• last year
00:00:00Tienda de abarrotes Leila.
00:00:07La tienda es de mi padre. No tenemos otra, todo está muy limpio.
00:00:14Frío como me gusta.
00:00:22Sanem, que alegría verte.
00:00:25Muchas gracias.
00:00:26¿En dónde te metiste, niña? Ya te extrañábamos.
00:00:31Tengo que irme, mi hermana me espera.
00:00:33Está bien, nos vemos.
00:00:56Tienda de abarrotes
00:01:26Tienda de abarrotes
00:01:56Tienda de abarrotes
00:02:16¿Qué tal? ¿Estás bien?
00:02:20No estoy segura si estoy bien o no.
00:02:23Caminando por el vecindario, veo a Jan por todas partes.
00:02:26Mire a donde mire.
00:02:28Bueno, en la finca me pasa lo mismo, pero es distinto.
00:02:34¿Qué es eso de que Jigge te pidió que te casaras con él?
00:02:36¡Qué locura! Eran amigos, ¿verdad?
00:02:38Sí, lo éramos y lo seguimos siendo.
00:02:41Pero, no sé, nos apoyamos mucho, hemos compartido tiempo juntos.
00:02:45Creo que ha malinterpretado las cosas.
00:02:48Tendré que hablar con él.
00:02:50Le diré que nos separemos una temporada, que es lo mejor.
00:02:54Por supuesto.
00:02:56¿Y qué hizo Jan? ¿Cómo reaccionó?
00:02:58Nada, cero. No le importó, le dio igual.
00:03:02No me digas.
00:03:04Pero, nada de peros.
00:03:07¿No me quería tanto?
00:03:09Tan rápido me olvidó, ¿eh?
00:03:11Es que ni siquiera se inmutó ni se puso celoso, es muy extraño.
00:03:15Pero, ¿qué dices? ¿Por qué iba a estar celoso?
00:03:18Además, dijiste que era imposible que volvieran a estar juntos, que haga lo que quiera.
00:03:23No nos importa lo que sienta Jan.
00:03:25Es cierto. Estoy enfadada.
00:03:33Tal vez ya se fue ahora.
00:03:35¿Crees que siga ahí?
00:03:37Olvídalo. Deja que se vaya para que tú encuentres la paz, tú y todos.
00:03:42Y deja que Jigge se vaya también, que se larguen todos y dejen a mi hermana en paz.
00:03:49Paseaba por el barrio y pensé que Osman y Ayhan iban a aparecer en una esquina.
00:03:55Los extraño mucho.
00:03:57Yo también los extraño mucho.
00:04:00No puedo perdonarme por lo que le hice a Osman.
00:04:05Ojalá Ayhan estuviera aquí, así hablaríamos como antes.
00:04:08Pues sí.
00:04:10Te voy a sacar una sonrisa.
00:04:12Pediré algo de tomar y tú pagarás la cuenta.
00:04:15Está bien. Disculpe.
00:04:17No puedo creer que aún no tomes té.
00:04:44Jan, recuperaste tu auto.
00:04:48¿Ya te vas?
00:04:50¿Vas a tu casa?
00:04:52Así es.
00:04:53Yo también.
00:04:55Si quieres, vamos juntos.
00:04:57No, iré en autobús.
00:04:59Oye, el autobús tarda mucho. Súbete, te llevo.
00:05:13Déjame a mí.
00:05:43No puedo creer que aún no tomes té.
00:06:14Ay, gracias.
00:06:16Se ve atorado, pero ya funciona.
00:06:29¿Telas que no has tenido?
00:06:30Ay, pues nada.
00:06:44¿Estás bien, Sanem?
00:06:54¿En qué estás pensando?
00:06:58En lo que perdí.
00:07:00¿En lo que perdiste?
00:07:02¿En lo que perdiste?
00:07:04¿En lo que perdiste?
00:07:06¿En lo que perdiste?
00:07:08¿En lo que perdiste?
00:07:11En lo que perdí.
00:07:21¿Lo que perdiste por huir de mí?
00:07:23Sanem, no huí de ti.
00:07:25Lo hiciste.
00:07:27Huiste y sigues haciéndolo.
00:07:29Tú no confiabas en mí.
00:07:31Confianza, confianza, sigue sin entender nada.
00:07:34Detén el auto, quiero bajarme.
00:07:37Jan, detén el auto.
00:07:43Confianza, ¿qué quieres decir con confianza?
00:07:45¿Por qué no confía en ti?
00:07:46Yo no quemé tu libreta.
00:07:47¿Sabes por qué te lo di?
00:07:49Porque en ese cuaderno estabas tú.
00:07:51Hablaba de ti.
00:07:52Al quemarlo, te quemaste a ti mismo.
00:07:54Ese cuaderno no valía más que tú, Jan.
00:07:56Entonces, ¿por qué no me lo dijiste antes?
00:07:58Me hubieras dicho que yo valía más, que no me fuera.
00:08:01Diez minutos.
00:08:02Te llamé diez minutos después.
00:08:04¿Por qué no me dijiste antes?
00:08:06¿Por qué no me dijiste antes?
00:08:08Te llamé diez minutos después para disculparme.
00:08:11Estaba muy confundida, arrepentida.
00:08:13Te llamé para decirte que había sido un estúpido y que no razonaba.
00:08:17Y tenías el teléfono apagado.
00:08:19¿Eso es amor?
00:08:21No tener derecho a cometer un error de diez minutos.
00:08:24Tú ya me habías dejado mucho antes.
00:08:26Aplazaste la fecha de la boda.
00:08:28Me criticabas y no parabas de decirme que era muy agresivo.
00:08:31Estabas por hecho que estaba celoso de Yigit.
00:08:33Que no lo estabas.
00:08:34¿Cómo iba a estar celoso de un tipo así?
00:08:35Estaba enamorado de ti.
00:08:37Pero tú te habías aburrido de mí.
00:08:39Pero tú ya me habías dejado muchas veces.
00:08:41Dijiste que ya no querías verme.
00:08:43Pero no me fui.
00:08:44Vino tu exnovia y no me fui.
00:08:46Todos me decían que me fuera.
00:08:48Pero estaba convencida de que no me harías esto.
00:08:50Pero te fuiste.
00:08:52Y no volviste por mí.
00:08:53¿Quieres marcharte de nuevo?
00:08:56¡No te quiero ver!
00:08:58¿Qué pasa?
00:08:59¿Qué pasa?
00:09:00¿Qué pasa?
00:09:01¿Qué pasa?
00:09:02¿Qué pasa?
00:09:03¿Qué pasa?
00:09:04¿Qué pasa?
00:09:05¿Qué pasa?
00:09:06¿Qué pasa?
00:09:07¿Qué pasa?
00:09:08¿Qué pasa?
00:09:09¿Qué pasa?
00:09:10¿Qué pasa?
00:09:11¿Qué pasa?
00:09:12¿Qué pasa?
00:09:13¿Qué pasa?
00:09:14¿Qué pasa?
00:09:15¿Qué pasa?
00:09:16¿Qué pasa?
00:09:17¿Qué pasa?
00:09:18¿Qué pasa?
00:09:19¿Qué pasa?
00:09:20¿Qué pasa?
00:09:21¿Qué pasa?
00:09:22¿Qué pasa?
00:09:23¿Qué pasa?
00:09:24¿Qué pasa?
00:09:25¿Qué pasa?
00:09:26¿Qué pasa?
00:09:27¿Qué pasa?
00:09:28¿Qué pasa?
00:09:29¿Qué pasa?
00:09:30¿Qué pasa?
00:09:31¿Qué pasa?
00:09:32¿Qué pasa?
00:09:33¿Qué pasa?
00:09:34¿Qué pasa?
00:09:35¿Qué pasa?
00:09:36¿Qué pasa?
00:09:37¿Qué pasa?
00:09:38¿Qué pasa?
00:09:39¿Qué pasa?
00:09:40¿Qué pasa?
00:09:41¿Qué pasa?
00:09:42¿Qué pasa?
00:09:43¿Qué pasa?
00:09:44¿Qué pasa?
00:09:45¿Qué pasa?
00:09:46¿Qué pasa?
00:09:47¿Qué pasa?
00:09:48¿Qué pasa?
00:09:49¿Qué pasa?
00:09:50¿Qué pasa?
00:09:51¿Qué pasa?
00:09:52¿Qué pasa?
00:09:53¿Qué pasa?
00:09:54¿Qué pasa?
00:09:55¿Qué pasa?
00:09:56¿Qué pasa?
00:10:12Nihaa, também…
00:10:21¿Qué pasó?
00:10:23¿Estás bien, hija?
00:10:27I'm fine.
00:10:29Hey, Sanem, and Jan?
00:10:36I'd rather be alone, please.
00:10:39Leave her alone.
00:10:42We're going to stay with her.
00:10:46Let's go.
00:10:47You can go. It's our duty.
00:10:49Of course, it's true.
00:10:50Go, please.
00:10:51If she wants to be alone, we have to leave her alone.
00:10:53I understand.
00:10:54Thank you.
00:10:55I'm going to my room.
00:10:56Very well.
00:11:16Sanem, what's going on? Are you okay?
