• 5 years ago
Suspense-S2E5: Dr Violet
25min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (1949–1954)

A college student studying abnormal psychology thinks the owner of a wax museum dedicated to murderers can teach her a few things. Police lock down Dr. Violet's exhibit after an actual corpse is found in the museum. unfortunately, this traps the co-ed alone with the murder expert.

Stars: Rex Marshall, Robert Emhardt, John Baragrey
00:00And now, Autolite and its 96,000 dealers everywhere present, Suspense.
00:30The only animated waxworks in the universe, Dr. Violet's amazing and modern creations
00:47actually move.
00:49Modern and historic furniture is created before your eyes.
00:53You see the night's glass, hear the screams, see the blood flow.
00:59And, sir, Cleveland's also murdered.
01:02This samurai, the white-eyed boy murdered by a cop who killed and...
01:09Robert Irwin, the lonely house killer.
01:12Ticket. Ticket. Will you take your ticket?
01:16Mr. Kane, sir. There you are.
01:19How much is it?
01:20Two tickets. How much?
01:21A dollar and a half.
01:24Well, I'm afraid I've got to wax work for only 30 cents.
01:28Frankie and Johnny, Kane and Abel, pass it in the break.
01:32See and hear action in these animated films.
01:36Back from the crowd.
01:38Anything off of here?
01:40That's it, all good. End of Chinatown.
01:43What did I say?
01:44Two minutes. Five.
01:46First fully conducted murder tour.
01:48What went on in the first society.
01:50That can be explained by Dr. Violet.
01:52World's most expert on criminal psychology in Southern California.
01:57All is well.
01:59Yes, sir.
02:00Mr. Kane.
02:02Here you are, sir.
02:03Is there anything off the counter?
02:04That's it, all good.
02:05No boogie traps.
02:06How about this?
02:08The private life of Christopher Croy.
02:10What he dreamed of at Wooster Labs.
02:13Is there anything off the college books?
02:15How much do you pay for two tickets?
02:17Three hundred dollars, I think.
02:19Seventy-five cents.
02:20My husband can teach you more than those little boogies ever dreamed of.
02:23You must be Mrs. Violet.
02:24I am.
02:27Okay, boys.
02:30What are the cops going in for?
02:32Well, there were three cops, weren't there?
02:36Oh, heck.
02:37Let's go get some clams and beer, huh?
02:39I'd rather go in here.
02:40It's a racket.
02:41Anyway, I've only got two bucks left.
02:43Well, I have money.
02:44Look, Lois, I ask you out now.
02:46I can't let you.
02:47I brought a dollar mad money.
02:48I can spend that.
02:49Well, not on me, you can't.
02:50Then you buy yours and I'll buy mine.
02:51Look, I wouldn't go into that gyp joint if I had a million.
02:54And incidentally, why you're so hot and bothered about seeing and stuff, I don't know.
02:58Because I'm taking a course in abnormal psych, that's why.
03:01Oh, fool.
03:02All right, are we going to quarrel?
03:05Let's go get those clams and make up, huh?
03:09We're still in love, aren't we?
03:11Still married, aren't we?
03:13Or going to be.
03:14All right.
03:15Come on, then it's clams and beer.
03:18A radical snake killing of Mary James, whose husband strapped her to the kitchen table
03:22and then tied her in the cage of rattlesnakes for 24 hours while he read.
03:27Look, honey, we don't want to see that stuff.
03:29Dr. Violet.
03:30Dr. Violet lectures on the Cleveland source of murder.
03:34Dr. Violet explains the white-eyed boy murder of Lawson.
03:39For Pete's sake, Lois, let's get out of here.
03:41Now, look, Lois, I'm going to count to five.
03:43If you don't come with me, then I'll go along.
03:45I'm in it.
03:46We'll meet in the clam place in half an hour.
03:48Is Dr. Violet about to begin?
03:51Thank you, miss.
03:55Dr. Violet's lecture's about to begin.
04:00One second.
04:09One ticket, please.
04:11One ticket, there you are.
04:14Thank you, ma'am.
04:16In these amazing displays, every item is authenticated.
04:21If you'll just follow me.
04:23Next, we have one of the most horrifying tellers in the annals of criminology.
04:28Dr. Wortham has called him a polymorph perverse adult.
04:32This man indulged in such heinous crimes against humanity...
04:36Excuse me, please, may I ask a question?
04:38No question.
04:39...that I find it beyond my taste to describe them to you.
04:44Here he is, Albert Fish, a house painter.
04:48It's estimated that Fish attacked 100 persons, killing at least 15 of them.
04:53And during all that time, he was well known to the authorities.
04:56He had been in and out of asylums and jails for years.
05:00Yet while he was in those institutions, no one ever bothered to deal with him
05:04in anything other than a routine and perfunctory manner.
