• 2 years ago


00:00 Wow, did that just happen?
00:02 Yes it did.
00:04 So did this, this, and this.
00:10 The world of animals is full of discoveries to be made.
00:16 But every time you think you've seen it all,
00:18 these creatures surprise us time and time again
00:21 with their humor, sweetness, intelligence, and sheer power.
00:25 Oh.
00:25 From ball-grabbing hyenas to animals using each other as modes of transports,
00:34 here are 21 amazing animal moments you won't forget.
00:38 Oh, and if you thought teenage mutant turtles were the only ninjas in town,
00:44 stick around for the alligator at number three.
00:46 It will blow you away.
00:48 Let's get started.
00:53 Number 21, when squirrels ask for water.
00:56 Shy, hard to get on camera, let alone get close to,
01:02 this thirsty little critter defies all the laws of squirrels as it asks for water.
01:06 With a begging-like motion, the squirrel approached this young man,
01:11 who kindly offers the squirrel a very long drink.
01:13 Someone must have been very thirsty.
01:21 Number 20, elephant kicks buffalo in the head.
01:24 Check out this funny wildlife moment as a curious teenage elephant meets a buffalo.
01:31 After a short stare-down, the buffalo lies into the grass, but the elephant is curious.
01:36 Not only does it approach the buffalo, it curiously kicks it on the head,
01:40 only to regret its decision right after.
01:42 Wildlife interactions don't get better than this.
01:47 Number 19, giraffe not letting go of her calf.
01:51 Viewer discretion is advised.
01:54 During a safari with Monkwe Game Trackers in the Pillensburg Game Reserve in South Africa,
02:01 something incredibly rare happened.
02:03 Not only did two lions seize the opportunity to hunt a completely newborn giraffe,
02:09 but its mother just wouldn't let go, even after its death sentence.
02:13 The giraffe's mother tried its hardest to save her calf,
02:16 but unfortunately, her rescue mission failed and she wasn't successful.
02:20 Number 18, turkey fights off a snake.
02:27 Mama giraffe may not have been successful in saving her calf,
02:33 but this brave turkey did manage to save its newborn chicks from a hungry cobra snake.
02:39 Watch as the turkey bravely scares off the approaching king cobra snake,
02:43 all while making a safe passage for its chicks and even a few ducklings.
02:47 Turkey one, snake zero.
02:50 Number 17, lion teaches lioness how to hunt.
02:56 This female lion seems to be taking her sweet time picking her lunch off the menu,
03:03 or perhaps she's just too lazy to do so.
03:06 We think she was just hesitating and waiting for the right moment to strike.
03:10 Well, her hubby was clearly hungry and couldn't wait,
03:15 so he stepped right in and taught her a lesson or two about hunting buffalo.
03:19 Number 16, monkey face off with dog.
03:25 Keeping a pet monkey chained right next to your pet dog is a great way to keep them busy.
03:34 Keeping a pet monkey chained right next to your pet dog is quite uncommon as it is.
03:38 But what happens is something you've probably never seen before.
03:43 As the dog tries to enjoy lunch,
03:47 it's forced to defend its meal against the neighboring monkey and its sly moves.
03:52 Not only does the spiteful monkey manage to distract the dog and win over its bowl,
03:56 but it wasn't even hungry.
04:03 Yup, the two just keep on fighting while letting all that good food go to waste.
04:07 Number 15, when zebras kick warthogs.
04:13 When animals are being fed in a sanctuary, there's a certain hierarchy to be respected,
04:21 namely, zebras and buffaloes first, warthogs second.
04:24 Well, this hungry warthog decided to skip the line today
04:30 and literally got kicked into spasm by a zebra.
04:33 While recovering from the blow, another bigger warthog decided to give him yet another blow.
04:38 We don't know why exactly, perhaps he was settling an old score.
04:44 One thing's for sure, the herd seems to have enough of this cheeky little warthog today.
04:50 Number 14, newborn heartbeast is immediately attacked by zebras.
04:59 The struggle is real guys, watch as this heartbeast gives birth to her calf
05:03 and is immediately ambushed by a group of spiteful zebras.
05:06 You would think it's due to a territorial dispute over grass, but funnily enough,
05:12 zebra and heartbeast usually maintain a symbiotic relationship.
05:18 They even eat different parts of the same plants in the savannah
05:23 and are often seen living happily together.
05:28 Number 13, zebra KO's blue wildebeest like it's nothing.
05:32 There's clearly a feeding hierarchy in this animal sanctuary and it's definitely zebras first.
05:39 Watch how this zebra subtly and swiftly hoof kicks a feeding wildebeest's lights out.
05:46 The herd immediately disperses, only to leave the poor beast KO'd on the ground.
05:51 The moral of the story, never sneak up on a zebra from behind.
05:57 Number 12, monkey grabs chicken friend.
06:00 Alright, you've seen the monkey spitefully attacking it's neighboring dog for no good reason.
