• 3 years ago
Naomi 1x13 "Who Am I?" (Season Finale) - SEASON FINALE (Part 2) - In the second hour of an epic two-part season finale, Naomi (Kaci Walfall) must make a decision to protect those she loves most, but in the end, Naomi needs those closest to her to battle a powerful being that has been hunting her since birth. And while everyone has an opinion about what Naomi's future should be, her greatest power will manifest only when she stops believing everything she once thought to be true...and chooses her own destiny. Also starring Cranston Johnson, Alexander Wraith, Mary-Charles Jones, Barry Watson, Mouzam Makkar, Camila Moreno, Will Meyers, Aidan Gemme and Daniel Puig. DeMane Davis directed the episode written by Ava DuVernay and Jill Blankenship (113). Starring: Kaci Walfall, Alexander Wraith, Cranston Johnson, Camila Moreno