• 2 years ago
Credit: SWNS / Kirsty Bortoft

A woman who says she "died and came back to life" after being given just a six per cent chance of pulling through - and says it's thanks to an 'angel'.

Kirsty Bortoft, 49, was working from home and finishing off for the weekend when her partner, Stu Clark, 47, a managing director of a car dealership, returned home to her lifeless body on the sofa in January 2021.

He immediately started doing CPR and called the emergency services who arrived within six minutes - where they restarted Kirsty's heart using a defibrillator.
00:00 now fiance Stu who found me not breathing sat on the sofa with a laptop on the floor.
00:05 Now if you're not into like mystical near-death experience things then scroll on by.
00:09 Quick recap.
00:10 We know on the Friday it happened I was last seen on WhatsApp at 4.49.
00:13 Yeah so I have WhatsApp on my laptop open all day because I use it to communicate with
00:17 my clients.
00:18 At 5.29 my now fiance Stu who found me not breathing sat on the sofa with a laptop on
00:24 the floor.
00:25 The next hour was hectic.
00:26 Stu did CPR, there was ambulances, it was an hour before they could stabilise my heart.
00:30 I was put into an induced coma.
00:32 This is when things got a bit weird.
00:34 So my body was clearly in the hospital but my spirit was something completely different.
00:39 Now my friend Claire she's a psychic and lives in Spain but I've gone to her and asked her
00:44 to write me some lists.
00:45 I had three sons and I wanted to write these lists to them.
00:48 She refused and told me categorically to get back into my body.
00:52 I was distressed and I did say to her I don't know if I can.
00:56 Now obviously you and I are communicating these three words like we're having a chat.
00:59 It wasn't like that.
01:01 Apparently I was there for two hours trying.
01:03 The weird part of it is back in Scarborough Hospital Stu has been told that I probably
01:06 wasn't going to make it.
01:07 Now I don't know where I was between that point and returning to my body.
01:12 Sadly there was no white beings that came and chatted to me.
01:15 One of the biggest questions I get asked is do I not worry it'll happen again and the
01:18 answer quite frankly is no.
01:19 You experience something like this you're never the same person.
01:36 This version is much braver.
01:37 She doesn't worry.
01:38 It sticks in the chin and she understands that not everyone will get it and that's okay
01:44 but that plenty of you absolutely will get it and you know who you are so this message
01:48 is for you.
01:49 Number one gratitude must be practiced daily.
01:52 Two you're divinely protected.
01:53 Three you've committed to wake up grow and refine your vibration.
01:57 Four the real school is the school of life and love is the only healer.
02:01 Five you're incredibly important.
02:04 Six life might throw challenges but without dark you would not know what light was.
02:07 And seven you are here to experience a spectrum of emotions.
02:10 You are not here to hold on to them to beat yourself up or suffer.
02:15 Came back on Sunday with zero brain damage.
02:17 Lots of weird and wonderful godisms happened in that 48 hours.
02:21 First ambulance one that came also cost June.
02:24 June my fiancee this is when it starts to get really weird so if you're not into stuff
02:28 like this then scroll on by.
02:30 Every friend in Spain who's a psychic who did not know what was going on in England
02:36 gets in touch with my sister who lives in Australia saying what the heck's going on
02:38 I've got Kirsty's spirit in my front room.
02:41 Well what happened next is a whole other video I'm afraid.
02:44 When you get a second chance at life you do not waste it on overthinking because you're
02:48 too busy being so grateful for your life.
02:53 [Music]
