• last year


00:00:00Now we will have a 2 hour special!
00:00:07Tonight we will have a 2 hour special to learn the most amazing history of Japan!
00:00:16We love Japan!
00:00:18I love Japan!
00:00:20Now, there are 3 million tourists who come to Japan a month.
00:00:27In search of the culture of Japan and the beautiful scenery that spreads there,
00:00:31he has been to various historical sites all over the country.
00:00:36Among them, he is very popular.
00:00:38He came from Himeji Castle, the first World Heritage Site in Japan.
00:00:42A mysterious camera has infiltrated the unopened area that he can never enter normally.
00:00:48I've been there a few times, but I've never heard of an unopened area.
00:00:53It's a mystery!
00:00:55In addition, we will give you a quiz that you can learn from Gunkanjima, a World Heritage Site floating in the sea.
00:01:03First, we will give you a quiz from Japan's Great Historical Sites Ranking, which was impressed by foreigners.
00:01:10Let's start with the 20th place.
00:01:14It was a very high and beautiful Great Historical Site.
00:01:18I thought it was a must-see place when I came to Japan because I could get there in about an hour from Tokyo.
00:01:25Kamakura Great Historical Site of Kamakura City, Kamakura Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, a popular historical site for foreigners.
00:01:33Its official name is Dozo Amidanurai Zazo.
00:01:37It is about 11 meters high and weighs about 120 tons.
00:01:42It was built with the wish for peace between the Kamakura government and the people.
00:01:48Here's the question.
00:01:50Do you know that there was a big difference between the appearance of this Great Historical Site at the beginning of its completion and now?
00:01:59Which one is the difference?
00:02:02A. It was open.
00:02:05B. It was covered with gold leaf.
00:02:09It wasn't even born.
00:02:18Why did you think it was gold leaf?
00:02:20If it was open, I thought it would catch a cold and hurt.
00:02:28It's correct, but it's incorrect.
00:02:32The Great Historical Site of Japan that impressed foreigners.
00:02:36Next, the 19th place.
00:02:40Arakura Fuji Sengen Shrine in Yamanashi Prefecture.
00:02:45It was chosen on the cover of Michelin Green Guide Japan, a guidebook for foreigners.
00:02:51It is said that many foreigners come here because they feel like they are Japanese.
00:02:57Let's move on.
00:02:58Next, the 18th place.
00:03:02The scenery from the top of the mountain was very wonderful.
00:03:07I felt that the temple standing in nature was the scenery of ancient Japan.
00:03:14Yamadera, a famous temple standing deep in the mountains of Yamagata Prefecture.
00:03:19It has a history of about 1,200 years.
00:03:22It is said that many foreigners come here to see the scenery from the temple.
00:03:30In fact, this Yamadera is a famous place for the author Matsuo Basho to read a book.
00:03:40Here is the question.
00:03:43This book is in the textbook of the 3rd grade of elementary school.
00:03:47What is the meaning of the words?
00:03:53Please put the words in the question mark and complete the sentence.
00:03:58The answer is Kyoko Saito, who just graduated from Hinatazaka 46 in July.
00:04:06The voice of a cicada.
00:04:14It is said that Matsuo Basho read this book when he admired Yamadera in 1689.
00:04:23It is said that Kuhi is mixed on the way to the summit.
00:04:28Next, the 17th place.
00:04:31It was a very beautiful place.
00:04:35The greenery was all over the place.
00:04:38It was a beautiful and spiritual place surrounded by nature.
00:04:43The history of nature in Wakayama Prefecture.
00:04:51It is about 1,000 km long.
00:04:53On the Sankei-michi of Kumano Shinko,
00:04:55humans from all over the world aim for the Three Great Mountains of Kumano.
00:05:01The balance of nature and history is evaluated.
00:05:05It was registered as a World Heritage Site in 2004, 20 years ago.
00:05:10Here is the question.
00:05:13Among the six Sankei-michi,
00:05:15the route from Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture,
00:05:18to the Three Great Mountains of Kumano, which is popular for beginners,
00:05:22is the Nakahechi Route.
00:05:24Something is also registered as a World Heritage Site in this Nakahechi.
00:05:31Which route is included in the World Heritage Site?
00:05:37A. The shopping district.
00:05:39B. The river.
00:05:43I'm counting on you.
00:05:45I have no idea. I've never heard of it.
00:05:55It's minus 10 points.
00:05:59A. The river.
00:06:01The river on the Kumano River is registered as the Sankei-michi of Kumano.
00:06:07It was used by the nobles to head to the Hayatama Taisha in Kumano 1,200 years ago.
00:06:14It's a new season regular, Nishikigoi.
00:06:20I'm fine.
00:06:23Nishikigoi is a new season regular.
00:06:26Will it be successful?
00:06:29Let's move on to the 16th place.
00:06:33I was impressed by the castle, of course, but I was also impressed by the stone wall.
00:06:38It's been a long time since the castle was built,
00:06:42but I wonder how they carried that big stone.
00:06:47In 1585, Toyotomi Hideyoshi built Osaka Castle on the land of Osaka as the base of unification of the country.
00:06:56One of the features of the castle is its magnificent stone wall, which is about 12 kilometers long.
00:07:06Not only the length, but also the size of each stone is outstanding.
00:07:11The 108-ton octopus stone is worth seeing.
00:07:16When the castle was built, huge stones were carried from the temples all over Japan one after another to make the stone wall,
00:07:25but there was a problem.
00:07:28It is said that a certain food was put under the stone to make it easier to carry when carrying huge stones.
00:07:36What is that food?
00:07:44I got it!
00:07:48That's wrong.
00:07:51Minus 10 points.
00:07:54If it was Watanabe, the correct answer would be kelp.
00:07:57Kelp was correct.
00:08:00Kelp was put under the stone to make it easier to carry.
00:08:06This season's regular guests are Totsugi, Katsujiryo, and many others.
00:08:12Nishikigoi, you don't seem to have any expectations.
00:08:15I'm the most stupid.
00:08:17Don't say that!
00:08:20You may be the most stupid, but you have a good sense of humor.
00:08:25I can't find the right words.
00:08:29You should have at least one more word.
00:08:33The 15th place is Gunkanjima in Nagasaki Prefecture.
00:08:39Gunkanjima is now very popular with foreigners.
00:08:42After this, we will have a quiz.
00:08:47The 14th place is a place where foreigners are impressed.
00:08:55It was a very beautiful place.
00:08:58There are many other places in Tokyo,
00:09:01but Gunkanjima is a place where a lot of people live, so it feels special.
00:09:06The famous Edo Castle, also known as the symbol of the power of Tokugawa.
00:09:11It was a huge castle built by the owner of the 55th floor and the 1st floor of the basement.
00:09:20In the back of the castle, there is a place that was built during the reign of the three great generals.
00:09:27There were about 6,000 rooms in the Edo Castle.
00:09:34It is said that there were about 200 rooms in total.
00:09:39The general's main wife, Midaidokoro,
00:09:43the wife of the general's second wife, Sokushitsu,
00:09:46and the maid who took care of them all lived there.
00:09:52There is a problem.
00:09:54In many cases, there were more than 1,000 people.
00:09:57There were more than 20 rooms for the maids.
00:10:00Which of the rooms did they actually have?
00:10:06A. General's care in the form of a monk.
00:10:10B. Examine the interior in the form of a samurai.
00:10:15The answer is the time machine No. 3, which appeared for the first time tonight.
00:10:20There seems to be a hint.
00:10:24I don't remember at all.
00:10:27I don't remember.
00:10:29Come on.
00:10:31That's right.
00:10:35The title of the role was Otogi Boss.
00:10:38It means that he did the general's chores.
00:10:41There was also a role to prevent the general from welcoming him.
00:10:44Tonight, the results of the lottery.
00:10:47These pairs.
00:10:49Yanagihara, who was treated as a guest in the first season, is back on the regular.
00:10:53Will it be a typhoon?
00:10:56Next, the 13th story.
00:10:59The city of Kyoto has a history of more than 1,300 years.
00:11:03There are about 30,000 Inari shrines all over the country.
00:11:08Fushimi Inari Taisha.
00:11:11There are more than 10,000 trees in a vast area of about 260,000 pots.
00:11:17It continues to fascinate foreigners.
00:11:21Next, the 12th story.
00:11:25It's a very beautiful castle with a feeling that it's made with great care.
00:11:32I'm very interested in what kind of life they had in the room inside.
00:11:38The 12th story.
00:11:40One of the twelve angels of Gensokyo.
00:11:42Matsumoto Castle in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture.
00:11:46It is a spectacular sight to see 56 angels standing in the background of the mountains of Kita Alps.
00:11:54In addition, the castle is a national treasure that has a history of about 430 years.
00:12:00It is a famous castle that should be left in the future.
00:12:03That's the problem.
00:12:05This Yagura in Matsumoto Castle.
00:12:08In the first place, it was built as a place to entertain the shogun.
00:12:12It is called Yagura because it was able to enjoy something.
