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They were born to play these characters. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for performers that blur the line between their characters and real life.


00:00You gotta meet this, I just met this girl and she's the weirdest person I've ever met.
00:04And so then like, like, seemingly about 11 seconds later, Aubrey Plaza showed up in my office.
00:10Welcome to Nizmojo and today we're counting down our picks for performers that blur the lines
00:17between their characters and real life. You'd be forgiven if you think these actors barely
00:22have to act at all. Does it ever get you into trouble?
00:26Um, does it ever get you into trouble? I don't really know. I don't,
00:29I don't know. I think people kind of know.
00:31Do what you're doing.
00:33Number 10, Samuel L. Jackson. Associated with characters who revel in F-bombs and angry
00:39speeches, Samuel L. Jackson is one of the most recognizable actors in modern movies.
00:45By all accounts, the movie star holds the same intensity on screen as he does off.
00:50You do know who they all are though, right?
00:52Yes, I do.
00:52I mean, just in case they have some of them on the show.
00:55Well, do some work.
00:57Whether he's in a blockbuster or a Tarantino film, he puts his all into every single project.
01:03Jackson lives and breathes his profession with all of his natural personality on display.
01:09And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger
01:15those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
01:19You could say that he plays slightly exaggerated versions of himself,
01:24always able to bring passion and anger to any role.
01:27In his storied and record-breaking career,
01:30the performer finds new ways to bring out his larger-than-life persona.
01:34How pleasant of you to join us.
01:36This party's over.
01:38Number 9, Adam Sandler.
01:39I admire a guy like you who lives life on the edge.
01:43Yeah, well, you only live once. Sometimes you gotta go for it, you know?
01:47From his early Saturday Night Live days to his films,
01:50Adam Sandler always plays similarly hilarious leading men, often struggling to be family men.
01:57In movies like Grown Ups, Sandler invites his entire comedy contact list to vacation together
02:04on film.
02:04Remember when we used to shoot bottle rockets at each other?
02:06You always go for the guy's face because you want to blind him.
02:09Okay, that's a little much, pal.
02:11Considering that his wife, Jackie, and kids also appear in his comedies,
02:15the actor has made his real family and friends an integral part of his success.
02:19It's no wonder that the performer appears so relaxed on screen,
02:23along with his super-casual wardrobe that comes straight from his everyday life.
02:28Living the dream, the movie star is nothing short of an authentic and funny presence.
02:34These three people came up to me and they said,
02:36Hey, you were pretty funny.
02:37I said, Oh, thank you.
02:38They said, Do you want to star in a movie?
02:39I said, Yeah, absolutely.
02:41And that was it.
02:42And I was like, Wow, this sounds incredible, man.
02:45Number 8, Jack Nicholson.
02:47Jack Nicholson is always sly and rebellious to his core.
02:51His early film roles showcase his inner wild child,
02:54from countercultural lawyers to irreverent mental patients.
02:58I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
03:03I'm smarter than him, ain't I?
03:07Each of Nicholson's characters feature his wry smile and charismatic demeanour.
03:13In Middle Age, the legend displayed his more charming and playboy side in the 80s and 90s.
03:19All the while, his movie star lifestyle bridges
03:22the gap between his leading men and his confident personality.
03:26You're on film now, honey.
03:31What do you think, Viv?
03:33What is it?
03:34It's toots.
03:35No, they just want to know when I'm coming for dinner.
03:38Sitting courtside at Lakers games,
03:40the performer is one of the faces of Los Angeles and Hollywood fame.
03:45It never completely went to his head,
03:47and his entire career feels like an extension of his original scream presence.
03:53I have never lied to you.
03:56I have always told you some version of the truth.
03:59Number 7, Emma Watson.
04:01To most people, Emma Watson will always be Hermione from the Harry Potter films.
04:07Growing up alongside the character, it's difficult to separate her from the iconic role.
04:12You're a little scary sometimes.
04:15You know that.
04:16Brilliant, but scary.
04:19The part highlights Watson's intelligence and empowering personality,
04:24arguably leading to her future position as an activist.
04:27Belle in Beauty and the Beast gives her another chance to be a positive female role model.
04:33What on earth are you doing?
