00:00 [Indistinct chatter]
00:20 Domestic abuse is a very, very serious matter.
00:24 It's not a personal matter at the slightest.
00:27 We're here today to change their way of looking at things
00:31 and ideally we want Jonathan Nunn to stand down completely.
00:35 He shouldn't have any say in what goes on in the council at all.
00:39 I want changes to be made. I want their views to be changed
00:42 and I also want them to have training on domestic violence.
00:46 I also think there needs to be more money put into domestic violence charities and groups as well.
00:53 [Indistinct chatter]
01:05 Violence against women and girls has reached epidemic proportions.
01:09 Those are the police's words, not mine.
01:12 And we know that domestic abuse plays a significant role in those statistics.
01:18 I'm the Labour Free Fire and Crime Commissioner
01:22 so I really need people to know that I'm solidly behind the agenda
01:27 to reduce domestic violence, to bring perpetrators to account,
01:32 to support survivors and above all to reduce it.
01:37 The council needs to have a much more robust position.
01:40 So I'm fully supportive of councillors having DBSs, for example,
01:47 and I think that we need to have a better policy in terms of who it is we recruit and have as councillors.