00:12:19What is the name of this Yagura?
00:12:25Now, do you know what you can see from the window?
00:12:29And tonight, the first world heritage in Japan, Himeji Castle.
00:12:34I've never heard of an unopened area.
00:12:37Ujihara doesn't know about it, so he sneaks into an unopened area.
00:12:40He reveals the secret of the castle that will move the world.
00:12:57Now, what is the name of this Yagura?
00:13:08Hanabi Yagura.
00:13:12Unfortunately, it's Tsukimi Yagura.
00:13:15It is said that only Matsumoto Castle is the only castle in which the lord and Tsukimi Yagura are united.
00:13:26Let's move on to the 11th place.
00:13:31It was like a Japanese garden.
00:13:34It was a very spacious, calm, and relaxing place.
00:13:39This year is the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Yagura, and a vast Japanese garden ranks first.
00:13:46The 11th place is Kenrokuen in Kanazawa City, Kanazawa Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture.
00:13:54In a garden of about 30,000 pots, there is a beautiful Japanese garden that is popular with foreigners such as Kasumigaike and Kotoji Toro.
00:14:05That's the problem.
00:14:08In Kenrokuen, there is something that has become a standard now.
00:14:14It is said to be the oldest thing in Japan.
00:14:20Now, what is that thing?
00:14:27Something related to water?
00:14:29What? Something related to water?
00:14:34Kakoi? Kakoi?
00:14:36Unfortunately, it's wrong.
00:14:38It's minus 10 points.
00:14:41It's a fountain.
00:14:44It was built by Itaya Heishiro in 1861.
00:14:50It is said that water is blown out from a pond in a higher position than a fountain.
00:14:57Next, we will go to Gunkan Island, a world heritage site that ranks 15th in the history of Japan.
00:15:05It is an island that flourished as a coal mine.
00:15:08I think it is a very interesting island even among Japan, where there are many islands.
00:15:13Gunkan Island is located in the southwestern part of Nagasaki Prefecture.
00:15:19It is an island of coal that supported the high-grade growth period as the largest coal mining site in Japan.
00:15:28It is said that 5,300 people lived on the island, which is 1.3 times the size of the Tokyo Dome and is only 1.2 km in circumference.
00:15:38It is said to be the world's largest population density.
00:15:42This time, a mysterious camera has infiltrated Gunkan Island.
00:15:47It is a surprising secret that even Japanese people do not know.
00:15:52The history of Gunkan Island dates back to the end of the Edo period, about 200 years ago.
00:15:58It starts with the discovery of coal by fishermen.
00:16:02After that, they entered Meiji and discovered that high-quality coal could be mined in the underground of Gansho.
00:16:10The area around Gansho was filled one after another and expanded by 7 degrees.
00:16:15It has become the current size.
00:16:18It is said that the appearance of Gunkan Island was similar to Tosa, a military ship in the Taisho era.
00:16:28And in 2015, Gunkan Island was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site as an industrial revolutionary heritage of Meiji Japan.
00:16:38There are two places that have proven its value to the world.
00:16:43The first is the underground of the island.
00:16:48Mr. Kinoshita, who spent 12 years in Gunkan Island, guided me.
00:16:53The back of this depression is the entrance to the mine towards Gansho.
00:17:03The first place is, of course, the mining site in the underground of the island.
00:17:08From the entrance of this ground, the deepest part extends to 1000 meters underground.
00:17:15At that time, the miners took the elevator and went down about 600 meters, which is almost the same as the Skytree, in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
00:17:27Whether to walk from there or use a truck, they were heading to the mining site.
00:17:33It is said to be the largest mine in Japan, and about 410,000 tons of coal were mined here every year in the last century.
00:17:42The fact that the coal supported the development of Japan was evaluated as a World Heritage Site.
00:17:50Furthermore, the second place that has been evaluated by the world is by the sea.
00:17:56So the question is, which one is it?
00:18:01A. Japan's first movable pier.
00:18:05B. Stone walls made with traditional techniques.
00:18:09Isn't a movable pier a little sloppy?
00:18:13That's right.
00:18:15Is it a stone wall made with traditional techniques?
00:18:18I'd like to bring it here with traditional techniques.
00:18:21Oh, I see.
00:18:23Do you mean to show it off?
00:18:25I think there's something like that.
00:18:27Yuuchami is surprisingly serious.
00:18:29That's right.
00:18:30He's a serious boy.
00:18:32Let's say it together.
00:18:35There is no choice.
00:18:38Taka, it's not that funny.
00:18:42Which one is it?
00:18:44It's A.
00:18:46Which place is registered as a World Heritage Site in Gunkanjima?
00:18:50On the left side of your screen,
00:18:52this pentagon represents the value of the World Heritage Site.
00:18:59The correct answer is B. Stone walls.
00:19:02Stone walls, which are as good as the waves, are still left.
00:19:07This stone wall is made with the traditional Japanese technique called Amakawa,
00:19:11which is a strong adhesive that is strong against water mixed with red soil and limestone.
00:19:21In other words, it is a stone wall with high water resistance.
00:19:24It is said to have protected the world heritage site by repelling the waves.
00:19:32The secret of World Heritage Gunkanjima.
00:19:35Next is the latest technology that supported the industrial revolution in Japan.
00:19:41They were mining a lot of coal on that small island.
00:19:46I wonder what kind of technology was used.
00:19:50That technology is very interesting.
00:19:54Gunkanjima was a coal mining site dedicated to Japan from Meiji to Showa.
00:20:01About 700 miners worked in the coal mine every day for 24 hours.
00:20:11The maximum output in a month was as much as 35,000 tons.
00:20:18Moreover, the coal mined on Gunkanjima is called historic coal.
00:20:23It has a very high heat generation rate and is the best quality in Japan.
00:20:30You can see pillars of about 6 meters high on the site of the coal mining site of Gunkanjima.
00:20:40This was a must-have in the mining site.
00:20:44Now, which role does this pillar play?
00:20:49A. Belt conveyor that carries coal.
00:20:53B. Moving pedestrian bridge that carries coal.
00:20:58This is difficult.
00:21:00This is a belt conveyor that carries coal.
00:21:03I see.
00:21:04I can't think of a moving pedestrian bridge.
00:21:09If possible, I would like to get some evidence.
00:21:13Is there a moving pedestrian bridge in this era?
00:21:17The moving pedestrian bridge itself is a new form.
00:21:19That's right.
00:21:21If it's a moving pedestrian bridge, I can't stay silent.
00:21:25I'll just run.
00:21:27I don't think it's a good idea to talk about a moving pedestrian bridge.
00:21:31Which one is better?
00:21:32Let's say it together.
00:21:35I don't like it.
00:21:36I'm over 50 years old.
00:21:37Why am I so angry?
00:21:40What was the 6-meter-high pillar used for?
00:21:45A. Belt conveyor that carries coal.
00:21:48The answer is A.
00:21:50This is the 6-meter-high pillar used for the 6-meter-high pillar at the seaside.
00:21:56The coal was separated and placed in this belt conveyor.
00:22:00Then, it was loaded onto the ship.
00:22:03This is the remains of the belt conveyor.
00:22:06So, the answer is A.
00:22:09A. Belt conveyor that carries coal.
00:22:12Hundreds of tons of coal are mined every day.
00:22:16After being carried to the ground,
00:22:18the coal must be loaded onto the ship.
00:22:22So, the coal that went up to the ground was loaded onto the belt conveyor and loaded onto the ship.
00:22:29Because of this, a large amount of coal was produced.
00:22:35Even now, there are still eight remains of the belt conveyor,
00:22:38so you can buy the remains of the belt conveyor.
00:22:41You are correct, but you were beaten.
00:22:44I was stupid because of him.
00:22:48Were you smart before you teamed up with Watanabe?
00:22:50I was smart.
00:22:53You are stupid.
00:22:55You are stupid.
00:22:57You are stupid.
00:23:00The secret of the world heritage, Bunkanjima, is the following.
00:23:04The secret of the world heritage, Bunkanjima, is the following.
00:23:10Bunkanjima is a small island with an area of about 1.2 km.
00:23:16However, in the late 19th century, about 5,300 people lived there.
00:23:23The population density is about 17.5 times that of the Tokyo metropolitan area.
00:23:29It is said to be the world's largest population density.
00:23:33In such a small island, a high-rise apartment was introduced for many people to live.
00:23:40Iron and metal concrete apartments were built one after another, which were not available in Japan at the time.
00:23:48There were 71 apartments in total.
00:23:52Among them, on the 65th floor, 317 generations of 1,500 people lived in a 9-story apartment.
00:24:01I live on the 3rd floor of this apartment.
00:24:09There are four people in the 6th floor.
00:24:13I heard a lot of noise, so I didn't have much privacy.
00:24:19The 7-story apartment on the 35th floor, where Mr. Kinoshita lived, was the first house in Japan to use iron and metal concrete.
00:24:29At that time, the cutting-edge Western technology was imported to Japan, where wooden architecture was the mainstream.
