We asked people what's your favourite Christmas film and why?
00:00 Home Alone, it's just something that we've watched with the kids since they were young.
00:05 What do you like about it?
00:07 It's just funny, isn't it?
00:11 What do the kids like?
00:13 Just the daftness of it all.
00:17 Have you ever been to New York?
00:19 Yes.
00:21 Was it like that?
00:22 No, I went in summer.
00:27 The kids now are in their 20s and late teens and we've probably watched Home Alone 20, 30 times at our house and at Nan's.
00:37 So, the script I suppose.
00:43 Which bit of the story do you like the best?
00:45 Oh, whose story do you like the best?
00:47 Oh, um...
00:49 It might be Emma Thompson's cheating husband.
00:54 No, what they call it that goes to Italy.
00:57 I can't think of his name.
01:00 He goes to Italy and he can't speak Italian and she's Portuguese.
01:04 Hugh. Is it one of Hugh's?
01:06 Well, it's him that I remember.
01:08 Is it? I can't remember.
01:11 But anyway, yes, there's a lot of characters in it and I've seen it quite a few times.
01:15 I was going to say, haven't I?
01:16 But I just can't remember his name but I do like that.
01:18 How many times?
01:19 How many times have I seen it? At least half a dozen.
01:21 Every Christmas.
01:23 The only other Christmases it came out, perhaps that's more than six.
01:26 Yeah.
01:27 Yeah.