Has it been that long already? Yup
00:00 This time on Roadkill, we take a trip down memory lane.
00:03 You get to see my beard grow in real time.
00:05 And as a bonus, the fastest pass the F-Bomb has ever made.
00:09 [00:01:00] [silence] [00:01:27]
00:38 [00:01.43]
00:52 This first clip is probably the first time I personally broke a frame in half on Roadkill.
00:58 This is the second episode that we shot, which is actually the first episode that we aired.
01:02 The trip with the, whatever it was, 73 Pontiac Catalina from El Paso to California.
01:07 And we stopped and went off-roading in quads.
01:10 We're moments away from leaving the sand dunes and I managed to break my ATV.
01:14 Look, the frame is in two pieces.
01:18 And as a result, the carburetor pulled off the motor and the motor won't run.
01:23 See, this is carburetor, this is motor, this is gap.
01:26 Ruh-roh.
01:27 It's a poor design right there.
01:29 Is that the very first thing I ever broke on Roadkill?
01:32 Because this is the first episode that aired, but not the first one we shot.
01:36 This is me playing a gag on Finnegan, which never made the final cut.
01:40 For the race strategy, well, Freiburger will immediately go to thinking that I'm not faster,
01:46 so I'm going to try and take him out at the start.
01:49 Which means he may swerve one way and expect me to swerve another way.
01:52 So I don't know, I may just try to drag race him, you know, play it fair.
01:57 If I can get to the corner first, I will.
02:00 If not, I'll put him in the dirt.
02:02 Okay, so that's your strategy for the race.
02:05 That's your strategy.
02:06 He just peed in the back of your van, by the way.
02:10 That's going to smell good later.
02:12 And this is the episode where you actually destroyed your spine.
02:15 It is.
02:16 You can see in this episode when I jump the wagon, it's funny in slow-mo to watch my head
02:20 go all the way up to the headliner, and when the thing lands, I compress all the way down
02:26 in the seat, and I remember a sharp pop when I landed.
02:30 You see me get out of the thing and go, "Oh!"
02:32 And long story short, I destroyed the lower-most disc in my back.
02:36 I am bone on bone right there.
02:38 Two vertebrae is junk.
02:40 They want to fuse it.
02:41 You should sue.
02:42 You could own this whole thing.
02:43 All 20 bucks worth.
02:44 Yeah, the Datsun, the Volkswagen, it could all be yours.
02:48 You have redemption.
02:49 You have the faster, more maneuverable automobile, which we've strapped watermelons to.
02:54 It's my job to try and smash the watermelons.
02:57 Pretty clearly, I lose.
03:20 Again in the Van and Wagons episode, what we actually showed you on the show was the
03:23 watermelons bouncing around in the back of the vehicles as we went down that one road,
03:28 but another thing we tried that never made the screen is gaff taping the watermelons
03:33 to the outside.
03:34 Gaff tape is gaffer's tape.
03:35 It's like double throw-down 200-mile-an-hour tape, like duct tape, but better, but it failed
03:39 us that day.
03:40 I forgot how much fun that was, because that whole episode was just drive around like idiots.
03:44 Completely.
03:45 It's great.
03:46 Yeah, and it's got a lot of views.
03:47 Yeah.
03:48 Drive around like idiots more.
03:55 Yeah, one time we went to Australia to film Roadkill, and we were there, I think, a total
04:03 of four days.
04:04 Oh, yeah.
04:05 It was bad, and we went to both coasts in that time.
04:07 Yeah, and so we flew for 30 hours or something, didn't sleep at all, met up with this guy
04:13 Gup.
04:14 He was at this guy's shop where he had a couple of alcohol funny cars, and for whatever reason,
04:19 we show up there, walk around the shop for a bit, and the guy breaks out some Corona
04:22 and says, "Gotta go," and he takes off, and this is kind of what happens afterwards.
04:26 Yeah, and we sat around in his backyard and drank beer until video guy Skippy got drunk
04:34 and went on a swing.
04:35 He looks seven years old on the swing.
