• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - "Ci stavamo spostando per un intervento insieme al resto della squadra quando, intorno alle 18, ci siamo imbattuti in una donna con la figlioletta piccola. Camminavano in strada, o almeno ci provavano, con l’acqua che gli arrivava al petto. Chiedevano aiuto e con l’aiuto anche della guardia di finanza che le ha avvicinate al mezzo con il barchino, siamo riusciti a caricarle e a portarle in una zona sicura”. Lo racconta all’Adnkronos Riccardo Spoto, il maresciallo del 66esimo Reggimento fanteria aeromobile “Trieste” che dalle prime ore dell’emergenza è al lavoro h24 per salvare vite.  “Da subito abbiamo distaccato i primi nuclei per intervenire in aiuto delle persone più in difficoltà. Qui operiamo oltre che da militari, che è il nostro dovere, anche da cittadini di Forlì. La maggior parte di noi è del posto - spiega il maresciallo- tanti colleghi hanno subito gravissimi danni per l’alluvione, non riescono a rientrare in servizio. Non c’è gesto più bello che dare una mano alle persone in difficoltà, soprattutto quando vedono l’amore che ci mettiamo, sapendo che tanto ancora sarà il lavoro da fare nei prossimi mesi". (dall’inviata Silvia Mancinelli) 


00:00 Marshal Spoto, yesterday afternoon you saved a child from this flood, how did it go?
00:09 Yes, we were operating with the team at 16.00, 24.00, giving the shift to our colleagues,
00:17 so much so that around 18.00, 18.30 we were deployed to reach a location to verify the presence of a person,
00:24 but in the meantime, in the process of reaching it, we were hit by this mother and daughter who were taken by the road,
00:32 in difficulty, as they were submerged enough by the water, about the level of the chest,
00:37 so much so that they asked for help, we approached them,
00:40 through the help of the finance guard, who with their boat approached them in the middle,
00:45 we managed to load them on our military vehicle, bring them to a safe area and entrust them to the health facilities.
00:53 You have been operating since the first hours of this flood, because you have a barracks here,
01:01 very close to where everything happened, how many of you intervened, how did you manage the emergency?
01:11 In fact, already in the first hours of this emergency, we immediately detached the first cores to give first aid to the most in need,
01:20 after which there was an organization behind us that allowed us to manage this emergency as best as possible,
01:25 dividing the cores into shifts that could help the H24 population,
01:31 also because we operate not only from the military, which is our duty, but also from the citizens of Forlì,
01:37 as most of us live here and we have also had very serious damage to our colleagues,
01:44 who still cannot get into service precisely because the damage is quite urgent.
01:49 So now, as the army, together with the other armed forces and the defense,
01:53 is operating throughout the entire Forlì territory and in the peripheries to give first aid to people in need.
01:58 Is there an incident, an episode of this flood that will bring back?
02:03 Unfortunately, there is no particular episode, because it is the first experience I have on the ground
02:10 and I must say that there is no better gesture than being able to help people in need,
02:16 especially when they see the love we put in to help them,
02:20 especially knowing that there will be a lot of work to do in the coming months.
