• last year
'Holding back' was a concept that became alien to the star of this clip once he came face-to-face with his dad in a gripping round of Tortilla Slap Challenge.

"Adults were playing the Tortilla Wrap Challenge, and Frankie wanted a go with his daddy," the filmer, Lewis Eames, told WooGlobe. "Something tells me he had a score to settle here, haha."

The youngling proves that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that counts!

Despite being smol enough to effortlessly slide into the basket section of a trolley, the subject manages to muster up enough strength to almost take his old man off his feet!
Location: Hyde, United Kingdom

WooGlobe Ref : WGA708257
For licensing and to use this video, please email [email protected]


00:02 [LAUGHTER]
00:08 Come on, Frankie.
00:10 [LAUGHTER]
00:13 [LAUGHTER]
00:16 Oh, I hate you! I hate you guys!