00:11:20Yes, I'm trying.
00:11:22Of course.
00:11:25That's enough!
00:11:27I'm running out of patience.
00:11:29With everything that's happened, how could that guy propose to you?
00:11:34What did you say?
00:11:35How did they find out about that, Dad?
00:11:37Mom, did you put cameras in the house or what?
00:11:40The parents know everything.
00:11:42Oh, but your father is right.
00:11:44This is too much.
00:11:46Who the hell believes that? What's wrong with him?
00:11:49Well, I'll talk to Yigit. Don't worry.
00:11:54Yigit is the one who proposed to you?
00:12:00Who did they think it was?
00:12:04No, no, nobody. Forget it.
00:12:07What did you tell him?
00:12:10Well, nothing. I couldn't tell him anything.
00:12:13Yigit knows very well that I'll say no.
00:12:16He didn't even listen to me, but I'll figure it out.
00:12:19Good job, daughter.
00:12:20My daughter can fix everything.
00:12:22I'm on your side. Don't worry.
00:12:25I know, Dad.
00:12:26I'm glad.
00:12:28Why don't you come with us for a while?
00:12:31That's my house.
00:12:33Don't worry about me, really.
00:12:35I know how to take care of myself.
00:12:36Besides, I'm an adult woman.
00:12:38Well, then, no more talking.
00:12:41We're coming.
00:12:46Dad, in fact...
00:12:48Since you left, I've had a lot of sense of humor.
00:12:51You scared me.
00:12:52It was.
00:12:53Even if you're an adult, we're still our baby.
00:12:56Oh, my baby.
00:12:59Hey, all this is very nice and...
00:13:02Who did you think it was?
00:13:05We don't assume anything, huh?
00:13:06Yes, nothing.
00:13:07We were just going to think.
00:13:19How are you?
00:13:20Fine, thank you.
00:13:21I have news.
00:13:22Yandivid has gone.
00:13:23He's here for your information.
00:13:25How are you?
00:13:26Thank you, Musa.
00:13:27I don't know what I would do without you.
00:13:29But being friends is not enough.
00:13:31We have to do everything we can.
00:13:33But listen.
00:13:34If it bothers you, you don't have to see it.
00:13:36If you want, I...
00:13:38I can tell you what to do.
00:13:40I can tell you what to do.
00:13:42I can tell you what to do.
00:13:44I can tell you what to do.
00:13:46I can tell you what to do.
00:13:47No, no, no.
00:13:48Don't tell him anything.
00:13:49I'll kill you.
00:13:50Don't you dare.
00:13:51I don't want to see you suffer.
00:13:52I told you not to tell him anything.
00:13:53Okay, my queen.
00:13:54It doesn't cost me anything.
00:13:56I don't want you to tell him anything.
00:13:57It's better if you don't open your mouth.
00:13:58I'll tell him.
00:13:59Don't do it, Musa.
00:14:00Fine, whatever you want.
00:14:01I won't tell him to go.
00:14:02I'll tell him to stay.
00:14:04I'll tell him to stay.
00:14:05Don't do it or you'll drive me crazy.
00:14:07Don't tell him anything else.
00:14:08I don't want you to bother.
00:14:10Besides, Yan will do whatever he wants.
00:14:12No one can stop him.
00:14:14I'll tell him.
00:14:15But I'll lose my mind.
00:14:16He goes or he doesn't go.
00:14:17He stays or he doesn't stay.
00:14:18It's to go crazy.
00:14:19What are you talking about?
00:14:20You don't have to go crazy.
00:14:21Don't talk like that.
00:14:22Actually, I think I'm already a little crazy.
00:14:24No, Sanem.
00:14:25None of that.
00:14:26You're a renowned writer.
00:14:27I don't read much, you know that.
00:14:29But I respect literature a lot.
00:14:31You're not going crazy.
00:14:32And I'm not going to tell him anything.
00:14:34Don't you dare do it.
00:14:36I won't do it, woman.
00:14:40What will he say?
00:14:41Maybe he'll tell him to stay.
00:14:43Yes, it's most likely.
00:14:45Don't tell him anything.
00:14:47Although I could also tell him,
00:14:48if I explained everything to him calmly,
00:14:50and told him that I still love him,
00:14:52and that I don't want him to go,
00:14:53but I don't dare to tell him.
00:14:57Oh, this is a lemon bone,
00:14:58just as bitter as Yan.
00:15:05Sanem, beautiful.
00:15:06Hello, Deryn.
00:15:07We have to talk about an important issue.
00:15:10No, I don't want to hear anything.
00:15:11No, no, let's talk about that.
00:15:12I don't want to talk about that, seriously.
00:15:14Sit down, come on, sit down.
00:15:15We won't steal your time, we'll be brief.
00:15:17Listen, I already have a lot of problems, okay?
00:15:20I don't want you to tell me any more.
00:15:22Enough, please.
00:15:23Well, what a shame.
00:15:24It's another problem.
00:15:26Sanem, it's about your creams.
00:15:30What about my creams?
00:15:32That majority client,
00:15:34the one who buys you up to 20 bottles a week.
00:15:37Do you know what she does with them?
00:15:39She re-labels them and sells them 10 times more expensive.
00:15:43We told her we have patent rights
00:15:45and that we're going to report her, but we don't.
00:15:47Well, we'll stop producing the creams.
00:15:49Oh, of course not.
00:15:51They're your creams, they're in your right.
00:15:53We'll request the patent so you can have your own brand.
00:15:56If not, that woman will end up stealing your job.
00:16:01The team is ready to start the process.
00:16:04What team are you referring to?
00:16:06Is Yan aware of all this?
00:16:08Of course.
00:16:09I've already talked to him.
00:16:11It's about your work and your creativity.
00:16:14We'll do it together.
00:16:16But he wasn't going to leave?
00:16:18I don't think so.
00:16:20No, he's not leaving.
00:16:22I think so.
00:16:23Or maybe he is.
00:16:24You don't have to overwhelm him.
00:16:26Well, do you think we should get to work?
00:16:29Of course.
00:16:30It's my business.
00:16:31I have to defend my rights.
00:16:33That's it.
00:16:43Now that we're all here, we can start the meeting.
00:16:47Very well.
00:16:48Ah, let's see.
00:16:50We urgently have to find a brand to put on Sanem's creams.
00:16:55And they've already been sold.
00:16:56Illegally, so we're wasting time and money.
00:17:00No, but what are you doing?
00:17:02Don't start the meeting with reproaches.
00:17:04Let's be a little more serious.
00:17:05Please, let's focus on the creams.
00:17:13Okay, Jan.
00:17:14So, whenever you want.
00:17:17We're going to smell the creams one by one and we'll take notes.
00:17:20They can be memories, feelings, anything.
00:17:26And then we'll go to the perfumes.
00:17:38We'll go through them.
00:17:57Your scent.
00:17:58That magical scent that only you have.
00:18:04Come here.
00:18:07Come here.
00:18:23Jan, darling, silence doesn't work.
00:18:25You have to describe your feelings.
00:18:38There's an incredible energy here.
00:18:40I'm lost.
00:18:45Sanem, hey.
00:18:48Can we switch places?
00:18:50Sanem, let's switch.
00:18:51That's it.
00:18:52So I can talk to Deren.
00:18:54Well done.
00:18:55How strange.
00:18:56There's an incredible energy.
00:18:58You won't believe it.
00:19:08Jan, give me that.
00:19:10Let her smell it.
00:19:17Sanem, this is your perfume, but it smells a little different.
00:19:21Because each scent smells different.
00:19:24It depends on the person who wears it.
00:19:28We all have our own scent.
00:19:30And when it mixes with a perfume, it gives a different result in each person.
00:19:35That's why when you miss someone's scent a lot,
00:19:39it's not enough to just smell a bottle of perfume.
00:19:43Well, it smells really good.
00:19:44And what does it have?
00:19:45It's a secret.
00:19:49It has azar flower and amber.
00:19:57And also in the background, it has notes of albericoque and ginger.
00:20:01That's right.
00:20:02Bravo, Musa.
00:20:06Yeah, but Musa, what do you mean by notes in the background?
00:20:09I don't understand.
00:20:10Well, it's about aromatic terms that I learned in Papua New Guinea.
00:20:16It looks like that trip helped you.
00:20:18I don't know how you were before, of course, but I think you did very well, definitely.
00:20:23Is it a compliment?
00:20:25More than that.
00:20:26Yes, more than that.
00:20:28Well, if you've already taken notes, we can move on to the perfumes.
00:20:33We'll do it this way.
00:20:34We'll put ourselves in pairs, boy and girl.
00:20:38First the girls will value the masculine fragrances,
00:20:42and then the boys the feminine ones, understood?
00:20:44Very good.
00:20:58The perfumes are associated with memories.
00:21:00Although we don't notice them, they affect our psychological states.
00:21:04The smell is a primitive feeling.
00:21:07An aroma not only evokes a memory, but also makes us relive that moment.
00:21:12The cleanest part of the body are the wrists, right here.
00:21:17The smell is a memory.
00:21:19The smell is a memory.
00:21:21The smell is a memory.