00:24:37But there was a problem with the architecture of Gunkan Island.
00:24:41Of the 71 buildings, only the first building was a special facility.
00:24:50Which facility was it?
00:24:52A. Shrine
00:24:54B. Town Yakuba
00:24:57Have you ever seen it?
00:24:58I like Gunkan Island, so I've been there.
00:25:05I feel like I've seen a shrine.
00:25:08It's a dangerous place, and there are many shrines in the old days.
00:25:12Can I go there?
00:25:14Let's go!
00:25:15Ready, set, go!
00:25:17Which facility was the first building in Gunkan Island?
00:25:23We were worshipping at that shrine.
00:25:27The correct answer is...
00:25:29A. Shrine
00:25:31Hashima Shrine, the first building, was built on the highest rock on the island.
00:25:38The coal mine where the miners work is a place where the explosion of 100,000 gas is always dangerous and you never know when it will happen.
00:25:48This Hashima Shrine was built on the first building, and it was a place where the miners' hearts were at ease.
00:26:00In the early days of Showa 11, a festival was held by the local people in the summer.
00:26:08The ruins were almost destroyed by a typhoon, but the Torii and the shrine are still there.
00:26:18The secret of the world heritage Gunkan Island is...
00:26:22The most advanced life on Gunkan Island
00:26:26I know it was a mining island, but how did they live on such a small island?
00:26:34The miners who lived on Gunkan Island actually made a lot of money because of their hard work.
00:26:42It is said that the current value is about 600,000 yen a month.
00:26:48Therefore, living in a high-rise apartment is the most advanced.
00:26:52The return rate of television, which was said to be one of the three kinds of human rights at the time, was 10% nationwide, but almost 100% on Gunkan Island.
00:27:03As proof of this, there is a TV antenna on the roof of the high-rise apartment, which is unique to Gunkan Island.
00:27:13In addition to entertainment, there are also pachinko halls, jansou, and snacks.
00:27:21The children had a pool and a park, and the entertainment facilities were plentiful.
00:27:27Among them, movies were very popular from adults to children.
00:27:33They showed more than 30 movies a month, and they were very popular every day.
00:27:40My father was a movie theater actor.
00:27:44Whenever a new film was released, he tried to upload it no matter how rough the sea was.
00:27:53And this is a hospital.
00:27:55It is a comprehensive hospital with not only an interior, but also a second and third floor.
00:28:01In addition, there are schools, supermarkets, and barber shops, and an environment that is not free to live in is being maintained.
00:28:10Here's the problem.
00:28:12In fact, in the family of Gunkan Island, there was only one thing that was indispensable to living.
00:28:19Now, which one is it?
00:28:21A. Bath.
00:28:23B. Kitchen.
00:28:26If there was no kitchen, we couldn't eat.
00:28:29How about a bath?
00:28:31If you go to a bathhouse, you can do something about it.
00:28:34I want to eat.
00:28:36Then it's A.
00:28:38There were a lot of baths, right?
00:28:43What was not in the family of Gunkan Island, which lives in the most advanced way?
00:28:49There are no baths in each family.
00:28:52So the correct answer is A. Bath.
00:28:56On Gunkan Island, which is an island, it was difficult to secure water and could not install a bath at home.
00:29:03Of the 1,600 generations, there were very few families with baths, and the islanders used large baths with three baths.
00:29:13On the island, living water was carried by boat.
00:29:19Later, a water pipe was installed on the seabed to secure drinking water, but the water was still very precious.
00:29:29The secret of the world heritage Gunkan Island is followed by a unique ingenuity unique to Lito Island, which is about 18 km away from the ocean.
00:29:39It's a very interesting island.
00:29:42It's very interesting that nature and the environment are completely different from other islands.
00:29:49The surrounding area of Gunkan Island is deep in the sea, so there are many high waves and few disasters such as typhoons.
00:29:58Therefore, there was a unique ingenuity to protect life on the island.
00:30:04For example, this high-rise apartment building on the seabed, the 31st-floor building, is built with an angle that looks like a K from the sky.
00:30:15This is because it is on the outskirts of the west side where the waves tend to be high, and it plays the role of an extension that protects the island from the high waves.
00:30:26In addition, the biggest countermeasure to create a seawater pipe and flush the overflowing seawater into the sea has been devised.
00:30:35And on the rooftop of the 18th-floor building with good sunlight, there was a farm where vegetables were grown.
00:30:43Not only cucumbers and other vegetables, but also rice was grown.
00:30:50But there is a problem.
00:30:52On Gunkan Island, vegetables were enough to be transported from outside the island, so there was no need to cultivate them.
00:31:02So why was a farm built on the rooftop?
00:31:07A. To prepare for an emergency.
00:31:10B. To teach about plants.
00:31:15Wow, I think both are possible.
00:31:17I agree.
00:31:18What do you think, Saito-san?
00:31:20Well, I think about it a lot for the city.
00:31:25So, A?
00:31:29A. To prepare for an emergency.
00:31:32B. To teach about plants.
00:31:37I think it's a weak goal.
00:31:41So, A!
00:31:44Why was a farm built on Gunkan Island?
00:31:49The children who were born on this island did not have any live trees or insects, so they could not touch them.
00:31:59So, a farm was built for the education of children.
00:32:05So, the correct answer is B. To teach about plants.
00:32:10Many children were born every year at the hospital on Gunkan Island.
00:32:16But if they grow up on an island with no natural soil, they grow up without knowing how to grow vegetables.
00:32:22So, the adults started to cultivate vegetables and rice by building a farm and a rice field on the roof.
00:32:31The children were happy to eat the vegetables they grew on the spot.
00:32:39On this small island, which supported the industrial revolution of Japan, the eyes of the next generation were also firmly nurtured.
00:32:47Next, let's go to the World Heritage Site.
00:32:50Good evening. I'm P. Nohukura from Fukui Prefecture.
00:32:52I'm in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture.
00:32:55I'm visiting the first World Heritage Site in Japan, Himeji Castle.
00:32:59It's beautiful.
00:33:01It's very beautiful.
00:33:03It's very big.
00:33:05Not only Japanese people, but also many foreigners are visiting Japan.
00:33:10This is the special guest.
00:33:12Hello. Nice to meet you.
00:33:14I'm Hidaka Ukisho from Fukui Prefecture.
00:33:16Nice to meet you.
00:33:18The guest is a handsome guy with a handsome face.
00:33:22He is one of the quiz team led by Abe-san, the strongest man.
00:33:27Can Hidaka Ukisho, who has not been able to show his power in the past, solve the riddle?
00:33:34I will definitely get it right and come back.
00:33:37Ueda-san, I'll do my best today.
00:33:39I don't think you can.
00:33:42From now on, the world-famous World Heritage Site in Japan, Himeji Castle's secret special.
00:33:50Last year, the number of foreign tourists who visited Himeji Castle exceeded 450,000.
00:33:57From Himeji Castle, a famous castle in Japan, the handsome guy, Hidaka Ukisho, will give a lecture.
00:34:04This time, he got a special permission.
00:34:07There is a mysterious camera in the open area.
00:34:10There is a treasure left in the castle for 400 years.
00:34:13And a mysterious underground passage.
00:34:16Along with the super rare video,
00:34:18Himeji Castle's unknown secret,
00:34:20I will give a lecture on all five quizzes.
00:34:25First, they went to Sannomaru Square in front of the castle.
00:34:31This castle was built in 1609 by Tokugawa Ieyasu.
00:34:37The person who built this castle is Ikeda Terumasa.
00:34:40He is 31.5 meters tall.
00:34:43It's tall.
00:34:45This is the tallest castle in Japan.
00:34:50This is the same as it was at that time.
00:34:52That's right.
00:34:54Many people don't know this.
00:34:56This is the same as it is now.
00:34:58After the battle of Sekigahara,
00:35:00Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered Ikeda Terumasa to build Himeji Castle.
00:35:09It took about 8 years.
00:35:1225 million people were mobilized.
00:35:15A beautiful castle with a height of 31.5 meters was completed.
00:35:21It is said to be the best wooden building.
00:35:24Even after 400 years, the building has been preserved in good condition.
00:35:30It was registered as a World Heritage Site for the first time in Japan in 1993.
00:35:36I think Himeji Castle is a very beautiful castle.
00:35:40The walls and the whole are white.
00:35:42It looks very nice.
00:35:44The characteristic of Himeji Castle is its white appearance.
00:35:47It's white and beautiful.
00:35:49This castle is called Shirasagi Castle because it looks like a beautiful white swan spreading its wings.
00:35:58Do you know why this castle is painted white?
00:36:00Why is it painted white?
00:36:02At that time, black walls were common.
00:36:06However, there were few white walls in Himeji Castle.
00:36:10But it looks like a swan.
00:36:15It looks cool even though there are many black castles.
00:36:19I think it was painted white because it was rare.
00:36:22That's right!
00:36:26Ikeda Terumasa, the lord of Himeji Castle, painted the castle white.
00:36:30This is said to symbolize his own authority in beauty.
