• l’année dernière


00:30One day he says, I'll take a chance.
00:32Crazy things for a pair of pencils.
00:34In a glance, school becomes his favorite pastime.
00:36I have buried a bone for the last time.
00:38He says, I wanna be a boy.
00:40What is this band? It's not over, just me and Rover.
00:43I gotta be a boy.
00:45Illuminating telegrams.
00:47Trying to remember Einstein, and Leonard is treading a fine line.
00:50Why can't I be a normal kid like any other?
00:53Now do the boss, listen to mother.
00:55I wanna be a boy.
00:57Now he's a scholar, now he's a scholar.
00:59I wanna be a boy.
01:01This powerpuff's gonna be a boy.
01:03I do not wish to be a dog.
01:05Now the spouse is ready for childhood.
01:07I wanna be a boy.
01:09He's not his breath, but you can bet.
01:11This teeny pet is gonna be a boy.
01:18We'll be right back to Disney's One Saturday Morning.
01:27Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
01:58C'est drôle.
02:00Alors, comment ça s'appelle un déjeuner heureux?
02:02Je m'en fiche si je le fais.
02:05J'étais un clown de réalité.
02:10Les pets essayent un peu plus difficilement ces jours-ci,
02:12parce que les pets du futur sont ici.
02:14Poochie, Meowchie et Chirpichie.
02:1632 couleurs cool, un pour chaque déjeuner heureux.
02:19Le futur, c'est Nowchie, et c'est uniquement à McDonald's.
02:23Jouer ensemble en orchestre, c'est fantastique.
02:25C'est vraiment valable.
02:26Quand l'audience est excitée par l'orchestre...
02:28C'est un grand sentiment.
02:30C'est tout ce qui vaut la peine.
02:34Bienvenue à plus de Disney's One Saturday Morning.
02:54So, please be a friend to your friend, Mr. Earth.
03:00And reduce, reuse and recycle.
03:02Aluminum, paper, cardboard, plastics, one or two,
03:04even old motor oil in some areas.
03:09Have a green weekend.
03:11Oh, Scott and Leonard.
03:13Oh, we were this close.
03:15Would you boys be a couple of planet-saving superheroes
03:17and separate all this trash into the recycling bins?
03:20Oh, Mom, we gotta go get ready.
03:22Tonight's a big laser tag tournament and pizza party at the mall.
03:25Oh, right.
03:27Laser tag and pizza.
03:29I guess that's a lot more important than this big blue marble we all live on.
03:34Man, sometimes the Earth really bugs me big time.
03:38Ah, chill, buddy.
03:39We'll just power through this garbage
03:41and be on our merry way to the laser tag pizzaporium.
03:44Just think, my first laser.
03:47My first tag.
03:49My first pizza that somebody didn't drop on the floor first.
03:53This is nose-related, but still recyclable.
03:56Mrs. Helperman, a word if I may.
03:58Hello, darling.
04:00Play with the boys for a minute.
04:04Why is it that every time we walk into this classroom,
04:06Tallulah acts like she's just seen a dog?
04:09Um, well, perhaps it's this.
04:13Hmm, could be.
04:15Cats are magnificent creatures, but easily confused.
04:21Anyhoo, Mrs. Helperman, I need a favor.
04:23Tonight begins the annual principals convention
04:26down in Southwest East Westland.
04:28I had my mother all set to take care of Tallulah,
04:31but she won a hundred bucks at bingo last night,
04:34decided she was on a lucky streak,
04:36and now she's on her own.
04:38But she won a hundred bucks at bingo last night,
04:40decided she was on a lucky streak,
04:42and headed out for lost wages to, uh,
04:45parlay her C-note into a new mobile home.
04:49Oh, um, well, I was planning to, oh,
04:52just sound so selfish, buy groceries, vacuum,
04:54and make the beds tonight.
04:55But you're a friend in need, Principal Strickler,
04:58so what the hay?
04:59I'd be pleased to pamper your pretty pink pussycat.
05:02Did you hear what she just said?
05:04What, pretty pink pussycat?
05:06Don't get us off on that super stupid side track.
05:09Super stupid side sack.