06:07 Now watch as this monkey does pretty much the same thing with it's neighborhood chicken.
06:13 Instead of attacking the chicken, this monkey grabs onto it and won't let go,
06:19 just to give it some love and affection.
06:23 Number 11, hyena grabs buffalo by balls.
06:27 Hyenas are usually known to be scavenger animals,
06:32 often feeding on the remains of carcasses killed by far larger predators, such as lions and cheetahs.
06:39 This is especially true when hunting buffalo,
06:43 it often takes three or more female lions just to take down one of those creatures.
06:47 But with a little creativity, even the smallest animal can be a threat.
06:53 Even the scavenging hyena can make a meal out of one of these giants.
06:56 Number 10, monkeys adopt a puppy.
07:03 After you've seen the monkey fight with it's neighboring dog, you may think monkeys have
07:10 it out for dogs, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Watch as this group of macaque
07:15 monkeys in Bali, Indonesia not only play with a cute puppy, but look just like us humans when
07:20 we're considering adopting one. Number 9, when birds attack tigers.
07:28 This awesome video kicks off with a zoo visitor roaring back and forth with a tiger in its
07:37 enclosure. Well, someone was clearly trying to have a mid-afternoon nap and got so annoyed by
07:43 the noises, they decided to swoop in and get the king of the jungle to quiet things down.
07:48 Number 8, when humans hug birds.
07:54 You've seen monkeys hugging chickens, monkeys playing with dogs, and even fighting them.
08:02 But what about humans hugging birds? It must have been hug your kookaburra day,
08:09 because this man not only managed to calmly stroke a bird on his balcony,
08:13 he even picked it up and gave it a hug. What a rare occasion.
08:17 Number 7, when baby tigers meet baby jaguars.
08:23 This one's for all you cat lovers out there.
08:28 Baby tigers are just about the cutest thing ever, but so are jaguars.
08:34 Watch as the two soon-to-be apex predators meet for the very first time inside an apartment,
08:41 and as cubs do, sniff and play with each other.
08:47 Number 6, when owls make the cutest faces.
08:50 Owls are considered to be some of the cutest, most beautiful animals on the planet,
08:56 especially white ones. But even amongst them, there are some who outrank others.
09:03 Like this owl, who makes the cutest face we've ever seen on an owl. What do you think?
09:14 Loving this video so far? Well, before you see our next most amazing animal moment,
09:19 we've got a quick challenge for you. Here's the deal, leave us a like,
09:23 smash that subscribe button, and turn on notifications in under 5 seconds,
09:27 and you'll win 10 years of incredible luck. Try it, it actually works. Now, back to the video.
09:33 Number 5, man pets wild alligator.
09:41 There's a reason petting zoos are full of sheep, goats, and llamas, but definitely not alligators.
09:46 Betty, however, is one of six friendly gators in a 1,400-acre alligator sanctuary
09:53 that enjoys a pristine cypress swamp and a visit from a few humans with a treat or two.
10:00 Not only does she willingly approach them, she even lets herself be petted once in a while.
10:10 Number 4, when gorilla dad and son wrestle.
10:13 No, they're not angry at each other or anything. When a gorilla has its mouth open but shows only
10:21 its bottom teeth, it's in a playful mood and is inviting play. Watch as Matuba, the gorilla dad,
10:28 wrestles with his two-year-old son, Ajabu, at Philadelphia Zoo in the most playful way ever.
10:33 Of course, Ajabu is throwing his whole weight into it, while dad's giving him little more than
10:39 an arm to wrestle with. Number 3, teenage ninja alligator.
10:47 If you thought teenage mutant turtles were the only reptiles with ninja skills, guess what?
10:54 Yep, although alligators are rarely seen coming more than a few inches off the ground.
11:01 This gator was so determined to get to the lake on the other side of that fence,
11:07 he mustered up some serious climbing skills you would never have expected. See for yourself.
11:12 It's now time for today's subscriber pick. Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber
11:20 wondering about this incredible photo of a frog riding a beetle. If you come across an amazing
11:25 photo online and want us to look into it, just send it over and we may even feature it on a
11:30 future video. Now, we looked into this picture and it appears the world's smallest frog is riding one
11:35 of the world's most powerful insect, rhinoceros beetle. Frogs are found to ride a number of
11:40 animals and it looks like they do like it. And our next pick is very close to this one.
11:45 Number 2, when frogs ride snakes.
11:52 Most snakes, and indeed most other animals, avoid eating frogs or toads because of the toxins on
12:00 their skin. This not only keeps frogs safe from predators, but also allows them to hitch a ride
12:06 python style. Like this frog right here. Can you blame him? Looks like a pretty smooth ride to us.
12:13 Number 1, when your dog rides your turtle.
12:21 Who knew the world of animal public transportation was so wide?
12:29 This dog clearly sees his turtle friend as a large, slow-moving bus. It may not be the
12:34 fastest way of getting around, but hey, it's cheap and not to mention, cute and hilarious.
12:41 (Outro)