00:36:34What do you use to paint it white?
00:36:37This is called shikkui.
00:36:41Shikkui is a pigment that is painted over the seawater.
00:36:50By painting the walls and the roof of Himeji Castle, it became white.
00:36:54It was a symbol of authority and beauty.
00:36:58Here is the question.
00:37:00I'll do my best.
00:37:03The reason why Himeji Castle became a shikkui is not only to symbolize authority.
00:37:09There is also a practical purpose.
00:37:12Which is it?
00:37:14A. Fire prevention
00:37:17B. Room temperature management
00:37:19Room temperature management?
00:37:21Fire prevention?
00:37:23I'll give you a hint.
00:37:25The main ingredient of shikkui is the effect of cutting.
00:37:30The effect of cutting?
00:37:33Why was Himeji Castle painted with shikkui?
00:37:39Please write your answer.
00:37:45The answer is A.
00:37:49Abe-kun, why did you choose A?
00:37:52I think it's close to the role of a fire extinguisher.
00:38:01TOSHIMO, why did you choose A?
00:38:03Fire prevention is important in this era.
00:38:09Why did you choose A?
00:38:12It's not a big deal, is it?
00:38:14Fire prevention is important in this era.
00:38:20YARA YARA, why did you choose B?
00:38:22Shikkui absorbs moisture.
00:38:26It's cool in summer and warm in winter.
00:38:31I see.
00:38:32You two have a thin relationship.
00:38:37The answer is A.
00:38:42Fire prevention is important in this era.
00:38:46In the old days, people didn't care about humidity.
00:38:51Fire prevention is important in this era.
00:38:55I see.
00:38:56The answer is...
00:39:01A is correct.
00:39:04The main ingredient of shikkui is cutting.
00:39:09When it hardens, it becomes like a rock.
00:39:12Cutting prevents fire from spreading.
00:39:17The main ingredient of shikkui is cutting.
00:39:20When it reacts with carbon dioxide in the air, it gradually hardens.
00:39:25It becomes like a cutting stone.
00:39:29Shikkui is strong against fire.
00:39:33It was the best fire prevention for Himeji Castle.
00:39:38In 1945, when there was an air raid in Himeji, this area was burned.
00:39:46Himeji Castle survived the fire.
00:39:49It was said that the castle didn't burn because it was painted with shikkui.
00:39:55I think it's amazing that people in the old days already knew about fire prevention.
00:40:04That's a good comment.
00:40:06Next, let's go to the gate that protects Himeji Castle.
00:40:09There is a surprising secret hidden there.
00:40:13It's a steep slope.
00:40:16It's steep.
00:40:18There is a big gate.
00:40:20It's huge.
00:40:22It's magnificent.
00:40:24It's huge.
00:40:26It's huge.
00:40:29This gate is called the Gate of the Dead.
00:40:33It's the gateway to the great angel.
00:40:36There are 21 gates in Himeji Castle.
00:40:39The biggest one is the Gate of the Dead.
00:40:43It's about 12 meters high and 17 meters wide.
00:40:48It's rare to see a gate of this size left from the early Edo period.
00:40:54The gate itself is designated as an important cultural property of the country.
00:40:59Look at the top.
00:41:02There is something like a net.
00:41:05There is a hole.
00:41:07Do you know what this is?
00:41:09What is it?
00:41:11It's a hole.
00:41:13Did people know about this since the old days?
00:41:16That's right.
00:41:18It's to prevent the wind from blowing.
00:41:22That's not true.
00:41:24This is called a stone drop.
00:41:28When the enemy attacks, you can drop a stone from the gap to attack.
00:41:35So there is a space for people to climb here.
00:41:38That's right.
00:41:40I see.
00:41:41This part of the Gate of the Dead.
00:41:43There is a large space inside.
00:41:46You can drop a stone from this gap and attack the enemy.
00:41:52The characteristic of Himeji Castle is that there is a lot of defense.
00:41:57I see.
00:41:59I think there are many ways to attack this castle.
00:42:04That's right.
00:42:05It's interesting.
00:42:06When you pass through the Gate of the Dead and head for the castle.
00:42:10Look at this.
00:42:13There are various shapes on the wall.
00:42:16It's a hole.
00:42:18I know this.
00:42:20It's a net.
00:42:21That's right.
00:42:22It's a hole to attack the enemy.
00:42:26It says it's narrow.
00:42:28Do you know what this is?
00:42:29What is it?
00:42:30Triangles are holes for guns.
00:42:34There is a rectangular square.
00:42:36Why is there such a rectangular shape?
00:42:39What is a rectangular shape?
00:42:43Is it here?
00:42:44It's narrow.
00:42:45It's narrower than I thought.
00:42:48There is a face.
00:42:50It's a ball.
00:42:52There is a camera.
00:42:54It's not a gun.
00:42:57What is it?
00:43:00Is it a bow?
00:43:02That's right.
00:43:04It's important to know how the enemy feels.
00:43:07That's right.
00:43:09It's a rectangular shape that matches the size of the bow.
00:43:12I see.
00:43:14In fact, such defense techniques are also used on the road near the castle.
00:43:20Climbing the hill...
00:43:23It's very high.
00:43:25It's very high.
00:43:26It's close.
00:43:32It's amazing.
00:43:34It's a hairpin curve.
00:43:35It's a hairpin curve.
00:43:37I thought it was getting closer.
00:43:41It's a different direction.
00:43:44Isn't it going the other way?
00:43:46Is this the right way?
00:43:49I thought so.
00:43:50Is this the right way?
00:43:52Is this the right way to make a 180-degree turn?
00:43:56It's a confusing design.
00:43:58That's right.
00:43:59I see.
00:44:01In fact, the road to the castle is designed to confuse the enemy by making it go in the opposite direction from the castle.
00:44:12I see.
00:44:14In addition, there was a gate with a surprising mechanism in the castle.
00:44:19It's amazing.
00:44:22It's amazing.
00:44:23It's curved.
00:44:25This gate is called Runo Gate.
00:44:28Runo Gate.
00:44:29It's amazing.
00:44:30Is it a cavity?
00:44:31It's like a stone wall.
00:44:33It's rare.
00:44:35It's rare.
00:44:36This gate is like a passageway through a hole in the stone wall.
00:44:44A passageway?
00:44:46Excuse me.
00:44:48It's amazing.
00:44:49It's small.
00:44:51It's true.
00:44:52It's dangerous to be surrounded by enemies.
00:44:57Here is the question.
00:44:59Runo Gate has a special function.
00:45:03Which is it?
00:45:05A. Fill the gate and stop the enemy.
00:45:09B. Move the stone and escape to the basement.
00:45:14I can't think of either.
00:45:17I'll give you a hint.
00:45:19A hint.
00:45:20It works in an emergency.
00:45:23They both work in an emergency.
00:45:27Runo Gate is not only used as a passageway.
00:45:33It also has a special function.
00:45:37Please write the answer.
00:45:44The answer is B, except for Mr. Yamamoto.
00:45:48Mr. Yamamoto, why did you choose A?
00:45:51I couldn't escape to the basement.
00:45:55I thought it would be the same if I was surrounded by enemies.
00:45:58I see.
00:45:59Ms. Natori, why did you choose B?
00:46:02It's a small castle.
00:46:05It's like a passageway.
00:46:06It's like a passageway in a movie.
00:46:11I thought there was a passageway to escape to the outside of the castle.
00:46:15The answer is B.
00:46:20I thought there was an exit or a passageway.
00:46:25The answer is A.
00:46:29I'll give up.
00:46:31Runo Gate is a passageway to the outside of the castle.
00:46:35If the enemy notices this gate,
00:46:38they will try to fill this gate with stones.
00:46:46I see.
00:46:48At that time, Runo Gate had a door.
00:46:51By filling the inside of the gate,
00:46:53they tried to prevent the enemy from entering.
00:46:57Mr. Yamamoto won.
00:47:01I'm glad.
00:47:02Mr. Yamamoto won.
00:47:04This 30 minutes may be your prime time.
00:47:07I'm glad.
00:47:08I may die today.
00:47:10I'll give up.
00:47:11Next is the special episode of Madaberu Himechi Castle.
00:47:14Next is the special episode of Madaberu Himechi Castle.
00:47:15Next is the special episode of Madaberu Himechi Castle.
00:47:19First, two people go inside the castle from the bottom of the building.
00:47:28Excuse me.
00:47:31It's a wooden building.
00:47:33It's wonderful.
00:47:35It's amazing.
00:47:37It's amazing.
00:47:39It's darker than I thought.
00:47:41This is the basement.
00:47:45This is the basement.
00:47:48It's surrounded by stones.
00:47:51I see.
00:47:53At first glance, it looks like a five-story building,
00:47:56but it's actually a seven-story building with a basement and a sixth floor.
00:48:00This building was designed to be a prison,
00:48:05but it was designed to be a prison,
00:48:08so that enemies who tried to invade the castle could not easily reach the top floor of the Great Angel.
00:48:13I see.
