• 2 years ago
Travellers believed to be the same ones who caused havoc in Boston have arrived in Skegness.


00:00 Well I'm pleased to reassure residents that at last the travellers have gone. I know it's been a very difficult 48 hours for local people
00:08 and I know their presence in the town has caused a lot of anger and a lot of upset
00:13 and I can assure you that I share that anger. I'm absolutely furious that our town went into virtual lockdown
00:21 because of these criminals and that's exactly what they are, the criminals.
00:24 They caused disruption throughout the town centre. We had to close the swimming pool, we had to cancel the market
00:32 and that disrupted the lives of our law abiding citizens. So please be rest assured that myself,
00:39 the cabinet and the officers will do everything in our power to bring prosecutions where we can.
00:46 Now I know that many of these travellers don't have fixed addresses so you will appreciate that
00:53 that's difficult for us in a lot of ways but I can promise you that if we can bring prosecutions
00:59 we absolutely will and I'll keep you informed of that as it progresses. But right now I want you
01:05 to come back into Boston, I want you to use the park, the swimming pool, the shops, the wonderful
01:12 shops that we have in the town centre and feel safe in doing so because you are safe.