00:21:23The smell is a memory.
00:21:25The smell is a memory.
00:21:27Put the perfume there.
00:21:29Let it fall directly on the wrists.
00:21:36That's it.
00:21:38I'm going to get dizzy with so much.
00:21:40The first aroma is the upper note.
00:21:43Yes, the upper note.
00:21:45And, in general, it tends to evaporate.
00:21:50After a few seconds, the aroma changes.
00:21:53To choose a perfume, before buying it,
00:21:58it's convenient to wait at least ten minutes.
00:22:02It's important because if you don't wait,
00:22:04you can make a mistake with the choice, understand?
00:22:31It's been ten minutes.
00:22:33Very well, Yaya, whenever you want, we'll start.
00:22:40Where were we?
00:22:42Ah, I've tried to spray it on my hair for about ten minutes.
00:22:47Do you want me to taste it too? You throw it in my mouth.
00:22:50You moved.
00:22:51Well, okay, just ten minutes. Spray it.
00:22:53You said to spray it on your hair.
00:22:55What are you doing?
00:22:57Why did you interrupt me?
00:22:59I've been waiting ten minutes and the fragrance has disappeared completely.
00:23:02I notice opposite-sex vibrations.
00:23:04I recommend it to everyone who is not able to feel them.
00:23:07Musa, I have 127 criteria.
00:23:09Receiving opposite-sex vibrations is not so easy.
00:23:14Of course.
00:23:16Thank you.
00:23:17Was it difficult to wait ten minutes?
00:23:20No, if you tell me to wait.
00:23:23Well, what we smell now is called the middle note.
00:23:26When the high note is blurred, it is the essence that remains.
00:23:30It mixes with the skin and defines our personal aroma.
00:23:35It is also called the note of the heart.
00:23:38I didn't know the note of the heart.
00:23:42Let's see if it was worth waiting.
00:23:51Oh, what a smell!
00:23:53I want to smell.
00:23:54Come on.
00:23:56You didn't put anything on there.
00:23:58Well, let's see.
00:24:02Well, that's enough. Thank you.
00:24:05It's been ten minutes. Thank you.
00:24:08Give me your notes, your feelings, your ages.
00:24:13And we're going to think of names for the perfume.
00:24:17Flame of love.
00:24:19Or rain of pleasure.
00:24:21Like the summer rain, short but intense.
00:24:23No, flame of love is better.
00:24:25Very good.
00:24:26Take it.
00:24:27Thank you.
00:24:28Take mine.
00:24:34Yigit, what are you doing here?
00:24:37Can we talk for a moment, please?
00:24:41Get out of the corner.
00:24:43I think he's obsessed.
00:24:50Hey, Ayhan, what do you think if I hit him?
00:24:53I don't have much confidence in myself, but I don't lose anything by trying.
00:24:57If I take it by surprise, I can knock him down.
00:25:00I don't know.
00:25:01I don't know.
00:25:02I don't know.
00:25:03I don't know.
00:25:04I don't know.
00:25:05I don't know.
00:25:06I don't know.
00:25:07I don't know.
00:25:08I don't know.
00:25:09If I take it by surprise, I can knock him down or hit him in the jaw.
00:25:11He's taller than me, I hit him in the chin.
00:25:13What do you say if I show him another face?
00:25:15What do you say, friend?
00:25:16What did he come here for?
00:25:17What he's doing here?
00:25:18Don't worry, I'm going to handle it.
00:25:20I'm nervous, you calm down.
00:25:21And don't worry, everything will get better.
00:25:32Sanem, I didn't want to talk about this in front of everyone.
00:25:36Can we meet at the port in an hour?
00:25:38Let's talk here. I wanted to see you too.
00:25:41Sanem, don't tell me no. I'll see you later.
00:25:45Okay, in an hour, okay.
00:25:48Thank you.
00:25:49JJ? What are you doing there?
00:25:55I was looking for water.
00:25:57It's in the kitchen.
00:25:58Don't tell me, in the kitchen?
00:26:00I was looking for a well with a glass in my hand.
00:26:02Do you see it? The glass is looking for water.
00:26:04Oh, it's just that we don't concentrate.
00:26:06That's what happens. I'm confused.
00:26:08If not, I would have already gone to the kitchen.
00:26:10But with so much...
00:26:11We can't work. It takes us out of concentration.
00:26:14Well, then we'll see you later.
00:26:19Do you want me to call you a taxi?
00:26:20Oh, he has a car.
00:26:23Walk very slowly.
00:26:24Weren't you going for water?
00:26:25It's just that I'm not thirsty anymore.
00:26:27It happened to me.
00:26:28But my body has already adapted to thirst.
00:26:31Now I can live three days without water.
00:26:33You know, I don't need to drink anymore, you know?
00:26:35I want to know what you were talking about with Jiggy.
00:26:37If you can know.
00:26:38That's none of your business.
00:26:39You're not spying on me, are you?
00:26:41So better shut up, seriously.
00:26:43What? Like I spy?
00:26:46Well, we already have the preliminary version.
00:26:48First of all, I want to thank Sanem, the creator of the cosmetics range.
00:26:51Oh, of course.
00:26:52We can already say that we have started the process of creating the brand officially.
00:26:56Congratulations to all.
00:26:58Then we can go.
00:27:03Let's go.
00:27:30I'm going to solve the problem.
00:27:32Okay, friend.
00:27:33You, don't worry about anything.
00:27:35Leave it to me.
00:27:41Everything will be fine.
00:28:02Thank you.
00:28:36Was this your surprise?
00:28:38A woman as beautiful as you deserved a marriage proposal at her height.
00:28:43I was carried away by the emotion.
00:28:45But this time I will do things right.
00:29:03I'm sorry I didn't kneel.
00:29:14Jiggy, we have to talk.
00:29:15Because this can't be.
00:29:24Sanem, no!
00:29:25What's going on here?
00:29:29Are you crazy?
00:29:30It was unintentional.
00:29:31Look, the table is set.
00:29:33Let's eat.
00:29:34There is everything here and I don't think Jiggy is going to eat it all.
00:29:39Senji, if we go out for a walk, I think the excess oxygen opened our appetite.
00:29:43We would eat anything, even a pig.
00:29:45Everything is delicious, but it needs salt.
00:29:47I asked for ice, but they still don't bring it to me.
00:29:50We don't come back here.
00:29:51The service is terrible, Musa.
00:29:52I can't eat without bread.
00:29:54I even eat bread with pasta and rice.
00:29:56This is beef, beef, pork.
00:29:58Is it imported or Italian?
00:30:00Tell me.
00:30:03Sanem, I'm not feeling well.
00:30:05I better go.
00:30:06I'll pick you up tomorrow before the meeting, okay?
00:30:20The fish is sold.
00:30:22Sanem, are you angry?
00:30:26They are unique.
00:30:27And you too, girl.
00:30:29One question.
00:30:30What meeting is that?
00:30:31Where are you going?
00:30:33A writer whom I admire a lot wants to meet me.
00:30:37I'm going for a walk.
00:30:40They are the best.
00:30:42Positive mind, flowers, little birds, gold, Dalai Lama.
00:30:45That's right.
00:30:46We do our thing.
00:30:47We have arrived on time.
00:30:48We are great, Musa.
00:30:49We are a great team.
00:30:50Do you pass me the salt?
00:30:51There is no salt.
00:30:52The rich do not consume salt.
00:30:53They run away from the three white poisons.
00:30:55Salt, sugar, and appliances.
00:30:59And how is your day?
00:31:00Tell me.
00:31:01Very good.
00:31:02And now it will be better.
00:31:03You'll see.
00:31:09Oh, hello.
00:31:22It's me.
00:31:23You're seeing it too.
00:31:24It turns out that ...
00:31:25I was going to ask you the same thing.
00:31:28It's me.
00:31:29You're seeing it too.
00:31:30It turns out that ...
00:31:31I was going to ask you the same thing.
00:31:53No, that way.
00:31:57Let's go.
00:32:03Where are you going, Eren?
00:32:06No, this way.
00:32:11So far, you and I have not been able to talk.
00:32:14I think you do not like to see me around here.
00:32:17Well, no.
00:32:18Although I do not know you either.
00:32:20But from what I've heard, I would say that you are not an angel.
00:32:24You're a friend of Yigit, right?
00:32:26That's right.
00:32:27I've never seen him do anything wrong.
00:32:29But if he does, things would change.
00:32:32So far, I have not seen him hurt anyone.
00:32:38I like honest people.
00:32:41Like me.
00:32:44See you later.
00:32:45See you.
00:32:57Episode 2
00:33:08Jan, how are you?
00:33:09Fine, and you?
00:33:10Hi little sister, how are you?
00:33:11I'm fine.
00:33:12What did you do?
00:33:13Did you talk to Yigit?
00:33:14What's going on?
00:33:15Could you talk to Sanel?
00:33:16She does not want to.
00:33:17I still do not speak.
00:33:18And why have not you talked to him yet?
00:33:20What do you mean?
00:33:21He's waiting.
00:33:22No, I'm not waiting for anything.
00:33:23Why do not you tell him no?
00:33:25Of course I'll tell him no.
00:33:28He does not even care.
