• last year
Even in the face of adversity, children have an extraordinary ability to uplift spirits and ignite joy.

"So, I was diagnosed with cancer recently and started chemotherapy," the subject, Claire, told WooGlobe. "This video was with my children who were trying to make me laugh and cheer me up."

Claire's daughter pitches a challenge where she, her brother, and Claire each will have to toss a dollop of whipped cream up in the air and catch it in their mouth.

As one would expect, the challenge takes a messy turn right off the bat, filling the room with much-needed, non-stop giggles.
Location: Manchester, England

WooGlobe Ref : WGA495734
For licensing and to use this video, please email [email protected]


00:00 Right, so I've seen the video and we're gonna do it.
00:05 So we have some squirty cream.
00:07 Pass me your hand, Daniel.
00:10 Woah, that's a lot.
00:15 Pass me your hand.
00:16 Right, woah.
00:18 Not a chance.
00:24 Oh, it's running out?
00:26 No, it's not.
00:27 Right, alright.
00:28 Don't give me no.
00:30 Right, and what you've got to do is you've got to hit your arm and the cream will come out of your hand.
00:38 You've got to catch it in your mouth.
00:39 Right.
00:40 Stretch your arm first.
00:42 Oh, there was.
00:44 I'm just doing something now, aren't I, Daniel?
00:50 Right.
00:51 Who's going first?
00:53 Go on, you can go first, Mum.
00:54 No, you go first.
00:55 Go on, Mum.
00:56 Right.
00:57 I've got a hand in my mouth.
01:04 Wait, I'm gonna do it now, Mum.
01:06 I'm gonna do it.
01:07 It's a hand.
01:09 Put your hand down.
01:10 What?
01:11 Put your hand down.
01:12 Oh.
01:13 I've just missed it.
01:14 I'm trying to see.
01:20 Oh.
01:21 Are you gonna reach your head?
01:27 I'm going into a jump now.
01:34 We've got cream up and over.
01:36 Are you ready?
01:40 Shoot.
01:41 Is it?
01:42 Come on, it's melting.
01:43 No, you can hit anyone, but you can't go any higher.
01:47 I've got to hit you.
01:48 Hit the top of your arm.
01:49 Like, I didn't even watch how you did it.
01:52 No, that's cheating.
02:01 You're trying again.
02:02 No, I'm not trying again.
02:04 Oh, seriously.
02:05 Me, love.
02:06 Not me.
02:07 Yeah, well, you hit the ceiling.
02:09 At least I did it.
02:10 And you.
02:11 You've got to do it until you get it.
02:12 No, that's not fair.
02:13 Right, OK.
02:14 Go on.
02:15 Go on.
02:16 Let me see.
02:23 You hit all over the floor.
02:25 Oh, my word.
02:26 Right.
02:31 Do you want me to go again?
02:33 No, fuck.
02:34 I'm crying, but I don't know if I'm...
02:36 No, I can't, I'm done.
02:45 I'm winning.
02:46 Goodbye, David.
02:49 No, I've got you.
02:50 Can you see?
02:55 No, don't look at the camera.
02:59 Come on, Daniel.
03:02 You're alright, Daniel.
03:03 Serious.
03:11 Serious.
03:12 Right, go on, Daniel.
03:18 I think you need to sit next to him, because I'm getting full.
03:21 Right, what...
03:22 No, right, do it properly.
03:28 I'm doing it properly.
03:29 It's not that hard.
03:30 It's not that hard.
03:31 She's not doing it right.
03:33 At least I've got it in my mouth.
03:35 Right.
03:36 Right.
03:37 Oh, and your mouth.
03:40 Go on, nearly.
03:41 Up.
03:42 A bit more there.
03:43 I'm glad you're having a good time, Daniel.
03:53 I swear, no more.
03:56 Again, again.
03:57 No more.
03:58 Don't eat, I do it.
04:00 Come on.
04:04 I'm alright.
04:05 My head is.
04:07 Who's cleaning that up? I'm not.
04:09 Daniel, you can...
04:10 Are you still on your knees?
04:11 It's the same.
04:13 Are we done?
04:16 Oh no, my genuine address, break that up there.
04:20 You're so dead.
04:21 It's really up your nose.
04:23 What?
04:26 Don't say that.
04:27 Don't say that.
04:31 What?
04:32 It's all over the dressing room.
04:34 Go and put that straight in the washing pile.
04:36 Daniel.
04:37 Right.
04:38 Is it off my face?
04:39 I've got it on my chin.
04:41 My neck.
04:42 (laughing)
04:44 (laughing)
