• last year
Vous nagez dans l'océan, tranquille, quand soudain, bam ! Vous êtes avalé tout rond par une baleine géante. Cela ressemble à un cauchemar, n'est-ce pas ? Mais voici la chose : croyez-le ou non, vous pourriez en fait avoir une chance de survivre à l'intérieur de l'estomac d'une baleine. Je veux dire, ce n'est pas exactement des vacances de luxe là-dedans, mais bon, vous avez de l'air à respirer et peut-être quelques poissons à grignoter. De plus, les estomacs des baleines sont assez massifs, donc vous ne seriez pas écrasé tout de suite. Cependant, ce n'est probablement pas une situation dans laquelle vous aimeriez vous retrouver de si tôt ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00 Welcome to our show "Survive whatever it takes"
00:04 Today our host Alberto is going to do something crazy
00:08 Last year he lived in a cave with a grizzly for 2 months and managed to survive
00:13 Do you remember how Alberto had stretched out some minced meat before jumping in a pool full of piranhas?
00:18 And I hope you haven't forgotten how Alberto had grilled a barbecue above an active volcano
00:24 Well, all of that was just a joke
00:26 Today Alberto is going to do the most dangerous and insane thing of his life
00:31 Just for you, dear viewers, he is going to be eaten by a huge blue whale
00:36 Alberto is going to the North Atlantic
00:38 It's a vast area where you can meet blue whales and sea urchins
00:42 He is boarding his rafio and sailing far from the coast
00:45 He can hear the whales singing with his binoculars and his echolocation system
00:50 A few days have passed
00:52 Alberto is on board and is scouting the horizon
00:55 His sonar detects a movement
00:57 He looks in the direction of the signal and sees a water panache rising in the sky
01:01 It's a blue whale, the biggest mammal on the planet
01:05 Yes, it's a mammal, not a fish
01:07 So Alberto puts on some oil to slip easily in the whale's gill
01:12 He takes an oxygen mask and dives in the water
01:15 The blue whale opens its mouth and absorbs an impressive amount of water
01:20 Its mouth is filled with phaenons, which are kind of hairs that replace the teeth
01:24 They are made of keratin, just like our hair and nails
01:28 The blue whale sucks the water and throws it outwards
01:32 The hairs prevent the small fish and plankton from leaving the mouth with the liquid
01:36 So the phaenons act like a filter
01:39 Alberto swims closer
01:41 The blue whale takes a new gulet
01:43 It takes several tens of liters of water and sucks Alberto
01:47 Our hero is at the heart of the storm
01:49 The water is falling in different directions and a gigantic tongue, the size of an elephant,
01:54 throws Alberto out of nowhere
01:56 Alberto tries to reach the throat, but the water keeps on swallowing him
02:00 He slips along the tongue until he gets out of the mouth
02:03 But the whale tears his jaws and he crashes against the phaenons
02:07 It's a little painful, some hairs even fall
02:10 The tongue wants to push him outwards, but Alberto manages to slip into his gill
02:15 But there, he meets an obstacle, he can't go any further because of the whale's structure
02:21 The throat of this colossal and tiny animal, the size of a human fist, can stretch
02:27 Alberto had planned it
02:29 That's why he spreads out of oil
02:31 He spreads out of all his length and throws himself into the throat
02:34 Our hero now finds himself inside a narrow oesophage
02:38 He slides through like on the slide of an aquatic park
02:41 Then his speed decreases, the space becomes smaller
02:45 Now, Alberto is climbing with difficulty
02:48 It's very slippery here and Alberto can barely move
02:51 The oesophage contracts and pushes him even further
02:55 He is now inside the stomach
02:57 It's dark, exiguous and it smells bad
03:00 Alberto would like to light a match, but his pockets are completely soaked
03:04 And it's a very bad idea to make fire here
03:07 First, there is almost no oxygen, which means no chance to feed a flame
03:12 Secondly, various chemical reactions occur inside the stomach, releasing explosive gases
03:18 Alberto certainly doesn't want that
03:20 He takes out a flashlight and examines the place
03:23 The stomach walls are narrow and constantly throb
03:26 Alberto can't get up from all his height
03:28 He sinks into a kind of liquid to the knees
03:31 He sees fish skeletons, wrecks, supermarket menus, DVDs, a lamp
03:37 And an original edition of Moby Dick floating around him
03:40 No, it's a joke, because it's unlikely that you'll find something interesting in a whale's stomach
03:45 Maybe a plastic bottle or a little squid
03:47 By the way, the cachalot, unlike the blue whale, has a wide and long throat
03:52 It allows it to swallow big whole prey
03:55 Technically, it could swallow a human in one bite
03:58 Anyway, you could find a lot of interesting things in a cachalot's stomach
04:03 It happened that this creature swallowed a giant squid
04:06 And the length of this squid can reach 14 meters
04:09 It's the size of a small bus
04:11 But the cachalot managed to swallow such prey that thanks to the flexible structure of the squid
04:16 Well, let's go back to Alberto
04:18 There is a terrible smell in the whale's stomach
04:21 Plankton and small fish are digested in gastric juice
04:24 And, wait, why does it hurt so much?