00:33:30I could even ask him to come as a witness to my wedding.
00:33:32She does not care.
00:33:33I would even ask him to be his witness.
00:33:35In the end, he will leave again.
00:33:39I'm not going anywhere.
00:33:40I understand.
00:33:42Hey, you know what I think?
00:33:44I think Jan assumes that you will marry Yigit because you have not spoken to him to solve it, sister.
00:33:50Maybe that explains his behavior.
00:33:52But do you think he's going to say yes to Yigit?
00:33:54I see it as impossible.
00:33:55Of course not.
00:33:56We will never be together again, I know.
00:33:59But I also know that she will not be with anyone else.
00:34:02Not at all.
00:34:04I know we will never be together again.
00:34:08But I know Jan knows that I can never be with another man.
00:34:13Oh, very well.
00:34:14We'll see you soon.
00:34:15Calm down.
00:34:16See you later.
00:34:17A kiss goodbye.
00:34:19I trust you, okay?
00:34:20We'll solve this.
00:34:21You'll see.
00:34:22Do not worry.
00:34:33Hi, Miriam.
00:34:34How are you?
00:34:36What's up?
00:34:37Shut up.
00:34:39It's my friend's baby.
00:34:42They left you this little thing again.
00:34:44What a pity.
00:34:45Yes, and we are taking care of it.
00:34:48But I say it like this.
00:34:51Listen, Sanem.
00:34:52We wanted to ask you a little favor, you know?
00:34:55Tell me, of course.
00:34:56Well, you see, Sanem.
00:34:57I've been wanting to take Miriam to a very elegant restaurant for a long time.
00:35:01And well, could you take care of the baby for us?
00:35:05Tonight will only be a few hours.
00:35:07The baby?
00:35:09The baby.
00:35:11Well, I don't know.
00:35:12I've never taken care of a baby.
00:35:13I don't know what to do.
00:35:14But it's just ...
00:35:15Yes, a baby.
00:35:16A baby.
00:35:17But you have to give him the bottle.
00:35:18And after you drink it, I assure you that he will sleep all night.
00:35:44And I have always taken care of him.
00:35:45I have been in charge of the baby all night.
00:35:46I have taken care of him many times, and he has never given me any problems.
00:35:48Believe me.
00:35:49Is that right?
00:35:50Is it?
00:35:51It's just that it was very difficult for me to find a table.
00:35:52It's a very elegant place.
00:35:53And I don't want to have to cancel the reservation.
00:35:54But well, if you can't, forget it.
00:35:55Oh yeah?
00:35:56Is it better not to insist?
00:35:57We can cancel it.
00:35:58Yes of course.
00:36:00Why do you assume that I will not know how to take care of her?
00:36:02No, not at all.
00:36:03No, of course not.
00:36:04We're sure it's true.
00:36:06In fact, here's the list.
00:36:08I've written down everything you need to know.
00:36:09Read it.
00:36:10Can you hold my bag for a moment, honey?
00:36:11Yes, of course.
00:36:12Here's the list.
00:36:13Let's see.
00:36:14Here are diapers.
00:36:16You see them?
00:36:17Take them.
00:36:20Ah, they're important.
00:36:21It's what you'll need the most.
00:36:22Remember that.
00:36:24There are many.
00:36:25And here's the diaper bag.
00:36:26The diapers are here.
00:36:27Ah, above all, anything you need, don't hesitate to call one or the other, and we'll come
00:36:28right away.
00:36:29Of course.
00:37:02Ah, so that's how it is, right?
00:37:04You're welcome.
00:37:05The diaper bag?
00:37:07Ah, the diapers, Anem, thank you very much, you have no idea how much I appreciate it,
00:37:09Well, shall we go now?
00:37:12Yes, whenever you want.
00:37:14Thank you, Anem.
00:37:16Well, so, the diapers, enjoy them.
00:37:23He's crying!
00:37:25Oh! He's crying! He's crying!
00:37:30Mr. Aziz!
00:37:33Baby, calm down.
00:37:37Baby. Baby.
00:37:40Everything you need is in the bag. Great.
00:37:43Try to wash your hands well.
00:37:45But I have them clean.
00:37:47If he cries a lot, check his diaper. If it's dirty, change it.
00:37:49Let's see.
00:38:17What a beautiful baby. What's his name?
00:38:20It's a very nice name.
00:38:23Who is it from?
00:38:26It's from a neighbor of Mirivan from the village.
00:38:29She works as a nurse.
00:38:31Once a week, she has a night shift.
00:38:33And she leaves the baby with Mirivan.
00:38:35And tonight, she had to go to the nanny.
00:38:37Yes, of course. I understand.
00:38:39Mirivan asked me to give you a message.
00:38:43That if he woke up, you had the baby bottle ready.
00:38:46Because if he doesn't, he can start crying.
00:38:49So that...
00:38:56Like a note.
00:38:58Very good.
00:39:00I'll take care of it.
00:39:04Thank you anyway.
00:39:06No, thank you.
00:39:08No, thank you.
00:39:16That's all.
00:39:21See you later.
00:39:22Do you want something to drink?
00:39:23No, I'm leaving.
00:39:25See you later.
00:39:26Of course.
00:39:30Did you forget something?
00:39:31No, I'm leaving.
00:39:38But he's leaving.
00:39:39Where is he going?
00:39:40Don't go.
00:39:41Come back.
00:39:42Listen to me.
00:39:43Come back.
00:39:44Come back.
00:39:45Come back.
00:39:47Come back.
00:39:48With how well all this was going.
00:39:49It's true.
00:39:50So much work.
00:39:51All this for nothing.
00:39:52Of course.
00:39:53Stay with me.
00:39:54What are you doing?
00:39:55If he leaves, he doesn't come back.
00:39:56The plan failed.
00:40:01Look, he's back.
00:40:02He's back.
00:40:03He's back.
00:40:04I told you.
00:40:05He's back.
00:40:06He's back.
00:40:09That's my son.
00:40:11If you want me to help you, I have nothing to do.
00:40:14I can stay with you until they come back.
00:40:17That is, as you wish.
00:40:21Well, yes.
00:40:27I think it's milk.
00:40:29It doesn't seem so difficult to prepare.
00:40:31It's practical.
00:40:33It simplifies your life.
00:40:35Well, yes.
00:40:36Let's start.
00:40:41Is there a meter?
00:40:44You have to count the spoons.
00:40:50One tablespoon.
00:40:51That's right.
00:40:53Well, it doesn't seem so difficult, does it?
00:41:10I think you have to cool it down because it's very hot.
00:41:15Colder, do you think?
00:41:16Put it under the tap.
00:41:18In cold water.
00:41:30And are you hungry?
00:41:31Yes, a lot.
00:41:34If you want, we can order something.
00:41:36There is no delivery here.
00:41:38But I have things in the fridge.
00:41:40If you want, we can prepare something.
00:41:44Yes, of course.
00:41:46It's fine.
00:41:49Shall we try it?
00:41:58Try it.
00:41:59Try it.
00:42:07I'll sacrifice myself.
00:42:08Put me here.
00:42:11Do you want some?
00:42:13No, it was a joke.
00:42:14It's at the perfect temperature.
00:42:16And it's very tasty.
00:42:18Well, let's do it then.
00:42:34It looks like it worked.
00:42:35But I'll tell you that after eating what Sanem cooked,
00:42:38she may not recover.
00:42:40Write it down.
00:42:41Oh, but don't forget that Sanem has progressed a lot in the kitchen.
00:42:44It's amazing.
00:42:45Even the water burns.
00:42:46It's true.
00:42:48It all started when Polen took out a cookbook,
00:42:51got jealous and wanted to prove that she also knew how to cook.
00:42:55They say that men are conquered by the stomach
00:42:58and now they finally know.
00:42:59Of course.
00:43:00If that's what they say.
00:43:01Let's hope the saying is true.
00:43:03And Sanem has photographic memory.
00:43:06She remembers recipes just by looking at them once.
00:43:08It's true.
00:43:09And that also helps.
00:43:10Oh, that's good, that's good, that's good.
00:43:12I think for the moment everything is fine.
00:43:14Yes, it seems so.
00:43:22It looks delicious.
00:43:23Did you cook it?
00:43:24Yes, I learned.
00:43:25I mean, I learned a lot this last year.
00:43:30So you learned things.
00:43:33It must have something to do with Yigit.
00:43:36I guess you haven't rejected him because he keeps coming here.
00:43:41So do you want me to marry him or what do you want?
00:43:46Well, everyone says he's a good guy.
00:43:48You'll have to consider it.
00:43:54You like dolmas, don't you?
00:43:56I love them, you know that.
00:44:00Tell me, why don't you accept him? What's stopping you?
00:44:03I don't know.
00:44:10I mean, maybe I'll say yes, I don't know.
00:44:13And I'll send you an invitation to the wedding.
00:44:16Do you think it's okay?
00:44:17Oh, sorry.
00:44:18I don't know where I should send it.
00:44:20To the open sea?
00:44:21I don't know where you'll be, so I'm sure you won't get it.
00:44:25Okay, fine.
00:44:27It's my special recipe with a special dressing.
