• last year
Welcome to the ultimate FNAF mashup, where you will once again be trapped alone in an office fending off killer animatro | dG1fNWpyOFJ2YTRTRFk
00:00 Not gonna lie, I'm a little bit nervous for this, but the goosebumps are just-
00:02 *Groans*
00:03 Okay guys, so, I actually see the offices here.
00:06 So you can actually customize the offices now.
00:09 And there's challenges here as well, loads of challenges that we can do.
00:13 Oh my god, we have the vent system?
00:15 Oh, what? Okay, I'm gonna close off that vent.
00:16 The duct system?
00:17 Let's go.
00:18 *Glass shatters*
00:18 *Laughs*
00:19 There's so much happening!
00:21 20 difficulty.
00:22 20 difficulty.
00:24 *Screams*
00:26 Freddy!
00:28 The Ultimate Custom Night is not something to mess around with.
00:31 This is the Ultimate Custom Night.
00:34 *Screams*
00:36 Oh my god!
00:37 John, the bird likes you.
00:39 Thanks very much!
00:40 Oh, these characters, I can't even-
00:42 Oh!
00:42 Oh, what is-
00:44 Oh!
00:44 No!
00:45 Oh god!
00:45 *Screams*
00:52 Reset the ventilation!
00:54 Let me put you back together, and take you apart all over again.
00:59 Woah!
01:03 *Outro music*