04:40 These next clips are from the Dragwar episode.
04:42 They're all things you have not seen before.
04:45 Never been in the episode, never been in a Q&A show.
04:48 The thing is, I'm still convinced we could cool it off and it'll run, but then again,
04:51 we do have this community donation center right here, as if by coincidence.
04:56 We could generate some goodwill at the Goodwill.
04:59 You know, we put our new long block in it, it's going to do it again.
05:02 Hi, Adam.
05:03 I'm calling to find out what it takes to donate a car to the Goodwill.
05:07 You're working on donating, I'm working on fixing it.
05:11 That'd be great, because I have a car and I'm literally sitting at one of your Goodwill
05:14 drop-off stops and I'd love to give it to you.
05:17 1974 Jaguar XJ12.
05:21 One of only 450 made.
05:24 Well, we're feeling, you know, a giving mood, and why not?
05:28 It's for a good cause.
05:30 I'll hang out here until she calls.
05:42 It's really hard to give away a broken car these days.
05:44 And he goes, "Well, you said it's a Jaguar?"
05:48 I'm like, "Yeah."
05:49 "Okay, hold on.
05:50 Let me see if I can find Sally and I'll call you back."
05:54 I didn't tell him it was a brown Jaguar and then it had a dead motor in it.
05:58 He can find that out after he gets here.
06:00 He won't be disappointed.
06:01 Literally, the Goodwill, you know, you donate things, you get a tax deduction.
06:05 I didn't even want the write-off.
06:07 I just tried to give them a Jaguar and they said no.
06:10 The moment they said, "Does it run?"
06:11 I said, "No."
06:12 They said, "We don't want it."
06:13 Yeah.
06:14 Wow.
06:15 Picky about their free stuff.
06:16 I'm unpacking the car while Freiberger goes to the auto parts store to buy stuff to fix
06:21 it.
06:22 And then I'm going to park the car over there behind those semis and when he comes back,
06:24 I'm going to tell him I gave the car away.
06:27 He'll probably believe me because at this point in the day, after this many breakdowns,
06:32 somebody would do that.
06:33 Why not me?
06:34 It's gone, dude.
06:35 Seriously?
06:36 No.
06:37 Yeah.
06:38 No.
06:39 I'm not believing you.
06:40 I know.
06:41 That's why it's going to be a real wide opener later when we drive home and you're still
06:48 not believing us.
06:49 I'm still not believing you.
06:55 You wrap it.
06:56 I'm going to wrap this right now.
06:59 What I want to see is how you say the words and then later on when you accept that the
07:03 car is gone, how you would say the words then.
07:07 Say it with disbelief now.
07:08 I'm still not believing it.
07:09 So you can re-record it later.
07:11 Yeah.
07:12 We ultimately ditched the Jaguar at the side of the road at the end of that episode.
07:15 We had truly killed that poor motor.
07:17 We melted.
07:18 Yeah.
07:19 Melted it.
07:20 We were driving down the road watching the temp gauge climb and this is after we put
07:23 a radiator in it.
07:25 And it just stopped moving.
07:27 It must have blown a head gasket or something.
07:29 It was terrible.
07:30 A lot of people wonder how big is the crew that follows along with Roadkill.
07:35 And usually it's two to three video guys and that's it.
07:39 And yeah, they do carry our tools for us and our generators every once in a while.
07:43 And this is a little behind the scenes look at that.
07:45 The video guys, as you may be aware, are not in fact riding with us.
07:49 They've got this minivan.
07:51 And since they were going to be here anyway, we just happened to throw some tools and a
07:54 generator in the back of it.
07:56 Yeah, it's not really like a road trip.
07:59 It's an adventure anyway.
08:01 That's Sparky right there.
08:03 Say hi Sparky.
08:04 Need your generator David?
08:06 Yes I do.
08:07 Thank you.
08:08 Could you remove this radiator for me please?
08:10 We've got it covered.
08:11 You don't have to do anything.
08:12 Okay.