00:44:31Everything looks delicious.
00:44:39Everything you touch turns it into something wonderful.
00:44:43Forget it, it's terrible.
00:44:44This dressing is not good.
00:44:49Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay?
00:44:55Drink some water.
00:44:56I'm fine.
00:44:57It's okay.
00:44:59Drink some water. Drink some water.
00:45:01I like it spicy.
00:45:04But I congratulate you.
00:45:05It reminded me of the albondigas tartar you made that time.
00:45:09Exactly the same thing happened.
00:45:11Very good.
00:45:12Anyway, don't throw them away because I'll eat them.
00:45:16Delighted with life.
00:45:17Don't throw them away.
00:45:18Are you serious?
00:45:19At least drink some water and then we'll keep talking.
00:45:22Second attempt at murder.
00:45:27I'm sorry.
00:45:28I'm sorry.
00:45:29I'm sorry.
00:45:30I'm sorry.
00:45:31I'm sorry.
00:45:32I'm sorry.
00:45:33I'm sorry.
00:45:34I'm sorry.
00:45:37It seems she's hungry.
00:45:38Maybe she wants some dolmas.
00:45:40Yes, we give her one.
00:45:41Yes, with your dressing, so she gets used to the spicy.
00:45:45If you didn't put spicy, we can give her the milk.
00:45:51Very well.
00:45:54Princess, when you grow up a little, I'll give you a try of a dolma.
00:46:05Don't cry anymore.
00:46:12How have we become these people?
00:46:15We are spying on people's private lives.
00:46:17It can't be.
00:46:19Why not?
00:46:21We see their happiness.
00:46:23In these times, isn't it easy to see people happy?
00:46:26And seeing something so beautiful makes you happy all day.
00:46:36Thank you, guys. Really, thank you for everything.
00:46:39You're great.
00:46:40We didn't do anything.
00:46:41Yes, we did. I feel like a big brother.
00:46:44Now it's just up to them.
00:46:47We can't do anything else.
00:46:49It's true.
00:46:50I saw the little girl.
00:46:52She was filming a video.
00:46:53Why don't you say those things? Why don't you stop crying?
00:46:56Deren, stop eating snacks because you're going to get fat.
00:46:59Once you start, you can't stop.
00:47:01Then give it to me.
00:47:03Take it.
00:47:04I'm getting hungry.
00:47:05I think it's the first time I eat them in my life.
00:47:08Oh, you saw her. She sleeps like an angel, right?
00:47:11She took the whole bottle.
00:47:13She's very comfortable.
00:47:17She fell asleep.
00:47:20What happened?
00:47:21Why is she waking up?
00:47:27We did something wrong, but I don't know what.
00:47:29What's going on?
00:47:30Where did we go wrong?
00:47:31Why don't I understand anything?
00:47:32What's wrong?
00:47:34Did we take her to a hospital?
00:47:35What if she feels bad?
00:47:38Can I try it?
00:47:39Maybe she has gas.
00:47:40Yes, it could be.
00:47:41I'm aware of that.
00:47:42I already realized.
00:47:43You don't have to teach me how to take care of babies.
00:47:45Let's see.
00:47:46I'm going to take the gas out.
00:47:48It was gas.
00:47:49I also imagined it.
00:47:50Well, you have to tap it gently on the back.
00:47:53That's right.
00:47:55No, you were wrong.
00:47:56It wasn't gas.
00:47:57It's something else.
00:47:58But what?
00:47:59Jan, what do we do?
00:48:01Why am I starting to get very nervous?
00:48:04Did we go wrong?
00:48:05What do we do?
00:48:06Do we take her to her mother?
00:48:07What do we do?
00:48:08It's just that...
00:48:11Maybe she's sick.
00:48:12Can I try?
00:48:14Well, it's okay.
00:48:17Take it.
00:48:18With your arms.
00:48:23Very good.
00:48:28And that?
00:48:33Did she shut up?
00:48:36Is the baby asleep?
00:48:40I'm going to sit down, okay?
00:48:43And try not to make any noise, please.
00:48:45Very good.
00:48:46Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
00:48:49It's amazing.
00:48:50How did you get her to fall asleep in three seconds?
00:48:52Jan, please.
00:48:53Well, I'm not going to argue with you.
00:48:55I don't want to fight in front of the baby.
00:51:43Sanim is going to a work dinner.
00:51:44She has a very important meeting with a writer she admires a lot.
00:51:48They're going to eat together and then they'll come back.
00:51:50I don't think it'll take long.
00:51:51Believe me.
00:51:54Let's go.
00:51:57Yes, you know, we still have a lot to investigate, so let's go.
00:53:44It won't take long, will it? I want to get back as soon as possible.
00:54:03I couldn't ask you the way I should have.
00:54:05Because everything goes wrong.
00:54:09I don't think you heard me, did you?
00:54:11You're my co-worker.
00:54:13I appreciate you a lot, but there's nothing else.
00:54:17Well, yes, at first it was the same for me, but with time...
00:54:20Time won't change anything, Jigit.
00:54:24I think we'll stay away from each other for a while.
00:54:28Because this topic of conversation bothers me a lot.
00:54:35It's because Jan came back, right?
00:54:38She always ruins everything.
00:54:40You were fine, you had already forgotten.
00:54:44I see you still don't understand anything.
00:54:46All I want is to forget the pain Jan caused me, just that.
00:54:52I'll never forget him.
00:54:57The love I feel will last the rest of my life.
00:55:02What a shame.
00:55:04Look, she left you once, and now she'll leave again.
00:55:07How long are you going to understand that she doesn't want to be with you?
00:55:09She's leaving?
00:55:12You're lying to me.
00:55:13Why would I lie to you? I heard her talking to her father.
00:55:16In fact, I guess she already left.
00:55:23Hey, what are you doing, Sanem? Sanem?
00:55:27Sanem, where are you going, Sanem?
00:55:29I want to be alone. I'm not going to that meal.
00:55:31I'm sorry.
00:55:36Hi, Denise.
00:55:37Where's Jan?
00:55:40What do you mean you don't know?
00:55:42It's my phone, I put it in your pocket.
00:55:45Who is it?
00:55:47What a surprise.
00:55:49Hi, tell me, Sanem, what happened?
00:55:51Do you know where Jan's boat is?
00:55:53Do you know where Jan's boat is?
00:55:55No idea, why?
00:55:57No, did something happen?
00:55:58I'm going to go crazy. She just got here and she's leaving again.
00:56:01She's coming and she's going, she's coming and she's going, I can't take it anymore.
00:56:03Jan David can't leave again, do you understand me?
00:56:06They're repairing the boat, where is it?
00:56:08Sanem is going crazy, she says Jan is leaving.
00:56:10Do you know where the boat is?
00:56:11Close to your house.
00:56:12Hey, Mr. Aziz says it's close to your house.
00:56:17Did he hang up?
00:56:19He left.
00:56:20Is my brother leaving?
00:56:21Well, that's what he says.
00:56:23But he wants to sell the boat.
00:56:24Oh, well, I'll tell Sanem.
00:56:26No, don't tell him anything.
00:56:27No, leave them alone, daughter.
00:56:28They must solve their problems alone.
00:56:31Let's go.
00:56:35Why sell the boat?
00:56:38I don't know.
00:56:59Stop, you can't go.
00:57:03Wait a minute.
00:57:05You can't go, Jan David.
00:57:08You can't go.
00:57:18Didn't you hear me?
00:57:21I said you're not going anywhere.
00:57:33What are you doing?
00:57:34You're going to sail with me.
00:57:37Stop being a fool.
00:57:39Jan, do me a favor and turn around right now.
00:57:43You always tell me I left without you.
00:57:45Now we'll sail together.
00:57:49Oh, it doesn't move.
00:57:51Let go.
00:58:04Turn around.
00:58:05Turn around.
00:58:07Jan, turn around.
00:58:08I'm begging you, please.
00:58:14I'll control it from here.
00:58:16It doesn't turn.
00:58:19Well, at least explain to me where we're going, huh?
00:58:21Where the wind takes us.
00:58:23Stop talking nonsense.
00:58:28We're not going back, Sanem.
00:58:34Well, it's okay.
00:58:37Take good care of yourself.
00:58:47I don't know why I remembered the shark movie.
00:58:59If you jump, I jump, huh, Sanem?
00:59:02Now sit down.
00:59:05You can't escape the boat.
00:59:07So at least enjoy the trip, the breeze, this view.
00:59:11Very well.
00:59:13I think that's best.
00:59:36My mother always says knots bring bad luck.
00:59:40And now I don't even know how to make a knot.
00:59:49Hey, I'm here.
00:59:51I'm here.
00:59:53This, this man has kidnapped me.
00:59:56They have to kill him.
00:59:58Help me.
00:59:59I know you've seen me.
01:00:00Help me.
01:00:02Help me.
01:00:03Help me.
01:00:08If you look at them and greet them that way,
01:00:10they won't imagine you're in danger and they won't come to save you.
01:00:13Relax, that's no use.
01:00:17Oh, I can't believe what you've done to me.
01:00:19It's okay.
01:00:21I'll relax.
01:00:22Yes, and sooner or later we'll go back to land.