04:26 Alberto smells the gastric juice rubbing his clothes
04:29 He tries to get up, but he has no place
04:32 He hits the walls of the stomach with his little fists, but nothing happens
04:36 The stomach shrinks and Alberto gets more and more of it
04:39 The juices attack his skin
04:41 Alberto screams and kicks in all directions
04:44 He wants to cause a vomiting reflex
04:46 But why doesn't it work?
04:48 Alberto is desperate and he doesn't know what to do
04:51 It seems that this is his last adventure
04:54 He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath
04:57 Wait a minute, a deep breath?
05:00 That's it! Alberto opens the valve of his oxygen bottle and fills the stomach with fresh air
05:05 Now the whale starts to swell and fill up with gas
05:09 The stomach throbs, the gastric juices spurt
05:12 And it seems that a hurricane is preparing
05:14 The walls contract so much that they end up expelling Alberto by the oesophage
05:18 With the remains of fish and gastric juice, he is moving forward so well that badly
05:22 The oesophage becomes more and more narrow
05:25 Alberto has trouble breathing, but he sees the light at the end of the tunnel
05:29 The whale spits him out, Alberto is alive
05:32 He is happy to have managed to get out of such an adventure
05:35 He returns on his boat and sails to the shore
05:38 But wait a minute, what is swimming near him right now?
05:42 It's a shark! Here's a stroke of luck!
05:44 Alberto dives again into the ocean
05:47 He heads straight for the mouth of the huge animal
05:50 The shark sucks the water
05:52 Several fish and a octopus arrive at the same time as Alberto
05:55 The shark pushes him with its tongue in different directions and swallows all the prey at once
06:00 The throat is wide enough and Alberto manages to get in easily
06:04 But there is another problem
06:06 Alberto is already in a narrow oesophage where he can barely breathe
06:10 And he has no oxygen bottle
06:12 Alberto feels like he is tightly wrapped in duct tape
06:16 He can't do anything and there is no air here
06:19 He dives deeply into the oesophage and feels that he is not alone
06:22 In addition to the octopus, he feels the movements of huge tentacles
06:26 Wow! It's a giant squid!
