Remember, remember the 5th of November - but remember these tips too! Bonfire Night is nearly here and we all want to have a good time, but there's right and wrong ways to go about it! A night filled with fireworks, sparklers and roasting marshmallows - the day is meant to be packed with fun, but can be dangerous too.
00:00 Fireman Sam and the rescue team are back and ready for an all new adventurous season.
00:05 From emergencies at sea to disasters at the barbecue, Fireman Sam and his reliable crew
00:10 are always on hand to help save the day with their skills. Created by Dave Gingell, Dave Jones and Rob
00:16 Lee, Fireman Sam has been on the air for just shy of 36 years now, first airing on the 17th of
00:23 November 1987. Across the span of over three and a half decades, Sam has been the go-to guy for
00:29 ensuring the residents of Pontypandy stay safe. Well I've been a fireman well all my life pretty
00:36 much. It's the only job I've ever done and I love it. I mean it's honestly it gets me up in the
00:43 mornings and yes I have learned quite a few top firework tips over the years which I'd love to
00:50 share if you're in the way to listen to them. On the 5th of November each year the UK celebrates
00:57 Bonfire Night, the famous foiling of the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament back in 1605.
01:02 Did you know it was illegal not to celebrate the occasion up to as late as 1959? And there's at
01:08 least one establishment that takes advantage of this law being lifted. St Peter's School in York
01:13 was attended by Guy Fawkes himself and there they still refuse to burn his effigy as a mark of
01:18 respect to their former pupil to this day. No stranger to the dangers associated with the
01:23 evening, firefighters across the country attend schools and share the message of fire safety to
01:28 adults and children alike. Probably one of the world's most famous is Fireman Sam. It's one of
01:33 those times of year that you know the busiest possibly for firefighters like yourself but it's
01:39 a time we all want to have fun but it can be dangerous too. Oh yes very much so and it is I
01:44 mean it is meant to be an exciting time and it can be it's it's wonderful but you just have to follow
01:50 a few basic rules. So I mean one of the most obvious don't get too close to the bonfire you
01:57 know don't be throwing anything at it or poking it with a stick. If you're able to poke the bonfire
02:03 with a stick you're too close. Step back just take a step back. What else? Oh if you're the person in
02:10 charge of lighting the fireworks and one of them doesn't go off what's the one thing you do? You
02:17 don't go back to it because otherwise it might explode while you're by it. Over 550 children
02:25 under 16 are taken to accident and emergency rooms in the four weeks surrounding bonfire night alone.
02:31 It can be a dangerous time of year for all of us if we don't take the correct safety precautions.
02:35 We all want to remember the night for the right reasons not the wrong ones so make sure you keep
02:40 this advice in mind. Have a wonderful time you know it's it's a great event everybody can get
02:46 together as a community and I would say if you can always go to an organized event because it's
02:51 much safer and you'll get to see everybody. So we certainly do that in Pontypandy we have a you know
02:57 a lovely sort of town bonfire night. Get together with your family your friends and just connect
03:03 with people and enjoy it.