08:13 And that's how we handle Roadkill.
08:14 I'll be in my trailer.
08:17 Yeah.
08:18 So this is our second attempt to go to Alaska I believe.
08:22 This was our successful attempt.
08:24 Yeah.
08:25 And this is us sitting on the side of the highway before getting to Alaska.
08:29 We thought we had to get rid of all of our illegal fireworks and so David spent a solid
08:33 20 minutes trying to make fire when it was minus, I don't know, 10 degrees out.
08:38 So we stood in the middle of the highway with nobody within like who knows how many miles
08:44 in either direction just firing off fireworks.
08:46 It better be good.
08:47 Yeah!
08:48 That's loud!
08:49 That was great!
08:50 That was worth the 20 minutes.
08:51 Yeah let's do the next one.
08:52 This is what you didn't see in the episode with the flat rod Jeep when we tried to give
08:54 the thing away actually in exchange for paying our bar bill and the bar didn't want us to
08:59 film and our video crew sort of whipped out some cameras anyway at the very end in the
09:03 parking lot and this woman actually runs up to Travis and says, "Hey, I'm going to
09:07 give you a ride."
09:08 And he's like, "No, I'm not going to give you a ride."
09:09 And she's like, "Well, I'm going to give you a ride."
09:10 And he's like, "No, I'm not going to give you a ride."
09:11 And she's like, "Well, I'm going to give you a ride."
09:12 And he's like, "No, I'm not going to give you a ride."
09:13 And she's like, "Well, I'm not going to give you a ride."
09:33 This has been the White Trash Edition of Roadkill.
09:36 Thank you, goodbye.
09:37 How is this any different than any other Roadkill?
09:40 This is way more white trash.
09:42 We were in Parker.
09:45 We drank beer.
09:46 None of this is usable.
09:47 He's just saving this for whack mail.
09:49 Yeah, he is.
09:51 These guys, they're in the Jeep when we get there at last call.
09:54 They want it.
09:55 Okay, we can't film here.
09:57 Let's go down about a mile down the trail and we'll do the thing.
09:59 We'll sign the title over and all that.
10:00 We weren't driving by the way.
10:02 So we're drunk and we can't obviously drive anything.
10:05 So they said, "Well, get in the back of our truck and we'll drive you."
10:08 So we get in the back of this truck driven by a woman who had recently given birth and
10:12 I'm sitting next to an infant who's crying.
10:15 And she's like, "Oh, you know, that's my baby."
10:18 And I'm like, "Oh, you're very cute."
10:19 She's like, "He's crying."
10:20 She's like, "Oh, just give me your finger."
10:22 I'm covered in dirt and I hand this baby my finger and it's like grabbing onto it.
10:26 And next thing you know, the truck in front of us full of their friends is firing a nine
10:30 millimeter gun at the side of the mountain next to us.
10:34 It'll never ricochet.
10:35 It's not good.
10:36 It's not good.
10:38 This next scene is going to be from the episode with the mini bikes and the muscle truck and
10:42 all of that.
10:43 And it was in the credits of the original show.
10:45 We're going to show you the whole thing about the Twix car.
10:48 The best part about going to the auto parts store is all the crazy stuff you're going
10:51 to see in the parking lot.
10:53 This is the mid 80s Irox-E Camaro done up in a Twix motif.
11:01 But that's not the cool part.
11:03 The cool part is, is some guys have alligator skin on their seats.
11:08 Homeboy's got an alligator on his dash.
11:11 I've seen it all.
11:13 This car is so famous.
11:14 Look at that.
11:15 Every time it's for sale on Craigslist, somebody sends it to me.
11:17 It's like in Fresno or something now for sale.
11:19 And it's like three grand.
11:20 We should buy it.
11:22 This next clip is going to be me ramming Joseph Reganio's little Trail 90 into the pole at
11:28 the gas station.
11:29 Oh, hey, dude.
11:30 I thought you were going to say my bike was on fire.
11:37 Oh.
11:38 Whoa.
11:39 Good.