06:28 And it seems that he is still alive
06:30 Alberto moves his whole body but it doesn't change anything
06:33 He loses consciousness
06:35 The walls of the stomach press on his face
06:37 It is at this moment that Alberto resolves to bite into it
06:40 A real earthquake begins
06:42 Everything that was in the stomach is expelled
06:45 Finally, Alberto finds himself outside
06:47 A colossal squid swims as far as possible
06:50 It looks like he didn't understand what had happened to him
06:53 Our hero climbs on his rafio
06:55 He is the happiest man in the world right now
06:58 He starts the engine and caps on the shore
07:01 It must be understood that Alberto's story is purely hypothetical
07:05 It's dark and you can't see anything
07:07 There is drool everywhere
07:09 The ground is soft and moves under your feet
07:12 You try to find your way by tapping the walls moving around you
07:16 After a while, you hear cries of pain in the distance
07:19 You call for help but no one answers
07:22 You are the captain of a ship and you have just been devoured by the powerful Kraken
07:28 You keep on struggling without even knowing if you are going in the right direction
07:32 The cries are getting louder and louder
07:34 It's only a matter of time before you end up finding someone
07:38 While you are getting ready to take your next step
07:41 A big piece of wood is projected in front of you, almost making you fall
07:45 This piece of wood comes from the ship that the Kraken has swallowed
07:49 It has also swallowed all the crew
07:52 So they must be somewhere in the belly of the beast
07:56 You keep on following the cries
07:58 It leads you to another path that looks like a zoo
08:01 You grab a piece of wood and you slip along its sticky entrails
08:05 It's dark so you tear a piece of fabric from your shirt and wrap it around a large board
08:11 Then you set it on fire
08:13 This fortune torch allows you to see where you are going in the smallest detail
08:18 You can see the large veins that are pulsating inside
08:22 Each vein could hold more than three people
08:25 After a while, you start to see more debris from your ship
08:29 Including the treasures that you had discovered and kept in a very good condition
08:33 But now, these huge tadors are no longer of interest
08:37 Since you are looking for your crew in this dark and smelly interior
08:41 You arrive at a junction where there seem to be several tunnels
08:45 Each leading to a different place
08:47 You know that it is impossible to get out through the mouth
08:50 So there is no other solution than to go further
08:54 You decide to follow your instinct and slip into the smallest tunnel
08:57 Which is covered with drool and other liquids
09:01 You turn off your torch and put it away to use it again later
09:04 You slip into the cavity and stay stuck for a while
09:08 The kraken is still swimming but it seems to suddenly take a break
09:12 The veins and other giant blood vessels slow down
09:16 And the flesh tunnel in which you crawl widens
09:19 Before even realizing it, you dribble along this well
09:23 Until you reach a pool full of liquid
09:26 The second you dive in, you start to feel the acid burn your clothes
09:31 You are in one of the stomachs of the kraken
09:34 You take off your shirt and paddle on a board to cross this lake of acid
09:39 You can see other pieces of your ship scattered all over
09:43 Suddenly, the kraken starts moving again and starts swimming very fast
09:48 You have no choice but to hang on to the board
09:50 And to keep yourself afloat by protecting your eyes from the acid
09:53 You close them, you are now projected further into the stomach
09:57 Where digestion must take place
09:59 Here, the acid is even more corrosive and melts everything in it
10:04 The smell is atrocious and you can't find a way out
10:08 But in the distance, you see some members of your crew
10:11 Fall on a small island in the middle of the stomach
10:14 You see some sharks swimming around and have not yet been digested
10:18 There is nothing you can do for the moment
10:21 Except to take a break and reach your crew
10:25 You climb on another piece of wood and paddle towards them
10:28 This time, the gastric acid attacks the wood
10:31 Fortunately, a member of your crew throws you another board
10:34 So you jump on it and paddle to them
10:37 You climb on the shore, everyone is happy to see you
10:41 You try to find a way to escape, but the exits are all full of acid
10:45 More water infiltrates as well as many marine creatures
10:49 The acid keeps rising and everyone shrinks in shakes
10:54 At some point, the Kraken swallows a large humpback whale
10:58 Which is struggling in the acid water
11:00 This annoys the Kraken, which starts to shake, swallowing everyone
11:04 You, as well as many others, land on the whale and you cramp firmly
11:09 It looks like the Kraken wants to expel you from this whale one way or another
11:13 The internal walls of the stomach contract
11:16 Until it is narrow enough to evacuate the cetacean
11:19 You and your crew members always hang on to the whale
11:23 But it's not easy
11:25 Finally, the Kraken swallows the whale and swims to the bottom of the ocean
11:30 Your new challenge is to swim to the surface to breathe
11:34 The whale pushes you and everyone else up
11:37 Without it, no one would have been able to go back to the surface to breathe in time
11:42 You don't know where you are