05:09After the killing of nine-year-old Grace Budd,
05:12Fish lived for six years in the same neighborhood
05:15and wearing the same suit of clothes that he'd had on at the time of her murder.
05:20Now, before I conclude my lecture, I have a personal appeal,
05:24which I always make to my audiences.
05:26I beg you to remember this.
05:29For all the crimes you have seen recommitted this afternoon,
05:33you are in part responsible.
05:35Well, how do you figure that one out?
05:38My dear sir, no man is born a murderer or a criminal.
05:42He is made criminal by us.
05:45By his mother, perhaps, who married a man she didn't love and was divorced.
05:48By a harsh schoolteacher who thought that the boys should be taught a lesson.
05:52By that slum he grew up in over that year he couldn't find work.
05:56Or by a whole succession of petty tyrannies and indecencies,
06:02which we are all guilty of, one to the other,
06:05in this difficult daily round that makes up our lives.
06:10Yes, thank you. That's all.
06:13Don't you worry.
06:15Hey, doctor. Hey, doctor.
06:17What about the next one there?
06:19Ain't you going to tell us about him, huh?
06:21Clarence Trevor?
06:22Yeah, the one over there that's dark.
06:24I don't include Trevor in my lectures,
06:26because his case parallels the one I've just discussed, except on one count.
06:29Oh, what's that?
06:30What's what?
06:31What's the one count?
06:33Clarence Trevor, also a sadomasochist
06:37and a psychotic with a strong mother fixation,
06:40chooses his victims, not children,
06:42but young women about to be married,
06:44whom he hoped to save from what he considered the corruptions of the flesh.
06:49Doc, you mean he still does?
06:51I use the present tense to indicate that Trevor is still at liberty.
06:53Oh, no.
06:54Doc, 60% of the murderers in this country go undiscovered.
06:59Oh, doc, I can hardly believe that.
07:01Can't the detectives, can't the police do something about it?
07:04My dear young lady, many detectives and police are stupid and or corrupt.
07:09Because you permit it.
07:11Many chiefs of police and district attorneys and judges and lawyers
07:15and the directors of our state institutions
07:17find themselves, in God's truth, criminally liable
07:20because they function only in terms of their own careers.
07:23Because you permit it.
07:24And you.
07:25And you.
07:26And you.
07:27And you.
07:28Yes, sir.
07:30Oh, that makes sense.
07:40Doc, you ever seen that mousy fellow around here before?
07:44What fellow?
07:45The one with the dark glasses.
07:47Oh, him.
07:48Yes, he comes every day and asks me when I'm going to lecture on Trevor.
07:52How long has that been going on?
07:54Oh, for about a week, I should say.
07:56Since the day of the murder.
08:01You see, the cops hushed it up.
08:03She was a nobody, so nobody cared.
08:06So they couldn't find the murderer.
08:08So they hushed it up.
08:09Is that a fact?
08:12I work for a beach concession here.
08:14And I come in here every day to rest my eyes from the glare.
08:18Well, that must cost you a lot of money.
08:20No, no, no.
08:21I found a back way in.
08:23Sneaked in, so I don't have to think.
08:25Yes, I see.
08:26It's a cop-out.
08:29The reason that the Trevor display is dark, that one there,
08:33is because that's where the girl was murdered.
08:36You mean right in that display?
08:38Right smack in it.
08:40Hey, you dropped your glasses.
08:41Wait a minute.
08:43Here they are.
08:44They didn't find the girl's body for five days.
08:47And the reason was that everybody thought
08:49that the dead girl was a wax figure.
08:52You mean they left the real body in there
08:54in place of the wax one?
08:55Changed the clothes and everything.
08:57Nobody saw it for five days.
09:02Yeah, but what happened...
09:03Now, Bobby, we've got enough of this.
09:05Oh, well, I'd like to hear the rest of it.
09:10Go sit on his tail, but close.
09:12Wherever he goes, stay right with him.
09:14Right, Inspector.
09:19Put the padlock on.
09:20With the chief?
09:21That is straight from downtown.
09:22Padlock him now.
09:25What was that?
09:27Too bad we've got to close you up, Doc.
09:31Well, actually, I'm rather relieved to be out front.
09:37You see, the chief figures Trevor himself did this job.
09:40He does?
09:42We think that while you were lecturing to the crowd about Trevor,
09:44he was standing there listening to you.
09:47How can that be possible?
09:48The lecture gets him going like a hot rod.
09:51Hits the girl in one of these dark corners,
09:53takes her up till closing time.
09:55Then he's got the whole night to spend with her.
09:59Trevor was never a man to be rushed.
10:02He likes a broad margin for his refinements.
10:05Well, I wouldn't worry, Doc.
10:06You'll be open in a week.