01:00:27Believe me, I can spend months at sea.
01:00:34It's not true.
01:00:38That's great.
01:00:39That's great.
01:00:43Hi, Dennis.
01:00:45Dennis, Jan kidnapped me.
01:00:46I'm on his boat in the middle of the sea.
01:00:49What did he send you?
01:00:50Give me the phone.
01:00:51If you want, I'll tell him.
01:00:52Yes, I'm going to give Jan the phone.
01:00:54He knows the sea better.
01:00:55I have no idea.
01:00:56Talk to him.
01:01:01I haven't paid him yet.
01:01:05Me too.
01:01:08You're a savage.
01:01:10You're a rascal.
01:01:11A pirate.
01:01:12Yes, you said it.
01:01:29Help me!
01:01:33Is anyone there?
01:01:35Looks like they heard me.
01:01:37Can anyone hear me?
01:01:38Can anyone hear me?
01:01:44I've been kidnapped!
01:01:45Yes, I already told you.
01:01:46A man kidnapped me.
01:01:48I promise you.
01:01:49I've been kidnapped on his boat.
01:01:52He's looking at me.
01:01:53He says they're coming for me.
01:01:54And they're going to come.
01:01:58They'll be here in two and a half minutes.
01:02:01In the sea?
01:02:03Well, okay.
01:02:05You're going to pay for all this.
01:02:14I can't believe it.
01:02:16I'm serious.
01:02:17It's just...
01:02:18This is incredible.
01:02:20You leave, and on top of that you drag me to go with you against my will.
01:02:23As if I were a girl.
01:02:30You weren't like this before.
01:02:32You'll see.
01:02:34In the end, I'll have to jump off the boat.
01:02:36I don't know how, but I'll jump off the boat.
01:02:38And I'll escape.
01:02:39I assure you.
01:02:40I plan to escape.
01:02:41As soon as you're distracted, I'll leave.
01:02:42You'll see it with your own eyes.
01:02:44How I leave.
01:02:48How shameless.
01:02:50On top of that, he sends me kisses.
01:02:52I can't believe it.
01:02:57How beautiful.
01:02:59What are you doing?
01:03:00Why are you stopping?
01:03:01What are you doing?
01:03:03You can't escape, Sanem.
01:03:09Why don't you look me in the face?
01:03:11Let's start with something easy.
01:03:16I'm going to leave.
01:03:18I'm going to leave.
01:03:20I'm going to leave.
01:03:22I'm going to leave.
01:03:24I'm going to leave.
01:03:25I'm going to leave.
01:03:27What do you want from me?
01:03:29That you talk.
01:03:30Talk about what?
01:03:35Say what you want.
01:03:36You start.
01:03:37Even if it's silly.
01:03:42I just want us to talk.
01:03:44Whatever it is.
01:03:45It doesn't matter if it's a meaningless conversation.
01:03:48But talk to me, okay?
01:03:52Say it first that it comes to your head.
01:03:54You have very long hair.
01:03:55And that bird suits you very well.
01:04:08How smart you are, Sanem.
01:04:12You could have said, I like your braids.
01:04:15Or you have changed style.
01:04:17How beautiful is your boat.
01:04:19But very good the bird.
01:04:26Open your hand.
01:04:38It's for you.
01:04:41It's a albatross.
01:04:43If you want it, it's for you.
01:04:47How beautiful.
01:04:51Keep a record.
01:04:53Keep a memory in it and put it on your hair.
01:04:56So it will always be part of you.
01:05:08And how do you put it?
01:05:10Let me help you.
01:05:23It suits you very well.
01:05:25It's a nice detail.
01:05:30Thank you very much.
01:05:36Why did you tell me that when you got on the boat?
01:05:39I don't know.
01:05:41I don't know.
01:05:43I don't know.
01:05:44I don't know.
01:05:46I don't know.
01:05:48I don't know.
01:05:50I don't know.
01:05:53You said you can't go to Chantibyte.
01:06:00Well, yes.
01:06:02I said it for your father.
01:06:04Because if you go, he will be depressed.
01:06:07For my father.
01:06:09The agency?
01:06:12And what else?
01:06:14Well, me.
01:06:17It's just that I...
01:06:22It's very clear.
01:06:24The agency.
01:06:25Your father.
01:06:26Your friends.
01:06:28If you go.
01:06:29Well, we'll all stay.
01:06:34Yes, you said.
01:06:35It's just that I...
01:06:36Finish the sentence, Sanne.
01:06:39Well, you know that sometimes I say things and...
01:06:42The truth is that...
01:06:45I'm hungry.
01:06:47I'm very hungry.
01:06:48The boat is moving too much.
01:06:49I have to eat something.
01:06:53The boat is going to sink?
01:06:55I'm hungry.
01:06:56I don't want to starve to death.
01:06:58Great, Mayolas.
01:07:23The albatross bird.
01:07:26What a liar.
01:07:40I was checking the water level.
01:07:42And everything is fine.
01:07:45Bad news.
01:07:48There is no food on the boat.
01:07:49How do you say?
01:07:55We'll have to go back to land.
01:07:56I'm starving.
01:07:58If you're so hungry, I can fish.
01:08:01In the sea, one feeds on everything.
01:08:04Get used to it.
01:08:05Get used to me?
01:08:08It's just that...
01:08:09Have you thought of never taking me back to land?
01:08:13Hey, in the end you'll get me to starve, huh?
01:08:16Well, help me and you'll eat before.
01:08:20You're not coming?
01:09:19Have you ever thought
01:09:20what happens if there are no fish?
01:09:22We must be patient.
01:09:24Are you that hungry?
01:09:25Well, yes, but...
01:09:27What can I do?
01:09:28Well, something will bite.
01:09:31Oh, there it is!
01:09:33I fooled you.
01:09:35I scared you.
01:09:37What if I catch a jellyfish?
01:09:39Well, we'll eat it fried.
01:09:40Fried jellyfish to eat?
01:09:42Are you serious?
01:09:50I felt something.
01:09:52Yes, but I think it's gone.
01:09:54No, nothing.
01:09:55Wait, they'll bite.
01:09:59Jan, something bit!
01:10:02Jan, but what do I do?
01:10:07Bravo, bravo.
01:10:11Jan, can you explain this to me?
01:10:17I'm proud of you.
01:10:21Well, while you finish fishing,
01:10:23I'll go prepare everything to cook them.
01:10:29Yes, I'll keep fishing to see if one more bites.
01:10:39Here we go.
01:10:40Put the bait.
01:10:43Yes, I fished them.
01:10:46I fished.
01:10:47Let's go.
01:11:18Oh, this burns.
01:11:21You're the sailor, but I fished the fish.
01:11:23Don't you forget that.
01:11:24Of course.
01:11:25Well, eat.
01:11:31What's going on?
01:11:32Breathe here.
01:11:34Now I understand why you like...
01:11:39I like fish.
01:11:41I like fish.
01:11:42I like fish.
01:11:43I like fish.
01:11:44I like fish.
01:11:45I like fish.
01:11:46Do you like...
01:11:47to sail?
01:11:51I love it.
01:12:00First I tried...
01:12:02to understand it to...
01:12:05be able to control it.
01:12:07Then I resisted.
01:12:09But I couldn't.
01:12:11So I surrendered completely.
01:12:17What countries have you visited...
01:12:19for your book?
01:12:27It's translated into many languages.
01:12:29It's one of the best-selling.
01:12:31I'm sure you've been invited.
01:12:32Well, yes.
01:12:34Are you afraid?
01:12:36No, because...
01:12:38you promised that we would travel together all over the world.
01:12:43The book is about the two of us.
01:12:46I was hoping you'd come back.
01:12:51But I want to travel.
01:12:53Of course I will.
01:12:58Of course I will.
01:13:02I'll make a trip all over the world.
01:13:11All this year I never stopped thinking about you.
01:13:16Can you take me to Earth, please?
01:13:27Very good.
01:13:47I've missed this.
01:13:49Me too.
01:14:16Well, I didn't go abroad.
01:14:20I did go to many fairs in Turkey to promote the book.
01:14:24I went to Kayseri.
01:14:26I was recommended to try some pumpkin rolls.
01:14:28Apparently delicious.
01:14:31In a typical place.
01:14:34And when I got there, there were no more.
01:14:39What did you do?
01:14:40I went crazy.
01:14:42How is it possible that a typical place doesn't have rolls?
01:14:46Well, they were kind enough to bring me the rolls from another restaurant.
01:14:50I'd like to go back.
01:15:09Before I go, I'd like to tell you something.
01:15:12Sanem, I...
01:15:13Please let me finish.
01:15:23I want you to forgive me.
01:15:31this boat trip was short...
01:15:36it helped me to understand how much you love your freedom.
01:15:39Thank you.
01:15:45I knew about your life...
01:15:48before I met you.
01:15:51A bedridden traveler.
01:15:53A photographer.
01:15:55An adventurer.
01:15:57A loner.
01:15:59A free man.
01:16:06And I fell in love with that man.
01:16:09But I tried to change you.
01:16:17I was afraid you'd leave.
01:16:21I was afraid of that.