11:40 Tell me you got that.
11:53 Always be rolling.
12:03 You said go over 125, keep it over 139.
12:06 Really?
12:07 Is that what I said?
12:08 Didn't I say like 125 plus or minus 5?
12:09 Isn't that kind of what I said?
12:10 Never heard the plus or minus.
12:11 Well, plus or minus, yeah.
12:12 The plus or minus is a little confusing.
12:13 I know it's tough.
12:14 Can I ask for lenient slugs?
12:15 Plus or minus.
12:16 It's a complicated task.
12:17 The bottom line is if you want to actually walk away from here with a license, you actually
12:21 have to run 125 plus or minus 5.
12:23 I'll put it right on 125.
12:27 So this is going to be when we took the leaf blown Monza to, I guess it was the Ohio Mile.
12:33 That might have been the first race of the Ohio Mile.
12:35 ECTA.
12:36 Yeah.
12:37 And he was trying to license, which means that you need to show vehicle control by running
12:42 in a specific mile an hour range.
12:44 That didn't happen.
12:45 My buddy Keith decided to ream him a little bit for it.
12:48 Well, remember, you know, it was raining, threat of rain.
12:51 We only thought we were going to get one pass.
12:52 Well, we need to find out how fast it'll go.
12:54 So I wasn't trying to go 125 at all.
12:56 Sorry, Keith.
12:57 I was trying to go as fast as humanly possible in this thing.
13:00 And it went 138.
13:02 You know, it's a good pass.
13:04 This next scene is some outtakes from the moment in Roadkill where we probably came
13:09 closest to true real life death ever, which was blowing a tire out on the Gremlin while
13:16 we're flat towing the Prius.
13:18 And I mean, tire blows straight off the highway and slid the thing 180 degrees.
13:23 That was the scariest part for me is when we go down the embankment, every time a bush
13:26 came in front of me, I thought it was a tree.
13:29 You're like, what's going to happen next?
13:30 I was like, oh, I got through another one, not a tree.
13:33 At first, when that was happening, I was like, wow.
13:35 And then I wish there had been an in-car camera.
13:37 I went like this.
13:38 You were asleep.
13:39 You were sleeping and we're going 70 and the tire blows and he goes, tire blew.
13:43 Yeah, exactly.
13:44 You woke up from a dead sleep and knew the noise.
13:47 I literally was going like this because I thought we were going over.
13:50 Oh man.
13:52 It's all sweaty.
13:56 I'd forgotten about Al Gore.
14:11 I've been sitting here since 11am.
14:13 It's a hundred degrees out.
14:14 I have a dog in the car that's sweating to death.
14:18 Half an hour ago, I called back and said, where's the tow truck?
14:21 They said, oh, one of those cars, the registration's expired.
14:24 We're not towing it.
14:26 And I remember I was like angry with them because I'm like, I am a 30 year customer.
14:31 I've been here for 10 hours.
14:33 You need to waive that policy and get me off the road now.
14:37 And what's interesting is they called me back and they're like, okay, we've spoken to your
14:40 home office.
14:41 We're going to cover this.
14:42 They came, they handled it.
14:43 Everything was great.
14:44 And then three months later, I got a letter where they threw me out of the auto club and
14:48 I had to, you know, call and make amends.
14:52 And I ultimately got back in by paying the tow bill.
14:55 The near death wasn't the most annoying part of that entire scene.
14:59 The most annoying part was trying to get that junk towed off the highway after the crash.
15:04 Which is why driving that tank was very therapeutic.
15:07 It was.
15:08 World's most fragile tank right there.
15:21 Yeah.
15:22 You broke the tank.
15:23 What'd you do?
15:24 You knocked the tread off the tank?
15:25 Yeah.
15:26 It has six gears.
15:27 I used them all.
15:28 And I guess the little rubber wheels.
15:29 They never had it that fast before.
15:31 No, the little rubber wheels on the tracks just started disintegrating.
15:34 Right.
15:35 I didn't know.
15:37 These are perfect for the new car.
