• last year
I could never go vegan. Five words uttered around the world by many a non-vegan, but why? On a quest for the truth, a fi | dG1fYmtVVTVnZUFzaUU
00:00 I don't think many people grasp just how serious this is.
00:05 All we see is what the industries want us to see.
00:10 We're talking about effectively the collapse of earth systems.
00:17 Hello?
00:22 Hi mum, it's Tom. Just got a quick question for you.
00:25 Why did you raise me not eating meat?
00:27 My name's Tom and I've never eaten meat.
00:30 But I can't seem to go a day without hearing from others about why they could never go vegan.
00:34 Like vegans are malnourished.
00:36 Climate change doesn't exist.
00:38 Cheese, bacon, the food is bloody disgusting.
00:43 B12, protein, animals are there for us to eat.
00:47 Are these reasons justified? I need to know more.
00:50 I think there is this big misconception around you can't be vegan and strong.
00:54 What are you going to eat? You go gym, where are you going to get protein from?
00:58 I stood on the Olympic podium just five months shy of my 40th birthday.
01:02 I need to speak to the experts.
01:04 Do you think the public have any idea what goes on in free range farms?
01:09 In meat eating cultures around the world, people learn to classify a small handful of animals as edible.
01:16 Issues to do with the use of other animals, the use of women's bodies.
01:22 Most people have this one-dimensional view of veganism as people who eat salads all day, which is totally wrong.
01:29 Food has now overtaken other risk factors as being the biggest thing that drives chronic disease in the Western world.
01:35 Rather than getting healthier, we're actually getting sicker.
01:38 One in five people die because of an unhealthy diet.
01:42 The dairy industry has convinced us that bone health is all about calcium and calcium is all about milk.
01:47 I can't even articulate some of the things that I've seen.
01:52 When I have nightmares now, it's the sound of those big screams that I'm hearing.
01:56 The biggest cause of ecological destruction.
01:59 Humanity, technology and inventions have brought us into this situation. We can also reverse that.
02:06 Nearly five million deaths were caused and related to antimicrobial resistance.
02:12 If I kill an animal, I don't know how God will forgive me.
02:17 This is the greatest catastrophe humanity has ever faced.
02:21 The worst experience of my life.
02:26 [BOOM]