04:35Teaching another girl to read isn't one enough.
04:39In her work as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador,
04:42the actress remains a champion for feminism and women's rights.
04:47Showing that she isn't just an on-screen hero,
04:50the performer reminds everyone that she has a similar magic in her real-life pursuits.
04:56In my nervousness for this speech, and in my moments of doubt,
05:01I've told myself firmly, if not me, who?
05:08If not now, when?
05:11Number 6, Kristen Stewart.
05:13In Twilight, Kristen Stewart personifies a shy and introverted character.
05:18Most video evidence points to the performer being of a similar ilk,
05:22never one to crave the spotlight.
05:25It's just so obvious when people want to be, like, rich and famous,
05:27and, like, win the popularity contest,
05:29and they also, like, have fun acting too, but it's, like, not the same thing.
05:34Like, it's just not, that's not why I do stuff.
05:36In her emergence as an acclaimed dramatic actor,
05:40Stewart's roles use her subdued characteristics as an asset.
05:44Through her work in art films and other indie projects,
05:47the performer's true colors shine even more in naturalistic and awards-worthy performances.
05:54I've been imagining how they'll write about me in a thousand years.
05:59If you're royal, the more time that passes, the fewer words they use to describe you.
06:04Experimenting with more diverse roles, such as Princess Diana,
06:08the artist explores every one of her new parts without alienating her audience.
06:14As her career only grows, her choices make her a relatable leading woman
06:19for proudly alternative and introspective crowds.
06:23Are you having the most terrible time?
06:25No. No, I'm just tired.
06:28I'm really tired. I think I'm gonna go.
06:30Number 5. Jason Bateman
06:33By all accounts, Jason Bateman is not a criminal mastermind like his character in Ozark.
06:38But his ability to play similarly dry and ingenious characters
06:43comes from a similarly grounded place.
06:45If you're shooting a show in Atlanta and you've got a home you're living in there during the shoot,
06:50things can be buggy inside your home. Check your sheets, everybody.
06:54As an integral creative force for the Netflix show,
06:58the actor has more than enough brains to power an award-winning program.
07:02In terms of his humor, Bateman cultivates a familiar persona
07:06in the majority of his other film and TV projects.
07:10I always said it's the most important thing.
07:14I was gonna say breakfast, but why don't we go over to Gangie's,
07:17have a little of both, later we can talk all this out, huh?
07:20Comedy films like The Switch and Game Night give the performer ample opportunity to utilize
07:27his wisecracking and intelligent comedic presence.
07:30Ultimately, the performer's characters feel believable because of his actual personality.
07:37Why don't you go use the emergency phone call for help? I'm gonna need to drop.
07:40You're not Liam Neeson!
07:42That hurts my feelings!
07:43Number 4. Seth Rogen
07:45A screenplay itself is... is nothing.
07:50So, like, but what a screenplay should be is something that hundreds of people read
07:55and are inspired by and want to come together to help bring something new to life.
08:02A massive comic voice, Seth Rogen is widely known as the go-to stoner comedy hero.
08:09His roles in Judd Apatow movies put him on the map,
08:12with Knocked Up being a breakout part for him.
08:15That really lasted me, I mean, until now, it's been almost 10 years,
08:18I have like 900 bucks left, so that should last me for like,
08:21I mean, I'm not a mathematician, but like another two years.
08:24In both lead and supporting characters, Rogen always demonstrates a laid-back
08:29and quippy comedy style that feels straight out of his own life.
08:33Keeping a tight-knit group of creatives around him,
08:36Rogen and his childhood buddy Evan Goldberg have been writing together forever.
08:41Expanding into dramatic films and television,
08:44the actor always seems to have a twinkle in his eye that's both goofy and sincere.
08:50And I came here to stand next to you while that happens because that's what friends do,
08:54that's what men do, I don't need your pass.
08:57Number 3. Ryan Reynolds
08:59And that's exactly what this is, a love story. And to tell it right,
09:04I gotta take you back to long before I squeezed this ass into red spandex.
09:09Known primarily as the Merc with a Mouth,
09:11Ryan Reynolds has a slew of earlier roles that also showcase his sardonic and dry comedy delivery.