15:41 Want a set of these for the 55.
15:43 Yeah, this is walking around in Don Waldron's junkyard of cool old gassers and stuff.
15:48 Eight or nine inch valve.
15:51 Chevy truck.
15:52 33 Willys.
15:53 So many Willys.
15:54 So many Willys.
15:55 The best part about his whole place is the wheel collection.
16:00 Unreal amount of wheels.
16:02 People love junkyards.
16:03 Junkyards are great.
16:05 It's like buried treasure.
16:06 Yep.
16:07 Even if it's all in one spot, you're going to walk around and you're going to go.
16:10 Oh, those are Henry J's.
16:11 What's on the other side of that?
16:12 Yeah.
16:13 One, two, three, four, five Henry J's.
16:14 Do you know why Henry J's called a Henry J?
16:17 It's named after Henry J what?
16:20 Henry J Kaiser.
16:21 Kaiser?
16:22 That's a 38 Willys.
16:23 That's a cat.
16:24 That's a Edsel wagon.
16:25 That's a 40 Willys.
16:27 We've only been to a couple really good junkyards on Roadkill.
16:30 CTC Auto Ranch, right?
16:32 And then Turner's Auto Wrecking.
16:34 We wish that we could stop and look at more stuff.
16:36 When we're on Roadkill, we're usually on a schedule and we'll be driving in the car
16:38 and go, "Whoa, did you see that?"
16:40 But then we have to keep going.
16:41 And so you don't get to see a lot of our junk.
16:43 Now we're going to show you even more junk.
16:45 This is going to be outtakes from some of the other cars that we considered when we
16:48 were at Turner's Auto Wrecking, where we bought our 50 GMC truck.
16:52 How do they keep track of some guy calls and goes, "I need a 440 Chrysler pulley with air
16:56 conditioning and, you know, cruise control or whatever."
16:59 How do they find it?
17:00 There's one guy here.
17:01 Who knows?
17:02 Who knows?
17:03 Look at that.
17:04 Ooh, Ranchero.
17:05 I've never been to the Ranchero.
17:06 62 or 3.
17:07 You know who drives those are college girls going to Long Beach.
17:11 And cruising Melrose being hipsters.
17:13 Yeah.
17:14 They're just not my thing.
17:15 Wow.
17:16 22 old.
17:17 22 olds?
17:18 Oh, it's got the crank on the front.
17:22 We can make that run.
17:23 This is like a 54-ish kind of thing.
17:26 Look how close the tires are to the rear of the car.
17:29 37 Ford.
17:31 You own one of these.
17:32 I know.
17:33 It's not this good though.
17:34 I hope this comes with the car.
17:38 Cats are big on the internet.
17:39 That'll get a lot of use.
17:41 Aluminum V6 Vega.
17:43 I guess the driver tied one on that night or something.
17:45 I guess so.
17:46 Jesus.
17:47 This thing is hammered.
17:48 It is.
17:49 It says, "Take no parts."
17:50 That probably means it runs.
17:52 Look at the dash.
17:54 Those are probably the coolest gauges I've ever seen in my life.
17:56 They look like boobs.
17:57 That's what makes them so good.
17:59 So there's three episodes about my '55 Chevy, and this one is where it all started.
18:04 Before it was blasphemy.
18:05 This was when we went to Oregon with nothing but a Hemi and a body and put a car together.
18:11 This is the only time Finnegan actually cried on camera during Roadkill.
18:14 Yeah.
18:15 I'm going to cry, man.
18:16 I'm going to cry.
18:17 It's too cool.
18:21 I've owned a lot of cars.
18:23 I've had a bunch of cars, but not a single one of them ever moved me to sit on the ground
18:29 and just stare at it and cry like a little baby.
18:33 This is literally like when my kid was born or when I got married or the first time I
18:38 had sex.
18:39 It's just pure joy.
18:41 Oh, that was no joke.
18:44 I was so just moved by the image of the stacks and the Hemi.
18:52 Has the car lived up to your expectation from that day?