05:11Pooper scooper tie rack.
05:13She said Tallulah Strickler could stay at our house tonight.
05:18Hola! Hola!
05:21Maybe we should rent this space.
05:23There seems to be a vacancy.
05:26That cat already suspects that I, the boy Scott,
05:29am not who nor what I appear to be.
05:32No biggie. We'll hide all your Scott stuff,
05:34and maybe spot the dog the whole time she's there.
05:36What about my first ever laser tag and pizza party at the mall?
05:40I don't know. I guess you'll just have to skip it
05:42and stay home and be a dog.
05:44I see what this is all about.
05:46You're afraid I'm going to cream you at laser tag
05:50and afterwards snag all the pepperonis.
05:53Well, now I most definitely will let it happen,
05:57just to teach you a life lesson about trust.
06:00As soon as I figure out a wily-weasley way to win my way away,
06:04willy-wisely weedle-woo my why-woo.
06:07Ooh, wah-wee, wah-wah-wah-wah-woo!
06:10Gee, I sure hope it's easier to do than it is to say.
06:16Gentlemen, there's a cat a-coming, men.
06:19A bigger, badder cat than you ever thought you'd meet
06:22in this miserable little thing you call your lives.
06:27Now here's the plan.
06:31Any questions?
06:35I was afraid of that.
06:37Plan B!
06:47We have met the enemy, and he is her.
06:52Come on in. Wipe your feet.
06:54As you know, I won't be vacuuming tonight.
06:56No guilt.
06:57It's just an overnighter, so I packed light.
07:00Now, here are a few instructions for Tallulah's general care,
07:04emergency contacts, and lactose-free recipes.
07:08She gets a little herpy.
07:11You needn't worry about Miss Tallulah one little bit, Principal Strickler.
07:14I know all about cats. I've got one of my own.
07:17Mr. Jolly!
07:21Come say hi-dee-ho to your new friend, Tallulah.
07:28I think I just met the future Mrs. Jolly.
07:34It's so hard to leave my little ball of sugar fur.
07:40Adieu, Tallulah. Adieu.
07:47Be a good cat.
08:28I'll save you, big boy.
08:30Leonard, help her make you get down from there this very instant.
08:34Just a sec, Mom. I also have...
08:40Not fair. That darn cat wrecks our house,
08:43tries to eat our bird, ruins everything,
08:46and you're the one who has to get chained up outside?
08:49Look at the copper's half full.
08:51What your mom didn't realize when she ordered you to tether me to a post
08:55like some common un-house-broken cur
08:58was that she was actually playing right into my
09:00get-smart-out-of-the-house-so-Scott-can-go-to-the-lasertag-and-pepperoni-pizza-party-at-the-mall-tonight plan.
09:05The name of that plan just keeps growing and growing, doesn't it?
09:08Yeah, Bunky.
09:09Kind of like my score at Lasertag when I beat your smart little pants off.
09:13That cat is evil. She's not right, I tell you.
09:15Oh, bosh. She's just high-spirited and full of life.
09:19Oh, I hope this leaves a scar.
09:21It'll make such a cute story to tell our grandkittens.
09:24What's the matter with you?
09:25You're acting all mechugana like you never saw a girl cat before in all your life.
09:30Well, tie me down and hit me with a bag of birdseed.
09:33It's true, ain't it?
09:35Until today, my bowl, my box and my television set were plenty enough of a life for me.
09:41Until today.
09:44But suddenly, everything has changed.
09:48Suddenly, I want to see Niagara Falls.
09:52Oh, boy.
09:53They could have brought home a sweet little parakeet from the animal shelter five years ago.
09:57But no! A big, fat, neurotic, orange cat!
10:01That's what this dump needed!
10:06We'll see who's gonna beat whose pants off at Lasertag.
10:14Oh, this?
10:16These are my clothes.
10:19Yeah, that's it. They're my clothes.
10:21You know, boys wear clothes.
10:23You don't wear clothes because you're a pet.
10:26No, no, no, my pets wear clothes.
10:28What a funny idea!
10:32Well, I guess I'll just go take my clothes and go put them back in my room.
10:39Step on it, Leonard.