10:08And when this hits the papers,
10:09you'll make a fortune here.
10:12I hope so.
10:26Holy smoke, Lois, if this is what you're like,
10:28I'm glad I found out now.
10:29Well, I certainly found out what you're like.
10:31Well, I gave in to you, didn't I?
10:33Said you wanted to come here, and we came.
10:34Yeah, for two minutes when the lecture was all over.
10:36Well, it was enough for me.
10:37Well, I'm going to wait and hear the next lecture,
10:39and I'm going to hear it all the way through.
10:40Suit yourself.
10:41Might as well get our money's worth.
10:43Only don't expect me to be waiting at the clam bar.
10:45He's a charming, sweet old man.
10:47Now, look, Lois, I'm going to take the next bus
10:49right back to the base.
10:50That's right, that's right.
10:51He'll teach me a lot more than college ever could.
10:53Well, if you feel like sending me a letter there, you can.
10:56Then you're wrong.
10:57You're pig-headed and wrong.
11:02Your fiancé has left you?
11:07Oh, sorry.
11:08What time is the next lecture start?
11:10I want to hear it, and then I'll catch up with him.
11:12Well, I'll be glad to begin right now.
11:14Come, my dear.
11:15We'll start with Chinatown.
11:17Chinatown is the name given to that section
11:20of the cities of San Francisco and New York
11:22where there is not only a large Chinese population,
11:25but also a...
11:26Oh, do sit down.
11:27Unfortunately, an incident such as this
11:30Unfortunately, an incident such as this
11:33But Art, look, I'm all alone.
11:35Shouldn't you wait for more people?
11:37If I had to wait, I'd rush.
11:39And then I wouldn't have a broad margin.
11:42Do sit down.
11:48On second thought, perhaps you're right.
11:51Will you excuse me while I see if I have any other listeners?
12:31And now, the second act of Dr. Violet.
12:39Oh, no.
12:40No, please don't.
12:41There's no need carrying on like this, lady.
12:43That can't last long.
12:44But you have no idea how this may affect my husband.
12:47Come on now, call him out.
12:48I've got to get this place locked up.
12:50He needs to give his lectures.
12:51He'll get sick if he doesn't.
12:53Why, you're breaking my heart.
12:55We've been through so much.
12:57Come on now, stop bawling, will you?
12:59No, just because of one accident.
13:01Oh, officer, please, I beg you.
13:03You're too big to bawl.
13:05Hey, is everybody out from in there?
13:07Yes, sir.
13:08Everybody's out.
13:09All right, we'll just quick a close.
13:13This is on me.
13:15Compliments of Los Angeles.
13:20Greatest little girl in the world.
13:24Greatest little police force this side of heaven.
13:26Hey, uh, chin up, huh?
13:33Suppose we might as well take them down now.
13:37What will you do now?
13:40Take her to the Lord.
13:43Whenever my beloved mother was sore perplexed,
13:46she always went to Angela's temple.
13:48So shall I.
13:50What time will you be back?
13:52Oh, an hour in, an hour out.
13:55Back for dinner, then?
13:56Oh, yeah.
14:00I've ordered clams.
14:02You always like clams, so.
14:05Goodbye, dear.
14:10See you at six.
14:16Oh, come home with me.
14:19Oh, come home with me now, sweetie.
14:22I'll hold you tight.
14:24Sweetie, I'm all right.
14:26Don't, don't you think maybe you should go back
14:30to Camarilla for a while?
14:33Oh, no, no, no.
14:34I'm all right.
14:35I've been all right for five years.
14:38Except for last week, and that'll never, not again.
14:43That'll never happen.
14:44Hey, what is this?
14:45You're locked up already, but it's bright noon.
14:47That's right.
14:48I'm all locked up.
14:49Did you happen to see which way my girl went?
14:51Didn't she come out with you?
14:53Did you see her, Doctor?
14:54Two minutes ago, I saw her.
14:56You did?
14:58Across the street.
14:59She took a cab.
15:00Son of a gun, that cook.
15:06You could have a nice, nice rest in the hospital there.
15:10Don't you think that sailor had sly, dirty eyes?
15:15As soon as they let us open up here again.
15:17My cheek feels so hot.
15:19Then you could come back and give
15:21your wonderful lectures again.
15:31For me.
15:34For Mama.
15:37I think you're right.
15:38Oh, good.
15:39Good, good, good, good.
15:41I'll put in the call right now.
15:43Take the bus right after dinner.
15:45Violet, let's go to Camarillo right now.
15:48But, sweetie, I have to make a call.
15:50Mama, Mama, take me to the bus right now.
15:52But you'll be all right.
15:56You'll go straight to the temple,
15:58and then you'll come straight home.
16:01And anyway, if we're going to Camarillo,
16:03I have to get my hair done.