18:55 Oh, it's the most fun I've had in a car in a long time, except for Charger on gravel.
19:00 Charger on gravel ruined me.
19:03 Somebody asked me last week, "What was your best day ever at Roadkill?"
19:05 I didn't even flinch.
19:06 Oh, Charger at the rally school.
19:07 Oh, yeah.
19:08 Yeah.
19:09 So am I going to see you in Las Vegas?
19:20 We kind of have to now.
19:21 I mean, you came all the way down here.
19:22 What do you live, three miles away?
19:23 No, it's a little further.
19:24 A little further than that.
19:25 So we should probably just drive 36 hours to Las Vegas.
19:28 That's cool.
19:29 It's only fair.
19:30 What are our odds?
19:31 Oh, yeah.
19:32 Your odds of making it?
19:33 Yeah.
19:34 What are you going to bet us?
19:35 You guys know that better than I do.
19:36 I'm not even going there.
19:37 I was instructed never to bet you anything ever.
19:41 So what are we going to bet?
19:42 If we make it to Vegas in this, what do we get?
19:47 Whatever passes you need to the races.
19:49 Oh, that's a good deal right there.
19:52 We qualify Friday and Saturday and eliminations are on Sunday.
19:55 You're welcome into the racetrack.
19:57 Just send me a text and I'll arrange for tickets and hospitality and some good meals.
20:01 I think we're going to Vegas.
20:03 Thank you.
20:05 You have a bet, sir.
20:06 Sounds great.
20:07 We'll see you there.
20:08 See, and you told me we needed something else to happen in this episode.
20:12 There it is.
20:13 And this is where you bet Don Schumacher that we would show up in the Corvette to Las Vegas
20:16 from Florida.
20:17 In three days.
20:18 We failed at that.
20:19 And then we told him we would come to English Town and see him.
20:22 We failed at that.
20:23 Yeah.
20:24 And then.
20:25 We failed twice and the third time we finally delivered.
20:26 And the only reason we made it was we flew into Indy, bought a car two miles away and
20:30 drove it.
20:31 Right.
20:32 We made it the whole two miles.
20:33 That gives us something.
20:35 This next clip is going to show what happens when we turn on our Glimpse app, which is
20:39 a thing on the phone where you can follow us on a live GPS tracker.
20:44 And we did that on the '55 Chevy when we were driving all the way across the country.
20:47 And as a result, almost every time we stopped, we had fans that came and hunted us down.
20:52 Yeah, we never got gas alone that entire trip.
20:55 How's it going?
20:56 Man, I don't get too celebrity awestruck.
21:00 I just downloaded the app y'all use.
21:03 Oh, the Glimpse deal?
21:04 Holy cow.
21:05 They are coming through Flagstaff.
21:06 Cool.
21:07 I walked in my truck, I was doing "Don't let him hear this."
21:08 Fucked in trying to catch up to y'all.
21:09 Holy cow, man.
21:10 Cool.
21:11 Thanks a lot.
21:12 I love your show.
21:13 I just love it.
21:14 My buddy's been on it for a while.
21:15 I love your show.
21:16 I just love it.
21:17 My buddy's been trying to get me to watch it for years.
21:18 I got all caught up about two months ago.
21:20 Love it.
21:21 I hopped on the freeway and I caught up.
21:22 Awesome.
21:23 Hey, I'll let you guys get to it, but there isn't a chance I get you to take a picture
21:24 of my little dog with you, would you?
21:25 Oh, sure.
21:26 Awesome.
21:27 Let me go get him.
21:28 Bring him.
21:29 He's like a puppy.
21:30 He's so soft.
21:31 My friends will never believe me unless I do this.
21:32 Look at him.
21:33 What's his name?
21:34 His name's Sinatra, Frank Sinatra.
21:35 Frank Sinatra.
21:36 Old blue eyes.
21:37 Oh, wow.
21:38 He's got a lot of hair.
21:39 He's got a lot of hair.
21:40 He's got a lot of hair.
21:47 He's got a lot of hair.