11:44 Some of your crew members cling to debris from your ship to stay afloat
11:48 You swim to one of them and climb on the piece of wood
11:51 Caribbean Sea, July 21, 2047
11:55 The day has finally come
11:57 The research institute you work for has spotted a huge shark off the coast of Panama
12:03 Scientists have confirmed the impossible
12:06 It's a Megalodon
12:08 And they gave you a mission to study this animal up close and inside
12:13 In addition, it's your birthday, but the cake will wait
12:17 The shark is ready
12:19 You have to give it enough tranquilizers to put 10 elephants to sleep
12:22 It's still, but your time is limited because the sedative will dissipate in half an hour
12:27 Let's go
12:29 The team leader slaps you on the back
12:31 Good luck and remember, don't come close to this turbine
12:36 Oh yes, we installed a turbine on the shark so that the water goes through its branches to make it breathe
12:44 You jump overboard
12:47 You set your timer for 25 minutes, just in case
12:51 The shark is not far from the surface
12:53 It's 18 meters long and weighs about 50 tons
12:57 It's the size of a train wagon
13:00 It's a big girl
13:01 The males do not exceed 12 meters
13:03 You approach her, take off one of your gloves and reach out to touch her
13:07 Her skin is like glass, covered with tiny scales similar to small teeth, curved towards her caudal fin to reduce friction when she swims
13:17 How's it going down there? Hurry up!
13:19 Everything is fine, Dr. Perez. I'll be done soon
13:23 You take out your tablet and open the radiography app
13:27 You hold it in front of you and scan her body
13:30 The screen shows all the details of her muscles
13:33 The red tissues need oxygen to help the shark swim long distances
13:38 The white tissues are not oxygenated and are only used for sudden accelerations
13:44 You now scan the skeleton
13:46 There is only cartilage, this flexible material that makes your ears and nose
13:50 It allows the shark to stay light and swim without spending too much energy
13:55 And it works! It swims at about 5 meters per second
13:59 It is therefore twice as fast as the big white shark
14:02 On land, the weight of her own body would crush her internal organs
14:06 Because sharks do not have a thoracic cage
14:09 Let's see how old you are
14:11 You zoom in on her spine
14:13 It is calcified, just like her jaw
14:15 So they are stronger
14:17 You make a transversal cut of a vertebrae thanks to your application
14:21 You see lines that indicate the age and growth of the shark, like on a tree stem
14:25 You count them
14:27 15
14:28 She is about half her life
14:30 Her skull is made of denser cartilage to protect her brain in the shape of a Y
14:34 Her muzzle is spongy and flexible to catch the blows without breaking
14:39 More than 20 minutes of sedation, where are you?
14:42 The team leader raises you
14:45 Muscular and skeletal analysis are completed
14:48 We move on to the sensory organs
14:50 Received
14:51 You approach one of her big black eyes
14:54 A shiver runs through your spine
14:57 It looks like she's looking at you like a little gigo
15:01 Hi my beautiful
15:03 If only you had eyelids to show me that you are sleeping
15:06 Behind her eye you see a small hole
15:09 I found your ear
15:11 Sharks do not have external ears, but their "yes" is formidable
15:15 This mega fish can hear you fight in the water at a distance equivalent to 10 football fields
15:21 It is the low frequencies of irregular explosions that attract her attention
15:26 She tells him that a prey is injured
15:29 You now follow her side line
15:31 It is a line of pores that extends along her body
15:34 It is a system typical of sharks that detects the slightest movement
15:38 Indicating them how far the source is and in which direction it comes
15:42 In fact, the body of a shark is a kind of giant ear
15:46 I will examine your nostrils, my little lady
15:50 They only serve to feel its prey and do not lead to the respiratory system like humans
15:55 A shark can not be stunned
15:58 The odors come in here, pass through skin folds covered with sensory cells
16:03 And send the information to the olfactory bulb that leads to the brain
16:08 A large white shark can feel a single drop of blood in an Olympic pool
16:13 You look at your watch
16:15 More than 10 minutes, you examine its gills
16:18 Water passes through it and the gills extract oxygen
16:22 It is also through there that the body gets rid of CO2
16:25 It is the equivalent of his lungs except that the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs at the cellular level
16:31 And it is the blood that transports it
16:33 You go to the cardiovascular system
16:36 Here is his heart in the shape of an S
16:39 It is small compared to the rest of the body and only has two chambers
16:43 It sends the blood to the branches where it captures oxygen before heading to the tissues of the body
16:49 It is the muscle activity that warms the blood of the shark
16:53 This is only possible because the veins and arteries linked to the heart are very close to each other
16:59 A blood warmer than its environment and which does not depend directly on it, unlike other fish
17:04 Allow the megalodon to hunt in fresher waters even if it prefers warm waters
17:09 This means that nothing can escape him
17:12 His whole body is designed to detect and swallow any prey
17:17 We have some fluctuations in his vital signs
17:20 Hurry up! I'm almost done!