16:05Those doctors think I'm the most wonderful wife in the world.
16:10I'm so messy, can't I?
16:13All right, sweetie.
16:18Say yes like a good boy.
16:22I'll take a cab both ways.
16:28See you at 6.
16:40See you at 6.
17:00Can't you say anything, do anything?
17:10Can't you say anything, do anything?
17:33Dr. Violet!
17:34Dr. Violet!
17:37Dr. Violet!
17:38Dr. Violet!
17:41Dr. Violet!
17:42Dr. Violet!
17:43Oh, dear.
17:44Please help me remember which way is the right way out.
18:09Dr. Violet!
18:11Dr. Violet!
18:12Don't pop open that door.
18:15Dr. Violet.
18:16That's for an emergency.
18:18But this is an emergency.
18:20My dear young lady, if you become fearful,
18:22I'll gladly show you the way out.
18:25Dr. Violet.
18:26Dr. Violet.
18:27Dr. Violet.
18:28Dr. Violet.
18:29Dr. Violet.
18:30Dr. Violet.
18:31Dr. Violet.
18:32Dr. Violet.
18:33Dr. Violet.
18:34Dr. Violet.
18:35Dr. Violet.
18:36Dr. Violet.
18:37I'll gladly show you the way out.
18:38But you were going so long, and there wasn't a soul around, so I...
18:41Oh, Dr. Violet, I'm so relieved and so glad to see another human being.
18:46I don't suppose you want me to continue with my lecture now, do you?
18:50Not now, please.
18:51Show me the way out.
18:53Of course.
18:54Of course, my dear.
18:56But I'll certainly come back again and hear your lecture.
18:58Maybe this July.
19:00I'm going to graduate in June, then marry my singer.
19:02We could stop here on our honeymoon.
19:04Because I really want to hear your lecture, Dr. Violet.
19:06I think you're booming.
19:09Oh, I'm sorry.
19:11I meant to turn the light on in the next display.
19:15I thought you might like to see Clarence Trevor.
19:19Actually, this is a brand new display.
19:22I opened it only last week.
19:25I lectured only once on Trevor, and then we had an accident.
19:29What happened?
19:30Something went wrong with the mechanism.
19:35How did this one move?
19:37Did she get her head cut off, too?
19:39Oh, no.
19:40Trevor never decapitates, and I'll explain why.
19:46Trevor's father was an extremely forceful man.
19:50He started life in a steel mill.
19:52And after 19 years, he had worked his way up to the present.
19:58The father was also extremely unfaithful.
20:02This turned the gentle mother into a recluse.
20:05She spent hours in spiritual meditation and in self-discipline.
20:08Dr. Violet, I really must go.
20:09Of course.
20:10She took her son with her.
20:12Night after night, she read to the little chap from the lives of the saints.
20:16Please tell me the way out.
20:18The book was beautifully illustrated.
20:21Joan's Ark burned at the stake.
20:23The witch's hand at Salem.
20:25A crusader impaled by a Turk.
20:28But of all the martyrs, the one that impressed the little boy most was Sebastian.
20:32I must go.
20:36I'll let you out in just a minute.
20:38Lois, do you remember Sebastian?
20:41Do you remember how he was roped to a tree and pierced to death with arrows?
20:45Do you, Lois? Do you, dear?
20:47Open your eyes.
20:48Of course, later he began to hate his mother.
20:50Stop, Clarence Trevor!
20:54Of course.
21:18You didn't scream.
21:20You didn't cry.
21:24I want you to cry.
21:34Blessed are the pure, for they shall see the kingdom.
22:17Hello, Doctor.
22:18What are you doing here?
22:19I hope you don't mind my snooping around, but I've lost my sunglasses and I can't...
22:24Anything that's lost and is found is found in the ticket booth.
22:27Oh, I...
22:28Hey, I see you've been working on the new display.
22:31That's all right.
22:32That looks almost real.
22:34Your glasses will be in the ticket booth.
22:37Hey, look at him move.
22:38Hey, that's the best you've ever done.
22:41And listen to that.
22:42You even got a phonograph rigged up.
22:44I said your glasses were in the ticket booth.
22:46All right, Doc, take it easy.
22:47Let's see how this thing is rigged up.
23:09Now, cry out to high heaven against the bloody sins of the world.
23:16I will protect you.
23:18I will save you.
23:29How do you like that?
23:31I never figured it was the Doc.
23:33I was hanging around here like you told me.
23:35And I seen a beachcomber duck through the back window.
23:37I'm sure it was him.
23:39But it wasn't.
23:41I never figured the Doc.
23:44Well, here goes the show.
24:02Next week, our story of suspense will be
24:04The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe starring Bella Lugosi.
24:09Be sure to listen to Suspense each Thursday night on the radio.