00:48:14The basement where the two people entered was designed to have a residence function.
00:48:20A drain was installed to wash the food,
00:48:23and it was used as a kitchen.
00:48:27And this time, we got special permission to go to a secret place that ordinary people can't enter.
00:48:33Actually, this is an open-air area.
00:48:37This time, we got a special permission.
00:48:39Thank you very much.
00:48:41I'm so happy.
00:48:43It's a very valuable open-air area.
00:48:45What's inside?
00:48:48A gun.
00:48:50Let's go inside.
00:48:52What's at the end of the secret door?
00:48:55Excuse me.
00:48:58What is it?
00:49:03Do you know what it is?
00:49:07Yes, that's right.
00:49:08It's a toilet.
00:49:11This is a toilet that was left as it was 400 years ago.
00:49:16400 years ago?
00:49:18It was installed to be used if it became a prison,
00:49:22but it didn't become a prison, so it wasn't actually used.
00:49:26I see.
00:49:27In this toilet, there is a pot-like thing called a wolf of Bizen-yaki.
00:49:33Oh, this is it.
00:49:35I saw it.
00:49:38Bizen-yaki is that Bizen-yaki, right?
00:49:41I see.
00:49:42This is very valuable.
00:49:45The temple of Himeji Castle is said to be a constellation-type temple.
00:49:49The structure is made up of a large temple and three small temples connected by a cross.
00:49:56This time, it's a super-precious video that infiltrates the second floor of Watari Yagura, where you can't usually enter.
00:50:05Oh, I was surprised.
00:50:07That's how it opens.
00:50:12Where did the two go up the stairs?
00:50:17It's a wide space.
00:50:19This is wide.
00:50:20What is this?
00:50:24Excuse me.
00:50:27What is this place?
00:50:29It's like a dojo.
00:50:32It's like a place to practice fighting.
00:50:37The two visited the Watari Yagura of the prison.
00:50:41It is a space about 30 meters and 84 floors wide.
00:50:46In the middle part, there is an old floor board from 400 years ago.
00:50:57Is this it?
00:51:01Is this the floor that people walked on at that time?
00:51:05That's right.
00:51:07This is a method called Cho-na-kezuri, which flattens the rough-cut wood.
00:51:16Cho-na-kezuri, which has a feature of scratches like scales.
00:51:21Cho-na-kezuri was a method used in the early Edo period, so it was found that this floor was 400 years old.
00:51:30Things from 400 years ago are still so beautiful.
00:51:35That's amazing.
00:51:38I can hear the sound of 400 years ago.
00:51:43Can you hear it?
00:51:44I can hear the sound of 400 years ago when I was living.
00:51:47That's amazing.
00:51:48It's completely different from here.
00:51:52After visiting the prison Watari Yagura, they went to the airport area.
00:51:58They infiltrated the courtyard where they couldn't normally enter.
00:52:03Thank you very much.
00:52:09This is also an airport area.
00:52:12There is a strange atmosphere inside the castle.
00:52:16This is the courtyard.
00:52:20There are various grooves here.
00:52:24When it rains, water accumulates here.
00:52:28I see.
00:52:29The grooves are used to drain the water.
00:52:33I see.
00:52:34The structure of the building is designed to drain the rain.
00:52:40It's amazing that all the measures are taken.
00:52:43Here is the question.
00:52:45Here we go.
00:52:47In the castle, there is a drain that is essential when cooking.
00:52:54There is also a well nearby to replenish water.
00:53:00This is a warehouse.
00:53:04There is an important item stored there.
00:53:11What is it?
00:53:13It's a must-have item when you're on the battlefield.
00:53:18The hint is that it's a must-have item for soldiers.
00:53:22It's a must-have item for soldiers.
00:53:24It's a must-have item for soldiers.
00:53:27What is the item that is absolutely necessary for battle?
00:53:35The IQ that can be obtained will change.
00:53:38If the answer is correct, the IQ will be 100.
00:53:40If the answer is incorrect, the IQ will be minus 22.
00:53:43We have all the answers.
00:53:46Do you want to change your answer?
00:53:48You seem to be worried.
00:53:50I'm really worried.
00:53:52Do you want to change your answer?
00:53:57Do you want to change your answer?
00:53:59Do you want to change your answer?
00:54:01Have you ever seen a scene where you eat rice balls?
00:54:10I often go to Himeji Castle.
00:54:16I have never heard that there is an unopened area.
00:54:21It's a mystery.
00:54:22I have never heard of it.
00:54:25What did you want to change?
00:54:27I wanted to change the answer to water.
00:54:29Mr. UEDA asked me if I wanted to change my answer.
00:54:33Mr. UEDA is a bad person.
00:54:35I wanted to change my answer to water.
00:54:37I couldn't change my answer.
00:54:39You don't have to change your answer to water.
00:54:41Can I change my answer to water?
00:54:42You can change your answer to water.
00:54:45I should have said water.
00:54:48What should I do?
00:54:50The answer is correct.
00:54:52What is Mr. UKISHO's answer?
00:54:54The answer is rice.
00:54:57I have to eat rice.
00:55:00It's rice.
00:55:04The answer is salt.
00:55:08Is it salt?
00:55:12I didn't think about it at all.
00:55:14He is the worst.
00:55:15Both answers are incorrect.
00:55:17Don't take too much time.
00:55:20Salt is an important ingredient for the preservation of minerals.
00:55:27This is definitely important.
00:55:29Salt was stored in a place close to the salt field.
00:55:33Salt was stored in a place close to the salt field.
00:55:39The ceiling of the salt warehouse is removable.
00:55:44Salt was stored in a place close to the salt field.
00:55:48Salt was stored in a place close to the salt field.
00:55:53Next is a special program.
00:55:55Next is a special program.
00:55:59The first and second floors of the salt warehouse were mainly used as weapons.
00:56:05You can still see the tools for storing gunpowder and gunpowder.
00:56:12The second and third floors of the salt warehouse are used to support the castle.
00:56:18I'm getting tired.
00:56:20The stairs are steep.
00:56:23It's hard to come here with armor and a sword.
00:56:33The atmosphere has changed.
00:56:35The ceiling is high.
00:56:39This is the eastern pillar.
00:56:42This is the western pillar.
00:56:46Two pillars are 25 meters high.
00:56:50This is not the end.
00:56:54This is the fifth floor.
00:56:58At that time, the ceiling was 31.5 meters high.
00:57:04Therefore, two large pillars were built on the ground floor.
00:57:09Each pillar has its own floor.
00:57:12By doing this, we were able to build a high-rise building.
00:57:20This eastern pillar is amazing.
00:57:24This is a tree from 400 years ago.
00:57:28I feel it.
00:57:30I feel 400 years.
00:57:33And the other pillar.
00:57:35The western pillar was replaced due to decay.
00:57:40The construction of the pillar began in 1956.
00:57:45It was a great repair in the Showa era.
00:57:47The stone wall collapsed.
00:57:52At that time, I found that the western pillar was rotten.
00:57:57A new pillar was built.
00:58:00This pillar is 12 meters high.
00:58:02This pillar is 25 meters high.
00:58:05This pillar has not decayed yet.
00:58:09In order to carry this pillar,
00:58:12250,000 people worked on it.
00:58:18This pillar was repaired for 8 years.
00:58:22In 2009, Heisei repair began.
00:58:2915,000 craftsmen worked on it.
00:58:32They repainted the stone wall.
00:58:36They repaired the damaged roof tiles.
00:58:41I have a question.
00:58:45In 2009 to 2015,
00:58:50when Heisei repair began,
00:58:53a new fact was discovered.
00:58:58There was something buried in the wall.
00:59:03Please answer.
00:59:05I didn't know it was 400 years old.
00:59:10I'll give you a hint.
00:59:13It was to look at the scenery.
00:59:18It was to look at the scenery.
00:59:24What is the new fact discovered by Heisei repair?
00:59:29Please write it down.
00:59:34Two stones, two windows, one map.
00:59:40Hasegawa's stone.
00:59:42That's right.
00:59:45He used beautiful stones to look at the scenery.
00:59:56You are not good at acting as a commentator.
01:00:00What are you looking at?
01:00:02Takahashi's window.
01:00:04I tried to look at the scenery.
01:00:08I buried it because I thought it might be attacked.
01:00:12I think there was such a history in the wall.
01:00:16Please answer.
01:00:21What was hidden in the wall was a window.
01:00:26It was to look at the scenery.
01:00:30I couldn't see the scenery without a window.
01:00:35It was a window.
01:00:38Let's go to that place.
01:00:43Let's go to the top of the mountain where the new fact was discovered.
01:00:48It's bright.
01:00:50It's amazing.
01:00:53We have arrived at the top of the mountain.
01:00:57We have finally arrived.
01:01:00It's very bright and the wind is cool.
01:01:04It feels good.
01:01:07This wall was thought to be a normal wall.
01:01:13However, a new fact was discovered.
01:01:16A window was buried in this wall.
01:01:20Is it a window?
01:01:22I'm glad.