10:40This is half a day in dog years.
10:42He'll be here any second.
10:45Any second now.
10:52We'll be right back to Disney's One Saturday Morning.
10:59Last order of fries.
11:00I'll take it.
11:01No, I'll take it.
11:05Jet Storm will strike like lightning.
11:10No way! Night Scene's gonna clip your wings.
11:14Your day is over, Night Screen.
11:16You're grounded, jet lag.
11:22Night Screen likes extra ketchup.
11:24Don't push it.
11:25New Beast Machines.
11:26Electronic Jet Storm and Electronic Night Screen, sold separately.
11:36Here's a slammin' blend of fruit flavor.
11:38From strawberry to pineapple.
11:40New Capri Sun Tropical Punch Cooler.
11:42Bang Zoom Liquid Cool.
11:52New Heinz Easy Squirt Ketchup.
11:54Has a nozzle that makes it easy to draw.
11:59On food!
12:02Heinz Easy Squirt.
12:04It's fun for your food.
12:12Chuck E. Cheese's.
12:14The real cool place for kids.
12:16Parents don't have to get it.
12:18They just have to help get you there.
12:20Not bad for beginners.
12:23At Disney's House of Mouse, you just never know who'll show up.
12:25Looks like we got a full house.
12:27Disney's House of Mouse.
12:29Today on ABC.
12:35Now back to more of Disney's One Saturday Morning.
12:46Disney's House of Mouse.
13:17Quick. Pretend I'm a dog.
13:19Scratch me behind the ear and give me a few of those really long pets.
13:22You know, the ones where you start all the way up at my head and go all the way down my back to where my tail...
13:27I think I know how to pet a dog, thanks.
13:29I've had three of them.
13:30You what?
13:32You said something.
13:33No, I didn't.
13:34There were dogs before me?
13:36Well, either there were or there weren't.
13:38I was really little. I barely even remember...
13:40Their names?
13:42Lovey Bear and Cuddly Buns.
13:44Lovey Bear and Cuddly Buns.
13:46I see. Fine.
13:48Let's speak of them no more.
13:51Were they softer than me?
13:53Cuter? Sweeter? More lovable?
13:55Could they multiply three-digit numbers and recite the periodic table of the elements?
13:59I don't remember. I don't think so.
14:01I don't think so either!
14:03Fine, fine.
14:05We'll speak of them no more.
14:07Just leave me here, chained like a dog.
14:13One of three, the other two of whom we shall speak no more.
14:18Oh, um, Tallulah's just fine, Principal Strickler.
14:21Not a strand of fur out of place.
14:24Put her on the phone!
14:26I need to hear her purr!
14:29Well, she just started a nap.
14:33About time.
14:34Must be exhausted from destroying my house.
14:37I can't hear you, Mrs. Helperman.
14:39Our keynote speaker on the topic of the importance of elementary school principaling in the new millennium
14:47is talking too loudly.
14:50Gotta go now.
15:02Keep watch, Major Jolly, and be prepared to deploy a tactical diversion
15:05in the event of any significant enemy movement.
15:09Keep the cat busy if she wakes up.
15:11Oh, aye, aye, sir.
15:12I mean, up two, three, four.
15:14I mean, I don't know war, Tuck.
15:17I'm a lover, not a fighter.
15:20Where are you going, Lambchop?
15:22Nowhere. The mall.
15:24You know, laser tag, pizza.
15:26Just me, not Scott.
15:28I mean, not his stuff.
15:29Why would I have his stuff?
15:30Oh, Lanny, I know how much you boys wanted to go to that party,
15:33but I just can't get away to drive you over there tonight, sweetie.
15:36I promised Principal Strickler I'd look after Tallulah,
15:39and right now it's time to serve her fresh alpine mountain spring water
15:43in a cut crystal dish on an Irish linen doily.
15:45Oh, dear.
15:46It appears her little claws have shredded the linen doilies
15:50that were the only things my great-grandparents brought over on the boat from Dublin
15:54besides the bedspread.
15:55But who cares about that, because I've been so busy catering to her
15:58I haven't even had the time to make my bed!
16:02So, I guess we're not going?
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