• last year
Teresa Ghilarducci, Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research, joins TheStreet to break down why so many Americans don’t have retirement accounts.


00:00 So tell me, what are some of the biggest challenges facing Americans when it comes to retirement right now?
00:07 Saving for retirement is the biggest challenge, but it's followed very closely by having to decide where to invest.
00:18 And that's followed closely by, if you accumulate even a million dollars, how to deaccumulate.
00:24 So actually the challenges are simple. It's just accumulation, investment, and deaccumulation.
00:31 It's the whole package, the do-it-yourself package, that is the biggest barrier to people's retirement.
00:38 And it's very unusual. It's very American. There's no other country that does it this way.
00:43 That requires so much acumen, discipline, and worry and anxiety on its workers than the United States.
00:53 Half of people don't have retirement accounts at work, and that's been true for decades.
00:59 So it's not getting any better. There is absolutely no sign that employers feel they have to have a retirement account at work.
01:07 More and more people, if you think about it, are working in industries where they don't have to compete for workers.
01:14 Or they compete for workers, they could care less if they come and go.
01:17 Amazon actually has a business model of keeping people in the warehouse for only six or seven months.
01:23 People are gig workers, contingent workers, independent workers.
01:27 But they do, almost everybody pays into Social Security.
01:31 So if we just had a system that for every time you get a Social Security credit,
01:36 you also got some financial credit in a retirement account, then we could solve the problem.
01:42 But right now we rely on employers voluntarily sponsoring the 401(k), and then that's not enough.
01:51 And then the worker has to voluntarily decide to be in the 401(k). So it's two decisions.
