हम भारतीयों का काम ही समोसे के बिना नहीं चलता, तो वहीं ज़रा सा सर्दी-ज़ुकाम हो तो घर में च्यवनप्राश खाने की सलाह मिल जाती है. हालांकि आपको शायद ही पता ता होगा कि इन समोसा और च्यवनप्राश समेत कुल 7 ऐसी चीज़ें हैं, जो दुनिया के अलग-अलग देशों में बैन हैं. चलिए आपको बताते हैं इनके बारे में.
We Indians cannot survive without samosas, so if we have a slight cold, we are advised to eat Chyawanprash at home. However, you might hardly know that there are a total of 7 such things, including samosa and chyawanprash, which are banned in different countries of the world. Let us tell you about them.
#Indianfoodbanned, #Samosabanned
We Indians cannot survive without samosas, so if we have a slight cold, we are advised to eat Chyawanprash at home. However, you might hardly know that there are a total of 7 such things, including samosa and chyawanprash, which are banned in different countries of the world. Let us tell you about them.
#Indianfoodbanned, #Samosabanned