17:23 You have one thing left, his mouth and his digestive tube
17:26 You swim to his jaws, taking care to keep your distance with the current that goes to his face
17:33 His jaws have been kept open to help you examine them
17:37 They are huge! 3 meters in diameter and almost 3 meters in height
17:42 You could easily stand up in his mouth while carrying a friend on your shoulders
17:47 They open at 100 degrees to welcome the biggest fish, whales and even other sharks
17:53 He must eat more than one ton of food a day, which is more than what an average person eats in a year
18:00 His jaws can exert a force of 14 tons, against 1,800 kilos for the great white shark and 70 kilos for man
18:09 And his teeth! He has 250 of them, divided into 5 rows
18:14 They are sharp as razors and can break whale bones
18:19 They are tilted inwards so that nothing can escape his mouth
18:24 His biggest teeth are the size of your hand
18:27 Hypnotized, you get a little closer when...
18:30 BOOSH! The turbine current sucks you directly into his throat
18:36 Your scanner shows a face filled with sensory cells
18:40 Fortunately for us, sharks don't really like the taste of humans
18:44 But they realize it only after tasting it
18:47 That's why sharks bite people and then leave them
18:50 It's just to taste what's on the buffet
18:53 You take out a metallic sphere the size of an apple and put it in his throat
18:57 The probe goes down into the esophagus
19:00 The digestive tract of a shark is not as thin as ours
19:03 It's wide and barely distinguishes itself from the stomach
19:06 It's shaped like a U and is filled with extremely powerful acids and enzymes
19:11 This turns the round, liquid-like thing the shark swallowed into a paste
19:15 Because these animals don't chew their food
19:18 This soup then goes into the intestines
19:21 They are relatively short for an animal of this size
19:24 But evolution has found a trick to increase their surface
19:27 Their interior is shaped like a spiral
19:30 To better absorb the nutrients of each meal
19:33 During this time, the shark's vital signs return to normal
19:37 Perez tries to contact you, but you barely catch the signal
19:41 You... time... watch... you...
19:44 What? Hello? Do you hear me?
19:47 You look at the timer. 5 minutes. You should be able to swim against the current
19:52 While the probe is making its way through its digestive tract
19:55 It analyses its body cavity
19:58 You see its liver. It's huge
20:01 It occupies 90% of the space and represents 25% of its weight
20:05 It's full of oil and helps the shark to float in the water
20:09 But then you see something move
20:12 It's... a baby
20:14 Baby sharks are ready to hunt on their own from birth
20:17 This little one must already be 2 meters long
20:20 Oops!
20:21 This means it's not alone
20:24 It's at this moment that the turbine stops
20:27 Your timer rings
20:28 Technically, I still have 5 minutes
20:31 Wrong!
20:32 The shark starts to move
20:34 You get out of its mouth as fast as you can
20:36 And you swim with all your strength towards the boat
20:39 It's still a little bit rough, but Miss Megalodon manages to swim