21:48 He's got a lot of hair.
21:49 He's got a lot of hair.
21:50 He's got a lot of hair.
21:51 He's got a lot of hair.
21:52 He's got a lot of hair.
21:53 He's got a lot of hair.
21:54 He's got a lot of hair.
21:55 He's got a lot of hair.
21:56 He's got a lot of hair.
21:57 He's got a lot of hair.
21:58 He's got a lot of hair.
21:59 He's got a lot of hair.
22:00 He's got a lot of hair.
22:01 He's got a lot of hair.
22:02 He's got a lot of hair.
22:03 He's got a lot of hair.
22:04 He's got a lot of hair.
22:05 He's got a lot of hair.
22:06 He's got a lot of hair.
22:07 He's got a lot of hair.
22:08 We dug up a little bit here and the thing that's going to be more fun than either of
22:12 us is going to be Fred from Dirt Every Day.
22:14 Watch him in the muscle truck.
22:15 I'm going to get a crash.
22:16 I'm going to get a crash.
22:17 I'm going to get a crash.
22:18 I'm going to get a crash.
22:19 I'm going to get a crash.
22:20 I'm going to get a crash.
22:21 I'm going to get a crash.
22:22 I'm going to get a crash.
22:23 I'm going to get a crash.
22:24 I'm going to get a crash.
22:25 I'm going to get a crash.
22:26 I'm going to get a crash.
22:27 I'm going to get a crash.
22:28 I'm going to get a crash.
22:29 I'm going to get a crash.
22:30 I'm going to get a crash.
22:31 I'm going to get a crash.
22:32 I'm going to get a crash.
22:54 This next clip is from the episode where we built the 68 Charger, which by the way, went
22:58 on forever.
22:59 It took us like eight months to shoot that episode.
23:01 But this is hauling, I think, the fury from one place to another in the Macho Grande.
23:05 And a lot of people always ask, "Hey, we want these shows to be longer.
23:08 We want to see what goes on."
23:09 You really don't.
23:10 We spend so much time in the car together, they just run out of things to say, trying
23:14 to be funny, aren't.
23:15 And here's proof.
23:16 Let's do Battle of the 80s versus the 90s.
23:18 You do the van, I'll do the mini truck.
23:21 And our challenge is to take two period correct and completely played out vehicles and try
23:28 to update them in a way that makes them less offensive.
23:31 Well, the van is 70s.
23:33 Okay, take the 70s, whatever.
23:35 I don't care.
23:36 But we take just, they're offensive.
23:38 Like mine is Pepto Pink with 15 inch wheels.
23:41 Heartbeat graphic.
23:42 Yeah, too many subwoofers.
23:44 And yours is...
23:45 License plate crooked, embedded in the tailgate.
23:47 Yours has like a bubble window in the back and...
23:50 A naked lady being slayed by a dragon.
23:52 Yeah, a mural on the side of it.
23:55 Yeah, all of that.
23:57 Yeah.
23:58 We're in Concord's Pebble Beach and let's see whose is the least offensive.
24:04 Well, we phoned that one in, didn't we?
24:06 But don't worry, Roadkill is coming back.
24:08 As a matter of fact, next month we have that going on.
24:11 It's going to be pretty good.
24:12 Yeah, look at all the amazing fab work that we did not do.
24:14 That's right.
24:15 I did put the zip ties on though.
24:17 In the meantime, go check out all the other Roadkill episodes.
24:20 We found a lot of fans are telling us that they don't realize we've got what, this is
24:23 like number 34 or something like that.
24:25 Yeah, a lot of stuff out there people haven't even seen.
24:28 Yeah.
24:29 Go look at the playlist.
24:30 Go to the Motor Trend channel, click on playlist, select Roadkill and you can go to the Smorgasbord
24:33 of episodes to check out and it'll be way more entertaining than what you just watched.
24:37 Word.
24:38 We promise.
24:39 [beep]
24:40 [music]
24:47 [engines revving]
24:58 [music]
25:05 [engines revving]