01:16:28But now I understand that it was for the best.
01:16:31You left because you had to.
01:16:35And you'll leave again because you have to.
01:16:38Because that's how you are.
01:16:43Forgive me.
01:16:46I'm sorry. I'm sorry I tried to change you.
01:17:03Getting involved in a place has always been very difficult for me.
01:17:08I've never been in the same place for a long time.
01:17:12My mother, my father, Emre, the schools...
01:17:16I never had a place or established friendships.
01:17:21I dedicated myself to escaping my problems.
01:17:22It was the only thing I knew how to do.
01:17:26I trusted you.
01:17:28Only you, Sanem.
01:17:32I fell in love with your innocence.
01:17:37I admired your confidence.
01:17:40Your faith in people.
01:17:41Your passion for life.
01:17:44But I tried to make you be like me.
01:17:49I wanted you to be distrustful like me.
01:17:53I'm sorry, Sanem.
01:17:56Forgive me for trying to change you.
01:18:01We're very different.
01:18:03Maybe that's why our relationship didn't work out.
01:18:19And I wanted to tell you that I...
01:18:23I didn't burn your notebook.
01:18:24I knew it wasn't you.
01:18:27Since when?
01:18:29I found out when you came in.
01:18:30I had been suspecting for a long time,
01:18:32but at that moment it was clear to me that you weren't the one who burned it.
01:18:45Can you take me ashore?
01:18:47I'm sure you have a long trip ahead of you.
01:19:00Let's go.
01:19:21Sanem, please.
01:19:22Can you help me take out the defenses?
01:19:24What are the defenses?
01:19:25The ones that look like pillows.
01:19:27Yes, let them go, please.
01:19:28Should I let them go?
01:19:31Very good.
01:19:32This one too, right?
01:19:33Yes, yes.
01:19:36I already threw the defenses overboard.
01:19:39Did you see that, Jan?
01:20:00Hello, Galvez.
01:20:01How are you, Jan?
01:20:02How are you?
01:20:05Sanem, this is Mr. Galvez.
01:20:06Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you.
01:20:09If you have time, we could talk for a while.
01:20:11I don't have time, I'm sorry.
01:20:14I'll ask you again.
01:20:15Are you sure?
01:20:17Yes, everything I know about the sea, you taught me.
01:20:19I know you left the boat in good hands.
01:20:23Hey, if you say you're sure, I'm going to have to believe you.
01:20:26Here you go.
01:20:27The check is in the envelope.
01:20:28Take it.
01:20:29I didn't expect it now.
01:20:31Metin will call you for the legal issue.
01:20:33You already know him, my friend, the lawyer.
01:20:34That's right.
01:20:35Are you still seeing Metin?
01:20:36He was the first on my list of apologies.
01:20:39We have to go.
01:20:40May the wind take you to a good port.
01:20:42See you later.
01:20:43Thank you very much.
01:20:46Nice to meet you.
01:20:48Thank you.
01:20:58Jan, what's going on?
01:20:59What did you do?
01:21:01I sold the boat.
01:21:03And that...
01:21:04But you weren't leaving?
01:21:05Is that why you came here?
01:21:08Let's see...
01:21:10So, you didn't want to kidnap me?
01:21:18Why don't you leave?
01:21:19Why are you staying?
01:21:27Because of my father.
01:21:28Because of my father, Sanem.
01:21:33Very good.
01:21:41Do you have the phone card?
01:21:45I told them that a madman threw the phone into the sea.
01:21:47They felt pity and didn't ask me anything else.
01:21:51Oh, I'm glad.
01:21:53Here, a new one.
01:21:54Yours is white and mine is black.
01:21:58If you want it.
01:22:00Of course I want it.
01:22:01It's better if we go.
01:22:02Oh, yes.
01:22:04Don't tell me why mine is white and yours is black.
01:22:06It's just that...
01:22:07I don't want to know.
01:22:08Your phone was very pink.
01:22:11What happened here?
01:22:13We saw a... bird.
01:22:17Why is everything so messy?
01:22:21What happened? Why are you dressed like this?
01:22:24Please, sit down.
01:22:25I'll explain it to you.
01:22:27But why is everything so dirty?
01:22:36So it seems that you have decided to go to trial.
01:22:39The threat is still there.
01:22:40Who is suing you?
01:22:41Yamala, guys.
01:22:42They sell products that they buy at a low price here.
01:22:45In their chain of stores in the city,
01:22:47they can make the creams as if they were theirs.
01:22:49I'm very sorry.
01:22:50They are trying to steal the brand from us.
01:22:53And besides, it's late.
01:22:54If we had the patent form,
01:22:56it would be much easier to go to trial against them.
01:22:59It's not too late yet.
01:23:02Part of my soul is in those creams.
01:23:04No one will take them from me.
01:23:11Deep down, it's all your fault.
01:23:13Twenty jars of cream.
01:23:15How could you be so irresponsible?
01:23:18Don't say it. No.
01:23:25Can you believe what they do?
01:23:30They can't take the creams from me, can they?
01:23:34No one is going to take them from you.
01:23:36They don't seem like good people.
01:23:38No one will hurt you,
01:23:39nor will they take what you do from you,
01:23:41because I won't allow it.
01:23:42But now I can't go to trial.
01:23:44I'm sorry.
01:23:45I'm sorry.
01:23:46I'm sorry.
01:23:47I'm sorry.
01:23:48I'm sorry.
01:23:49I'm sorry.
01:23:50I'm sorry.
01:23:51I'm sorry.
01:23:52I'm sorry.
01:23:53But now I can't do my creams.
01:23:59Do you trust me, Sanem?
01:24:08Stay here.
01:24:10And do whatever you want.
01:24:11Keep your creams.
01:24:13Let me take care of the rest.
01:24:15Very well.
01:24:18See you later.
01:24:20See you later.
01:24:23See you later.
01:24:37Sanem, can you help me with the cookies, please?
01:24:39I'm coming.
01:24:40Come on.
01:24:44Why are they making colorful cookies?
01:24:46What are we celebrating?
01:24:48I don't know.
01:24:49It was Sanem's idea.
01:24:51she says she's very happy today.
01:24:55Help me decorate the cookies and bring some to Emre.
01:25:01I'd like to bring some to Musa.
01:25:03Well, to Yeye, to Bulut, and everyone else.
01:25:05Good thing there's a lot, right?
01:25:07I made a heart.
01:25:10I'll try.
01:25:11But it's blue.
01:25:12So what?
01:25:13Did you kidnap Sanem again on the boat?
01:25:15I didn't kidnap her.
01:25:16You kidnapped her on the boat?
01:25:19I wanted to be alone with her.
01:25:21He didn't want to be alone with me.
01:25:23It was spontaneous.
01:25:24Was he okay?
01:25:25He was very well.
01:25:27He's very fragile.
01:25:28He didn't know the damage I did to him.
01:25:30I thought I had forgotten.
01:25:32He's so strong.
01:25:33I never thought I could break his heart like that.
01:25:36I thought I had forgotten.
01:25:38We won't be together again.
01:25:40Love didn't do me any good.
01:25:41But at least...
01:25:42At least we can look each other in the face.
01:25:44He knows I didn't burn the notebook.
01:25:46He has no proof.
01:25:47He trusts my word and that's enough.
01:25:49He told me there was not a single day he didn't think of me.
01:25:53And that's enough for me.
01:25:55Although it's late for us.
01:25:57It's late for us.
01:25:59I wish we could start from scratch.
01:26:01I wish.
01:26:06The truth is that making cookies is a task that is very relaxing.
01:26:12I'm going deep.
01:26:17Now they were two souls merged into one body.
01:26:20And a soul in two bodies.
01:26:23From now on, they would never separate again.
01:26:28No obstacle, no circumstance.
01:26:31Nothing could get in their way.
01:26:34The two souls were wrapped in invisible silk ropes.
01:26:38They joined with the robust force of iron chains.
01:26:41Time and space disappear.
01:26:44When the birds overcome the test of loyalty.
01:26:49There is only here and now.
01:26:51The moment when they were united forever.
01:27:14This doesn't replace your boat, but maybe it will comfort you.
01:27:44The story of a man and a woman
01:27:47A story of love
01:27:49A story of love
01:27:51A story of love
01:27:53A story of love
01:27:55A story of love
01:27:57A story of love
01:28:05Good morning.
01:28:06Good morning.
01:28:07Sorry, I came fast and I didn't see you.
01:28:10I ran out and I ran into you by accident.
01:28:13I water the trees.
01:28:15I see.
01:28:21Maybe you water them too much.
01:28:24Forgive me, I left it here.
01:28:26Everyone insists on video calls.
01:28:28What do you want, Musa?
01:28:29Sanem, we are in a slightly delicate situation.
01:28:31We are on the beach talking to the lady who has truck names.
01:28:34A researcher appears.
01:28:35Please help us.
01:28:38Hang up the phone and come here.
01:28:40It seems they have problems.
01:28:43If you want, I'll go with you.
01:28:46Where are they?
01:28:47Follow me.
01:28:51We will promise that we will always be together.
01:28:53Let's make a vow.
01:28:54Come here.
01:28:56In the end, we ended up making a vow.
