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Full video: Ego vs Self-Respect || Acharya Prashant, IIT-Patna (2023)
Link: • Ego vs Self-Respect || Acharya Prasha...


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Video Information: 20.03.23, IIT-Patna (Online), Greater Noida

~ What does it mean by self-esteem and self-respect?
~ What is Ego?
~ How much do we know about ourselves?
~ What is self-awareness? .

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Ego and self-respect, they are quite different concepts.
00:11Ego is simply I exist, I am, I am.
00:17And because you just cannot be without being anything, therefore ego completes the statement
00:25I am by saying I am a male, I am a student, I am a professional, I am wise, I am smart,
00:32I am handsome, I am distressed, I am suffering, I am happy.
00:37These are all ego statements, I am X, I am Y, I am Z, all this is the ego.
00:45What is self-respect?
00:46It's a very hazy thing.
00:49What is respect?
00:51If respect means to value, if the real meaning of respect is that you value someone highly,
01:03then the process of respect involves two things, one you must know what to value, secondly
01:13obviously the object must deserve that value or have that value.
01:21So do I really know what is important?
01:26And the moment I say do I really know what is important, I am referring to the ego, right?
01:32Because the I is the ego.
01:36So does the ego really know what is important?
01:41One very central defining characteristic of the ego is that to the ego only the ego is
01:49Because the ego is false and little and insecure, it just does not have the courage to give
01:55anything beyond itself much importance.
02:00In some way or the other directly or obliquely the ego accords importance only to itself.
02:08I am important.
02:09If I am important, then those who are related to me will become important.
02:13If I am important, then my thoughts will become important, my imagination will become important,
02:17my ideas will become important, my country will become important, my clan will become
02:23important, my past will become important, my dreams and my desires will become important.
02:29All these are ego statements and all these are founded on the mother statement, I alone
02:35am important, that is ego.
02:38I alone am important.
02:40The ego just cannot see beyond itself.
02:43So whenever the ego gives respect to something, what is it that the ego is respecting?
02:50Nothing but itself because the ego has no capacity to truly appreciate anything beyond
02:55itself that requires courage and that requires clarity.
02:58The ego has neither courage nor clarity.
03:01Are you getting it?
03:04So when you say self-respect, that merely means that you are looking at your reflection
03:10in the mirror and admiring it and irrespective of how you really are or how you look.
03:19That's the way several people are, don't you know?
03:23Irrespective of the position they are taking, they keep backing their position.
03:29Irrespective of how foolish their concepts or ideas or dreams or targets are, they keep
03:35chasing their dreams.
03:39That is self-respect, a mark of stupidity.
03:44If I'm not mistaken, the word respect comes from the ability to look cleanly and clearly
03:59at something.
04:03I think the root word is pikyure, so re, looking at something again, that's respect.
04:14Looking at something again and again with the intention to come to the truth, that's
04:22Respect does not mean offering value to something without even knowing the value.
04:31For example, an elder comes to your place, the elder happens to be not merely an elder
04:37but an elder relative and you have been taught to offer respect.
04:42Have you not been?
04:46So the fellow has come and you do not know the fellow.
04:48You do not know how virtuous he is, you do not know how courageous or loving he is and
04:54yet you are supposed to offer respects.
05:03The fellow comes in and you offer some salutation.
05:11You greet him by saying sir or namaste or welcome or something.
05:19Now that's the way of the ego.
05:22It does not know itself, therefore it does not know what to respect.
05:30To know the other, first of all you must know yourself.
05:35Before you can tell how beautiful somebody's eyes are, you must have the eyes to look at
05:41his eyes.
05:46But the way of the ego is that it just cannot look.
05:50It has beliefs but no vision.
05:54It has dreams but no reality.
06:00So it respects out of bias or tradition or influence.
06:07It does not respect, that is it does not evaluate based on merit or clarity.
06:14Are you getting it?
06:18So just as you offer your respects to the other one in a blind way, equally people keep
06:26respecting themselves or sometimes even disrespecting themselves in a blind way.
06:34So self-respect as a prerequisite needs self-knowledge.
06:45If I say I respect myself, I must be asked who respects what?
06:55You say you have self-respect, so that would mean you respect yourself, correct?
07:02Then I must ask you who respects what?
07:06You say I respect myself, I'll say who respects what?