01:01:24When repairing the wall, it was found that there were eight groups of four-cornered walls in the top floor.
01:01:35The plan was to make the building look 360 degrees.
01:01:43The window found in the wall was not used at the time.
01:01:48In order to support the heavy roof, it was thought that it was blocked during construction.
01:01:55I'm looking forward to the other hidden doors.
01:02:01The next Himeji Castle special is from a large castle.
01:02:07It's very beautiful.
01:02:12You can see the sea.
01:02:17Can you see Himeji Station?
01:02:20It's about 1.5 km away from Himeji Station.
01:02:24It was the site of Himeji Castle until that time.
01:02:29Is it that far?
01:02:32It's huge.
01:02:35The area of the site at the time of the construction of Himeji Castle was 707,000 square meters.
01:02:40It's about 50 minutes from Tokyo Dome.
01:02:424.2 km around the city center was the site of Himeji Castle.
01:02:49There was a place where the huge Himeji Castle stood out.
01:02:54It's a high school 1 km away from the city center.
01:02:59The principal guided me to the remaining gymnasium.
01:03:05The gymnasium?
01:03:08This is the gymnasium.
01:03:12This is the gymnasium.
01:03:17Is this the gymnasium?
01:03:20I don't understand the meaning of this.
01:03:23I'll open the door.
01:03:25What does this mean?
01:03:28What is this?
01:03:32This is amazing.
01:03:35It's a little high.
01:03:37It's very deep.
01:03:40I'm very excited.
01:03:43Please come in.
01:03:46Let's go in.
01:03:48They change into their work clothes and go into the gymnasium to find evidence of the size of Himeji Castle.
01:03:55It's really deep.
01:03:58It's amazing.
01:04:03It's very deep.
01:04:08It's a space that doesn't feel like a school.
01:04:13It's like a cave.
01:04:16What is this?
01:04:18I'm very excited.
01:04:20I'm scared.
01:04:21Be careful of your feet.
01:04:23It's like clay.
01:04:28Look at this.
01:04:30Is this a stone wall?
01:04:34That's right.
01:04:37This is the stone wall of Himeji Castle at that time.
01:04:42It doesn't happen naturally.
01:04:46This stone wall is the evidence of the size of Himeji Castle.
01:04:51It was a great discovery to show that the castle continued from this place, which is about 1 km away from Daitenji.
01:04:59The stone wall was found when the gymnasium was built here in 1957.
01:05:05Some of the stone walls are still preserved.
01:05:10I have a question.
01:05:14You can see that Himeji Castle was very large.
01:05:19There is a reason why it was so large.
01:05:22Why was it so large?
01:05:25It is said that Tokugawa Ieyasu, who ordered the construction of the castle, made it large for a purpose.
01:05:32What is it?
01:05:34It's difficult.
01:05:35It's a way to get around the castle.
01:05:41It's a way to get around the castle.
01:05:44It's a four-letter word that starts with K.
01:05:46That's right.
01:05:47I'll give you a hint.
01:05:48Please give me a hint.
01:05:49The hint is the key to transportation.
01:05:52It's difficult.
01:05:53I want to get it right.
01:05:55What is the purpose of Tokugawa Ieyasu's large construction site?
01:06:16It's amazing.
01:06:19It's pretty deep.
01:06:22It's deep.
01:06:25What is the purpose of Tokugawa Ieyasu's large construction site?
01:06:31The IQ will change again.
01:06:33The correct answer is 120.
01:06:35If it's incorrect, it will be minus 30.
01:06:39There are three Kaido.
01:06:45Mr. Toshi.
01:06:51You may know Tokaido.
01:06:54Kaido is necessary for transportation.
01:06:58Kaido must be built in a castle.
01:07:02Can't it be built?
01:07:04What did you say?
01:07:07I didn't know if it could be built.
01:07:09It's not necessary.
01:07:11It's too common sense.
01:07:14The correct answer is...
01:07:16What is Mr. Ukisho's answer?
01:07:22The correct answer is...
01:07:24Kaido in the castle.
01:07:31Kaido is called Sanyo-do.
01:07:33It connects the Kinki region and the China region.
01:07:38Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was watching the decisive battle with Toyotomi Hideyori in Osaka Castle,
01:07:44built the Himeji Castle on the Kaido where they would pass to stop the Great Shogun of the Chinese Kyushu region,
01:07:51who is the heir of the Toyotomi family, from gathering in Osaka.
01:07:56He wanted to rush to Osaka Castle, but he couldn't because of the Himeji Castle.
01:08:01He had to attack to get through.
01:08:04On top of that, the Himeji Castle had various defensive measures.
01:08:10This middle school was built in the place where the Soto-kyoguchi gate from Sanyo-do entered the castle.
01:08:18It's a castle, but it also has a Kaido.
01:08:21It's a place where you can see important historical traces.
01:08:26Now, let's announce the 10th place of Japan's Great Historical Sites.
01:08:33I was surprised to see a huge Buddha inside.
01:08:37I've never seen such a big Buddha.
01:08:41It looks like Japan, and it's a calm impression.
01:08:45I've never seen anything like that in America, so it was a valuable experience.
01:08:49The representative shrine of the Nara Period, known as the Great Buddha of Nara,
01:08:54Todaiji is ranked 10th.
01:08:58The charm of this shrine is, of course, the Great Buddha.
01:09:01It's not just the Great Buddha, but the Great Buddha Palace is also one of the attractions.
01:09:08It's the world's largest wooden building, and it has about 110,000 tiles.
01:09:14The total weight of the roof is estimated to be about 3,000 tons.
01:09:18The heavy construction and architectural techniques are evaluated and designated as national treasure.
01:09:25But there's a problem with the Great Buddha Palace.
01:09:28The roof of the Great Buddha Palace, which is extremely large,
01:09:32has decorations on both ends of it, like the Shachihoko in Nagoya Castle.
01:09:39Now, which one is the decoration on the roof?
01:09:44A. The buds of a lotus.
01:09:46B. The tail of a fish.
01:09:50Well, this is...
01:09:56I'm sorry.
01:09:57A. The buds of a lotus.
01:10:01That's wrong.
01:10:04That's wrong.
01:10:06I'm out of my mind.
01:10:09I said it honestly.
01:10:11It was a hunch.
01:10:14A. The tail of a fish.
01:10:16It's a decoration on the roof that means a sunset.
01:10:20Considering the bottom of the tail as the water surface,
01:10:23it means that the building under the water surface won't burn.
01:10:29Next, the 9th place.
01:10:32A. It's a building with a sense of history.
01:10:35It's high-tech, and it doesn't feel like a modern building.
01:10:40When I went through the big gate,
01:10:43there were a lot of shops on both sides,
01:10:46and I was very excited and excited.
01:10:49About 30 million people from Japan and abroad come here every year.
01:10:54Senso-ji is a historical site that represents Tokyo.
01:10:58One of its attractions is Nakamise Street, which continues from Kaminari-mon.
01:11:03It is one of the oldest shopping streets in Japan.
01:11:08The problem is the souvenirs that are popular with foreigners in Nakamise Street.
01:11:13In the second half of the Edo period,
01:11:15women of the Buke and Shoka period used the leftover kimono after wearing kimono
01:11:21to make beautiful bags and small boxes.
01:11:27What is the name of this craft?
01:11:33A. Chirimen
01:11:40That's correct!
01:11:44It is said that it was created to make beautiful bags and small boxes.
01:11:49In Nakamise Street, wallets and accessories are very popular with foreigners.
01:11:56Next, the 8th place.
01:11:59A. It is said that Ieyasu Tokugawa built it to establish the Toyotomi family.
01:12:05Next, the 7th place.
01:12:09B. The torii on the sea was mysterious and very beautiful.
01:12:14I thought that the idea of Japanese people who wanted to build historical buildings on the sea was interesting.
01:12:23A. The world heritage of Hiroshima Prefecture, Itsukushima Shrine,
01:12:28where the torii on the sea and the architecture of the Heian period catch the eye.
01:12:33Itsukushima Shrine is located on the Aki-no-Miyajima Island floating in the Seto Inland Sea.
01:12:39Itsukushima Shrine has been believed to be the god of the island since ancient times.
01:12:43Itsukushima Shrine is located on the sacred island.
01:12:47Itsukushima Shrine is also counted in the Nihonsan system along with Matsushima and Amanohashidate.
01:12:53Here is the question.
01:12:55Like Itsukushima Shrine, please answer the name of the island in the order of 50 words.
01:13:02The island is registered as a world heritage site.
01:13:07Abe-kun, which one do you choose?
01:13:09I choose the first one.
01:13:11I choose the second one.
01:13:15Kamiya Island.
01:13:23I choose the first one, Okinoshima.
01:13:33In 2017, Okinoshima and its related heritage sites were registered as world heritage sites.
01:13:38Okinoshima and its related heritage sites were registered as world heritage sites.
01:13:42Therefore, it is strictly forbidden for ordinary people to enter Okinoshima.
01:13:46Abe-kun, well done!
