• 2 years ago
Fun Facts About College Football Entering the First Set of Rankings


00:00 What is up ladies and gentlemen, welcome in on a Monday evening here on the film guy network.
00:07 We got a great show planned for you guys tonight, but we figured we gave you most of not most
00:12 of our reactions.
00:13 We dumped a bunch of reactions on you guys yesterday morning, talking all of the weekend
00:17 of college football.
00:18 It was a relatively good one.
00:20 All right.
00:21 It wasn't a great one.
00:22 It was a relatively good one.
00:23 We gave you a lot of reactions yesterday.
00:25 We're going to start today's show with a little bit of fun fact.
00:29 Fun fact, ladies and gentlemen, did you know that Georgia Tech has scored 254 points on
00:36 the year and Georgia Tech has allowed 254 points on the year?
00:41 Did you know that Georgia Tech has scored 33 touchdowns and they have allowed 33 touchdowns?
00:48 Georgia Tech is having a beyond scoring agami season.
00:52 Georgia Tech is having a season from all kind of beyond.
00:55 Georgia Tech has played three ranked opponents this year.
00:59 All three opponents were ranked number 17 when they played them.
01:03 Okay.
01:04 Yeah.
01:05 All kinds of crazy shit going on with the Georgia Tech yellow jackets.
01:07 Georgia Tech scored.
01:09 We gave this one yesterday.
01:10 Georgia Tech scored 46 points.
01:12 Yes, or Saturday.
01:14 They scored zero points in both the first and the third quarters.
01:18 Why Georgia Tech?
01:20 I know you didn't watch Sunday show.
01:22 Listen to this.
01:23 Georgia Tech scored 46 points in 13 and a half minutes on Saturday.
01:28 That's tough.
01:29 So those are my fun facts.
01:30 What you guys got for fun fact of the day.
01:33 Let me go first.
01:34 You want to take it?
01:35 I'll go.
01:36 I'll go ahead and get mine out of the way.
01:37 Fun fact, Iowa has punted for 797 more yards than total yards gained on offense this season.
01:44 What?
01:45 It's not rocket right here on show.
01:48 What?
01:49 Yeah.
01:50 I was punted.
01:51 One more time.
01:52 Iowa has punted for 797 more yards than total yards gained on offense this season.
01:58 How is that even?
01:59 I mean, I get it's possible.
02:01 I thought we had the stat of the century on Iowa several weeks ago when they had given
02:06 up 110 more yards per game than they'd gained despite the fact that they were in contention
02:13 to win the Big Ten West and only had one loss.
02:16 This they've punted almost 800 more yards of field position than they've gained on offense
02:21 is one of the craziest stats I've ever heard.
02:23 It is a fun fact.
02:24 It's not necessarily fun to talk about this, but it finally happened.
02:29 Brian Ferentz is going to be let go as the offensive coordinator up there in Iowa.
02:32 It's well overdue.
02:33 I mean, well overdue up there.
02:35 What other fun facts do we got?
02:36 Because I've got a couple more.
02:37 So I've got one, and this one's kind of more fun if I told you this at the start of the
02:41 season than where we are now, but Clemson, Colorado, Georgia Tech, Northwestern, Mississippi
02:48 State, Auburn.
02:49 What would you guess that those teams have in common?
02:51 Horrendous offenses preseason is what I would have guessed.
02:55 They all have the same four and four record currently.
02:58 Holy smokes.
02:59 Who doesn't fit in that group?
03:01 So you said Clemson, Auburn, Colorado, Northwestern you said?
03:05 Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, and Auburn.
03:07 How about Northwestern?
03:08 So Clemson's the ugly duckling there.
03:09 They make no sense.
03:10 Why are you in that group?
03:11 Yeah.
03:12 Yeah, there's some like, "Oh, you're four and four."
03:14 Like positively like, "Northwestern, you're four and four.
03:16 Good job."
03:17 "Georgia Tech, you're four and four."
03:20 Georgia Tech is four and four with a better conference record than Clemson.
03:24 Georgia Tech is four and four.
03:26 What?
03:27 Yeah.
03:28 With a loss to Bowling Green.
03:29 Yeah.
03:30 A home loss to Bowling Green.
03:31 I believe Tech's actually three and one in the conference right now.
03:34 I could be wrong on that though, but they have a better conference record than Clemson.
03:38 Fun fact, there are four Division I programs, okay, in the state of Georgia right now that
03:45 are in the top 50 in the nation in yards per game.
03:49 Even more fun fact, I don't even know how to express this one to you.
03:55 Auburn and Alabama have fewer yards per game than every D1 team in the state.
04:02 That is honestly insane.
04:05 Fewer than Troy, fewer than-
04:08 UAB.
04:09 Jack State, fewer than UAB.
04:11 South Alabama.
04:12 Fewer than South Al.
04:13 Jeez.
04:14 That's honestly disgusting.
04:15 The least amount of yardage per game in the state of Alabama in Division I football right
04:20 now are coming out of Auburn and Alabama.
04:24 Is it by a lot or is it just kind of-
04:26 It's by a fair margin.
04:27 I think Jack State's the only one close to Alabama who's at like 77 right now in the
04:33 country in yards per game, putting up a whopping 366 yards per four quarters.
04:38 Bam is not, Bam and Auburn are putting up, I mean Auburn makes sense, but Bam is not
04:41 putting up 400 a game.
04:42 Bam is not putting up 400 yards a game.
04:44 That is not a promising stat knowing their opponent this week.
04:48 Yeah, no.
04:49 They're going to have to score this week or play really, really big time possession controlled
04:54 bully ball.
04:55 But let's save the analysis for later on in the week.
04:57 Yeah, but that one right there to me is the funnest fact available right now in college
05:01 football that that exists.
05:03 Welcome into tonight's show.
05:04 Make sure you hit that thumbs up button, like, subscribe, rate, and review.
05:07 I want to say this off the top.
05:11 We kind of ventured into this national opinion space, given all this good stuff with like
05:16 very little expectations.
05:18 And here's why it happened.
05:19 All right.
05:20 We've been doing, I've been doing here in the Georgia space, this same stuff for a long
05:24 time, three or four years now.
05:27 And I think, I think I'm good at it.
05:28 I think we're good at it.
05:29 I think we do good stuff.
05:31 And I didn't want to take a full leap and just say, oh, forget the Georgia space, forget
05:35 our roots.
05:36 We'll just go national because I think we're good enough to do national.
05:39 No, the plan was we'll keep sticking to the roots and we'll dip our toe in these waters
05:45 and we'll dip our toe in these waters like we do it, which is jumping headfirst.
05:49 What no dip in the toe.
05:50 All right.
05:51 We're doing four hours a week, nine to 10 right here on the channel.
05:53 So however, wherever you found us, whether you found us from TJ Pittinger's interview
05:57 with us, college courtroom, whether you found us because of our Michigan, whether you found
06:01 us because of the algorithm, wherever, however you found us, I appreciate you guys, because
06:05 a lot of you are commenting what most people figured out once they first found us, my God,
06:11 this is the favorite college football show I've ever watched.
06:13 These people do it well.
06:14 All right.
06:15 So I appreciate all the comments.
06:17 Make sure you're telling your friends about what we got going on here.
06:20 Make sure you're hitting that thumbs up button on today's show.
06:23 We do have a loaded one for you.
