40Oh, no.
04:42I got out. I'm gone. I'm leaving.
04:44Chandler. You can't even win a team dodgeball.
04:46You're out, bro. I'm in the front lines, man.
04:48I got hit about four times. Yeah, I'm on the red team now.
04:50So your team looks like they're winning.
04:52How did Chandler get over there?
04:54Chandler lost, so he just decided to join the team that got him out.
04:56Wait, do you think our numbers are low?
04:58Their numbers are low. We're winning, apparently.
05:00Chris really tried to hit me.
05:10Uh-oh. Look at Chris, dude.
05:12I'm sneaky.
05:22That's really all you have? Come on.
05:24What was that?
05:26Come on.
05:36I think the blue team is doing a tactic
05:39where they save all the balls in the barrage.
05:41Oh, God.
05:45They're about to return fire.
05:47They appear to be using medieval warfare
05:49and using the barrage tactic.
05:51That's a good tactic for this.
05:53Oh, my goodness.
05:59I don't know how much more blue can take.
06:01So we're taking a two-second break to move the zones in again
06:03and then we'll continue the warfare.
06:05How's the game looking?
06:07I'm going into rest
06:09because we've got some cheaters.
06:11I'm about to take them out.
06:13They're outnumbering you right now.
06:15What's the deal?
06:17Chandler, how's it looking?
06:19I don't know, man. I keep getting hit.
06:21Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
06:23Foot on the line.
06:29Buddy, what are we doing?
06:31We're in Vietnam.
06:33Why are we out here?
06:36Oh, God.
06:44I got a double hit.
06:46We need a medic.
06:48Are you okay, sir?
06:50Chandler, there's only one thing we can do.
06:52Drag him in the middle.
06:54Everybody say Chris.
06:56No, no. Hey, Chris.
07:00Why would you tell him that?
07:02Oh, my God.
07:10He's going to hate me.
07:12Why would you tell him that?
07:14Speaking of beating Chris,
07:16he has a surprise birthday party tonight.
07:18I'll vlog a little bit of that at the end of the video,
07:20but we're surprising him. He's coming.
07:23Wait, Chris, how old are you now?
07:27And your birthday was just past, right?
07:29It only makes sense.
07:31You get pelted 23 times.
07:33He has no idea, so watch the video.
07:35Can I throw that ball?
07:41What's your secret?
07:43You're killing it, dude.
07:45What was that move? Is that the slap of death?
07:47How's it going?
07:49Just dodging dodge balls?
07:51That's not looking too solid.
07:53Here's another try. I'll try again.
07:55Heads up. Good job.
08:07I just got out.
08:09I feel like Chandler right now.
08:11Are you behind him?
08:13Let's get Chandler out.
08:17Comment down below who you think is going to win, y'all.
08:23I'm on YouTube!
08:25I can be a meme now!
08:41Alright, guys.
08:43Red's in the slums.
08:45I think it's time we all go in and join Red's team.
08:47Joining Red's team almost all the way
08:50through the game. On three. One, two, three.
08:52Red's team!
08:54Jake, you're the blocker.
08:56I like this guy.
08:58Our strategy is to keep him alive.
09:00We will die for you, man.
09:04So, what's the game plan here?
09:06Dodge, dodge, dodge.
09:08Man, just stay behind us. We got you.
09:12Somehow, they got Chris, Eric,
09:14Chandler, and Jimmy.
09:16I can't get out.
09:18You got him.
09:26I forgot you were behind me.
09:28I forgot you were behind me.
09:30Your job was to be a shield.
09:32You're out!
09:40Since he got out, there's no Reds left
09:42who aren't technically Red.
09:48Red! Red! Red!
09:52We're a bunch of losers.
09:54Well, they won, yeah.
09:56Actually, they're winners.
09:58I knew that you knew.
10:00I knew that you knew.
10:02You were on Red's team.
10:04So there you guys have it. That was the world's largest game
10:06of Dodgeball, I think. I don't know. I'm just making it up
10:08as we go. And we brought a bunch of money.
10:10We're just going to split it up between all the people that won.
10:12I don't really know how much it is, but...
10:14Everyone on Blue Team is going to get some money.
10:16the right industry I'll keep you updated on that now we're gonna go to Chris's
10:19birthday party so we're here at sub dogs Chris is gonna arrive in like 20 minutes
10:23for a surprise birthday party yes get it we got Garrett Garrett's brother we got
10:29Caroline hi Caroline we got everyone Chris knows we're waiting for you you're
10:35the man of the hour were you extra surprised I was everyone you love are
10:45they all here that's it's your birthday you can plug one thing what do you want
10:50to plug at the end of this dodgeball video follow me on twitch I knew it
10:55twitch.tv slash chris02 that's your second birthday present yeah Taylor you
11:01want to plug something? follow me on twitch.tv