09:18His stints in rom-coms like Definitely Maybe and Just Friends reveal his softer side,
09:25while still showing off his twisted sense of humor.
09:28Finally, with Deadpool, Reynolds' comic timing reached its apex.
09:32I'm gonna do this the old-fashioned way, with two swords and maximum effort. Hear the music.
09:40While he's famous for mouthing off as the wisecracking superhero,
09:44he seems to be subversive and uniquely gifted beyond his film parts.
09:49His various media appearances only prove that the actor doesn't stop being funny
09:54when he leaves the movie sets. Whether he's suiting up for a sequel or pranking his wife
09:59Blake Lively, the star appears to be a born comedian in all aspects of his life.
10:05It's sort of like what my dad used to say, if he can't say anything nice,
10:08say something embarrassing. So that's sort of how we roll.
10:122. Aubrey Plaza
10:14The character was designed around the real human being. And she is obviously,
10:18she's different than her character in many ways, important ways,
10:21but there are also a lot of similarities.
10:25I don't remember any of that.
10:26Simply put, April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation is Aubrey Plaza,
10:32except that the actress doesn't live in Indiana.
10:34I don't know what to do. I have to quit.
10:36To do what?
10:37I'm just gonna go live under a bridge and ask people riddles before they cross.
10:41Her distinct and awkward comedy stylings make her one of the funniest actresses in the industry.
10:47Most of Plaza's characters don't fall far from the tree,
10:50displaying the same eccentric qualities that she shows off in everyday life.
10:55Even her appearances in films like Safety Not Guaranteed have the same idiosyncratic
11:00energy as the actual performer. Whether you watch her in a movie or on television,
11:05her distinctive humor shines through in everything she does.
11:09Something sexy and affordable with killing power.
11:13Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honourable mentions.
11:18Zach Galifianakis. His eccentric characters flow freely from his funny personality and stand-up.
11:24I don't think you should be doing too much gambling tonight, Alan.
11:28Gambling? Who said anything about gambling? It's not gambling when you know you're gonna win.
11:32Michael Cera. Perfecting a sheepish comic presence,
11:36Cera's lovable, shy persona plays into his stardom.
11:40Because you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know?
11:48I try really hard, actually.
11:50Robert Downey Jr. Downey's witty and dry humor directly infuses his Tony Stark role.
11:56Truth is...
12:04I am Iron Man.
12:05Larry David. His unfiltered comedy and personality
12:09blurs the line between character and reality.
12:12You got it all wrong, okay?
12:13Oh, I'm sure that I do.
12:14You'd be up in first class if somebody bought you a ticket.
12:17Poor misunderstood first class!
12:18Oh, poor little coaching girl! She's so jealous,
12:22because everybody else is more comfortable than the coaching girl in first class, because I have nothing!
12:28Drew Barrymore. Barrymore's lovable and genuine personality fuels her many rom-com characters.
12:35My grandfather died trying to jumpstart a car.
12:40Oh... I'm sorry. I was just joking around.
12:45I can't believe you fell for that!
12:49Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get
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13:031. Matthew McConaughey
13:07The older you do get, the more roles you're gonna try to get you to follow.
13:11You just gotta keep living, man. L-I-V-I-N.
13:15Matthew McConaughey's journey from dazed and confused to Dallas Buyers Club
13:20continually makes use of his natural charms.
13:24The Texan infuses every one of his roles with a genuine charisma,
13:28capable of delivering a great monologue on screen.
13:32The actor's eloquence extends to everyday life,
13:35as he motivates his fellow artists or his favorite football team.
13:39It was only when I pushed myself to be better than I even thought I could be.
13:45And I got a pretty high idea of how good I can be. I'm pretty self-confident with how good I can be.
13:51There are few people in the industry as natural in off-the-cuff situations as
13:56McConaughey, constantly proving how versatile and gifted he is.
14:00Whether he's making blockbusters or firing up a crowd,
14:04the performer exhibits the same characteristics that make him a bankable superstar.
14:10What do you do? You get another brilliant idea. A special idea.
14:15Did we miss one of your favorite actors? Let us know in the comments below.
14:19If my answers frighten you, Vincent, then you should cease asking scary questions.
14:23Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from MsMojo.
14:27And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