01:13:50Next, Natori-san.
01:13:52Please show me the sixth hint.
01:14:12Where is the island with the mysterious seabed ruins?
01:14:20Next, Natori-san.
01:14:24Yonaguni Island?
01:14:30Next, Yonaguni Island.
01:14:32Yonaguni Island is located about 509 km south-west of Okinawa.
01:14:36It is the westernmost island in Japan.
01:14:39In 1986, it was discovered by a local diver.
01:14:43It is famous for its seabed ruins.
01:14:47Next, Saito-san.
01:14:50Please show me the second hint.
01:15:06Goto Island.
01:15:13Goto Island is located in the western part of Nagasaki Prefecture.
01:15:17In 2018, it was registered as a world heritage site
01:15:20because it was recognized as a cultural heritage site of Senpuku Christians.
01:15:24In the Edo period, after the Kinkyo Reign,
01:15:27Christians moved to the island and continued to protect it.
01:15:31Next, Taka.
01:15:33Please show me the third hint.
01:15:35There are only 50 and 30 left.
01:15:41If I knew the answer, I would have gotten it.
01:15:46I knew the answer, but I got it.
01:15:49Next, Tanegashima.
01:15:58I was a little worried.
01:16:00You were worried?
01:16:01Yes, I was.
01:16:04In 1543, the Portuguese landed and sent their guns.
01:16:09In the museum of the island,
01:16:11the first Japanese gun was exhibited.
01:16:15What should I do?
01:16:17Watanabe-san, it's time to change.
01:16:19I'm riding it.
01:16:22Are you sure?
01:16:24Are you sure?
01:16:25I'm confident.
01:16:26I'm riding it.
01:16:27You're riding it.
01:16:28I'll change.
01:16:31I'll change.
01:16:33I'll change.
01:16:39Please show me the third hint.
01:16:44The third hint is Sadogashima.
01:16:50Thank you.
01:16:53Now, here is the 6th place in the list of Japan's Greatest Historical Sites.
01:17:01The World Heritage Site of Tochigi Prefecture in Tokugawa Ieyasu.
01:17:05Nikko Toshogu.
01:17:08In Forbes, an American economic magazine,
01:17:12if you want to see the best view of Japan,
01:17:15you should definitely go to Nikko.
01:17:19It is now a popular historical site among foreigners.
01:17:24The fifth place is...
01:17:27Kumamoto Castle, built by Kiyomasa Kato,
01:17:30who was called the master of building castles,
01:17:33for about 7 years.
01:17:36The fourth place is the Himeji Castle,
01:17:39which was built in the 13th century.
01:17:42Now, here is the top 3 of Japan's Greatest Historical Sites.
01:17:48The third place is Kiyomasa Temple.
01:17:51It is said that there are more tourists from foreign countries than Japanese people.
01:17:56It is a World Heritage Site.
01:18:01And the second place is...
01:18:07The gorgeous Ginkakuji was built in 1397
01:18:10as a villa of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu,
01:18:13the three great generals of Muromachi and Bakufu.
01:18:18Its golden appearance is rare in the world,
01:18:22and it is very popular as a photo spot for many foreigners.
01:18:28Kyoto has many temples and shrines from ancient Japan.
01:18:32It was a place where you could feel the history.
01:18:35The whole city is full of tradition and history,
01:18:39and it is a must-visit place when you come to Japan.
01:18:44Here is a question from the history book of Kyoto.
01:18:47These are the World Heritage Sites of Kyoto, which will be beautiful in the future.
01:18:52Please answer the name of the history book in the order of 50 words,
01:18:56which even Japanese people do not know.
01:19:00Mr. Seiki.
01:19:02Please give me the fifth hint.
01:19:05What is the fifth hint?
01:19:10What was it?
01:19:15Do you know the answer?
01:19:16I don't know.
01:19:18It didn't mean anything.
01:19:19I was looking at a book I didn't know.
01:19:26Number five.
01:19:30You just said the number.
01:19:32It's not a game where you say the number.
01:19:34It's a game where you say the number.
01:19:36Do I have to say the number?
01:19:37It can't be helped.
01:19:39I have to do it.
01:19:41What should I do?
01:19:43Please give me the hint of number 154.
01:19:48Cherry blossoms?
01:19:50The name of the cherry blossoms?
01:19:59Please give me the hint of number six.
01:20:04I don't know.
01:20:08What was it?
01:20:09Please give me the hint of number three.
01:20:10What should I do?
01:20:13I'm sorry.
01:20:19Everyone is like that.
01:20:23Number six.
01:20:32120 points.
01:20:36Elizabeth Jo visited and praised the garden.
01:20:41Tsukubae, who was donated by Tokugawa Mitsukuni, invites Ryoanji.
01:20:49We have a low score.
01:20:53Is it okay if it's not 100?
01:20:54It's okay.
01:20:57Number one.
01:21:00We have a low score.
01:21:04Ryoanji was donated by Saicho in 788.
01:21:07It is the main shrine of Tendai.
01:21:10Many foreigners visit the shrine together.
01:21:16Ujara is lucky.
01:21:17He was left behind.
01:21:23It's a very wonderful temple.
01:21:24The garden is good.
01:21:28Number five.
01:21:33Where is the world heritage site famous for Hideyoshi's fireworks?
01:21:44It's a very wonderful temple.
01:21:46The garden is good.
01:21:49Number five.
01:21:55150 points.
01:21:56It is also famous for the cherry blossom viewing held by Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
01:22:00It is a temple famous for cherry blossoms.
01:22:02It is also a temple famous for the cherry blossoms held by Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
01:22:07The green leaves are beautiful in the Bentai-ike in Keidai.
01:22:11The scenery of the temple is beautiful.
01:22:14Next, Bek.
01:22:16Please give me number three.
01:22:17How is it?
01:22:18It's amazing.
01:22:20It's different.
01:22:21It's a correct answer.
01:22:23It's amazing.
01:22:25It's good.
01:22:26It's a very good hint.
01:22:30Number three.
01:22:31Shimogamo Shrine.
01:22:38Shimogamo Shrine.
01:22:40In July, there is a mitarashi festival in the Mitarashi-ike that cleanses the impure.
01:22:46It is popular with foreigners.
01:22:51Natori-san, I think it's all over.
01:22:53However, there was no high score.
01:22:56Natori-san, please give me number five.
01:23:03It's Toji.
01:23:08It's 50 points.
01:23:10Now, it's summer of 2024.
01:23:14What is the number one place in Japan where foreigners are impressed?
01:23:20It's a place where there was a kingdom in the past.
01:23:23I felt the culture and history.
01:23:26I heard that it is under reconstruction now.
01:23:30I want to go there again after the reconstruction.
01:23:33Foreigners from Asian countries gave us overwhelming instructions.
01:23:40Shurijo, the symbol of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which has been a world heritage site representing Okinawa for 450 years.
01:23:49Now, the reconstruction is in full swing for the restoration of the Seiden in 2026 due to the fire.
01:23:58Speaking of the characteristics of Shurijo, it is a red and beautiful roof tile that glows in the blue sky.
01:24:05But there is a problem.
01:24:07There was a reason why they used red tiles on the roof of Shurijo.
01:24:12What is the reason?
01:24:15Please write it down at once.
01:24:29It's the saving of fuel.
01:24:33Saito, do you want to save fuel?
01:24:36I don't have a particular reason.
01:24:39You want to save fuel because you started saving fuel.
01:24:45You are a fool.
01:24:47Please be careful how you say it.
01:24:49It's humble.
01:24:51I see.
01:24:53Now, let's get started.
01:24:55The correct answer is this.
01:24:57The correct answer is saving fuel.
01:25:03The red tiles were used to save fuel.
01:25:10The red tiles were used to save fuel.
01:25:20Good evening. I'm Ryoko Matsumaru.
01:25:22I'm at Gotanda Station.
01:25:25I often come to Gotanda.
01:25:27I eat rice, but I haven't been around much.
01:25:31Gotanda is a mysterious city.
01:25:34There are many restaurants and cafes around Gotanda.
01:25:37There are many green places such as Meguro River.
01:25:42This time, I'm going to talk about the riddles in front of Gotanda Station.
01:25:50Gotanda Station was opened as a Yamanote Line station in 1911.
01:25:56The name of this place was named after Gotanda Pagoda, which is about 5,000 square meters in size.
01:26:06Where was it?
01:26:07Let's start with the first riddle.
01:26:10There is a thing that was first installed in Tokyo in this scenery including the rotary.
01:26:15Here is the question.
01:26:17What is the thing that was first installed in Tokyo?
01:26:20What is the thing that was first installed in Tokyo in front of Gotanda Station?
01:26:29Here is the question.
01:26:30What is the thing that was first installed in Tokyo?
01:26:34Here is the answer.
01:26:37It's up to you.
01:26:40What is the first thing that was first installed in Tokyo in front of Gotanda Station?
01:26:47The general answer is 63%.
01:26:50Please write down the reason.
01:26:54The one who is in the lead is Abe Pair.
