Des dauphins illuminés par une lueur bleue…voici le spectacle fascinant auquel des touristes ont pu assister au large des côtes californiennes. Ce phénomène de bioluminescence, de plus en plus fréquent en Californie, est causé par la prolifération de phytoplanctons.
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00:21 - The waves are lit up from the bioluminescence,
00:23 so when the waves are crashing, that's agitating the plankton.
00:26 When our boats are moving through it, that's agitating them.
00:29 When the dolphin and fish are swimming through it,
00:32 that's creating an agitation, so it'll stir the plankton up
00:36 and create that beautiful blue glow.
00:38 Years ago, it would maybe happen once every 5, 10 years,
00:43 and now it's happening, you know, a couple times a year.
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