01:29:00What happened here?
01:29:01We have to put our hands together.
01:29:03You too.
01:29:04Sit down.
01:29:06I'm going, my life.
01:29:07I'm going.
01:29:08Well, I'm here.
01:29:09A vow of loyalty.
01:29:12I will say it out loud and you will repeat it in silence.
01:29:18I swear I will be loyal.
01:29:21To love.
01:29:25To friendship.
01:29:27To nature.
01:29:28And to my friends.
01:29:30I swear.
01:29:31I swear.
01:29:32I swear.
01:29:33I swear one for all and all for one and also all for me.
01:29:37I screamed a little for the emotion.
01:29:39Very good.
01:29:41Long live friendship, love, loyalty and all that.
01:29:43But we have work to do, Yeye.
01:29:45Hurry up.
01:29:47Don't let me manipulate you.
01:29:51Are you okay?
01:29:55Redhead, don't pressure me.
01:29:57Are you okay?
01:30:00Don't talk.
01:30:01Yeye is...
01:30:02I'll explain the situation because you look a little tense.
01:30:06That's right.
01:30:07A client has asked us to prepare samples of Sanem's creams for him to take abroad.
01:30:13But as we ended up in what you already know, the order is still pending.
01:30:18I gave everything we had to Mr. Murat to have them.
01:30:21But today he told me he needs 15 more jars.
01:30:25And we have to prepare them for today.
01:30:28So today we will all help Sanem.
01:30:32Muzafer is with Yeye, so he won't be able to help us.
01:30:35Sanem, we'll start when you tell us.
01:30:39Hey guys.
01:30:40I'm convinced we're going to make it.
01:30:42I have no doubt.
01:30:44Well, let's get the oils first.
01:31:32Let's go.
01:32:16Things don't work that way.
01:32:18They're going abroad without a registered brand.
01:32:20They're just samples.
01:32:22The name is the least of it.
01:32:23I have to give this.
01:32:24See you later.
01:32:27We need to create a brand.
01:32:29Think of a name so we can work on the logos.
01:32:32We're creatives that have an agency.
01:32:34It's embarrassing that our creams don't have a name yet.
01:32:37We'll figure it out.
01:32:38Hello everyone.
01:32:40You never rest.
01:32:41Do you want some watermelon?
01:32:44I have this for you, my love.
01:32:45I like watermelon.
01:32:46Come get some watermelon.
01:32:48Yes, we're coming.
01:32:50You're fantastic, my love.
01:32:52Let's see what you think.
01:32:54Does it look good? I'm going to try it.
01:33:00It's incredible.
01:33:01Isn't it fresh?
01:33:02It's better than the last ones.
01:33:05It has nothing to do with the watermelons they sell in the city.
01:33:08It's organic.
01:33:09Of course.
01:33:11Wow, everyone's here.
01:33:13Good morning.
01:33:14What do you want?
01:33:15What's going on?
01:33:16Why are you carrying sticks?
01:33:18They went to disturb Yamal.
01:33:20And she doesn't like to be disturbed.
01:33:22I'm going to tell her.
01:33:23I'm going to tell her.
01:33:24I'm going to tell her.
01:33:25I'm going to tell her.
01:33:26I'm going to tell her.
01:33:27They went to disturb Yamal.
01:33:28And she doesn't like to be disturbed.
01:33:30If they withdraw the complaint they filed, everything will be solved.
01:33:34They still don't know who they're facing.
01:33:37We'll report them too.
01:33:38I'm recording all their threats to take them to the police.
01:33:43It's my phone!
01:33:44What are you doing?
01:33:46Who do you think you are?
01:33:48Tell Yamal we're not afraid of him.
01:33:50I'm warning you!
01:33:53Calm down, my friend.
01:33:54Let go of him!
01:33:55Let go of the stick!
01:33:56Let go of him!
01:34:00Now tell me.
01:34:02Is there a problem?
01:34:03We have a message from Yamal.
01:34:06What a coincidence.
01:34:07Because I sent a message through my lawyer.
01:34:09You'd better get out of here if you don't want to end up badly.
01:34:12Are you going to beat us up?
01:34:15But if you attack me, your friend's arm will break.
01:34:17Aren't you going to hit them?
01:34:20Do you want to?
01:34:22Hit him, hit him, hit him!
01:34:23What are you saying?
01:34:25Janelle, I'm not so aggressive anymore.
01:34:26Wouldn't you rather be calmer?
01:34:28You were too aggressive.
01:34:29But we could find a middle ground.
01:34:31I'm just saying.
01:34:33Did I convince you?
01:34:39Oh, I wouldn't have said anything.
01:34:44Well, that's enough.
01:34:50There are some documents in that backpack.
01:34:52Can you go through?
01:35:00Hurry up.
01:35:07Can you read?
01:35:08What's written here?
01:35:10It's a document that says Sanem is legally the owner of the creams.
01:35:14If your boss can't read, tell him to come see me.
01:35:19Well, that's enough.
01:35:20Let's go.
01:35:22Let's get out of here!
01:35:25Don't leave your friend behind.
01:35:27Come on, get up.
01:35:28Let's go.
01:35:30How rude.
01:35:31Oh, it can't be.
01:35:32If you want more, just let me know.
01:35:35They're gone.
01:35:41Jan, thank you very much for everything.
01:35:43Well, I mean, I mean the document, not the fight.
01:35:46How did you get it?
01:35:48I'm talking about the document.
01:35:52I talked to Metin yesterday.
01:35:53Patents take their time, but he got a provisional document signed by a notary.
01:35:59I don't want them to go through the same thing again.
01:36:01My dear son.
01:36:03Thank you very much.
01:36:04You're welcome.
01:36:08I'm going to keep training.
01:36:10I need it.
01:36:13That was just the warm-up.
01:36:39Yes, Volkan?
01:36:40Hi, Jan.
01:36:41I know who Jiggy met the other day.
01:36:44Umar Damar.
01:36:47Are you sure?
01:36:49When I saw the pictures, I realized it was your mother.
01:36:51And I wanted to let you know right away.
01:36:55Okay, thank you very much.
01:36:56I'm still investigating.
01:36:57If I find out anything else, I'll call you, Jan.
01:36:59Thank you.
01:37:09Where are you?
01:37:12I'm coming, Mom.
01:37:19I'm coming.
01:37:43Are you writing to me again?
01:37:44You scared me.
01:37:45How long have you been here?
01:37:47I just got here.
01:37:48Hey, can we talk for a minute?
01:37:50Of course.
01:37:51Sit down.
01:37:59Sanem, please excuse me, okay?
01:38:02Proposing to you was a complete stupidity.
01:38:07You weren't serious?
01:38:09Of course I was.
01:38:10But then I thought about what you said.
01:38:12When Jan came back, I panicked.
01:38:15And I got obsessed with the idea of protecting you.
01:38:17I didn't want him to hurt you again.
01:38:20Yes, I lost my mind.
01:38:22But you're right.
01:38:23We're good friends.
01:38:24That's all.
01:38:27Yigit, I don't need you to protect me.
01:38:29And less from Jan.
01:38:30I know.
01:38:31You can protect yourself.
01:38:32That's obvious.
01:38:33I know.
01:38:35And last year, you helped me a lot.
01:38:37And I wanted to do the same for you.
01:38:39But it's very clear that it was a mistake.
01:38:41We're good friends.
01:38:43Do you remember that you were the one who helped me get up from the wheelchair?
01:38:46Yigit, it's better that we don't talk about those things.
01:38:52I just wanted you to know how I feel.
01:38:56What are you writing?
01:39:00Well, it's just loose ideas.
01:39:03There's a little bit of everything.
01:39:06I understand.
01:39:08I understand.
01:39:13Yigit, it's better that we stop seeing each other.
01:39:17At least for a season.
01:39:20And let's stop promoting the book.
01:39:23I promise I'll give you a draft of the second one very soon.
01:39:28It's just that I need to be alone for a while.
01:39:34You'll see how you'll feel better.
01:39:38Besides, Jan left.
01:39:40He didn't leave.
01:39:42He didn't leave?
01:39:43What do you mean he didn't?
01:39:44And where is he?
01:39:45He went to see his mother.
01:39:47He wants to get the people he hurt so much back.
01:39:52Uma has been very worried about him.
01:39:56How do you know?
01:39:59How do you know?
01:40:02Do you see Mrs. Uma?
01:40:05No, but she called me several times.
01:40:07We talked on the phone.
01:40:09Why didn't you tell me?
01:40:12You already had a lot of problems.
01:40:14I didn't want to bother you with mine.
01:40:16Do you understand?
01:40:19Well, I won't keep you any longer.
01:40:22I'll let you work.
01:40:23Have a good day.
01:40:25See you later.
01:41:01Hi, Jan.
01:41:03Is something wrong?
01:41:04Jiggy came, but he left.
01:41:07He came to apologize for asking me to marry him.
01:41:13And I told him I didn't care.
01:41:17You don't have to give me explanations.
01:41:19Of course I don't have to give you explanations.
01:41:24I just want to make things clear.
01:41:27I thought you were going that way.
01:41:30That way.
01:41:31I'm going this way.