07:10Do you really know yourself?
07:12There can be no self-respect without self-knowledge.
07:15And we have been repeatedly saying that the ego survives only in lack of self-knowledge.
07:23The less you know yourself, the more dense and crystallized your ego is.
07:34Self-respect is nothing but self-awareness.
07:38The more you know yourself, the more you realize who you are not and that brings you to who
07:44you are.
07:48That is real self-respect.
07:51Knowing oneself, but knowing oneself is not a direct or positive process.
07:57Knowing oneself can happen only through the root of discarding all that which is not you.
08:05This is not me, this is not me.
08:09You keep rejecting all that and that brings you to the real self and that is self-respect.
08:16Essentially that means that people who do not know themselves are the ones who greatly
08:22disrespect themselves.
08:27And that is quite interesting because if someone comes and says a few abusive or coarse words
08:37to you, you feel hurt, you say the fellow disrespected me.
08:43But this disrespect is nothing compared to the disrespect that we heap on ourselves by
08:51remaining ignorant of ourselves all lifelong.
08:56You live for 80 years without ever thinking deeply about yourself, your life, your relationships,
09:04your dreams, your hopes, your regrets, your suffering, your phobias.
09:10You never think about these things and you live for an entire 80 years and then you die.
09:16That's the deepest disrespect towards the self, to not to know oneself.
09:23And this disrespect towards the self is also called as ego because ego is another name
09:31for self-illusion.
09:33I do not know who I am, yet I keep saying I am.
09:36That's the ego and that's disrespect.
09:41Now, come to the next part of your question, what are you saying?
09:49I mean, sir, why can't we just let it go when some people intentionally or unintentionally
09:56hurt our so-called ego?
09:58I mean, when I try to let go of things and people who hurt my ego or self-respect, I
10:06observe that after a period of time, people don't take you seriously and your opinion.
10:15I mean, I am a little confused in being a humble person or a person having an attitude
10:22because attitude makes you look confident and attractive and get you respect in the society.
10:29The important thing is to first of all be assured of who you are and what you have.
10:41You must be confident of your own truth in the first place.
10:47You are carrying a textbook of advanced calculus and a class four student starts spitting at
11:02it and says, this is all nonsensical and what is this integration sign?
11:07Is this some snake or something?
11:10Would you feel disrespected or humiliated, dejected?
11:15How would you feel?
11:21But if you yourself are like that class four student, then your self-esteem will take a beating.
11:29You will say, oh my god, my book has been dishonored.
11:33How are they able to bother you with whatever they are doing?
11:42How are you not assured of what your truth is?
11:49And if you are assured, how can you take them seriously?
11:53A class four student who knows nothing about anything comes and starts debunking a PhD thesis.
12:04Should he be taken seriously, given some importance?
12:12The thing is, do you know?
12:20Do you know of what you have, what you are saying, what you are?
12:25When you are assured of yourself, then what the world is saying does not matter too much.
12:34But when you are yourself half here, half there, uncertain, then anybody can influence you.
12:49Humility, that's the word you used.
12:56Should I be humble or should I not be humble?
13:00What is humility?
13:01Humility is about knowing that your default identity is the ego.
13:13That's humility.
13:15Humility is to know how vulnerable to mistakes you are.
13:21Because that's the nature of the ego.
13:24It can survive only in mistakes.
13:27Those are not even mistakes.
13:30Those are ego's compulsions because without them it cannot survive.
13:35That's humility.
13:39So when somebody attacks you and you feel hurt, humility lies in looking at yourself and smiling and saying, see how vulnerable I am.
13:51They are tossing nonsense at me.
13:57And yet I am giving it importance.
14:03What they are saying has no ground, no foundation.
14:07And yet I am taking it seriously.
14:09See how stupid I am.
14:11And this is humility.
14:13You must be able to always recognize your own weaknesses.
14:19And when you recognize your weaknesses, you do not say they are my weaknesses.
14:24You just say they are systematic, they are biologic, they are social, these weaknesses.
14:35And when you say thus, then you can smile at them with detachment.
14:41That's humility.
14:43Humility does not lie in surrendering to others or bowing down to others.
14:50Someone who cannot call a spade a spade is not humble.
14:58The humble person is one who can call illusion as illusion.
15:03That's what humility is about.
15:05To call illusion as illusion.
15:16Anything else on this?
15:19No sir, my all notes have been cleared.
15:22Thank you sir.
