• 2 years ago
QUICKSAND Trailer - official movie trailer HD
00:00 I got wedding stuff to do, but you guys are on ring duty, okay?
00:08 You can just call me Frodo.
00:09 We're cool best men in Josh's wedding.
00:12 Carrying rings, making speeches, and don't forget who's gonna be their super crush.
00:18 I love you, man.
00:20 You got this.
00:21 Okay.
00:22 Best man.
00:23 Best man.
00:24 Best man.
00:25 Uh, we're actually here about a ring.
00:29 Uh, did you buy one a couple days ago?
00:32 Yes!
00:33 Yes!
00:34 That's it!
00:35 That's the ring!
00:36 Our best friend's wedding is actually tomorrow.
00:37 If it's your buddy's ring, why'd you sell it?
00:39 We sort of lost it.
00:42 Uh-huh.
00:44 We're the worst men.
00:49 You stole it?
00:50 I got it.
00:51 What's this guy's name again?
00:52 They violated me!
00:53 Dick Richards.
00:54 Dick Dick.
00:55 We're going to make it to the wedding.
01:01 Which way were they heading?
01:02 I thought you'd never driven a car before.
01:03 You try, man.
01:04 You try.
01:05 Okay.
01:06 No, no, no.
01:07 I have leaked information regarding possible suspects.
01:08 Oh, no.
01:09 We're not gonna steal someone's car.
01:11 Hi.
01:12 Nice Ford you got there.
01:14 Uh, my mom.
01:15 Why don't you call 911, 'cause the cops are after us.
01:21 Oh, this is bad.
01:24 Okay, try to scream.
01:25 If you need help, you can tell us.
01:26 Tell you what?
01:27 Make yourselves more buoyant, please.
01:28 You need help.
01:29 Oh, we're dying.
01:30 This is dying.
01:31 We don't.
01:32 We need, like, a rope or a vine.
01:33 If you did, you'd let us know.
01:34 Yeah, but I don't.
01:35 Yeah, we're doing really well, so...
01:36 I'm never letting you drive in a car chase ever again!
01:37 The car's only four-cylinder.
01:38 I'm never letting you drive in a car chase ever again!
01:39 The car's only four-cylinder.
01:40 I'm never letting you drive in a car chase ever again!
01:49 The car's only four-cylinder.
01:50 - I'm a seal injured. (dramatic music)