01:26:57Will they be able to win the first half of the year in 2024?
01:27:07Abe is correct.
01:27:10Arita is correct.
01:27:13Taka is correct.
01:27:16Toshi is correct.
01:27:18Akihara is correct.
01:27:21Natomi is correct.
01:27:24Ujihara was a little late.
01:27:27Ujihara is correct.
01:27:31Watanabe is correct.
01:27:35Saito, it's not good.
01:27:37You have to finish it.
01:27:39Please finish it.
01:27:41Don't give up.
01:27:46Seiki is correct.
01:27:54Saito has minus 50 points.
01:27:57If you look at the question, there is a taxi with red and blue characters.
01:28:01If you pay attention to the lane and stop at a place where there are people,
01:28:05the bus stop will be added to the stay and you will be able to correspond with the illustration on the right.
01:28:11If you pay attention to the lane and stop at a place where there are people,
01:28:15the bus stop will be added to the stay and you will be able to correspond with the illustration on the left.
01:28:21The first thing to be installed in Tokyo was the pedestrian bridge.
01:28:26This is the pedestrian bridge.
01:28:29It's a little old.
01:28:32The pedestrian bridge was completed for the first time in Tokyo in September, 1938.
01:28:38At that time, the number of cars was increasing rapidly,
01:28:41and the pedestrian bridge was installed to separate traffic as a measure against traffic accidents.
01:28:47Next, let's go to the city where the shopping district is famous.
01:28:51This is the Togoshi Ginza shopping district.
01:28:53This is very famous.
01:28:56The origin of the name Togoshi is from Edo to the present Togoshi,
01:29:02and from the present Kanagawa Prefecture to the village of Edo Goe.
01:29:06The part of Edo Goe is said to have become Togoshi.
01:29:10The second question from the Togoshi Ginza shopping district.
01:29:13This Togoshi Ginza shopping district is said to have more than 300 in the country.
01:29:17It is the first in Marumaru Ginza.
01:29:19In fact, in the Taisho era,
01:29:21something that was in the Ginza of the main family was brought to Togoshi,
01:29:24and it was confirmed as Ginza and it became possible to name Ginza.
01:29:28Here is the problem.
01:29:29What is the thing that was brought from Ginza?
01:29:32Here is the hint to solve the question.
01:29:36If you know the answer to this question, you will know what is the thing that was brought from Ginza.
01:29:40It's up to you to solve the question.
01:29:42Here is the final question.
01:29:45What is the thing that was brought from Ginza to Togoshi?
01:29:49The general answer rate is 46%.
01:29:53UJIHARA and ABE have a difference of IQ of 240.
01:29:57ABE and UJIHARA are in a position where they can win.
01:30:00However, UJIHARA and ABE still have a chance.
01:30:03UJIHARA and ABE have a chance to win the opening match of the second season.
01:30:08UJIHARA is correct.
01:30:10UJIHARA won.
01:30:16Who is next?
01:30:19Watanabe is correct.
01:30:25TOSHI is correct.
01:30:28YAMAGIYARA is correct.
01:30:30ABE is correct.
01:30:32TAKA is correct.
01:30:35Arita is correct.
01:30:38YAMAGIYARA is correct.
01:30:43NATORI and SAITO are left.
01:30:49I can do it.
01:30:51Good luck.
01:30:58Did you get the answer?
01:31:00That's right.
01:31:04NAZOTRE SENRYU is on the 27-hour TV program.
01:31:08We are recruiting NAZOTRE SENRYU with the theme of youth.
01:31:11If you are selected, you will receive 10,000 yen in cash.
01:31:141.9 million yen.
01:31:16TODAI NAZOTRE SHINKAN is on sale.
01:31:18Let's take a look at TODAI NAZOTRE DRILL.
01:31:29Let's pay attention to the relationship between the characters on the sign and the boy's speech.
01:31:33Please think about it.
01:31:36The general correct answer rate is 80%.
01:31:40NATORI is correct.
01:31:45MOYASEKI and SAITO are left.
01:31:49This is the final round.
01:31:51This is the final round.
01:31:58Did you get the answer?
01:32:00That's right.
01:32:02Good luck.
01:32:04SAITO is correct.
01:32:07That's great.
01:32:10That's all.
01:32:14First, let's change the boy's speech to hiragana.
01:32:18This boy is walking from right to left in the shopping street.
01:32:21If you read the characters on the sign from right to left in this order,
01:32:25it will be SHIKIRE, NGAIKA, and SHIGOTO.
01:32:29In other words, the remaining part is RENGA.
01:32:33What was brought from Ginza was RENGA.
01:32:37Here it is.
01:32:39This is the RENGA used at that time.
01:32:41In fact, in the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1912,
01:32:44the town of making RENGA in Ginza suffered a devastating damage
01:32:47and a large number of RENGA rubble came out.
01:32:50When the people of Ginza heard that they were in trouble with disposal,
01:32:53the people of Togoshi went to Ginza in a rear car and went to Yuzuyuki.
01:32:57The reason why they took RENGA is that
01:32:59at that time, the land of Togoshi was poor in water,
01:33:01so they wanted to make it easier for people to walk through the RENGA.
01:33:06Not only did they accept RENGA,
01:33:08but they also wanted to make Ginza popular,
01:33:11so they connected Togoshi and Ginza and named it Togoshi Ginza.
01:33:15It is said that this is the beginning of Togoshi Ginza.
01:33:18Today's No.1 player is
01:33:29Great reversal victory!
01:33:33This is not the end of this time.
01:33:35There is a reward.
01:33:37We will challenge a special problem.
01:33:39Now, the last one is a beautiful flower that blooms in a historical site.
01:33:44In July, when summer comes,
01:33:46beautiful flowers bloom in historical sites all over Japan.
01:33:51Please answer the name of the flower in the order of 50 words.
01:33:56If both of you get the correct answer, you will get a reward.
01:33:59This time, the reward is this.
01:34:03This is the main item.
01:34:04This is an eel.
01:34:05This is a fried eel.
01:34:06This is 270g.
01:34:07This is about 10,000 yen.
01:34:11Let's start with UJIHARA pair.
01:34:13I think I can do No.4.
01:34:15I think you can do it.
01:34:27I think there is only a whistle.
01:34:29Please open the answer.
01:34:32The answer is the same.
01:34:34The correct answer is this.
01:34:37The answer is water lily.
01:34:42The water lily blooms at the bottom of the hill and closes in the evening.
01:34:46That's why it's called a water lily.
01:34:50In Matsumoto Castle, it blooms in the rainy season.
01:34:55Next, ABE pair.
01:34:58I think I can do No.2.
01:35:04I think this is good.
01:35:08I think there is only this.
01:35:11The answer is this.
01:35:16The answer is the same.
01:35:18The correct answer is this.
01:35:26The correct answer is this.
01:35:28The water lily blooms in the rainy season.
01:35:33In spring, it blooms in JINCHOGE.
01:35:35In autumn, it blooms in KINMOKUSEI.
01:35:36This is a place where you can enjoy fragrant flowers.
01:35:39This is Osaka Castle Park.
01:35:41Next, TOSHI pair.
01:35:42Is there anything you can do?
01:35:49I think I can do No.1.
01:35:51I got it.
01:35:53Autumn water lily.
01:35:55That's amazing.
01:35:57Water lily?
01:36:00I don't know.
01:36:04The correct answer is this.
01:36:08This is OJIGISO and OJIGIZO.
01:36:12I made a mistake.
01:36:14If this is OJIGISO, this is a negotiation.
01:36:19This is my first appearance.
01:36:21I wanted to write OJIGISO.
01:36:24Then I will write OJIGISO.
01:36:27The correct answer is this.
01:36:30This is a pity.
01:36:32That's wrong.
01:36:36There is no garbage.
01:36:39It doesn't matter if it's OJIGISO or OJIGIZO.
01:36:42This is a mistake.
01:36:44Whose negotiation is this?
01:36:46Next, YANAGIWA RAKUYA.
01:36:48The correct answer is this.
01:37:01The correct answer is this.
01:37:04This is HANKESHOU and HANGESHOU.
01:37:08Both are good.
01:37:11The correct answer is this.
01:37:15This is HANGESHOU.
01:37:19The correct answer is this.
01:37:24If it's not NATSURI, it's incorrect.
01:37:27The leaves turn white at the time of HANGESHOU on the 11th day from GESHI.
01:37:33HANGESHOU means to make half of the leaves white.
01:37:39Finally, ARITAPEYA.
01:37:42This is the third question.
01:37:48The correct answer is this.
01:37:52This is a lucky hint.
01:37:55Let's see their answers.
01:37:59They are on the same page.
01:38:01The correct answer is this.
01:38:04This is the correct answer.
01:38:09This is a general flower in a tropical area.
01:38:12This is a three-tiered flower that blooms on one side at low altitudes.
01:38:15This is a three-tiered flower that blooms on one side at low altitudes.
01:38:18This is a three-tiered flower that blooms on one side at low altitudes.
01:38:23This program is interesting.
